A Day In The Life Of A UX Designer: Battling Meeting Overload As An Introvert

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[Music] it's one thing that I don't really love about my job [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] when you're a ux designer one thing I did realize is that you are in a lot of meetings it's one thing that I don't really love about my job today is especially bad because I won't have time to really eat lunch this is very unusual it doesn't happen often but I for some reason I'm like scared I'm like nervous that I can't eat lunch because I turn into like the devil of hrin my biggest rules like I don't like to eat at my desk during lunch so I'm going to have to break that today just to give you a sneak peek of my meeting so these are all my meetings today the blue are like real meetings and then orange is like kind of for myself to where I'm like don't [Music] disturb oh yeah [Music] story it's called the story okay and here's an example of a userflow format so I need to make a call and I need to consume data to better understand my customer the problem that we have today is that it is not easy to achieve those goals today we will not be showing any finalized naming or content visual explainability of it uh and when I say that I mean like the color palette are we using an icon what kind of icon that will not be included and then the layout of the design itself will also not be included they're still exploring and considering various options to test and gain insights from users that will ultimately help us flesh out and increase that design Fidelity got out of a Triad sync um if you know don't know what that is and like every company has a different phrasing for it but here it's engineering design and product management we talk about what we're working in the week what we're prioritizing this is where becoming a ux designer all also can be a little tricky because you have to have conversations with two other teams and like you're all very much equal and you can't move forward if all three of you align luckily today I feel good I feel good about the direction that we're going in um it's really clear I'm going to work on three sketches because I need to get those done by tomorrow Engineers are going to look at it and try and assess the level of effort once they figure out this is really high level of effort this is medium this is low we can prioritize that based off of customer value and impact and basically the quick wins would be the ones that have high customer impact and low engineering effort you okay mister also want to show you the best tool I've ever used for wire framing obviously besides pen and paper once I do that I like to put them into digital tools and this is the tool it's called excal Draw it is like lifechanging for me this really helps my workflow out and I've also been able to tell teams like what the vision is what I'm looking to do and then from there if we get agreement then we can put them into figma and move higher into [Music] Fidelity it's okay are you feeling a little better it's it's so weird how that works I had the same thing like 2 weeks ago yeah no worries no stupid questions here and that's the thing like I wanted to kind of gauge or get a temp check from you two okay cool did you just want me to run through the bullet points or did you have any questions before we [Music] all right so work is over I'm going to go out to dinner this restaurant in San Diego called Choy Choice also this is my outfit if you'd like to watch more videos about how I became a ux designer with absolutely zero experience make sure that you watch this video next
Channel: mimi michi
Views: 1,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux design, ux, user experinece, ux career, product designer
Id: -IYowZ2cLgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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