A Day in the Life of North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un

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Who spends his lunch eating so much fancy cheese  and imported Kobe beef that he gave himself gout?  Who tours military production facilities  surrounded by tanks, then chugs expensive   imported whiskey and smokes fancy French  cigarettes while ordering mass executions?  Who invites former American basketball stars  to his massive palace when he’s not spending   his evening being serenaded by  his own personal girl group?  This would only be an average day for Kim Jong Un. Since being sworn in back in 2011 as the new head   of the country’s ruling dynasty, Kim Jong Un  has reigned as the Supreme Leader of North   Korea for over a decade. In that time, the man has  garnered a reputation as one of the most fearsome,   powerful, and controversial figures on the  world stage, thanks to his totalitarian regime,   ongoing tensions with the United States,  Japan, and, of course, South Korea,   and the constant fear over his access to nuclear  weapons. His tenure in his position of power is   characterized by his ruthless consolidation of  power and a dramatic, unsettling acceleration of   the country’s nuclear weapons program. And yet, despite his high profile,   there is very little that’s actually known about  Kim Jong Un’s personal, day-to-day life. Just   what does somebody do when they’ve got all that  time, money, and power at their disposal? Well,   we’d be willing to bet that he probably doesn’t  spend all his time wandering the halls of his   palace and singing about how lonely he is, like  his dad used to - And that’s about the only Team   America joke we can get away with here on YouTube. Joking aside, we’ve scoured our way through   reports about the secretive lifestyle of North  Korea’s diabolical dictator to find out just what   goes on in a day in the life of Kim Jong Un. Now, not everyone’s a morning person,   but we would imagine that having to live  your life with the near-constant threat   of assassination attempts would be enough to  keep even the toughest person awake at night.  It has long been reported that Kim Jong Un has  often struggled with insomnia, brought on by   the stress of his position and the dangers it  also brings. Having all that power might sound   like a safe and secure position to hold, but  it brings with it plenty of potential threats   to his life. Due to this, he is thought to have a  somewhat erratic sleep pattern, not waking up at   a regular time each morning. Instead, the time he  gets up is likely subject to change depending on   what was occupying his time on the previous day. Most of us start our mornings with a warm cup of   coffee, and it’s possible that Kim Jong Un is  no exception to that. It’s been reported that   Kim often starts his day with Brazilian coffee,  which is considerably more expensive. Brazil is   the largest coffee-producing country in the  world, and a high quantity of their coffee is   imported into North Korea –an estimated  900,000 US dollars’ worth of it a year.  However, this coffee isn’t for everyone, and is  hoarded for Kim Jong Un and his staff; sadly,   it’s not a luxury the people of North Korea  can afford, given that around sixty percent of   citizens are living below the poverty line  – all thanks to Kim’s totalitarian regime.  It’s been speculated that exercise doesn’t play  much of a part in Kim Jong Un’s daily routine,   unless you count exercising his dictatorial power  over his country. He also doesn’t seem to have the   diet of a person who is all that conscious about  his health. There has even been intelligence   gathered by South Korea that implies Kim Jong Un  might actually be obese - if you couldn’t tell   just by looking at the guy - as well as suffering  from high blood pressure and diabetes. He’s known   to be fonder of richer, more indulgent  foods over those that are more nutritious.  For example, the Supreme Leader is  particularly fond of Emmental cheese,   possibly stemming from his time as a student  in Switzerland at the International School   of Berne. That’s right - Kim was schooled in  Switzerland under a fake name so he could receive   a first-rate education. Strangely, he was actually  described as a good student, being shy but polite,   and being an extremely ardent fan of basketball  - particularly with Michael Jordan. Kim’s   basketball obsession has never faded and will  come out in a particularly strange way later.  In 2009, an alleged school friend of Kim's  came forward to the Washington Post with more   details of Kim’s day-to-day activities during  his student years. According to the friend,   young Kim enjoyed doodling - mainly sketching  members of the Chicago Bulls, his favorite   basketball team - and was an ardent gamer. He was  also a big fan of Jackie Chan's Kung Fu movies. We   have no idea whether he keeps up with Mr. Chan’s  filmography to this day, or if he still plays   computer games, but we know he never stopped  eating like a particularly gluttonous Swiss.  It is possibly even thanks to his indulgent diet  that Kim Jong Un may have developed gout. While   hearing that word might immediately call to mind  mental images of disease-ridden medieval England,   gout is actually a form of arthritis that is still  somewhat common; in fact, in the United States,   cases of gout have increased over the past  twenty years to the point where it affects   around three percent of the population. It is  caused by a build-up of uric acid in the body,   which has been linked to weight gain,  particularly from consuming richer foods.   Saltier fish can contribute to this, and wouldn’t  you know, Kim Jong Un is a big fan of sushi.  A regular part of Kim’s diet is special sushi  made from tuna, which is high in fat, as well   as shark fin soup. While this is considered to  be something of a delicacy in parts of the world,   shark fin soup also contributes to declining  shark populations thanks to the hunting involved,   threatening to drive certain species towards  extinction - So it’s not just other humans   that Kim’s daily routine has been killing. Kim Jong Un has also been known to order   top-quality pork all the way from Denmark, caviar  that he has delivered from Iran, Chinese melon,   and steaks of Kobe beef, a delicacy from  Japan. Kim spares no expense when it   comes to feeding himself and his inner circle  with the best cuisine from around the world.  While it is not known exactly how much he spends  on food, the total is estimated to be in the   millions, just like the millions of North Korean  citizens struggling to gain access to healthy,   nutritious sources of food while their  Supreme Leader enjoys so many extravagant   dishes that it’s affecting his health. Speaking of his health, excessive alcohol   intake is another factor that might also have  contributed to Kim developing gout. Sure enough,   Kim Jong Un is partial to a lot of expensive  liquors, reportedly spending the equivalent of   thirty million US dollars on importing some of the  most luxury brands for him and his inner circle.  He’s believed to be fond of higher-end brands  of whiskey and cognac, like the famously smooth   Hennessy – the more expensive bottles of  which can run up to over $2000 in the United   States. Some of his other favorites reportedly  include vodka imported directly from Russia,   champagne, and – perhaps most bizarrely  – snake wine. Originating from China,   this strange beverage is produced by infusing  rice wine or grain alcohol… with an entire snake.  Only the bessssst for the Supreme Leader. Kim Jong Un’s penchant for knocking back a   few glasses of the hard stuff seems to have  only increased in recent years. In 2023,   he turned thirty-nine, and this apparently  brought with it a wave of concern over his   worsening health and the rapid approach  of the dreaded four-zero: turning forty.  Whether he’s drinking a lot because  of a mid-life crisis or not,   Kim Jong Un has long been thought  to be something of a party animal,   staying up all night drinking just like his  dad… who also had gout, as did Kim Il-sung,   Kim Jong Un’s grandfather and the founder  of North Korea. Kim’s older brother,   Kim Jong Nam, also suffered from gout. But despite his many health concerns,   Kim Jong Un has an entire team of scientists on  hand who are dedicated to finding ways to extend   his lifespan. According to a researcher named  Hyenong-soo Kim, who fled from North Korea,   Kim Jong Un has a team of medics continuously  looking into ways to keep the dictator   healthy despite his indulgent lifestyle. The Longevity Institute was established   specifically for this purpose, with the goal  of finding a way to circumvent or prevent the   symptoms of the cardiovascular and diabetic  problems brought on by the Supreme Leader’s   unhealthy diet. Unfortunately for those working at  the institute, finding other obese people in North   Korea to conduct studies is difficult, given  that most of the population is malnourished.  It’s also worth pointing out that you probably  don’t need to be a scientist to tell Kim Jong   Un that the solution to his problems is probably  more sleep, and less fancy cheese and expensive   booze - though you’d probably end up in a  forced labor camp for pointing this out.  Back to his routine, and after what is likely  an indulgent and lavish breakfast, Kim Jong Un’s   morning activities typically include a series  of orchestrated visits to munitions factories,   naval shipyards, and other industrial centers  that bolster North Korea’s military strength.  These visits are all a facet of the widespread  propaganda campaign that has engulfed the country,   specifically designed to portray Kim as a  leader who deeply cares about the ordinary   working people of North Korea. But if his life  of luxury compared to the abject suffering and   struggles of those people says anything,  it betrays how much he actually cares about   Korean citizens – which is to say, not a lot. Still, his carefully crafted image is intended   to boost the general opinion of Kim Jong Un among  the people of North Korea, as well as to further   uphold the country’s nationalistic ideals. If you  want an idea as to how insidious the propaganda of   North Korea is, you need only look out across the  Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.  There, you’ll see Gijungdong, a seemingly  idyllic village that is intentionally made   to look appealing to those in the South in  an attempt to persuade them to defect to   North Korea. Kim Jong Un even called for a new  propaganda campaign in 2022 amid North Korea’s   economic struggles as a way to ‘boost morale’ –  or, more likely, to bolster his own independent   and militaristic goals for the country,  with the aid of the Workers’ Party Congress.  Officials in Pyongyang even restrict foreign  visitors and journalists from taking photos   within North Korea, intentionally turning  international attention away from the inherent   bleakness of a country where so many are living  in poverty. Not the Supreme Leader, though.  Here’s an example of propaganda intersecting  with Kim Jong Un’s lavish way of living:   according to some North Korean school textbooks,  Kim was a child prodigy who learned to drive at   the age of only three years old. While that seems  highly unlikely, what is undoubtedly true is that   he owns an extensive garage of luxury cars.  Vehicles like this aren’t typically imported   to North Korea, but Kim Jong Un has the resources  to get his hands on a number of high-end cars. His   favorite brands include Mercedes Benz and BMWs,  and he apparently owns up to a hundred cars.  It is actually illegal for citizens of North Korea  to freely travel around the country or leave on   international flights without the express approval  of Kim Jong Un’s government. Many have braved   this capital offense – and even risked death for  themselves and their families – in order to defect   to South Korea. Meanwhile, Kim Jong Un himself is  often seen being ferried around in luxury limos,   driving him to his various public appearances. Given his prominent status, being able to appear   at his various propaganda visits means that Kim  relies heavily on a tight-knit security detail,   having his very own equivalent of the  Secret Service at his disposal. However,   his security also has rather specific criteria  that they have to meet in order to protect   the Supreme Leader. His bodyguards must be no  taller than five feet and five inches tall, the   same height as Kim himself. This is so as not to  make the Supreme Leader look… well, not supreme.  If he appears to be shorter or in any way  physically inferior or less imposing than   his security detail, then it undermines his  image as a powerful and indomitable ruler.  Of course, having a lot of firepower certainly  helps to reinforce that image, too. Kim Jong Un   is normally escorted by several large armored  tanks mounted with machine guns to protect him   from potential threats whenever he is out in the  open. As well as offering substantial firepower,   having military vehicles in his presence also  serves to emphasize Kim Jong Un’s goal of building   a powerful military force in the face of what he  considers to be hostile policies from the United   States and other nations around the world. Kim has often clung to a lot of the same   policies that his father promoted, including a  strategy of promoting North Korea’s isolation   and independence from the rest of the world,  building its own strength by expanding its   nuclear weapons program. Although, Kim Jong Un  has often emphasized that the growing number   of weapons in North Korea are intended to  defend the country, not start a war. Still,   it’s always unsettling seeing anyone surrounded by  tanks and trucks showing off his latest missiles.  Whenever he heads off on international visits,  Kim Jong Un’s security measures only increase.   He’s often been known to make use of not one but  three separate planes, with two of them acting   as decoys to avoid the risk of anyone knowing  exactly where he’s due to arrive at any given   time. This meticulous approach to staying  safe, the heightened security and secrecy   surrounding him, seem to give the impression  of someone who is both powerful and paranoid,   possibly expecting some form of retaliation  against him for his treatment of his citizens.  Fear of being assassinated doesn’t seem to stop  Kim from using his power to lead a frivolous   lifestyle. Whenever taking brief breaks from his  oh-so-busy schedule, Kim Jong Un can sometimes be   found aboard his custom-designed yacht. Owning a yacht is a pipe dream for most   ordinary people around the world, with hardly  any of us even achieving the wealth required   to buy even a lower-end kind of boat.  For those impoverished in North Korea,   the likelihood of owning a yacht is even further  away. And yet, Kim Jong Un has a 200-foot-long   yacht worth between seven and eight million US  dollars. Its nickname? ‘Princess.’ How adorable.  Once again evidencing Kim’s indulgent lifestyle,  it’s been speculated that he could easily afford   a larger vessel, given the estimated equivalent of  five billion US dollars at his disposal, but he’s   apparently grown attached to the familiarity  and comfort provided by his top-of-the-line   yacht. His little Princess, if you will. Of course, being on the water can get a   little boring, but luckily for the Supreme Leader,  he can always spend his downtime at the Masikryong   Ski Resort. This thirty-five million dollar  resort was developed at the behest of Kim Jong   Un in order to drive up tourism in North Korea  and increase the amount of foreign visitors.   And who wouldn’t want to vacation in a place  that has skiing and human rights violations?  Located at the summit of Taehwa Peak, Masikryong  Ski Resort was constructed in just ten short   months. While it was intended to drum up interest  from tourists, a potential additional motivating   factor is that Kim himself is supposedly a big  fan of the sport. He even described the resort   as impeccable, boasting several wood cabin  rooms, a spa, a restaurant, and a combined   one hundred and ten kilometers of slopes. However, despite all the amenities on offer,   Masikryong Ski Resort is reportedly mostly unused  and is kept open by armies of workers, including   men, women, and, most worryingly, children. Providing skiing or yachting doesn’t take up   too much of his time, Kim might still have room in  the day to oversee some of his political dealings.   For example, orchestrating executions. Kim Jong  Un has ordered the deaths of over 340 people   since he came to power in 2011, utilizing  a variety of methods, including the alleged   use of anti-aircraft guns and even flamethrowers.  Seemingly, nobody is safe from his brutal forms of   capital punishment, including members of his own  family. Both Kim Jong Un’s uncle and half-brother   were executed at the Supreme Leader’s behest. Jang Song-thaek, Kim’s uncle, was branded as a   traitor and accused of a litany of crimes  – from plotting to overthrow the state to   introducing disastrous reforms of North Korea’s  currency. Jang had married into the first family   following his wedding to Kim Kyong Hui, one of  Kim Jon Il’s sisters. Although he had aided Kim   Jong Un in cementing his authority, Jang was  reportedly a reformist who felt North Korea   should open its doors to the world. Following a military tribunal,   Jang was stripped of his role within North  Korea’s Workers’ Party and then put to death.   Some rumors even indicate that Jang’s headless  body was shown to other North Korean officials,   with his head sitting on the body’s chest.  However, that rumor comes from the mouth of former   President and occasional Kim Jong Un admirer,  Donald Trump. So, take it with a grain of salt.  The assassination of Kim Jong Nam has been more  widely reported on, given that it occurred at an   airport in Malaysia, not on North Korean soil. Kim  Jong Nam had, for a time, been reported to be the   favored successor to Kim Jong Il, but seemingly  fell out of favor and was exiled in 2003.  In 2017, he was approached by two women at Kuala  Lumpur International Airport who threw a liquid   into his face. This was actually a VX nerve agent  that killed Kim Jong Nam in approximately fifteen   minutes. According to reports, the two women –  Siti Aisyah from Indonesia and Đoàn Thị Hương   from Vietnam – were approached by North Korean  agents who misled the pair of them into believing   they were taking part in a TV prank show, and  told to throw the nerve agent at Kim Jong Nam.  While these two women subsequently had the charges  of murder dropped, it is widely believed that Kim   Jong Nam was intentionally murdered at the  behest of his half-brother, Kim Jong Un.  After a busy day of being the face of a  propaganda campaign, enjoying expensive   food, and ordering assassinations, Kim Jong Un no  doubt must get exhausted. So, he likes to unwind,   and what better way to do that than at  his own personal indoor movie theater?  Boasting a 1000-seat capacity, the Supreme Leader  probably puts his feet up and maybe even enjoys   a cigarette while he watches a movie. While he’s  rumored to be a heavy smoker, Kim is hardly likely   to buy just any old cigarettes from behind a store  counter. Ever one for the finer things in life,   Kim Jong Un reportedly smokes the variety  produced by French designer Yves Sait   Laurent – that costs $44 a pack here in the US. As for what Kim likes watching, he’s apparently   a fan of Godzilla movies, as well as a follower  of the NBA. See? We told you it’d come back.  Kim’s enduring love for basketball is evidenced  by Kim Jong Un’s surprising friendship with former   NBA star Dennis Rodman. Kim has invited Rodman  to Pyongyang multiple times, and the basketball   player has even sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to the  dictator on the court. According to the former   Chicago Bulls player, who has described himself  as a ‘friend for life’ of the Supreme Leader,   Kim Jong Un also makes occasional retreats to his  own private luxury island, similar to places like   Ibiza or Hawaii. Oh, and he also gifted Kim  with a copy of The Art of the Deal by – yep,   here he is again – Donald Trump. When he’s not hanging out in the   company of disgraced former basketball players,  Kim has a group of women taken from classrooms   across North Korea to keep him company. For  entertainment, he also has his own hand-picked,   all-girl pop band called the Moranbong Band,  known for hits like their debut song ‘Do Prosper,   Era of the Workers’ Party.’ It’ll sweep  the funky house scene any day now!  Despite its associations with the Western  world, Kim Jong Un also apparently has a   fondness for Disney movies, seen enamored with  costumed versions of Tigger and Minnie Mouse   that appeared in a musical on state-run  television, which also featured early   Disney animated classics like Dumbo and Snow  White playing on a screen in the background.  Then, at the end of the day, Kim Jong Un returns  to his palace, which spans over 4.5 miles,   and contains an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a  shooting range, and even a water slide. As ever,   his luxury lifestyle contrasts with the  lives of ordinary North Korean people,   who struggle to feed their families while  the Supreme Leader spends his evenings   partying and feasting on more expensive food. It’s worth remembering exactly why Kim Jong Un is   so famous – or rather infamous – around the world.  Some of the sparse details about his secretive   life can make him seem like an outlandish figure,  but he’s still the dictator of an entire country,   not just another a celebrity with an  extravagant lifestyle. We’re still   pretty curious about that snake wine, though… Now check out “How Cruel Is North Korean Leader   Kim Jong-Un? And More Life Inside North  Korea Stories.” Or watch this instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 236,878
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Id: Cw2Nry-MD5E
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Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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