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[Music] so what drew me to Sandia was the idea of really working for a mission I really wanted a career where I felt like I could be improving the world in some way and with Sandhya's mission focus on national security I think that we really have the opportunity to have an impact broader than just within the laboratory but actually have some global impacts as well personally I think with regard to the mission work I think there's a tremendous amount of pride and value in knowing that you're contributing to a large infrastructure our mission is exceptional service in the national interest it helps make my community safer it makes my country safer it makes me want to work harder because I know it actually impacts people's lives so we do work in terms of chemical biological defense disaster preparedness of course nuclear weapons radiological detection cybersecurity or just a whole host of different problem you see the impact of your work on a daily basis the work that we do is tremendous and it is underpinning a lot of the national security and our safety so I'm proud to be a part of that contributions that they make are directly related to two tangible things that relate to the nation I've been able to have a lot of freedom pursue the type of work that I find interesting at the laboratory I've always been given the opportunity to address a new challenge answer a new problem work for a new sponsor and learn new things it's important to be able to evolve because you change your interests change your strengths develop and India provides the flexibility to adjust to every twist and turn I'm excited about work here because personally I'm very motivated by learning new things and also solving problems particularly problems that have significant impact and in this environment I have a very rich set of R&D problems that I can work on and try to solve we get to play with the newest greatest technology we get to integrate technologies from various areas into the national security realm I've seen some of my work be deployed around the world and it's humbling and it's an amazing experience to to have the opportunity to contribute to a solution that that has such widespread effect the sheer amount of talent that we have at India is staggering we get to work with great colleagues who are experts in their fields so really it's about pulling people from different backgrounds different skill sets and really finding that right team being able to come here to Sandia and feel part of the larger communities and it was a big deal to me from the get-go I felt like people knew who I was were interested to know my background but more importantly wanted to integrate me into the team very quickly I really liked the focus and professional development and how much Sandhya invests in early career professionals it's hard to replicate the stability the benefits that you get from working here I feel like I determined my destiny I determined my success if you're interested in a rewarding career working with great folks cutting-edge technology than Sandhya is a place that you should strongly consider if you want to go somewhere and be in an environment where you can talk to world leaders and world experts in a variety of fields as well as really be challenged yourself technically I mean scientifically I think Sandhya is a tremendous and great place to do it you know I feel like an important member of the team I feel I can contribute into the country and it's a great feeling to come to work I want the world's greatest brightest minds here so that we can work together and come up with new better solutions the reason I get up every morning to come to Sandia National Laboratories is to have high impact I know that when I go home at the end of the day I have accomplished something that's going to be bigger than myself you
Channel: Sandia National Labs
Views: 7,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sandia National Laboratories, Sandia jobs, Sandia careers, Sandia National Laboratories jobs, Sandia National Laboratories careers, national laboratory careers, national security, work that matters, careers, jobs, internships, Sandia New Mexico, Sandia California, Sandia Labs, R&D careers, R&D work, rewarding careers
Id: zxw2NB_1wsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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