A Decision Of Faith - Archbishop W. Goh (Abridged Homily Extract - 03 Mar 2022)

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Worldly achievements alone does not mean to say that we are happy. We just have to look around us. All those who are successful in the eyes of the world, are they truly living a fulfilling life? Are they truly happy? To worship possessions is the same as worshipping false gods, because they are also illusions. They appear to bring happiness, but they do not. That is why those of us who spend our whole lives chasing after money, and when we have enough and more than enough, we still find life very empty. Truly, my dear brothers and sisters, a blessed life, a happy life requires more than just material comfort. Of course, all of us require some kind of material comfort in order to be at ease. We all do not like to suffer. We don't want to go hungry. We want to take good care of our bodies. But it is not everything. We need to find fulfilment, purpose and meaning in life. Happiness, at the end of the day, is building strong family relationships. Happiness is having good friends to share our lives. Happiness is the simple joys of life. Simple happiness, these are the things that we cherish. Small little things make us very happy, especially when we bring joy to others, when we bring happiness to others. So, my dear brothers and sisters, we are called to be rich in the eyes of God. To be rich, in the words of St Paul, in Galatians, is to be rich in love, in generosity, in kindness, in patience, in goodness, in self-control. All these things make us truly rich, because happiness is from within, and not dictated by external circumstances. To follow Jesus in carrying the cross, in self-denial, in selfless, humble service, is what brings us life. The question is, do we have confidence and trust in the Lord's way and in His wisdom? How many of us can accept the commandments that God has given to us? Some of us feel that His commandments have no relevance in our lives today, especially in the face of moral relativism. Today, people no longer believe in any commandments, especially commandments that seem or claim to have come from God. My dear brothers and sisters, faith and trust in God is a prerequisite that we will be able to find life through Him. And the way of Jesus, my dear friends, is really the way of the cross, the way of humility, the way of self-denial, the way of self-sacrifice. The way of Jesus is to lose everything we have, so that we will gain everything that cannot be compared to what this world can offer. Jesus is offering us eternal joy, true and lasting peace that the world cannot offer. It is a difficult way, and many of us will find it difficult to follow Him. The choice is yours. Do you want to choose life according to the way the Lord has shown us and has taught us? Or do you want to choose life according to what the world proposes? You have to make that decision. Unfortunately, there are many in the world who think they are choosing life when they are choosing death. This is the greatest tragedy.
Channel: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore
Views: 1,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Singapore, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore, Archbishop William Goh, William Goh, Homily, Sermon, Scripture Reflection, Singapore, Proud2BCatholic, ArchComms, Homily Extracts, Short Sermons, Message of the day, Daily Bread, Mass, Jesus, Eucharist, Evangelisation, Gospel, Vocation, Faith, Homilies, Homily for today, Daily Mass, Lent, Weekday Mass, Life, Relationship, Joy, Happiness, Wisdom, Rich, Love, Confidence, Trust, yt:cc=on
Id: tuOo9B5HImk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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