A Day in LA With Pro Skater Torey Pudwill | FIELD DAY

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and then when you're skating in California you're like dude these spots are actually pretty jacked yeah but those imperfections are what makes it skateable I drove eight hours the other day down in northern Arizona just to go try to shoot this photo yeah yeah it just came out in the new Thrasher - no way yeah we should go to the shop later today and see if they got it yeah yeah I got that made check that out CCS calm really coming this is a quality service yeah dude they didn't know what they did they delivered me to they gave me an extra one they're hype that wasn't enough Plan B true video the dude Josh we shot the photo he came over here and brought it to me as a gift I had him sign it it was pretty cool then not so awful like someone like hands you off a gift like that when I was like 12 I had a key to the shorties skatepark so I go down there I was like ten minutes from my house all the homies would be hitting me up remember one time scuba hit me up like he's like nah pete i'm with pj ladd like we go to the park I was like what no way it's bears beanbag bears the best they're both girls bears eight and just goes gonna be six you're getting old bear you're going bald in your face her whole face used to be black she's going gray I guess we could leave it any time I forgot yeah let's go to people's park down the street man now homie there in seven different keys oh this is hot new board new shoes better than most nice what up dude long time no see dude all right you doing hey Yancy man come into the skate a little bit [Music] [Music] - hot maybe cooler I warmed up literally Joey hit me up while we were there said he's at some ledges so I think we should go there oh my god he's facetiming us see about 35 minutes all right cool you hungry no no it's good it's good let's go to the ledges dude I know Joey for so long didn't see our K days it's like 2001 or 2002 this is LA no traffic I like the way it feels press the button social media ready USC Rose Garden ledges famous game part it's the streets oh I thought we skate parks yeah we skate streets all right Tony huh can I land the laser you want me to doing right now it's just I need a laser flip you gotta do a kickflip see I told him if you do a kickflip first I'll give them a board yeah your dude yeah yeah yeah [Music] cereal that means you want to get on earlier right [Music] [Music] [Applause] great uplift a million bucks right here he lands it here dude I'll get you a ninja - ninja turtle ice cream yo late to the job you did it sick alright later dude anything on my birthday I'm probably not gonna come oh man come on freeze out oh my god the world go home Joey don't write out my window it's my window we out leaving the Rose Garden ledges and we're getting away from Joey oh my god he's calling us where do I go trick ok downtown LA got a pop in non factory say what's up sickest boy sighs never made man ever very made [ __ ] you too man take care yeah yeah you got a supported local skate shop and we're here in LA and now factory yo what up [Music] baby that's the one there it is dude eight-hour drive to Arizona you got the photo see you got your name right there oh you took it yeah I took that zoom into there train train train on the photo Craig yabba-dabba dude [Music] you give away those tech decks one left yeah call that circle manual pad see it's brand-new you know where that pool is that goes like this yeah it's across the street from that yeah how'd you guys do it I'm gonna send it to you right now guys at the shop gave us a lead on a spot nearby Siringo end the day there oh wait no I'm gonna end the day at doughnuts yes sir it's getting dark man session get done today was a good day man some homies met up now we're gonna end it with some doughnuts [Music] so this is Dona friend this is the doughnut spot where it's basically just trendy doughnuts this is like the new thing that people are doing she loves this place we were hanging all day I want to treat him with a nice couple doughnuts do you have any gluten free do this does that not make it gluten free I don't know it's not for me it's for my wife I'm not educated on the gluten free [ __ ] good you right won't work good stuff delicious well I'd say that just about does it they've got life Dana life you can tell now the day is now done favorite Park ah man all I haven't see you came over my house that was pretty exciting yeah I think the burrito flip watching the burrito flip go down that was pretty hype to go skate that new spot today you never the manual pad you know you don't always come across a new spot in LA it has it been killed so yeah I mean that that was good and ER the day topped it off with some donuts and tamales it's better than that Cheers try that will you do I wash my hands well ma'am don't leave me hanging yeah I can't eat all these
Channel: Red Bull Skateboarding
Views: 1,027,448
Rating: 4.9102869 out of 5
Keywords: red bull skate, skateboarding, skate, skate videos, skateboard, skater, skateboard tricks, torey pudwill, torey pudwill 2019, torey pudwill part, grizzly griptape, thank you skateboards, thank you skate co, skating, skate tricks, skateboarders, best skateboard tricks, learn to skateboard, sk8, skateboarder, trick, how to skateboard, skateboarding tricks, need, sk8ing, trick tips, tricks, best skateboarding tricks, day in the life, day in the life skater, how-to, joey brezinski, seu trinh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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