A Detailed Breakdown of an Alcubierre Warp Drive Coil

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a warp drive is not merely a means of high-speed travel it is in fact a tool of many uses some unexpected [Music] this video and others have been brought to you by our forward-thinking patrons and of course by viewers like you thank you the general concept of the warp drive was first introduced by John W Campbell and his 1931 novel islands of space since then it has captured the attention of many science fiction writers such as Star Trek as with many technologies found within the pages of great novels a large number of them eventually find their way into reality and that's because of this little something we call inspiration [Music] well Alcubierre was no exception having been inspired to mathematically work out a model for a potential real life warp drive during an episode of Star Trek how awesome is that though he never intended to develop it further he did however inspire others which includes NASA and us from day one the drive has been primarily associated with FTL travel but most of you are probably not aware that the drive has multiple functions [Music] in about 50 years we will be able to travel FTL but until then we can still benefit from the warp drive tech today and in a moment I'll tell you how we can do just that but first let's provide you with the detailed explanation over the warp drive and how it actually distorts or curves space-time the warp drive consists of a collection of the usual high voltage cables power electronics coils cryogenic cooling systems etc common to any high-voltage high-frequency systems such as particle accelerators and tokamaks the exact details of the components depends greatly on the specifics of the torus assembly this is where the real magic takes place if you will the entire system functions like this when energy is applied to the coils which is approximately 18 billion mega watt hours for one single warp event a spherical field of normal positive electromagnetic energy is generated around the entire assembly now by spreading this field over a sufficiently large volume the energy inside the region becomes negative producing a repulsive anti gravitational field that's correct anti gravitational field so how does it become negative the space-time has a certain baseline energy this is the so called zero-point energy a good demonstration of this is superfluid helium for which we'll never freeze at normal pressures thanks to zero-point energy spreading an amount of energy over a sufficiently large volume reduces the energy density inside that volume eventually all that is left is the repulsive zero point energy which is thought to be behind the mysterious dark energy that causes the universe to expand faster than light zero-point energy is actually positive energy but it expresses itself as a negative pressure which refers to a repulsive pressure within nine Stein's relativity the negative pressure of the zero point energy in turn ultimately gives rise to a negative energy this phenomena was mathematically illustrated by dr. white of NASA in his papers warped field mechanics 101-102 and advanced propulsion physics harnessing the quantum vacuum as illustrated on your screen it's broadly analogous to an automatic cooling where an expanding cloud of gas or aerosol particles cools as a given amount of energy is spread over an increasingly large volume such as in the box eventually the energy of the cloud becomes negative relative to its surroundings ie cooler than the surrounding gas as Einstein so famously discovered mass and energy are two sides of the same coin that is e equals mc-squared masses merely highly concentrated energy therefore the electromagnetic fields of the warped or curved space just as any other field of energy does this is completely non-controversial and well known though usually the curve is extremely small and positive in this case the Warped Taurus the large volume enclosed by the Taurus field causes the curvature of the e/m fields to be negative that is repulsive the other key piece is another finding by dr. white should a fifth dimension exist and there is sound evidence that it does indeed the oscillating energy or mass in whatever form will cause a boost into the fifth dimension perhaps in another video will explain what the fifth dimension is the further the energy or mass is boosted the softer space-time is the less energy that is needed to curve or distort space-time so what is negative energy negative energy means that a given piece of matter or wave of energy becomes opposite to what we normally expect when a particle is given energy it accelerates and when energy is taken from it it decelerates this also applies to massless radiation particles such as photons but with negative energy particles the situation is completely reversed giving energy to such a particle causes it to decelerate while taking energy causes it to accelerate the exact opposite to normal matter it's a reversal of the usual situation in 2007 several scientists had recalculated the Casimir effect and found that the energy involved in the Casimir effect is true negative energy not merely apparently negative what do you get when you remove all positive energy from the region of space what you are left with is negative energy and yet this is but a doorway into a new world of discoveries now with the warp drive the problem isn't harnessing large amounts of negative energy the problem is one of efficiency current warp coil designs require far too much energy as we have already discussed thanks to the gravity probe B experiment a few years back we already know that the earth drags in space-time the dragging of space-time is a distortion or curvature of space-time understanding how the earth curves space-time is the key to understanding what gravity is let me say that again understanding how mass the earth curves space-time is the key to knowing what gravity is okay let's talk more about the specifics of the torus assembly what you're seeing on your screen is one representation of the torus assembly this one just happens to contain not one but two independent work coils the number of coils and how the coils are configured is very much dependent on their intended function the coils configuration is extremely important one might wish to have a longer field in order to place engines or deflection point defense systems further away or perhaps a spherical field is desired to maximize the usable volume as illustrated the copper-colored tubing denotes the two warp coils within just one of these tubes is the actual warp coil assembly not shown and in this case one of the warp coils is used for negating the crafts effective mass what's the other coil is used for generating a counter force to protect the crew from extremes of acceleration [Music] of course within a discoid or saucer shape if you prefer the coil would be mounted horizontally [Music] the same applies to the triangular craft on your screen now [Music] for long-duration space travel you would want to mount the Taurus vertically in conjunction with other Tauruses each one working in tandem with the other allowing you to take advantage of thrust gravity as necessary coils can range in size from mere centimeters to several kilometers in diameter as you can see the Warped Taurus Assembly is a relatively simple device and with the correct knowledge and equipment also relatively easy to construct whilst the warp drive may still require a lot of energy 18 billion megawatt hours for a single warp event with much less power it's also capable of performing of their tasks such as reducing the crafts effective mass although we may not be able to warp through space just yet we can however increase the effectiveness of our reaction engines you see reducing a crafts effective mass is akin to having a v8 engine on a skateboard or a full-sized jet engine on an RC airplane but without the mass of such large engines given the tiny mass of the RC plane a full-sized yet massless engine will allow the craft to perform fantastical ispeed maneuvers in fact we could mount one of these coils into any number of flying vehicles saucer triangle or otherwise and fly it around you would not know if we were et's or from earth simply because of how the craft would fly well that's something to think about isn't it [Music] it's time to say we'll see you again we want to thank our awesome patrons especially Walton matira and Shelby Zimmer for being super light and translate interstellar patrons and of course we want to thank you our viewers for being here guess what I'm gonna say until next time keep wondering about space [Music]
Channel: AsteronX
Views: 241,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AsteronX, The Alcubierre Warp Drive, Warp Drive, Warp Coil, Negative Energy, Casimir effect, Zero-Point-Energy, NASA, Dr Harold White, Spacetime, Gravity, Anti-gravity, Spacetime curvature, FTL, STL, Star Trek, Islands of Space, John W. Campbell, Harnessing the Quantum Vacuum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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