A Daughters Day Out

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[Music] [Music] so just before we set off on our trip today there's a couple of things i need to collect for the vehicle um we need a indicator bulb sorry a turn signal bulb um and we need some other things some gas fittings and things so i'm going to stop at our local lord co in lumbee um i think every single trip we do we start with a trip to lordco before we leave the amount of staff and knowledge that they've got there is fantastic so um we called into locals all over so i'll just show you this one in case you've not seen the one in one b before [Music] and again the guys and girls in there very knowledgeable knew everything we were looking for so another successful trip there now we can head out um all we got to do now is get some propane and fill the tank up and we're good for an afternoon adventure we have got our propane filled up so we're not using the little green bottles again uh they are so overpriced um so we use a five pound um refillable which we've just done in lavington so shout out to the guys in lavington for helping us out there so yeah we've only got the one camera with us today we do have the drone so we'll see if we can get some aerial shots but uh my little girl is in back well one of my little girls now the other one is at home she is still only not even three weeks old that's your little sister in it bethan yeah what's her name rhys that's right reeson so yeah reeson's at home um we will take you along it'll be a little trip but uh i'm sure it'll be fun and we'll uh we'll be doing some hot dogs later i believe for my daughters um little lunch but as you can see she's already had some cheesy puffs which you can tell the around her mouth so let's uh spin you around and let's show you where we're going day [Music] that was kind of strange there that did you see the fire pit the fire pit looked like it got oil all over it very strange oh well i don't know what that was so we've just found the spur that goes down to haddo lake so we're going to try that uh little road it's quite tight by the looks of it but uh we're not scared of getting the odd scratch on the jeep never have been so we will try this down here and i'll show you it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is haddo lake um i think it's a water reservoir for obviously for vernon or some area for lumbee well this is the way you should travel isn't it that's the way to travel it really is so we were bragging earlier that uh sarah was at home in this in the rain and we were in the sunshine well i gotta tell you it's changed um take a look up there there's a storm cloud and it's coming up towards us but we're here we're set up we're only here for lunch that's all like i say this is haddo lake the little girl is all set up down here with a a blankie and a piece of chocolate those are not lightning clouds no they're not lightning clouds [Music] hmm [Music] at this point of the adventure our worst fears came true it did start to rain it wasn't just sarah back at home that got wet i thought i'd deploy the awning it doesn't take very long [Music] the key to getting the awning out properly and quickly is making sure that you get the arms to the right length almost immediately i do this by putting some black marks actually on the legs and the arms makes it a lot easier [Music] as you can see i really nail getting that leg straight maybe next time hey dave [Music] needless to say it wasn't long before bethan got really bored of sitting outside she complained she was cold hmm not so sure about that one tell tell the viewers what you are bethan i'm trouble yes you are trouble how much trouble [Music] worry much trouble yeah and i didn't answer to say that she just told me anyway the rain's calmed down a little bit now so um we just put the drone up show you a little bit around the lake there's some big fish jumping um obviously if i try and show you you won't be able to see them because that's what happens i wouldn't say it's blue sky but it's not raining anymore so i'm about to put the awning away um i do say awnings are great things it's just absolutely sold now and there she is inside watching what game are you playing she's playing my little pony game yeah [Music] so i see lots of people putting away these awnings um i've worked out a method that seems to be really good for me so i'll leave the camera running put it down and hold it away and hopefully it works because every time i try and do something like this something always goes wrong but let's give it a go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that wasn't too bad i don't know how long that took probably i don't know a minute minute or so something like that so seems to be the best way to put them away [Music] as i mentioned earlier there were some big fish jumping during all this drone footage you couldn't see one i'm not a liar honestly when the weather gets like this it is quite awe-inspiring makes you feel quite insignificant beautiful blue sky next to black dark sky unlock still no fish jumping one day i will prove it to you [Music] [Music] trying to land the drone is never easy i'm always aimed for that little h sometimes things go all wrong i'm glad this time it didn't things work perfectly well kind of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we've just found another lake i'm not quite sure the name i'll put it in somewhere down here but what i am seeing is um wheel marks actually on the lake bed okay the the reservoir is low but guys please don't drive on reservoir beds or late beds or anything like that it's just stick to the roads you know you're not going to get any very far just driving over there are you [Music] it's not going far so just don't do it i know i sound like i'm whining but you know this is why we get places closed down so just be respectful it's getting near full now though so the temperature's dying off a little bit but hopefully we can get another few runs in hoping to do another camping trip with richard from freedom recovery gear he's actually down at expo right now doing the trading courses for those guys so i'll see him again next week i'm just being bitten by a horsefly so that's why i look down while traveling in the backcountry and on forest service roads please be aware these are highways for truckers hauling out huge amounts of timber they can't stop on a dime like you can be aware keep your headlights on and if you have access to a commercial radio set it to the channel that covers the road that you're traveling on this way you will hear when truckers are coming and you can tell them that you're coming towards them just be safe out there so we are now back on aberdeen forest service road heading down from aberdeen lake in the aberdeen plateau um it was been quite good fun with some nice nice views up there um a little bit cold today though i have to say it's uh autumn is definitely sorry autumn fall is definitely here we've got one last request from the young lady in the back from the princess and that is we go to a playground before we go home so we'll make that happen for her [Music] so we're nearly back now into lumbee a little adventure me and bethan nearly over for today but we have decided we're going to come out again tomorrow but tomorrow's for a playground is that right bethan is that all the energy you've got yep yeah that's all the issues about she's obviously burnt off the rest of it anyway the sun's out again now um just a few more kilometers back to lumbee have to pick some things up there and then home to the rest of the family [Music] brought to you by lordco for all your automotive and camping needs snowmaster keeping your food cool on those hottest days freedom recovery gear getting you out of those tricky spots nitto tires the rubber wrapping those kmc wheels all your box a safe dry and dust-free environment to store all your goods overland kitchens making mealtimes a breeze green lane off-road for lightweight body protection odyssey batteries getting you started on those cold canadian days by air for all the air you'll ever need and lifesaver for purifying all that water and remember summer tears the journey doesn't end at the summit [Music] thank you for watching if you'd like you can buy as a coffee head over to buy me a coffee.com that's www.buymeacoffee.com again thank you for watching and we'll see you again soon
Channel: SummitOverland
Views: 8,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 831jNAvG89Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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