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hello everyone its Alena and I'm back whenever video and know this is not a joke I did actually get up at 4 a.m. that day I sometimes get up at 4 but not every day but yeah I'm just a morning person so mornings are my more productive time and as always I get out of bed immediately because I know otherwise it's just not gonna happen and then I just weekly go to the bathroom to wash my face and get dressed for the day to just feel more ready to start the day and be productive and the next thing I do is always make my bed because if I don't make my bed I know I will fall back into it and then I do my makeup to look less sleepy and just a little bit more awake and I wasn't feeling too productive that day so I decided to just quickly pack all my things in the bag and go to the library because the library is my more productive spot so I put in my ear pods and grabbed my back and then I went on to put on my coat because it is super super cold in the morning especially here in Cambridge it is always pretty chilly but at 5:00 a.m. trust me you want to wear a big fluffy coat so once I had all of my things ready I just then walked out of my dorm room to get to the library [Music] [Music] [Music] since the library isn't staffed at this time you need to use your car to get in because you can only get in without a car when there is someone there just to make sure that nobody who should be there uses the library and then I walked up to the top floor which is the flow of all the law books and since I'm a law student that's kind of like the floor where I usually go and then just sat down there and yeah basically started doing my readings for jurisprudence because it was Friday and I had a supervision for jurisprudence on Sunday so I just need to get some readings done and yeah that's pretty much how I spent my morning I left a library around seven o'clock and then I went back to the room to eat breakfast with my roommate normally I have breakfast in debauchery but she had brought some cupcakes from London and we just wanted to eat them and yes I know a cookie dough cupcake isn't really healthy for breakfast but you know what it was really good and then I walked off to the faculty so here you can see how John's looks like when there's actually some daylight and in the Faculty I didn't have a lecture on 211 so I just went to the library to do some more work because that's pretty much you know the essence of my day just doing a lot of readings taking notes in them and I just try to get in as much reading time as I can throughout my day so whenever I get to spend some time in the library I use it and try to do my best to be productive [Music] as you can see I try to use a mix of reading and then taking some notes on it just to make sure that I don't get you're tired because when you keep doing the same thing just reading or just taking notes it gets a little boring so I just try to bury it between t2 and then I had a lecture on land law we're currently doing mortgages so we were talking about the rights of the borrower and the rights of the bank and it is honestly a really really interesting topic so always take notes on my iPad in lectures and then my day was over in terms of lectures and any of our scheduled classes so I went to the University Library with a friend of mine and that library is really close to the faculty so it's like a two minute walk and there is also a tea room in the university library which is amazing because you can just quickly grab lunch there and then you can just take all your stuff go to the next room and study and the food is really really good there so I would HIGHLY highly recommend it and after that I went to the main reading room of the University which is the place of positive peer pressure I can't put it differently because everybody's working there and I just tried to take as many notes on my text as I could so that I would be prepared for my Sunday supervision hi this is a little break from the voiceover so I'm back in my room it is 4 p.m. now and in the time that has passed since I've been in the UL I'd had an interview for an exchange program obviously I couldn't vlog there and then I also had a committee meeting but I came to University human rights law society and I didn't vlog that either because it's honestly not very interesting and I also don't want to get anybody accidentally on camera who doesn't want to be um so now I'm back in my room I have an hour until my next event of the day which is digital verification corpse so that is a group of students who work for MSC international and basically we look at footage of human rights violations and we determine whether it's real or not so that then helps Amnesty it or you know information for reports for evidence and it's just a way of making sure that people are held accountable it's really really great to do it but it's obviously something that can sometimes be a bit tough because you see things that can be very very hard to process but it's something really really great to do so I'm so so happy that I'm part of it and I'm gonna go there for free hours so I'm gonna be back by 8:00 and we're gonna see what we're gonna do with the rest of the day now I'm gonna use a bit of time that I have to write a post for my little website why just talk about legal topics that interest me yeah I'm not sure if I can finish it but I just know that I wouldn't use this 1 hour very productively I think my brain needs a little break from just reading about jurisprudence so that's what I'm gonna do now with my time I think I change into something more comfortable so my couch and just write a little bit for nod and yeah then we're gonna go off to DBC and then here's me writing the blog post I didn't finish it that night but just finish it the next day is a quite interesting post on Nazi tattoos and weather day legal if you're interested I'm gonna put a link in the description box below and it was time to go to the DBC which is pretty close to where I live but I can't show you guys exactly where we are but it is a really really cool group of people and we just did some verifying you know tracking down places trying to figure out where pictures were taken and I also brought a sandwich because well it was five trades so was hungry and then I went back to my room and I decided to be a little bit more productive but I was honestly feeling quite tired so I just took a few notes on some more pages that I had read to make sure that I don't leave that to the next day because it's usually easier to just take notes when you still remember what you were thinking while you were highlighting up here all the notes that I took that day seven pages of notes isn't bad maybe I could have done a little more but honestly I'm quite happy with the outcome and they look really organized when I think I did an okay job of making them so yeah and then it was time for me to take off my makeup and get ready to go to bed because I was honestly very tired so here's me falling into bed at 8:45 yeah PQ neo but honestly I was tired and so yeah that's the day in my life thank you so much for watching have a nice day bye
Channel: Elena Handtrack
Views: 2,891,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, cambridge, cambridge university, law, law school, student, vlog, england, studying, productive, study, productivity
Id: fK9v4BNoXBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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