A Demon Lord Got Regressed & Choose To Be Kind In His Second Life | Manhwa Recap

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The Story begins on a bright afternoon when several heroes are fighting against the Demon Lord the Demon Lord is not the usual demon people could see as he also looks like a human the leader of the heroes zener lifts up his sword with the intention of killing the Demon Lord His companion also used their magic power and they attacked the Demon Lord together the Demon Lord is Alone by himself he bravely faced the hero's attack with just his sword and tried to block it he was able to make it but the heroes had a Sint test with them and were casting strength on everyone she blessed strong power to zener and zener then struck an attack once again it was so strong this time and the Demon Lord was just standing staring at its blinding light and believing that he wouldn't be able to block it he was hit by this attack and the ground where he was standing had crumbled the Demon Lord wondered if this would be his end which is a fitting ending for him as a Demon Lord King he was leaning on the Rock and heard a noise near him he slowly opened his eyes and saw the heroes standing in front of him zener ordered everyone to get rid of the Demon Lord as he was afraid that the Demon Lord would regain his power he also believes that the Demon Lord Lord cannot harm them this time knowing that he is very weak now at this moment the Demon Lord King realizes that he isn't dead zener was staring at him and he also did the same thing and smirked zener addressed The Demon King Lord with the name Zeke Mo he pointed his sword to Zeke and confidently said that he would list all the evil Deeds of Zeke before he finished him off according to him Zeke took hundreds of lives of the Carwood men orders Grail Knights and also took innocent lives Zeke didn't deny it but he was so annoyed listening to this man yapping at him this hero added that he shall judge Zeke with the hand of justice for all those sins he has done everything he said is true but he cannot hold himself as it makes him more annoyed to hear it coming from zener this time he doesn't want to die from his hands and luckily for him he kept the Fate twisting key with this he believes he'll be able to stab zener one last time with this blade that twists the fate of the target to change the future although he doesn't know how his future will change the hero Knight lifted up his sword again and uttered Zeke's name he slashed his sword at Zeke and was hoping that Zeke would become someone who would do good in his next life blood dripped on the ground but seek remained alive he even has the guts to answer that he will be good in his next life if given a chance but not this time the hero Knight was shocked to see him unharmed Zeke activated the power of the Fate twisting key while saying that there was something he had to do real quick and that was to kill zener from his hands a purple light emerges and Zeke throws away the Fate twisting key to his opponent this key landed on the knight's chest and he grits his teeth as he feels unusual pain he also wondered how Zeke had this key but Zeke didn't answer and only said that the key had worked and would make the Knight pissed as hell unfortunately the Knight managed to swing his sword and beheaded Zeke he died much earlier than he wanted to but he doesn't really have any regrets a bird chirping outside a house it was near the room of a young man who woke up because of the loud noise of the bird he was so annoyed but he suddenly flinched and wondered how he remained alive he was none other than Zeke mower in a young version of himself he stared at his hands and breathed deeply he gets down from his bed and looks at himself in the mirror he was so confused since he freshly recalled that he got beaten up by the her Heroes then listened to zener yapping away and used the Fate twisting key he then concludes that it might be because of the key why he regressed but his head hurt as he was trying to remember where he got the key he was looking around his room and realized that he was still living with his family at this point in time he was thinking of what he would do now that he had come back to the past and he planned on finding the Fate twisting key first one thing he was also thinking about was the reason why he left his family back then at this moment he feels like his memories are all tied up while thinking someone opened the door of his room he was startled and annoyed by the fact that nobody knocked before barging in despite the fact that he is a noble family's oldest son but then he remembers that nobody even servants treated him like a noble you're still in your room young Master the man who barged and said angrily Zeke was staring at him but he couldn't remember who this man was or if this man was a servant but he was grateful that this man addressed him correctly the servant is still mad and complains that zek always left at dawn and believes that he gave up you can't afford to be lazy right now can you he asked Ed with a crossed arms Zeke sighed and ordered him to come near the servant followed what he said and asked him why Zeke only smiled at him for a few seconds but the servant was annoyed and ordered him to speak immediately Zeke then punches him in the face which makes him vomit blood his cheek was in pain and he got mad while asking Zeke what he had done Zeke stood near him with a scary Aura the servant becomes afraid of him and wants to run away but Zeke walks towards him causing him to stumble and fall Zeke then kicked him numerous times and he could not help himself but cry in pain his blood splattered but good thing that Zeke didn't kill him he kneel on the ground while crying and apologizes to Zeke knowing that he was beaten up because of his rude Behavior Zeke was about to hit him again but someone came and asked them what was going on the servant then ran to the man that newly came and addressed him Mr biner biner is a knight with a broad buddy the servant hid on his back while raising his middle finger to Zeke Zeke doesn't like the rudeness of the servant at all but he cannot beat him up again because of biner biner ordered him to explain what was happening and Zeke then asked him if this was how they should talk to him with rud so what are you going to beat me up like you did to Hans biner replied Zeke smirked and answered sure he tapped Bayer's shoulder and said that a as a dog couldn't even recognize his owner needs a beating in order to lower his tail do you think you can defeat me right now you think you're that skilled berer asked Zeke then walked away from him and admitted that he couldn't win against biner with his current body and skills but for him they shouldn't ignore the fact that he is their master and can possibly train an obedient dog biner was mad hearing from Zeke addressing him as a dog he said that Zeke didn't know who he was Zeke pulled the cover on the table and dropped it on the face of biner H the servant was shocked to see Zeke's Behavior Zeke then jumped towards biner while holding a vase and HD it on his head biner fell down on the floor and collapsed Zeke then uttered that being strong isn't everything in this world he then glanced back to H and told him that they must finish what they had started earlier H cannot move his body because of fear despite that he saw Zeke dashing toward him with a clenched fist he still remained standing and screamed so loud the moment Zeke beat him up once more meanwhile afternoon came and Zeke was standing at the front hall door inside their house back in the past he used to be so terrified of opening this tall door but now he realizes that there is nothing for him to be afraid of he entered inside and saw his father mother brother hands and biner waiting for him as he walked down the aisle biner was staring at him with anger he then recalls what happened earlier when he woke up after Zeke beat him up before he went into this Hall Zeke's half brother Greg steel will talk to him informing him that his father was disappointed in him for collapsing on the ground and being a disgrace to the steel Knights Greg lifts up his hand and lands it on the face of biner telling him that he didn't do anything wrong so he should be confident he also reminded biner that their opponent here is none other than Zeke recalling it makes biner mad and he wants revenge but he cannot do it now you're late count vordo steel will said zek's father Zeke then casually asked why he was called vordo was mad seeing Zeke being so impolite to him he said that Zeke had forgotten how to greet others before anything else you're not going to accept it anyway what's the point Zeke replied that rotten mind of yours how are you going to succeed me is count if you act like that you're the main heir of steelwell at least make an effort count vordo said Zeke made a face and chuckled then said that his father didn't actually think of giving him the title count bordo becomes more furious at his way of talking his wife was standing beside him she was florel steelwell Zeke's stepmother and she said that she was right that Zeke was even ill-mannered his son Greg side and staring at them both made Zeke mad as he clearly remembered these two people people who were very desperate to get one over him he chuckled once more and bowed down in front of everyone while saying how could I ever be disrespectful and arrogant towards you it's a misunderstanding he glanced at floral and called her mother florel doesn't like it at all knowing that Zeke was just acting kind Zeke then proudly said that he was grateful for Hans and Byron as he was invited to this hall because of the two he said sorry to his father and turned around walking towards the wall and grabbed the sword everyone was shocked by his actions Zeke then bravely pointed the sword to hands and said that he would use this chance to finish this man off H was in fear while asking for help from florel how dare you point a sword at someone here count vordo said and at the same time Greg smirked as he thought that Zeke was a fool for having the guts to aim a sword at someone in front of their father of course the neck of the person who humiliated the great count Steel's rightful air ought to be cut off isn't that why you call me here Zeke replied to his father florel interfered by ordering Zeke to stop and she don't believe that Hans humiliated him Hans also swore that he was fakely Accused by Zeke Zeke struck the sword on the ground and claimed that Hans accused him of lying to his own father Hans at this moment was thinking that he would really be killed by Zeke if he said the wrong thing and even florel would not be able to protect him Zeke this time confirmed that Hans was fuel's person which is why Hans was very rude to him but one thing he was wondering is why would florel go so far for Hans a mere servant Hans was about to say the truth but he was surprised upon hearing Halt and biner beside him saying that Zeke was lying Zeke smiled at him knowing that biner was lying to defend hands florel then went to biner and asked if what he said was true and biner confidently answered yes Mr Zeke unilaterally assaulted hands in me he declared how easy is it for a knight like you to say he got angle-- handedly assaulted aren't you humiliated looks like you don't intend to admit your sins either ha Zeke said but still biner said that he had never told a lie Zeke was still smiling at him telling him that he still claimed innocence to the very end he aimed the sword at biner and challenged him to prove his innocence with his skills biner feels insulted and he believes zek is out of his mind count vordo stood and Zeke then asked him isn't that good from your point of view father he also said that byon can use this chance to completely get rid of him if he lose in this duel surprisingly count vordo allowed a duel to happen Byron smiled as he was very confident that he could defeat Zeke Zeke was not scared at all he even has the guts to widely smiled and give thanks to his father for giving him the permit to have a duel against Byron he then turned around while telling his father to decide the time and place on his own count vordo was is just planning on scolding his son Zeke a little and sending him back but perhaps he concludes this could be a good excuse to pass on the count title to Greg Zeke put the sword back on the wall and told his father that he wanted to try changing himself now as he realized that he would not be able to get what he wanted if he stayed the same as he was in the past by what you want do you mean the title of count count vordo asked Zeke held on to the door and answered that his father wouldn't understand anything he would say now he glanced back to his father and added that they would see each other again on the day of the duel currently Z has the body of an 18-year-old thinking about his past he can't deny how naive and weak he was his father's attention was everything yet he couldn't even learn swordsmanship properly since his father was reluctant to let him learn swordsmanship the dormant existences that were great and destructive within him normally the amount of Mana a person has is innately determined and compared to the average person his Mana is still poor this time he knew it was too much trying to go back to the Mana he had when he was The Demon King he also believes that there is no way that that much Mana which is comparable to the Mana of the dragon that disappeared would awaken within him right at once he even obtained the title demon king of power and there were truly many hardships and trials for him it was to the point where it seemed like someone had planned for all those things that happened to him one after the other he gets up from lying on the ground as he feels someone is spying on him it was his brother Greg and he ordered Greg to stop peeping and go away Greg was shocked that Zeke was alarmed by his existence he showed himself to Zeke and said that it seemed like Zeke awakened his mama you don't think it's possible with just that level of skill do you he asked while walking toward Zeke he mentioned the match against Zeke and biner and asked Zeke why he does things that are unlike him just leave like how you did before by reading the room I'll look after you later so you don't feel he added but he stopped the moment he saw the scary Aura of Zeke Zeke then said that his brother Greg is scared that he'd take the position of count away from him Greg denied it and said that it was right for him to give up becoming the count if he can't defeat the Meely Zeke steelwell Zeke tapped his shoulder and said that he must do what his brother Greg wants and that is succession to become count let's see who'll win like the family of Warriors we are he uttered CG pushes away his hand and concludes that it seems like Zeke suggesting that they should fight each other so what if I am Zeke asked and Greg replied that there was no reason for him to refuse Zeke then took his answer as a yes and he walked away while telling his brother Greg that he would be the one to decide the time and place after a few days the day of the duel between biner and Zeke had finally come they were at the arena and lots of people were watching them I've sincerely learned my lesson from you young Master now it's time for me to teach you a lesson biner stated he also added that Zeke would surely regret not wearing armor Zeke was not listening to him instead he was staring at his sword as he noticed that his sword is a little blunt he then glanced at biner wondering what biner was blabbering about this time the host asked them if they were both ready to battle biner then answered yes while Zeke only confidently smiled the host then declared to begin the duel and biner then charged to Zeke Zeke did the same thing and he was able to block biner sword he then smirked and said even if you are stupid a knight is still a knight ha but deep down inside him Bayer's blow is heavier than he thought biner at the same time confirmed that Zeke had the ability now which is why he's very confident to fight he then smiled and lifted up his sword then attacked Zeke numerous times while saying that Zeke could not defeat him if they fought fairly Zeke was struggling to block Bayer's sword unfortunately he flew away since biner used most of his strength his sword was flaming and he swung it once more but still Zeke was able to block it but he was really struggling to defeat berer berer teasingly smiled at him as he knew Zeke was struggling they continued the battle while the audience focused on watching them Zeke still doesn't get a chance to swing his sword and all he does is block Bayer's weapon but his father's subordinates could see that he was fighting better than they expected for being able to block Bayer's sword several times florel still believes that they were an advantage and their subordinate agrees knowing that Zeke has not properly learned swordsmanship after all florel was staring at her husband vordo but vordo was not commenting at all as expected the crowd was so loud cheering only for biner they even wanted biner to finish off Zeke as soon as possible biner hears the people and he teases Zeke Zeke was trembling while blocking his opponent's attack Bayer swung his sword and told Zeke to surrender if he didn't want to get injured Zeke's sword started flaming which made biner surprised Zeke then told him that he had just started Zeke was planning something but he wasn't sure that it would work biner on the other hand was shocked to see Zeke activate a sense ecosystem sword skill Byron felt danger this time but he did his best to block it and the ground started to crumble after releasing the skill Zeke's hand trembles and realizes that his Mana is going out of control and he cannot control it well the people on the other hand were silent and they all couldn't believe what they had witnessed count bordo's subordinate even said that Zeke used a skill that expands one's senses count vordo was speechless knowing that his son used a skill that would match his sword and body through Mana his wife florel was also dumbfounded as she never expected Zeke to have knowledge about sword technique seeing seal had the ability made his opponent by annoyed and wondered when Zeke had learned sword technique but he believes that Zeke's stance when using Mana is poor and he even concludes that Zeke's body and Mana are separate so Zeke cannot control it so he is confident that his opponent is still the misle Zeke he knew let's stop playing around now Zeke uttered he then charged at Zeke while his sword was flaming he lifts up his sword and attacks Zeke using a sword technique Zeke managed to dodge which shocked biner but Bayer's attack wasn't over yet he casts another technique and he was sure this time that Zeke can't Dodge it Zeke grits his teeth as knows biner is right it turned out that biner used his strong technique which is the space Splash and Zeke wasn't able to dodge it Zeke slammed on the wall and he heard people cheering for his opponent biner I believe the Victor is already decided how long do I have to keep doing this until the young Master's life is at risk biner proudly said and the people were cheering for his success not until Zeke struck his sword on the ground and tried to stand while admitting that he couldn't really win against biner using his current bodies technique but in battles you fight for real he added and charged towards biner biner then glanced at him with annoyance Zeke was carrying sand with his sword and he then swung it causing biner to be blinded by the sand Zeke then seized the opportunity to hit biner with his body and biner flew away on the corner biner cleaned his eyes while saying that Zeke was acting like a coward he was staring at Zeke who was walking towards him his vision was blurry not until Zeke got near him and aimed the sword at his neck a coward you say try using that to justify your defeat in an actual fight Zeke stated biner was annoyed at him but he knew he didn't have a chance now so he declared that he surrendered Zeke then told him that he was bound to lose because of his recklessness and arrogance apprehension that he might end up killing the oldest son of the steel will family he served he also said that if biner won't forget today's battle he will grow even further the host was shocked hearing biner concede defeat the crows and the steelwell family are waiting for him to declare the winner he then proclaimed that the winner of The Duel was the young Master Zeke steelwell as expected people weren't in favor of the result all he heard from the crowd was that he was cheating but he didn't care at all as long as he won the match against berer when did Zeke learn magic technique there's no way someone taught him count vordo asked count haven't you caught on already heun's born with it his subordinate replied and hearing what he said made Greg tremble in Anger he cannot believe seeing his brother Zeke remain fine after being hit by biner space slash he was overthinking but he got startled the moment he heard Zeke's voice calling his name and challenged him to a duel I told you didn't I that I'll decide the time and place Zeke uttered that made Greg more furious at him their father was so confused about what Zeke was trying to say are you going to act oblivious I know you already agreed to it father Zeke replied the people were gossiping after they confirmed that the rumors about the succession duel between Zeke and Greg were true and they could not believe that it would also happen today some also said that Zeke is very confident in challenging Greg in his current state what are you doing Greg get down here right now it's almost as if you're scared Zeke said Greg didn't move at all but his father beside him commanded him to get down and face seek are you you actually scared of Zeke when he's such a mess don't bring upon any further disgrace count bordo said and Greg then immediately went down to face Zeke seeing him being so obedient makes Zeke smile which makes Greg wonder about why Zeke is smiling like a demon Greg held his sword with both of his hands and he can now say that everything to Zeke including his Expressions tone behavior and even his combat abilities is no longer the Zeke he knew he didn't move for a moment but he flinched upon hearing Zeke's voice uttered his name again Zeke said that Greg remained standing waitting for him to move first then as your older brother I got to go first Zeke uttered while rushing to Greg Greg was terrified he was nervous but he managed to block Zeke's sword Zeke's sword was trembling and Greg noticed it he believes that Zeke is not even exerting proper strength this time he becomes confident to fight against Zeke he swings his sword and motivates himself that he is Greg the successor or the title of the count Zeke was almost hit by Greg's attack the wound biner inflicted on him is no ordinary one and because of it he cannot use any more magic in his current state to decide this match with his victory as quickly as possible is his only way after all he chuckled while Greg was staring at him in confusion blood dripped on the ground it was because zek squeezed Greg sword bareh handedly you ever heard of a bloody fight with flesh flying everywhere he asked an Azure flame started appearing while Zeke squeezed the sword of Greg with all his Force until it got broken Greg was jaw-dropping and never expected it from his brother Zeke Zeke this time had a scary Aura and he told Greg that he'd die right here right now if he would not surrender Zeke lifts up his sword and beats his brother using the sword's pommel greag flew away and fell to the ground before he could stand Zeke struck the sword near Greg's face and his AA became more scary at this moment Greg cried in fear and immediately conceded defeat the host then went near them and declared that the winner of this duel was Zeke steelwell once again people were speechless and Greg was mad at himself Zeke then glanced at his father and reminded him about his promise that the title of count would go to the victor of the duel his father was mad and proclaimed that the duel wasn't going to decide anything the people were murmuring wondering if count vordo would not keep his promise to his oldest son at the same time Zeke removed the glove in his hand that had a ring and said that he already anticipated this he confidently said that he didn't want the title at all even once in his life while saying it he threw the ring to his father and it dropped on the ground where his father was seated his father was staring at the ring he was Furious and stood to scold Zeke florel asked him to calm down but he didn't listen what the hell are you doing right now count vordo angrily asked what does it look like I'm leaving the family out of my own valtion Zeke answered he then called Greg who is now assisted by his servant Greg didn't glance at him but he still told his brother to remember the way to always win in a fight as it's to not fear death for him Greg should be stronger in order to protect the Border territory of Steel will which is always in danger of invasion from foreign forces and everyone Greg didn't respond at all Zeke walked towards them and stole the healing potion the servant was holding he then swallowed it and his wound slowly healed he smiled slightly and was hoping that the steel family wouldn't forget the lesson he taught them meanwhile Zeke was standing outside the gate together with a man he called this man his Porter and it turned out it was h a few hours later Hans was singing at the Mansion while walking carrying a laundry basket and heading to the labatory but then he got to someone it was too dark so he didn't see who it was Zeke then said it was him and he ordered Hans to come with him as his servant Hans said okay at first but he was stuttering in confusion why you don't want to if you don't want to you can just die here after I cut you in half Zeke said he was about to unleash his sword but H declared that he would come at the present time Zeke threw his bog at H's face and ordered him to carry it Hans doesn't have a choice but to obey his command as he is also afraid to run away at this moment Zeke forgave the servant who acted up against him in exchange for mere labor and he wondered if he was now a kind person for forgiving someone he looked back to H and decided to help him strengthen his stamina and train him so that this man would be useful to him call me sir Zeke from now on Zeke said and Hans replied yes understand stood he also asked what Zeke is planning for the future but Zeke said that he doesn't have a fixed plan but for now he was planning to go first to the neighboring territory of py after that just go where their feet take them he was now determined to try living kindly in this life as they arrived at the forest H told him that the path they were following wasn't made for humans but Zeke was aware of it he informed Hans that if they go straight they'll have to go less than half the distance so there's no reason for them to go around in circles and follow the path Hans then answered that if they Venture away from places where people leave there are monsters roaming around that's exactly why we're here Zeke stated which scares hands since he is incapable of fighting beasts all of a sudden someone threw something into the bag H was carrying H then turned his head around but he was already nervous at this point he also heard a sound and was hoping that it was not a beast he still followed Zeke while he kept turning his head around he was praying that they get past this place as quickly as possible Zeke suddenly paused and called Hans Hans was confused and Zeke then told him that his test would start now Zeke handed a sword to H and H was so clueless he was not prepared at all and he was thinking that Zeke was just joking Zeke then told him to look behind him and as he turned his head around he screamed in fear as he saw a scary Beast behind him to be specific the Beast is a goblin H was trembling and wanted to back out while calling zek's name he informed Zeke that he didn't even know how to wield a sword please at least give me a bigger sword what do you expect me to do with this hands added and Zeke replied you better be satisfied with that before I hand you a stick or would a stick be better the goblin was staring mad at H then charged at hands without any hesitation the goblin is attacking hands while H doesn't know what to do and only screams for help Zeke was looking at him and was disappointed knowing that H had a long way to go if he decided to train him at this moment the goblin looked at him as he interfered but Zeke easily punched the goblin and the Goblin was instantly knocked out hands on the other hand was lying on the grass after the goblin beating him he gets up and asks Zeke why he's doing this to him Zeke then honestly said that it was because Hans was too weak he gets something in his pouch while telling Hans that he can't just carry his stuff around while he's with him he handed The Elixir to Hans and added that Hans had to at least train to protect himself he then commanded Hans to use the Elixir and get ready once again according to him he only knock the goblin out but it'll wake back up in a while Hans was nervous but he followed Zeke's command an hour had passed and H spent lots of healing potions as he kept losing against the goblin but good thing that he now learned how to hold the sword in position himself is Enemy At This Hour is still the goblin earlier he then charged at the goblin without any fear as he was very determined to kill it with his hands as he tried to attack the goblin it was able to dodge and hit his arm H grits his teeth as he tries to fight back the goblin swung its armor and attacked H with it luckily Hans was able to lower down his body and avoid the Goblin's weapon Zeke was surprised upon seeing that Hans dodged the Goblins attack he then thinks that Hans might be talented but doesn't have enough training surprisingly Hans was able to dash behind the goblin at at a fast speed the goblin was confused trying to look at him it turned out that Hans was already aiming his sword at the goblin he then struck the Goblin's head without any hesitation and it instantly died and fell on the ground in front of Hans Hans looked at his hands and he was still surprised that he finally won he screamed in excitement but he paused when Zeke went to him and handed him a healing potion Hans then immediately drank it then Zeke told him that it was beyond his expectation H was so happy and gave thanks to Zeke he believes that it was all because of Zeke who pushed him for him to be bble to fight without any fear all of a sudden the potion dropped to the ground they heard loud sounds and saw lots of goblins heading towards them these goblins were mad at them for killing their companion Zeke remained calm while H was nervous Zeke looked at the ground and saw small rocks he immediately picked it up and threw it to the Goblins he was able to hit the head of some of the goblins and he kept doing it until all the Goblins died Hans was sitting on the ground he was so shocked so Zeke told him that this was just the start Hans is puzzled and doesn't know what Zeke is trying to say Zeke then told him to look behind him so he could understand H then saw another type of monsters which are Orcs a scary one than the Goblins Zeke told him not to worry as he had plenty of potions but still Hans was terrified as he didn't know how to kill these lots of Orcs the night came and both of them managed to kill all the Orcs who dared to attack them Zeke lit up a fire while Hans already fell asleep as he was so tired Zeke was staring at him and was thinking things a while ago while they were on their way Zeke asked Hans why florel sided with him so much and what's his relationship to the lady Hans then honestly told him that his grandmother was florell's Nanny and it might be the reason why florel has adored him ever since he was young Zeke then remembered that there was a young servant that his mother especially bullied just because that kid was the grandson of the nanny who raised lady florel Hans becomes annoyed upon hearing it knowing that it was him Zeke then asked him if he still remembered his mother and H replied yes and said that Zeke's mother was such a great person Zeke's mother was kind to those under her and respected those above her she was a lovely person to everyone actually Zeke was hated by the the count family solely because of his mother considering all the wrongdoings his mother committed he does kind of feel pity for them for his father count Bordeaux for florel and for Greg but then for him it doesn't mean he's supposed to be sorry for it while he was thinking he suddenly heard the sound of a carriage he immediately commanded Hans to get up Hans was still sleepy and told Zeke that it wasn't Dawn yet Zeke then informed him that something was coming their way hands immediately moved and asked if it was a goblin or orc The Carriage was already near them they were just hiding but Z pushed hands ordering him to go to the front do you think it's a merchant H asked and as per Zeke The Carriage sound wasn't as loud as the sound of the horse's hoofs and if it was a merchant he believes the shaft horse would pull the wagon so the sound should be similar he also concludes that it wasn't a traveler since no traveler would be going around with a carriage at this hour both of them were still clueless The Carriage arrived at their temporary camp and outside the carriage were two paladins Zeke saw them but he was confused about why there was a paladin in this Forest a lady then got off from the carriage and said I apologize for the discourtesy you see we want to camp out here for the night as well Zeke was shocked since the voice was very familiar to him the lady then said that she's a believer of Cara a lella Cara saintus Zeke was staring at her with annoyance as he recalled that a llla was the one who gave a blessing to the heroes to attack him he never expected to meet this lady too soon a man walked towards him and said that he was W serving a lella a saintess candidate tania's killing machine Zeke uttered but W didn't know what he was saying they shook hands while Zeke remembered that he told himself he was going to be good in this life so he was sure it' be okay to get acquainted with people different from his past life I heard you're camping here for the night please make yourselves comfortable he said and wides replied thank you then we'll intrude just for the night Zeke glanced at Hans to give an order but then he saw Hans kneeling down in front of Ein lella to pay respect and introduce himself the paladins then prepared a tent but they were asking for some help I llla was about to help the paladins but someone blacked her and volunteered it was H he smiled at I lella and said that he would do it he then helped the paladins wholeheartedly while Zeke was looking at him saying that H was out of his mind he glanced at llla and understood why hands acted this way and that was because llla was unrealistically pretty he then remembered grenard the hero who was eager to kill him he concludes that zener only hired Beauties he suddenly laughed while thinking about it without knowing that lll was standing in front of him and asked him if she could sit down beside him Zeke then permitted him and she gave thanks to Zeke she was staring at the fire in front of them while giving thanks to Zeke once again for permitting them to camp in this area for the night lll was sincerely smiling while Zeke felt awkward that his enemy back then was now sitting beside him llla looked at him upon hearing him ask the reason why she was in this Forest llla then answered that she was traveling in order to hear the stories of all kinds of people she said that whenever she comes across someone in need of help she gives them prayers of blessing Zeke then said that what she was doing was amazing but llla disagreed because of the reason that it is something a member of the car would mention should do she then also asked Zeke why he was here and Zeke replied that he's trying to find ways to leave as a kind person he then realizes something he glanced at llla and asked her to tell him how to be a good person he informed llla that someone told him to do more good but he feels like llla is the best person to ask advice from as per llla there are many ways to be a good person is there something you're good at perhaps she asked and Zeke replied that he's good at things that require strength Louella then suggested him to use his strength to help those in need Zeke was happy with with her suggestion he stood then said that he would start looking for some people who were in Need by tomorrow the next day llla and her people arrived at the Village of P they then noticed that all the shops were under construction wise then excused himself to lll to accomplish an order real quick lll permitted him and told him to be careful she then told the paladins that they should now continue roaming around but then she heard a scream she followed it and informed the paladins that she heard someone screaming her paladins then volunteered to check it but then llla instantly saw who it was he saw men in the area and one of them was beaten up the Paladin then told these men to stop and lll was surprised to see someone it was Zeke and Zeke was the man who beat the other man after the commotion lella brings Zeke with them and tells him that she told him last night to help those in need and not help those bad people Zeke then casually said that those people looked like they needed help that's not all there is to it make sure to save only those who are weak from now on instead of being violent toward good people llla said she then ordered Zeke to apologize to the man he beat up but then the man said he was fine he then introduced his name which is sud and he gave thanks to lella for saving him he suddenly flinched the moment he heard llla asking him what really happened according to sud the Sirin trading house demanded him to hand over his shop and bribe the mayor with astronomical amounts of money he believes that those people see his shop as an old one but then he cannot just give it since it is so important to him since the shop was full of memories with his grandfather so he told them that he couldn't give up his rights to it he cried and said that he didn't know what to do from now on on llla touched his hand and told him not to worry she said that she would go meet the mayor of py right now to help him the Paladin interfered reminding her that the car Woodman cannot get involved in politics but then llla said that he cannot ignore this as someone who's receiving the teachings of Lady Cara I'll resolve this leave it to me she confidently said and left the paladins then chase her leaving Zeke in confusion the next day Zeke was still thinking about the last day Hans then notices that Zeke looks mad and Zeke explains that he feels like lll was mistaken for saying to help the weak but for hands Zeke is the mistaken one Zeke suddenly squeezes hands his cheeks while saying that he is concerned because Luella and her people didn't come back yesterday while walking they saw a crowd staring at the post who stuck on the wall the people said that it was an urgent wanted order Zeke and Hans then checked it out and heard the people that the person on the poster killed the vice mayor Zeke was shocked upon seeing lll's face on the poster with her name and the crime she had committed H gasps upon seeing the lady's image on the poster Zeke at the same time senses something suspicious a witch from cardwood men how horrendous the lady in the crowd uttered the crowd also blamed llla for why their whole city is now in a mess someone then uttered the sun's setting now so we should get back quickly before we run into them Zeke was curious about whose them the crowd was referring to everyone then ran back inside their houses and looked like they were in fear everyone closed their windows and pulled their kids inside their homes H was nervous upon seeing the people panicked he asks Zeke about what's happening but Zeke doesn't know either but he was sure that something was definitely off so he told H that they must get going too and just hide for now they then headed back to their Inn and saw no one H was keeping his head shook checking the surroundings as he was afraid thinking that someone might attack them at the same time Zeke wondered if there was this kind of incident back then before he regressed but he was really sure that none of this had happened before neither the curse of py nor lll killing someone he then concludes that things might have changed because he met llla while he was thinking H suddenly held his hand and informed him that there was someone following them behind this isn't a human but a monster Hans looked at it and he screamed in fear the moment the monster roared he moved backward and uttered that it was an undead without any words Zeke slashed its head in front of Hans the Undead's head dropped on the ground near Hans while Hans wondered why there was an undead in porty exactly I don't feel good about this Zeke replied after killing the undead two men came and were glad that nobody got hurt he then informed Zeke and Hans that they'll get rid of the corpse they handed one torch to Hans while instructing them to go back and hide before The Witch's Curse struck them the two men then left with the undead corpse and H then asked Zeke if he really believed that llla was a witch Zeke then answered no as he was sure that the culprit behind this incident framed llla for it how are you sure she's been framed Hans asked Zeke was about to answer but he didn't continue it Hans then concludes that Zeke knows something that he doesn't Zeke then lies that it's written all over the face of llla that she's really a kind person Zeke suddenly senses something he turned around and saw something running at a fast speed H then also turned around but Zeke suddenly ran to follow the person he saw he ran as fast as he could until he reached the person what are you doing here in that filthy State he asked H at the same time was dumbfounded upon seeing lella sitting on the ground and was very dirty she was also crying and it seemed like she escaped Zeke then brings her to their in and lets her wear his clothes as she came out after taking a bath H wasn't around but Zeke informed her that H only went outside to buy some food for dinner and would be back soon llla then sat down and Zeke asked her where's the paladins lll suddenly felt sad and Zeke asked her to answer llla then started crying and blamed herself for what happened Zeke then showed her the poster and llla instantly said that she wasn't a witch Zeke then said that he knew it and he was not one of those people who believed that she was a witch lll was more surprised to hear that Zeke believed her than the others Zeke then said that it is because llla isn't the one who would do something evil he then told the lady to tell him the truth about what happened to her on the day they parted ways according to lll as they parted ways she went to the mayor's mansion and the conversation went went well unlike the greedy looking mayor the Dependable vice mayor said that he would take matters into his own hands the vice mayor whispered to the mayor suggesting to serve dinner for their visitors the mayor seemed to realize how inhospitable he had been and prepared a dinner for llla and her companions llla wanted to turn down the offer but then everyone was hungry so he accepted the offer the paladins eat so much and seeing them enjoying the meal makes llla so happy now she blamed herself for visiting the mayor so suddenly after dinner they went to thank the mayor but as she arrived she was shocked to witness that the vice mayor and his comrades were killed by the mayor the mayor saw her in the paladins he then said that llla had seen what she wasn't supposed to the paladins including llla were dumbfounded the moment they saw the statue of Val floating above covered with a purple flame llla then realizes that the mayor turned out to be a puppet of vow the mayor then laughed knowing that it takes so much time for llla to notice it what are you trying to do Luella asked at the same time the corpses of the men that the mayor killed float and he proudly answered that he is sacrificed icing these people and also llla and the two paladins to the great bow he was holding a book then ordered the corpses to attack llla and the paladins then fought back to save the lady they were using armor but llla believes that there's a big chance they would be defeated knowing that they were outnumbered llla witnessed how the paladins fought to save her she was so puzzled behind them one Paladin asked her if she was fine but then he also saw a corpse heading towards the lady Louella saw it but the Paladin grabbed her shoulder and pushed her away in the end he was the one who was killed by the corpse while recalling it llla was so down is this the same vow I'm thinking of Zeke asked and llla answered I think so that kind of people had a cult that desired destruction and chaos and they worshiped the evil God vow they also regularly commit murder and terrorism lll was guessing that these people might want to carry out a ritual in the city of py she saw an inscription on the Statue behind the mayor and it said I offer this city to vow Zeke then concludes that the mayor is trying to offer the entire city as a sacrifice lella asked if he knew more more about it and Zeke answered yes he believes that that kind of people would set up Val statue all over the city and offer the corpses of people up to the Statue he believes that the book the mayor was holding is probably the Catalyst for activating the power of the statues lella agreed and said that she tried to ask the car Woodman Temple for help after Escaping The Mansion but she was unable to do so because the city is under lockdown she cried again and said that she wanted to stop the ritual she was surprised when she heard Zeke offered help to her Zeke wanted to help as he knew that was a good deed llla then said that she was worried that Zeke would get himself into danger doing this but Zeke confidently said that it wouldn't happen he stood and headed back to his room while informing llla that they'd leave for the mayor's Mansion tomorrow night he was about to go out but as he opened the door he saw H outside Hans was stuttering while saying that he wasn't trying to EES drop or anything perfect timing there's something you must do Zeke said which made Hans nervous Zeke then whispered to him the things he needed to do the next day they headed back to the mansion as Zeke told llla Zeke beats up the Mansion guard guards and temporarily knocks them out Zeke was at the branch of the tree and jumped to the Terrace to enter he was carrying lella like a bride and he asked the lady if she was fine the lady then answered yes and they both entered the Mansion silently they directly went to the mayor's office and as perella this is where Val's statue was while standing outside the door Zeke feels unpleasant he then opened the door and instantly saw the mayor covered with a purple flame is that baly the mayor Zeke asked and llla answered yes and confidently said that this baldy man was the man who killed the vice mayor Zeke then grabbed his sword and charged at the mayor he aimed his sword at the mayor's neck from behind but the mayor wasn't moving Zeke feels something be careful sir Zeke who knows when he'll summon Undead lella said Zeke pushed the mayor's back and told the lady that she was mistaken he was confident that the mayor was not behind this cult Louella was confused and then she felt the familiar Aura the aura came from the other person who was now holding the Catalyst book found him that's the culprit Zeke uttered with a smile on his face the man he was referring to was standing in front of of them with the book The Man's posture is very familiar despite that he is in the dark I didn't expect you to come back on your own the man said while walking shockingly it was the vice mayor after all lll was shocked since since she thought that the vice mayor already passed away she was now confused she stared at the book that the vice mayor was holding and concluded that this book contained the energy of vow the vice mayor then said that the book's official name is the key to the sacrifice ritual at this time Zeke finally understood everything he deduces that the mayor must have been unwillingly following someone else's orders before his death he wasn't Val's henchman but was only a puppet a puppet of the vice mayor while listening to his conclusion the vice mayor smiled since everything Zeke said was right on the other hand llla cannot believe what she discovered from Zeke what about the paladins what did you do to them she asked the vice mayor laughed and told her not to worry he said that he grounded up each and every one of their corpses and threw them as food for the fish llla was scared upon hearing it since she was hoping that her paladins were still alive who is that man man is he like Carwood men's secret protection Force the vice mayor asked and he was referring to Zeke Zeke then replied stating that he didn't have any connection to car Woodman the vice mayor then asked what his purpose of coming to this place then Zeke answered that he don't think someone that believes in a damned fish needs to know his reasons the vice mayor felt insulted but Zeke teased him more you're dying to be punished by vow aren't you the vice mayor said with a clinched fists Zeke cleaned his ear to continuously tease the vice mayor and he said that he doesn't take punishment from some damn the vice mayor then screamed that he would make Zeke repent to Val in sheer pain before having him killed he then used the Catalyst book to activate the power of Val statue he managed to summon the corpses and he commanded them all to kill Zeke while letting LEL alive as he was planning to use her the corpses he summon then charged at Zeke and llla immediately activated her magic power and gave a blessing to Zeke because of her blessing Zeke's power becomes strong his eyes sparkled and he easily dodged The Corpse's attack and was able to attack them back he attacked them one by one with with just his sword and seeing him easily fought makes the vice mayor confused as he cannot believe how Zeke was able to make it in the end Zeke took down the undead in just a short span of time from the red color zek's Mana becomes Azure this time he feels that some of his magic is back is that it aren't you going to call more monsters he asked you can act arrogant all you want it's useless anyway the preparations for the ritual have already been completed the vice mayor replied but then he was shocked the moment he heard Zeke confidently say that he didn't think the ritual prep operation had been completed that is because he found and destroyed all the statues of Val and py as per zek if a cleric of Carwood men were to take special action on the Statue the ritual strength could be decreased the vice mayor was so furious at Zeke for knowing everything lll was also surprised and asked Zeke if everything he said was true Zeke answered yes and informed the lady that after destroying all the statues in Port all he had to do was come and destroy the last one which was this one inside the mayor's office the vice mayor was stuttering and trembling he then summoned Corpses once again and ordered them all to catch Zeke alive Zeke then gripped his sword and spun it he was able to kill the corpses and both the vice mayor and lll were shocked Zeke smiled at the lady and held her shoulder llla uttered his name but he didn't allow the lady to talk and told her not to move so she won't get hurt he carried the lady like a bride for the second time while informing her that they were now going to get out of the Mansion llla then informed him that the entrance was already blocked since there were other corpses summoned by the vice mayor seek didn't respond and immediately headed to the window the lady tried to stop him but he didn't listen he then jumped and made sure that the lady was safe the vice mayor was staring out the window and then said that both Zeke and lella dared to escape from him the next day another poster was released the news said that llla a witch had killed the mayor in this poster Zeke's image was imprinted everyone was shocked by the news as they could not believe that llla would also kill the mayor in addition they also wondered about the man in the poster since they didn't know who it was They concluded that it was the witch's henchmen Zeke was hiding in a cloak so that nobody wanted attack him because of the news the same goes for llla they were both staring at the poster and Zeke still had the guts to smile while saying that he was still so good-looking no matter how the vice mayor Drew him lella then said that the vice mayor must have seen Zeke's face for being able to create a news with Zeke's face Zeke then assumed and added that the vice mayor was also lazy for not doing it right stop worrying and eat instead we have to get moving soon he said while throwing away the poster he was holding the lady then asked where he got food and he answered that he only borrowed it from the vendor lll was found it as she concluded that Zeke had stolen it Zeke then reasoned out that he couldn't buy the bread given the situation they were in right now llla sat down and was so sad knowing that Zeke still stole the Bren Zeke then told her not to be upset as he believed that what he did wasn't stealing llla decides not to argue with zek since she believes she cannot make Zeke admit his mistake Zeke then informed her that he had written down all the places he had taken things from shouldn't that require the honor agreement llla asked it's unrealistic to so strictly adhere to the rules of society but what if I were were to pay them back double Zeke replied llla then decided to change the topic she asked about H whereabouts and as per Zeke he sent hands on an errand llla then feels relief as she was worried about Hans for not seeing her since last night as he saw the face of Hans who was nervous the moment Zeke whispered something to him according to Zeke they now need to find the hidden Val statues around the village llla then asked if there was a way to find the statues and as perque they would go first to the slums as he had a rough idea of where the statues could be hidden at the same time in an abandon warehouse and py the men from before who beat up the merchant said together with Zeke were in this area they were very Silent not until someone called them it was Zeke together with llla these men also believed that llla is a witch and that Zeke is the witch's puppet they were all scared so they immediately ran to escape zek immediately jumped above them and blocked their way while asking them what was wrong with them do you think I'm going to kill you or something he added the two men were terrified and Zeke then held them on their clothes behind lella was staring at them and recalled that these men were the ones who beat up the merchant said with Zeke Zeke then turned his head around and shouted to the other man who managed to escape asking him if he didn't have loyalty to his friends the man feels guilty upon hearing it that reason do you have his criminals to be out in public like this he asked Zeke then told him not to worry about them and that all he wanted was for these three men to help them look for someone he let go of the men and added that he'll pay handsomely for it he was holding a large sum and the three men were tempted Zeke then said that he would give this money as long as they would answer his questions the three men then asked him what his questions were first is if there have been any humans who fell ill or suddenly died lately as if they just lost all their life energy the two men are clueless and they both stare at their other friend who seems like has an idea but then this man won't tell the truth Zeke was annoyed since these men acting on nice even if he already offered them money he strangled the man for him to say anything but the man still said that he didn't know anything this time lll kneeled down and begged Zeke was shocked that the lady would go this far just for this city lella then informed the men that the city of 40 was in great danger right now and at this rate it might become a city of DEA she also informed them that there were already Undead going around in the night and there might be more horrible things that would happen the serious it's because of your guys that there are Undead here the man angrily screamed he really believed about the news circulating and he was blaming llla for what happened to their City he said that if it was not because of llla his brother wouldn't be in the state he is in right now upon hearing it Zeke smiled as he assumed that the person they were looking for was this man's brother the man didn't answer and Zeke then ordered Him to guide them to his home where his brother could be found the man refused and Zeke was so annoyed this time he forcibly pulled the man to guide them and told lll to follow after a few minutes they arrived at one of the houses in a slum area the three were sitting beside the sick man llla was using her healing skill and did all she could but the man won't recover unless they find the sources of his illness Zeke then asked the young man Timmy if there was someone who approached his brother lately then Timmy replied yes and said that he saw them with his own eyes it was him Timmy added and Zeke asked who don't you remember that bastard from before the merchant you helped us beat up said it's that bastard's doing Timmy replied with anger llla believes that the S Timmy referring to was the one she was helping Timmy then said she was right and blamed llla for everything that happened he was so mad at llla but Zeke asked him to calm down and say everything that happened in detail Timmy was clenching his fist out of anger according to him he went back later than usual on that day but his brother wasn't home his brother is a pretty weak kid and since they live in a slum without any police officers he was worried that something might have happened to his brother so he freaked out but he saw his brother Georgie and a man was aiming a dagger at Georgie that man saw him and suddenly ran away when he chased him he was able to grab the cloak the man was wearing but he was shocked to see that it was set sud even smirked at him and since that day his brother has been in this condition he informed Zeke that his brother had no wounds at first and woke up right after so he thought his brother was fine but Georgie started getting thinner saying he didn't have energy and soon fainted like a lifeless person on the day he meets Zeke he asks a favor because he is planning on stealing the dagger from Sutton and in exchange for returning the dagger he wanted to ask S to tell him how to treat his brother though of course due to a certain righteous person it was all crushed to Pieces he uttered and llla knew Timmy was referring to her so she apologized and admitted that she misunderstood him as she simply thought a weak person was being beaten up why because we were one-sidedly attacking him or was it because I'm poor because I seem like a thug looks like that's all your reasoning for different differentiating between the strong and the weak Timmy stated which made lll speechless Zeke then clapped his hand and hung his shoulder to Timmy telling him that lella has only lived the life of a noble and doesn't have much experience so he must understand her by the way why don't you hate me Zeke asked he was clueless as to why knowing that he betrayed Timmy after lll showed up so he was expecting that Timmy would hate him he was waiting for an answer Timmy was shy as he answered that it was because it was the first time someone offered them help without any condition whatsoever Zeke was surprised with his answer as he never expected someone would like him just because he helped them after their discussion they then went outside and Zeke immediately asked lll's opinion as per llla he sensed Val's disgusting energy from that sick child instead of a life force she was pretty sure that Georgie was a sacrifice she asked Zeke if he figured out a way and Zeke answered yes they then went to sud's shop sud was carrying a box as he headed inside the ground suddenly shook so he turned his head around wondering what it was he then brought a light and went on the Underground but he didn't see anyone so he concluded it was just a rat he wasn't aware that someone was standing behind him it was Zeke whispering to him long time no see with the voice he was sure it was Zeke the one who beat him let's get you beat up till the very end today don't worry about someone interrupting us like they did back then you see her right the Heavenly Guardian who protected you is back today as an angel of Hell Zeke uttered then pushed the s to the ground Zeke walks toward sud while said begs him for Mercy he asked Zeke why he did this to him and Zeke told him that he could find out why if he asked the statue behind him since sud wouldn't answer Zeke kicked him wait you don't think I'm a believer of Val do you sud asked he confidently said that he wasn't a believer of Val but zek kicked him again and said that sud isn't a Believer but a disgusting bastard who clings to those guys from B hoping to get some breadcrumbs sud was suffering because of the heavy foot of Zeke on his back lella feels pity for sud and she was shocked the moment she saw Zeke un leash's dagger Zeke then told her that they didn't need s now that they had found the Val statue Val was scared to death so he decided to speak Zeke commanded him to continue what he wanted to say and sud then said that he knew the place where the other Statue was Zeke beat him up and ordered him to say where it was sud smiled to tease him and said that he wouldn't just tell it so easily Zeke was annoyed at him sud then said that if Zeke would put even a finger on his body he won't say where the other statues are Zeke stares at him without any emotion sud then believes that it is because Zeke now finally understands the situation you foolish holigan I should have done away with you and those slum bastards much earlier he stated llla felt sad to know that this was the real attitude of sud whom she thought was a good person sud then said that llla believes that he is still a naive dude stupid this is why people call you a witch he uttered lella then asked him why he was doing these bad things if he said he didn't even worship B sud then honestly answered that it was all because of money he was offered an astronomical amount of money just for imbuing the statue with life force and he isn't in the state of turning down that kind of offer he mentioned this time that his shop is now very old and regrets the time he has spent in this rotten place because of his father and grandfather now with the money he believes he still has a chance to end it all he told Zeke to let him go and promise to say where the Val statues are once he's out of this place oh well what should I do I've changed my mind you're going to die now Zeke replied he was confident that without sud he could still find the statues Zeke lifted him up and angrily stared at him sud was so scared and immediately looked at llla to ask for help from the lady he even said that the Carwood men order was supposed to protect the weak he told llla that he didn't mean what he said earlier Zeke was staring at lella and saw the lady gripping her staff and felt pity for son but then she knows what's best so she tell Zeke to kill sud now sud was terrified Zeke then aimed the dagger at him while he kept on asking for some mercy lella just closed her eyes so she won't see anything the blood then splattered the moment Zeke stabbed said as she opened her eyes Zeke was standing in front of her but she was surprised that Zeke didn't kill sud Zeke told sud to not let himself be seen by him again sud was trembling in pain he was furious at Zeke but he didn't have the strength to fight back after dealing with said both Zeke and lella then went into an abandoned house lll was very silent so Zeke handed him bread and asked her if she was okay lella then replied that she thought she just kept making the wrong judgments she also didn't deny that she believed the wrong side just based on what she heard about Zeke was just listening to her as he knew that the lady was really sad about what happened lll then added that she assumed the story about the mayor was made up too she recalls that lady Cara always told her that she shouldn't be prej udist are you feeling guilty I'm fine I'm fine you don't need to feel guilty about me too Zeke said lella apologizes to Zeke and believes that she should ask Zeke for a piece of advice this time Zeke sat down and ate the bread he was holding while telling llla that he didn't have anything original he doesn't think any advice Will Comfort llla either so he wants the lady to solve it on her own lll was just listening to him he also told the lady that no matter what she would do time still heals all wounds and blaming herself achieves nothing other than making herself suffer because of what he stated lella claimed that he was much more mature than she imagined Zeke paused and was confused but the lady said she meant nothing she then asked Zeke if they'll going to go look for the other statues now Zeke then answered yes and informed the lady that he thought he knew a place where the statues might be llla feels down again she apologizes to Zeke as she feels that she's no use at all what do you mean you've got the most important role right now Zeke replied but lella was confused when the night came the rain was also pouring they went back to the mayor's mansion and beat up the guards Zeke believes that there was another statue in here since there were lots of guards that were hired with money like said they easily found it and Zeke then handed llla a brush and instructed her to imbue this brush and paint with her holy Aura lll Then followed his command without any doubt she activated her holy Aura and imbued it with the brush and pain the process was done easily after a few minutes Zeke then gives thanks to her and gets the brush to draw something on the Statue now that he painted it he was confident that the ritual was over he then asked llla to finish it off and lella then touched the statue with her holy Aura it's done do we just leave it be now she asked and Zeke answered yeah it's fine the holy Aura has already been absorbed he then walked away telling the lady that they must keep going before leaving lll stares back at the Statue wondering if what they did could really stop the ritual at the same time in the mayor's office the vice mayor was still in this room he was staring at the poster which had the face of llla and zek he was covered with the aura of Val he let the poster of llla float and uttered come to me llla that's all for today thank you so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed if you wish to have another part of this recap please give us at least 2000s likes please don't forget to comment and subscribes to our channel for more content like this until next time
Channel: Manhwa diary recap
Views: 52,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa, recap, comics, action, adventure, comedy, manga, regressed
Id: iScPo8JpQ6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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