A Day in the Life of the Sandia Science & Technology Park

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welcome to the Sandia Science and Technology Park a master plan technology community located in Albuquerque New Mexico affiliated with Sandia National Laboratories companies have easy access to world-class facilities technologies, scientists and engineers. From its stunning mountain views and bike paths to its pocket parks with exercise stations the Sandia Science and Technology Park provides an excellent blend of high quality technology with quality of life features and amenities. Join me as I spend a day in the life of the Sandia Science and Technology Park. let's check in with the park's executive director Jackie Kirby Moore who's given us an all-access pass to tour around the park. Thanks so much for having me around the Sandia Science and Technology Park today I cannot wait to see everything you guys have in store. There's so many wonderful companies here and I know you guys have a lot of technology and talent that I'm Dying to see. Well Nyika, we're very thrilled that you're here and can't wait for you to meet our great companies and all these scientists and engineers and see what they're up to here. I will report back at the end of the day and let you know how it went. Great, have a great day. Thank you. Let's start at the National Museum at Nuclear Science and History. We're meeting up with Jim Walther there to show us around museum well we are in the Manhattan Project exhibit here at the museum and this is a really unique exhibit because it has some really important artifacts that date way back to the forties to World War two in here in this exhibition you have some the artifacts from that time the National Museum here at the park is also home to a large Education section where kids can learn through myriad hands-on experiments making even chaplain albert Einstein this is Heritage Park this is a really important part of our material here so we do have a lot of airplanes and rockets and missiles we have essentially about seven acres out here where we can have those on display for people so we have be 47 a b52 a B-twenty nine this is the historic typeof airplane that was used to drop the bombs in ended World War two so we have a lot of very interesting material well the museum has been related to the history of the laboratories since it began in 1969 so with been around for 45 years sandia Science and Technology Park great neighbors great companies lots of families that really enjoy the museum and so we've just got a great thing going on great and now a look at one of the largest companies here at the park team Technologies Incorporated team isn't engineering facility and incubator for mechanical electrical firmware and software engineering within on-site manufacturing facility and electronic fabrication Department CEO Bob sacks will take us on a tour of the facility as we move along into this area these are CNC numeric control of three and four axis milling machine laying and what we do here we take that engineering data that we get up top in the engineering department and weary it down here and we we build a simulation a building that part on the computer once were satisfied with building that part on the computer that becomes the program that feeds into the machines that will build the park were back to donna we're me electrical manufacturing part a team right so what we have going on here well this is a this is a lying for building printed circuit boards and so what we do is this is a surface mount pick and place machine and we start of here with Rob Moore where we put the solder paste on and then it goes to this machine which actually places the components rapidly on the boards hand from from this position then it goes into curing in 2007 stage almond that cures the solder paste until it gets to this point the solders still like a peanut buttery substance until it comes out the other end to this that's when it actually hardened the solder in the components are firm in place each department works collaboratively on new products materials allowing for planning and testing and troubleshooting as the product moves from idea to creation let's take a lunch break want the unique amenities the park is also a growing cultural trend food trucks arrive daily to provide a fast and convenient way for park employees to grab a bite well I personal to the Korean tacos with their awesome there every Mondays come every monday it's convenient to go all the way out central find them it looks a lot more help on it is it is wonderful they have it's nice to not have to go to the same place every every day but let's dive into a few other park amenities I spoke with Jerry to hear about how the Sandia laboratory Federal Credit Union is built to help its tech base members what's actually really convenient I'm a lot of the companies that deal with the labs are high and technology which is the kind of clients that we lean towards so we had at the ability to help them of love the base since a lot of them can get on and we make it as convenient as possible for them for instance we open a lot earlier than other financial institutions so we originally open at 7:30 here in the drive thru so that way a lot of the employees that come here and work at the different companies at the parker able to do they're banking before they go into work building up the convenience of the credit union we move across the heart to the La Luz Early Childhood Center where parents can drop off their children from invents up to pre-k it's a it's a wonderful place for them to know that their children are gonna be nourished they're gonna be love you too and they're gonna be educated through early childhood education wonderful way to wonderful way to work I think the locale was the best arm it's right here by the base it's right here by the labs its period a busy place all the time and down that's probably the main reason why we are as busy as we are a truly unique factor lollies keeps teachers and children together for three years creating a bond that helps too near to the kids through their time at the center searle is one of the leading organizations at the sandia Science and Technology Park known for their collaborative environment I can't wait to see what they're doing in there that's good to get out to the area is really made to enhance collaboration communication innovation I am going eyeball trying to look at that across the latter not just here in Sorel so we're kind using this as a a pilot to really understand how the physical space influences people's ability to innovate but we're also telling the other things the psychosocial space is something the glory night talk about as well and that's kind of how people interact with the space itself Boston glory take us through sorrow and show us how they're changing the work environment exactly %uh the great thing about it is that there's no you know meetings to schedule or anything you just come to the board in easily write down your equations and have these informal meetings comes you really have to structure them just happens you know innovation is just one of the things usually will just happen internationally need a special room for you want to be able to do it on the fly innovation very flexible and open me 10 searle has three labs all incorporating afternoon glories philosophy to help bolster the efficiency and creativity at its employees every clay allow allows for cyber security tasks to be done in a group setting bringing many minds together to attack a problem the idea lab showcases a large touch screen kiosk which enables employees to share and discuss items and projects in a hands-on and collaborative way in the third lab the human performance lab I got to see firsthand how sarah is using EG technology to study patterns and how we see and think while sitting in front of the monitor Sinica how was your day I had the most incredible time learning all about bosnia Franklin Technology Park today I saw many companies I magnin amazing and intelligent people here Thailand collaboration and hope the wonderful amenities the right number everyone in the park thank you so much for having me back today I had a great time your welcome we sure appreciate you being out here thank you thank you thank you for joining me today as I tore this and yes signs & Technology Park from Alex at the atomic age to lie Salem and knees and from laboratories to collaborative environment the Sandia Science and Technology Park it's clearly where technology wake
Channel: Sandia National Labs
Views: 29,694
Rating: 4.6875 out of 5
Keywords: Sandia National Laboratories, Sandia Science & Technology Park, Partnerships, Albuquerque (City/Town/Village), New Mexico (US State), Business, Technology Transfer (Industry), Incubator (Invention), Technology (Industry)
Id: 5pVjCJDAyhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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