A Day in the Life of an Animal Control Officer

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oh [Music] [Music] uh my name is eric gonzalez uh i've been working for santa clara county animal control um for about four years now another call just came in so here i have my cell phone here and it gives me alerts whenever someone at the office puts a call in a box so as you can see here it says the address off of crackmont avenue and what that is it's it's a confined cat that uh that's on the property it's a feral cat as you can see there's a lot of feral cats around here you're going to see them just jumping around so another interesting uh service that we offer here at the county is the tnr program which is trap neuter release so whenever someone has feral cats on their property we like to assist them and to minimize the amount of kittens if you can see if you want to go ahead and put the camera here if you can see the ear it looks like it has a notch on the ear this one might be fixed already so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get a microchip scanner and i'm going to go see that how you doing it might be you know you know what i think so is because his ears not but i'm not sure he might be let me go ahead and get my scanner and see if he is fixed [Music] you know what he might not be fixed i'm not seeing the reader here yeah yeah you see the cut here it's not a really clean cut on the gear oh no he's fixed if you can see here he's fixed 981 that's a that's his microchip number he was fixed here at the shelter so i'm going to go ahead and release them and we're going to go ahead and set this trap up again right racing we're going to see if we can get another one once this trap's actually dirty since it went inside here we're going to go ahead and disinfect it i like the the wildlife calls the one we're going to be going to right now the bobcat that one's really cool i haven't seen many bobcats in the county that are alive so this is going to be a really interesting call [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're gonna go ahead and get going um we have him we have it open for him he'll go ahead and run out when he wants to as you can see he's just a little scared right now i've been having a lot of people all day looking at him so we're going to leave him alone and uh let's see within maybe probably the next 30 minutes or so he could find his way out of here doors wide open so this is the alum rock area of san jose i would say this is personally this is my favorite area to work uh the reason why i like working this area is because uh of the amount of activity going on here usually when you're just patrolling through the neighborhoods you see a lot of animals just running around and uh that's something i really enjoy doing is is just relocating the dogs to their owners you know returning them that always makes me happy it always makes them happy too sometimes they'll be missing their dog for a day or a couple of days and i'll find it and sometimes it has a microchip sometimes it doesn't uh and usually when when they do have microchips we do return to the owners which is really good and which is we why we really encourage everyone microchips or dogs we're here to make sure that they stay inside their homes and that they're not running around you know running around the street um and and that's another reason why we really promote or you know the spay neuter program is because we want to prevent you know these wondering dogs from from going out usually when they're not you know when they're not fixed they like to go out there and eat and they want to find another another dog and and next thing you know it the owner of the dog's having puppies and they don't know what to do with them so that's why we're really big on the spay neuter program i feel like it's it's a big help especially here in these areas where you know the dogs tend to get out well i would say a lot of people do know me here in this area because you know i a lot of the times i just drive around patrol you know patrol the area and and just get to know the the members of the community as well you know and someone always remembers when you return their dog or if you help them you know fix your animal uh you know could get expensive at times and people just don't have the time to uh to transport the animal and uh you know or take the dog you know or take their pet to the vet themselves so that's why you know that that program is really appreciated i feel like it leaves a big impact on the community so we're gonna go right here uh this is crystalline court um i was driving around last week and i saw the dog running around a straight little puppy and i returned it to the owner and i offered the spay neuter program so they accepted let's see if they're actually home eric from santa clara county animal control i met with you last week in regards to uh picking up princess for you guys and having her fixed so unfortunately no one's home um yeah i'd like to pick up the dog today uh just so then you know so the surgeries for tomorrow and the vet will be ready to just do it immediately in the morning but since no one's home uh we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna drive around do some other calls and maybe drive around here later maybe in a few hours maybe someone will be home and i can just pick up the dog and go from there so over the weekend we had we had a cat come in with a broken leg unfortunately we don't have a veterinarian on staff during the weekends so whenever that happens we bring them to the emergency vet hospital over here in campbell off of 901 dell avenue it's medved so what we do is we drop off the cats there and they provide care for the cats over the weekend they stabilize the cat and we go ahead and pick it up on monday and bring it back to our shelter to have our uh county veterinarians take a look at the cash [Music] hi this is santa clara county animal control i brought in an injured cat over the weekend and i'm just here to pick him up yeah he's gonna have surgery today he's gonna get his leg amputated but we're definitely gonna have all that take a look and see if that's the procedure that needs to happen very sweet little kitten he's just in some pain right now [Music] yeah very sweet want to check to see if uh the owners of the dog on chrisland are there we got princess here we're gonna take princess back to the shelter for a spay neuter transport um so she's gonna be around the truck we'll get back to the shelter we'll impound her and she'll be ready for her surgery tomorrow across the bus stop of san and teresa and laguna avenue literally directly across the street it looks like a coyote so usually when we see any dead animals while we're patrolling we always pick them up wildlife domestic doesn't matter the only animals we don't pick up are squirrels squirrels and rodents so anything other than that goes in our truck so one last thing that i want to that i want to go over with you guys whenever i get out you always want to make sure that there's no traffic you want to make sure that you're pulled over in a safe area as you can see here uh i'm not directly blocking traffic but what i always want to do as a precaution is i want to put on these amber lights here so i put these on and if you look in the back of the truck the lights are on so traffic coming can see that i'm that i'm parked over here we're all done it's pretty much the end of the day i'm gonna go ahead and impound the dog and have it scheduled for tomorrow for spay neuter i love being outside i love helping out the community and i love working with animals so this job is it's great [Music] you
Channel: County of Santa Clara Animal Services
Views: 41,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bQPweD6MF8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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