A Day in the Life of an Oxford Computer Science Student

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i studied computer science at the university of oxford and today i thought i'd share with you a typical day in my life computer science is often regarded as one of the more rigorous courses in oxford meaning that i try to get up early in order to maximize the number of hours i have to study i set my alarm for 7 30 am to try and get a nice fresh start for the day i also set a few other alarms in case i ever sleep which tends to happen and can often be by quite a significant amount i do normally however successfully wake up at 7 30 where i then proceed to do one of my most important morning rituals consuming caffeine i like to take a conservative approach to the amount of instant coffee powder i use just enough to kind of get me through the day really at oxford we're all about efficiency and multitasking meaning that whilst i slip in my coffee i'd like to take the time to also pray to the confused lions gods before i start my day i then tend to take my first nap of the day around this time but instead of being woken up by an alarm i let the caffeine eventually take its effect to get me out of bed after having an inspiring breakfast brushing and showering i then set off to the library so guys i'm currently headed to trinity college which is the college i go to i'm gonna be studying in the library inside the college which is pretty nice library so hopefully i'll actually get some work done last year i actually lived an on-site accommodation inside the college so the library was right next to me but now i live in off-site accommodation in north oxford so we'll walk about like 25 minutes to get to college which is not bad at all but thinking about how nice it was last year still makes me cry inside it's currently exam season so today i'm going to be revising databases in particular i'm going to be going over database indexes such as b plus tree indexes hash indexes that kind of thing looks pretty nice outside today as well so the walk should be quite good but yeah let's get going [Music] i love you [Music] for some periods of time the work can go quite well in the library and for some periods of time the work can go quite badly or in some cases just non-existent when i'm bored of studying i often take a break to consume even more caffeine there's a really nice coffee shop called the missing bean which serves some pretty banging cappuccinos if i want to procrastinate even more i also often go for a walk in a park in central oxford called uni parks [Music] it actually has a great walking path and the summer looks pretty nice and going for a walk that really helps take your mind off your work and allow yourself to recuperate before eventually getting back to the grind i continue studying until about five at which point i then hit the college gym in hopes that one day i will actually have muscle mass i follow a push-pull legs routine at the moment and technically should be going six times a week by the moment i aim for about every other day uh but often don't even do that after the gym i then have a vibey walk back to my flat and make some dinner [Music] [Applause] i then proceed to do the post dinner work grind so guys in the library today i managed to get through database indices as i talked about earlier now i need to go through how given an sql query you would decide what indices you'd actually want to use to be able to process the query in the quickest way i actually did like a bit of this stuff in the library but i got really confused on it so i'm gonna be going through it again now and hopefully i get it or maybe i won't but yeah let's get to it um i will see how much work i can do before basically i'm too tired to do any more [Music] after finishing around 11 i kind of laze around on my phone for a bit of time [Music] before eventually managing to get sleep and then repeat obviously the day wasn't that eventful but that is honestly what kind of happens in a typical day in my life at the moment i hope you guys enjoyed watching that and as always if you have any questions or just want to leave some comment i will reply to every single comment because at the moment i don't have any views so it's not really that big an issue and i will see you guys in the next video welcome to this college
Channel: Abhi
Views: 36,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer science, oxford, day in the life, a day in the life, university of oxford, vlog, cs, coding, university, college, day in my life, studying, oxford vlog, day in the life of a computer science student, how to get into oxford, tech, software engineering, maths, programming, cambridge, cambridge computer science, oxford computer science, top university, eve bennett, thisismani, alex liu, faang, day in the life of a harvard computer science student, day in the life of an oxford student
Id: usWPV5z_cpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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