A day of developing & scanning film

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The scans look great. Thank you for not making it seem so complicated or stressful. A lot of videos exaggerate the process which can put off some of us who are new to this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Keinwa 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BBD8691 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Most underrated photography YouTuber

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/VacantStudio85 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just wanted so say i've recently found your videos and really love your style!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Banana_Heels 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to another video and today besides being a bad hair day it's also a day as you might have read by the title where we're going to spend some time together developing and scanning film now today i'm going to basically show you through some of the technicalities i do as a film photographer because in this channel we mostly talk about whys and we talk about philosophical things but never about the house and what happens and i thought it would be interesting to have a different video and i wanted to say for all of you watching that this is not a tutorial i've linked some great videos down below from other people on youtube amazing photographers that will definitely walk you through some of the steps of correctly developing film whether in skull in color or black and white scanning etc but before we do that i would like to say if you have any tips if you have any feedback that it can be constructive they can help me out as well because i'm always learning with the youtube community um and with the videos that i watch online and etc it's much appreciated so don't forget to leave your comment down below but yeah let's go into another video [Music] so for my housing developing setup i have only a few things that are essential such as a film cassette opener that is going to help me take the film out of the canister and into the film tank where it's going to be developed i have a set of jugs and a funnel to help me with the chemicals and the chemicals for developing in color and black and white and these chemicals need to be at very specific temperatures and it's why i have a thermometer and i've created a water bath which in my case i put together with a transparent tub and a regular suv so i can control the temperature and make sure that the chemicals are at the temperatures they need to be and to finalize this equipment section i also have a pair of scissors and film clips to hang the film after it's developed now the process of developing film is quite simple i'm currently using sinistel monobaths for both color and black and white so normally there's only a couple of steps where you need to agitate the tank for a certain period of time to let the chemicals act on the film and then after a quick rinse you're done and today i'm developing both color and black and white rolls that i shot with my mimir 7 my new panoramic camera the minolta p and my leica m6 whilst traveling over the last few months throughout the coast wales and also home and now that my film has finally finished drying why don't we go and do some scanning so scanning can be one of the most exciting steps in the whole process of developing film and scanning and processing and printing and etc and because especially if you want to deal with images in a digital way you get a first scan which is like a raw image a raw file let's put it this way and basically you can work that image that draft up until a stage where you're happy with what you're doing it's an image that works for you or your project or whatever you're doing and i think that in these modern days with a laptop you kind of have like this immersive experience of a digital darkroom where you have like your softwares and you can you know just work that image and just have fun and enjoy the process of image making and i think that um this is probably one of the keys is to have fun and enjoy what you're doing and i enjoyed this current setup which is very very very simple and i'm going to be showing you the softwares talk about little things in the background that i think that can also be useful or that have been useful for me but before we do that let's have a word from our sponsor wondershares recover it now this is a software i've been familiar for quite some time now and i have to say it's really useful in multiple ways for instance to recover files fix corrupted videos and even to rescue information from a crash drive now i'm sure that all of us at some point in time have deleted images or footage or documents or whatever files by mistake and quite recently actually i was working on some prints from egypt from the time i spent in egypt and basically i deleted some really important scans that were color corrected and etc and i was able to recover them with recovery but recovery also helped me repair some corrupted footage of clips i have downloaded to use in my videos or on location footage and this software is available in a free version that allows you to cover 100 megabytes of data completely for free it's simple to use and install your macbook or windows laptop and really easy to interact with so make sure you click the link in the description to find out more download and try recover it for free and thank you to wondershare's recovery for sponsoring this segment so my scanning setup is really really simple and nothing to be complicated about basically it's a macbook pro with lightroom on that is connected to an epson v600 um which is a very popular scanner amongst film photographers and i got it a few years back and it's been working fine um it's good quality scanning upward this way for an entry level and someone who does it um just like me kind of like once in a while but a couple of things here that i'd like to also talk about is things that can be helpful in an in-house or you know a home scanning setup which is this rocket blower thing which is quite good at cleaning your negatives and it's really really affordable um this thing here which is honestly very very good it's called an f film cleaner f c 50 and basically i can't remember where i got this from but i'll do a little research after i finish this video and hopefully i'll be leaving links or at least names down below and this thing is very good at you know keeping your negatives clean you know because we all know that film can accumulate dust and you know just attracts like dust in the air and particles and etc and it can damage film over time so whether that is before archiving or straight after developing and the film is dried up and you want to scan it you can use this and it's pretty pretty good um two other things is like this anti-static cloth and these anti-static gloves because we all know that um when dealing with film our own hands even if you wash them and whatnot they still have like the normal grease and the normal sweat of hands and etc like it's body parts so we can't do much about that but we can prevent our negatives from being contaminated by that by doing these and having these in our setup and this is basically what i've been doing but basically now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna show you my screen and on my screen you can see five images so obviously i haven't scanned all the images that i've um done today that i've developed today and it's honestly gonna take me some time but i really want to be persistent and do this in all in one day as much as i can to show you how a full they can be and this first image is of some boats this was in wales this was a trip that i made and i can see right away that there's some issues with saturation because i remember the scenes and the sea wasn't this color at all and yeah i just um we'll rearrange a couple of things here and then we have this image right here was taken in lake district i really love this image and i really love the contrast of the red seats with the blue kind of like cast of the image um and i think it's really it works really really well and i'm really surprised that this is a raw scan and it came out this well so i have two other scans here um that i'm gonna be converted now with you and basically all you have to do with the plugin in my current setup is you go to the borders you set your white balance in the borders of the film and then you go to plugin extras negative lapro in this case i'm going to be putting very low saturation because again this is an expired film and i've pushed it so i'm pretty sure that um the saturation will be it will be over saturated if i don't straight away reduce the saturation you can see that obviously it wasn't exposed correctly i think i should have probably even calculated this a bit more but yeah as you can see as we increase the exposure and brightness it works pretty well and i'm quite satisfied i mean you know it's just a normal composition was just taken from a boat and there's nothing um let's say an intentional about it it was just like a recording of what i was seeing if that makes sense and so basically what i'm going to do now is i'm going to work these images um i'm going to obviously scan more and i'm going to continue throughout the day and then hopefully in a few hours i should have a handful of images if not more and then i'll be sharing them with you and i'll be sharing some thoughts some conclusions and yeah i'll be closing this video then so this has been all for today i had a lot of fun doing it of course i haven't done all of my roles otherwise we wouldn't leave and i literally wanted to do it all in one day to be kind of like faithful to the title so i've only shared a couple of my results but so far i'm pretty satisfied with what i'm seeing i'm also pretty happy with my minolta results these were the first rolls i've shot with this camera and i'm quite surprised i think it's quite sharp the lens and everything but i will be sharing my conclusions probably in the next few months as i shoot more and i gather more images and i'll put a video together about this camera and until then i'm just kind of left with these first images and i have to say that this video is also like for those of you that kind of like have a little bug and want to try developing you want to try scouting by yourselves it's definitely something that makes you a bit more involved with your work and in my experience particularly it has made me or it has made me aware of some of my mistakes what not to repeat and what worked what didn't work and kind of like put me a step closer to my images as i see them coming to life not just from pressing a shutter button but also like going through the developing process messing up the developing process doing all sorts of mistakes but also learning with that and scanning as well and trying different you know paths of scanning and i think this is definitely some one area that i want to try more and i want to see what i can do more which is scanning probably dslr scanning as well it's one of the options and something that i'll be exploring in the next year which sounds quite far away but it's just literally a couple of weeks away if that much and yeah i guess that i'm pretty satisfied with my results and i guess that this has been all for today i hope it has been helpful i'm going to leave some links down below to videos that can you know serve as tutorials and also links to my work so if you'd like to see what i've been doing in terms of like images in terms of like writing and etc and also if you'd like to support the channel you can do so with the links down below through buy me a coffee or to simply just comment like and all of that stuff that can be helpful so yeah it's been all for today and without further ado i'm gonna say my goodbyes so stay safe keep shooting film and i'll see you here for another video very soon peace
Channel: T. Hopper
Views: 4,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N77dMDrysIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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