A Day To Remember - Fishing in Paradise

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yeah yeah i'm on now big shot no way that's gonna go god [Music] have a look at this a beautiful mangrove jack [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you got it oh it's a grunter beautiful stuff look at that on the twitch 80. [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] yeah got it oh it's a thready i think yeah oh that's ready oh god [Music] all i've got as evidence is these face plate scales look at that that was a big one and it was sight casted down along this little tunnel here oh welcome back to my little box folks in today's video i'm reviewing this little beauty it's a timber crafted australian-made diving lure by jollop lures this thing looks just like a little mangrove jack look at the hangers on it she's made really tough and boy has it got a beautiful action let me show you how i like to fish this thing i'm just down in a creek here late afternoon on the run out tight i'm on oh you wouldn't believe me are you choking me come and have a look at this i'm on to a mangrove jack and uh right there that that's better than how a little review is supposed to work but uh yeah these things are fire and uh i've been wanting to review this for a while but because we're traveling it's been hard for me to get my hands on these things um they're not in all the stores so you've got to get onto jollof they are in a couple of stores they're starting to turn up but if you can get onto a look at that look at that mangrove jack come around here and i shouldn't do this because i nearly lost my hand earlier but i'll get the uh i'll get the lip grips a beautiful jack lure on a jack's forehead how good is that oh wow i'm getting back in the water because there's more in this this afternoon the these twitch 80s um for a timber handcrafted lure they have just got a fantastic action super high cadence and uh there's the proof off you go buddy that's not the first today uh there's been a bit of action this thing is catching everything oh just got belted yeah yeah i'm on now big shot no way that's gonna go god oh that's that's no good i want me lower back oh my god i want me low back it's one of joey's jolly twitches i had a jack come up right before this shark grabbed it it's just going to soar through it he's telling me around the river here he goes look at him oh mate god look at it look at the speed on it oh [Music] god as you'd expect the gopro dies what am i going to do to get this lure back it's going to be a mission oh this might get interesting here i really don't want to lose this lure literally had it on about five minutes desperate to do a review with it because it's just got a great little action [Music] it's so rare to get sharks on a lure like this fishing in around the estuaries because they're so good at picking up the vibes oh there goes another big run what is going on down there this isn't this isn't just a small shark this this is something [Music] [Music] it's taking away from my jack session [Music] [Music] it is ripping eye and i haven't let up on it i've got the drag set i dropped it early so i knew he'd go psycho but i've tightened back up on it and it's still not slowing down i as soon as he sees the boat it's off again man i love this stuff and i know some people turn their nose up at sharks but they're fun anyway i don't mind what i'm getting on the end of the line it's all good stuff and to see the way they fight and take off i don't know how i'm going to get it i've got a pair of pliers [Music] yeah look at this look at that there he is there right on the nose [Music] oh beautiful black tip reef sharp oh that power is just so sick i reckon i reckon because he's just pinned on the nose i reckon i'm going to get a shot at it [Music] hopefully not lose a hand doing it yeah get down here and have a look at this the sickest head shake so at this size like a big flatty i think getting it into the boat would be a silly idea because it's they're likely to go nuts and just tear up me rods here he comes look at him [Music] i reckon i reckon keep your head up keep your head up [Music] i've seen him patrolling like smashing up bait trevally [Music] just want that lure back buddy don't bite me don't bite me i just want that lower back oh don't take my rod the tide's draining and i'm stuffing around with the shark i want my jack come here [Music] got it you got me a little back brother [Music] the whole concept behind this lure is it's a baby jack take a look at it [Music] and i reckon he didn't miss it didn't mistaken it for a baby jack he got he got the idea right but the whole concept is that this is a baby jack intruding another jack's territory all right let's see if we can go and get one man it's getting crunched up they are just right into this which i love about timber lures it's got super hearty componentry but when you start to get a couple of little nicks in it i just love that for a lure let's have a look at this [Music] oh it's got belted then oh right there at the boat [Laughter] trevally on the twitch how good and it's heart and mouth stuff boy this thing i've had it on an hour and i've caught six species of fish this is just mental i just love it mate his mate was there trying to rip it out of his mouth too god how good [Music] casting accuracy with this thing is just fantastic you know some timber lures are made and they're pro bang i'm on what is that oh it's a cracking mangrove jack this thing are you joking can't get a word in for the jacks no problem if they're still on the show good on you buddy wow they just fire so true into the snag that firing in at distance is no dramas at all your accuracy is right on on point and that counts for so much it's just fire what's that then [Music] um where is camp um not far down from you guys oh right so he's down there yeah yeah right we had bloody better luck in the creek than what we did out in the ocean so yeah same yeah i saw some great stuff out there today but um yeah i'll just i'm way better off in the creeks the luxury of the tinny just get into everything and i caught a shark earlier on this and yeah right trevally and jack and that yeah but we're here at the right time yeah yeah have you been much further never been here mate all right yeah first crack i went about halfway out a couple of days ago and um yeah there you go epic good timing [Music] oh well i might get stuck if i don't leave him for the next five or ten yeah that's the problem cutting it fine yeah but it's so addictive to keep fishing it yeah but this thing draws nothing but i've i've got to be careful because it's ripping out down there yeah anyway hard to leave that's why we've got the gopro running and i can't get a sentence out i've tried to start the review three times and i just get hooked up [Music] mate this just looks insane in here look at this it's more oh right there this might be the end of this lure this this castle the next one could be the end of its life there is a wicked rock rock bar through here it's got to have jack all over it oh there's a boil yep oh i missed it just grab it oh i missed it twice come on you're waiting for me to get deeper in there so they've got a better shot at it yep oh a really dark jack that is just unreal look at he came out from under that ledge i saw him a little rock ledge right up the back of this creek you little beauty yes yes got it oh it's a good one too beautiful stuff look at this jack it's a cracker on joey's twitch 80. oh look at that a beautiful mangrove jack taken right on the edges of run out tide and i was just ripping this little twitch down along this beautiful cover and some shadowed sides and that's the idea you get it right hard into the shadows against the timber and these jacks they love them you can fish them super aggressively and uh boy i know first hand those hooks are super sharp so they don't miss what a fish eh and i love this red color i'll give you a really good look at it in a second because this red i think just resembles a jack with the stress bars down the side get this fish back in the water that is a beautiful fish see you mate that's about mid-40s i'd say but we had one last night for tea and the kids had them on wraps the day before so that one's going to go back i really keep them but on this trip we're eating fish as we go around have a look at the finish on that for a mangrove jack imitation stress bars down the side dark on the top and a super tight cadence this little thing joey released a lure uh must have been four or five years ago now that was very similar to this and i reckon it was much better for flathead and for freshwater species but these twitch 80s the profile on these and the wobble that these things have they are a great cast and retrieval for barrow and mangrove jack grunner flathead again it's the twitch 80 by jollop lures what a lure a beautiful profile a really tight cadence on it look at that bib mate it's going to be a favorite out of my timber handcrafted stuff boy they're making some good stuff these aussie little makers i just love it you
Channel: mylurebox
Views: 36,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jollip lure, twitch 80, twitch 80 lure, handcrafted fishing lure, jerk bait, jerk bait fishing, timber lure, best timber casting
Id: z8iAwiT4Eio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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