A Cozy lil Reading Vlog | Cozy Little Readathon & 24 Hourathon

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hello my name is Lexi and welcome back to my channel today I am so excited because I am doing the cozy little breather thon and the 24-hour athon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I have been anticipating this Freda thana for such a long time I honestly cannot even tell you my friends and I have been talking about it for just I don't know at least a month and it's finally here and I'm so so so excited so if you were unaware of what the cozy little read-a-thon is it is a read-a-thon that was created by soleil down at the little readers corner and Soleil asked me and my friend Kailen to co-host with her and I was so excited when she asked and the whole purpose of the read-a-thon is basically just to relax it's to read what you want to read at whatever pace you want to read and just have fun have a cosy weekend in and so I'll go ahead and tell you which books I chose for the prompts and what the prompts are so the first prompt is to read a cozy book and for that prompt I believe I picked the north child and this is by Edith Pato this is about a girl named rose and Rose makes a pact with a polar bear who takes her across this very wintery land to an enchanted castle where she apparently gets to find out what her destiny is and I just felt like the premise felt like one of those cozy bedtime stories so I was immediately intrigued and I really wanted to pick this one up so I decided to pick it for this prompt the second prompt is to bake a wintery treat or make a wintry drink and I will be doing that later and I believe I'm going to be making like a vanilla bourbon pound cake which is one of my favorite things to eat around the Christmas time and I will be having that with a homemade hot cocoa and I'm really really excited about that I think I'm gonna make it a peppermint hot cocoa too and put like a candy cane in there so that'll be really fun and then the third prompt is going to be take a wintry read book so it could really be whatever you wanted to interpret that is it could have been like a new release around the winter time or it could be a book that has very wintry vibes or a wintry aesthetic or setting I chose winter magic I just felt like it sounded really cute and this is in anthology with middle grade stories in it and the whole thing was curated by Abbie Elphinstone and it just it seemed so magical like when I was looking at the book itself I just thought that it seems so magical and I'm really really excited because I love short stories and I love in juice and I love middle grades so I thought this would be a really fun one to do for the read-a-thon but I'm also a big mood reader and so I decided that I wanted to have a couple of books that I could swap out in case for some reason I wasn't feeling these ones and so the two books that I chose I was like backup books are this is how you lose the time war and the starless II by Erin Morgenstern and I am very excited to read both of these my friend Kat has just been going on and on and on about this one and she's left me several detailed messages about why I need to read it and how good it is and she's completely sold me so I am desperate to read this but then also I have been reading this and I am loving this book and so I really really want to pick this one up too this is about a guy named Zachary and Zachary basically gets involved within a portal world and a secret society and it just it sounds really cozy and magical and and really fantastic I love erin morgenstern and i love her writing also sorry there's like fingerprints and stuff because it's a matte cover and then I have one more book actually that I'm going to be adding and this book is actually going to be the book that takes top priority and that is the queen of nothing by Holly black the reason this was not on my original TBR is because I thought I would actually finish it before this read-a-thon but it turns out I've just been a really really busy and I haven't and so I really want to make this the priority this is the book that I will be picking up first and this is the book that I will be trying to get through this weekend before really I touched any of the other books all of my friends have been reading this or are reading this and everybody loves it this is one of my favorite series actually and I think it's so well done and I am just desperate to finish this this is the conclusion and the finale in a trilogy and the trilogy follows Jude and Cardin Cardin is this very cruel prince turned king of fairyland and Jude is this mortal girl who was raised in captivity in fairyland and she really wants a lot of power in fairyland so there's a lot of really interesting dynamics in here between the two of them and just between all of the Fae and Jude and I love it so much so this is the one that I will really be reading today and I hope to finish it by the weekend so that is my TBR the last two prompts the bonus prompts are Hansel and Gretel build a gingerbread house and then the other one is participate in the 24 hour a thon and obviously I will definitely be doing both of those the 24 hour thon starts tonight at midnight and I'm so excited for that one I think I'm really going to try to stay up actually through a lot of it because I'm very motivated to be reading right now and then the Hansel and Gretel one I think my friends and I are actually going to decorate Saturday which means that I'm going to try building the house tonight because usually those things need to set for a full 24 hours to be like really steady so we're going to be building a gingerbread house tonight as well but for now I thought that it would be the perfect time to go to a coffee shop it's cold it's rainy it's foggy it's great it's the perfect weather to go and sip a hot latte and read a perfect book so I guess we will start with that let's go it is completely freezing oh my gosh let me turn off the my windshield wiper sorry I am so cold it is so cold I think that I'm definitely gonna get a hot drink while I'm out and then I think also I'm gonna get some soup to like not at that place I'm gonna go get ramen that's like all I eat anymore I've got a whole thing my whole day the eyes in here I'm ready and then when we come home I'm gonna listen to an audiobook and bake some pound cake oh so while we're out I have to get bourbon - yeah okay cool let's go so the last drink was the last ring make it hard to leave with telling see piss dark while turn the risk in need I'm fall in a second if you let me cuz you're all that I want could you let me in the last drink was not let us drink but I don't wanna leave [Music] over [Music] it's not all we could go back to my place [Music] so let's go back to if it's only food I love it I love give me [Music] register [Music] so the last case was the last kiss pick it up which is it good [Music] oh hello so I really have been making really good progress with my book I also feel like I'm doing this cozy little wreath on right because I took a nap so definitely got the relaxing part down the stats say who I'm feeling really refreshed after my partial nap slash reading sesh so I think I'm going to tackle one of the prompts and the prompt that I'm going to tackle next is the Turkish Delight prompt a cozy winter beverage and treat so I say we get to baking and then we make ourselves a hot cocoa you're ready let's go [Music] [Music] hello so I ate some pound cake and it was so good it was so worth all of the effort making it it took a long time to make but it was completely worth it I I thought it was really really good and I haven't had homemade pound cake in a really long time so I'm really really happy that that was my treat so technically I can count prompt number two as complete but I still want to do a cozy drink so I will probably do something tomorrow for that as well during my 24 hour readathon tonight I was supposed to do the gingerbread house like building it so that I could set but I think I'll just end up doing that in the morning and then hopefully leaving it alone for a couple of hours will be enough to let it set I don't know I haven't decided maybe I'll decorate it actually Sunday I don't know but the 24-hour Athan has started for a lot of people it starts for me in about two and a half hours no just no less than that I'm sorry starts in like less than two hours so I'm gonna work on my video for about two hours and then I will tell you guys when my 24 hour Athan starts and I'll probably try reading for I don't know maybe an hour maybe until like 1:00 a.m. and then I'm going to bed because I don't really intend on staying up all night throughout the 24 hour athon but I do want to use it to kind of help me get like a little bit of a heads up so I'm really really really excited about that yeah it's just been kind of like one of the best days like it's been a really cozy fun day of just reading and baking my favorite part so far has just been interacting with everyone you know I love hanging out with my friends online I love talking to them hey Kat what's up um you know I love talking to my friends online I talk to them every single day and I'm very close with some of my friends and we've done these things where we have like a virtually baked together or we watched the same movies or TV series or we've read the same book so we've talked about it and it just makes it more fun [Music] and I've really been wanting to do something like that with all of my subscribers because in my mind it feels like we're friends you guys leave me the nicest comments and you're always so supportive and sweet and this has just been really nice because it's it's giving me an opportunity to like really connect and feel like we're hanging out and to me it does feel like we're hanging out and it's just been that's the best part so far is just that it has been really wonderful so I'm gonna continue to work on this the next time I talk to you it will be almost midnight and we can start reading for the 24-hour athon I can't believe it I love 24-hour thongs I'm so excited I have a couple really fun ideas that we're gonna do tomorrow and I can't wait okay so I will check back in with you pretty soon bye bye hello book family so I am currently doing like the Twitter for the cozy little read-a-thon because the 24-hour Athan starts for me in four minutes and I've got to be honest you guys I don't know if I'm gonna make it I'm so tired I think I'll make it until midnight but I don't know how much reading I will get done after that because I am exhausted oh my gosh I do feel really really good about like the amount of reading that I got done today I made a really really good dent in the queen of nothing and I will probably continue to read a little bit like I'm just I'm really gonna try but oh my gosh I'm so tired I'm so tired I don't know what it is I mean I made myself a really big cup of tea too I've had tons of sugar so I should totally be more awake oh my gosh that's my cat my cat opens the doors in my house and it just freaks me out cuz I always think it's a good ghost or something but anyways it's my cat so yeah I'm gonna try really really hard to read a little bit just for like the spirit of the 24-hour athon right at midnight before passing out I'm really tired but we can make it two minutes to go one minute to go oh oh is it gonna focus is there gonna focus is there gonna focus here we go here we go when is when is it gonna happen is gonna happen it's it's oh it started I can tweet the tweet hello you guys so it is officially at 12 18 and I'm done I'm so tired I read for a little bit I am going to get into my most cozy pajamas sleep sleeping and then tomorrow all reading all day so excited so I will talk to you in the morning bye [Music] santé the city is covered in snow tonight wet in my love sent I'm waiting for him bunnies now we're inside all of sigh still by the tree nothing with me if you know weary please give him and I will wait here by the [Music] and my see so please bring back [Music] Santa sleigh bells ringing him my friends by my side but it's not hey Santa I'm smiling but fear sigh cuz all of the presents I still buy the train they don't mean a thing with me if you know where he is please [Music] and I will wait here for the girl hello and welcome to the cozy little read-a-thon day number two I can't believe it tomorrow's the last day of the cozy little readathon I am so surprised at how fast this is gone today has been the most chilled out day ever I've just kind of basically stayed in bed all day long reading the queen of nothing it's still not finished will I ever finish this book I don't know my goal is to finish tonight I don't know if that's gonna happen but hopefully it does so the plan tonight is basically to build a gingerbread house and I know that Soleil and Kayla and I are all gonna kind of do it at the same time I don't think we're gonna decorate until tomorrow I don't know like they might decorate tonight I might decorate tonight it kind of depends I like to build the gingerbread house and then give it a day to kind of set so that the frosting really likes cement and I meant to do that last night but I totally forgot so I'm going to build it but first I'm also going to be making myself a wintry drink because yesterday I baked myself pound cake for the treat but I'd also like to make myself a wintry drink so I think that is what we will do next and depending on if it sets or not I'll either be decorating it tonight or decorating it tomorrow morning thankfully this book fits all the prompts because it's a wintry release and also it's a cozy read but I really want to get to these books so I really need to focus tonight and really try to get through this book even if this is the only book that I finish over the weekend I want to finish this so let's make ourselves a nice and fun hot cocoa make it super festive and super cute and then build a gingerbread house ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys so my gingerbread house has to like set overnight gingerbread house kits are always really really difficult actually if you go to Walmart I just recommend doing the pre done ones because I think it's really fun but I do think that you you need to be really flexible like if it doesn't work it's not your fault it's just that gingerbread is really really heavy and it depends on the consistency of the frosting and the humidity and if luck is on your side hence so many things so like if your gingerbread kit is not working don't worry like I feel like that's the majority of every single person including myself so mine is just gonna set overnight and we will see how it goes it's like seven thirty one and I think what I'm going to do is to make myself a very large cup of tea and read queen of nothing but I think what I'm going to do is sign off for tonight because I really want to dedicate the rest of the night to just being cozy and not worrying about anything else so I will see you in the morning and hopefully I will be further with this book fingers crossed okay so I will talk to you later bye good morning internet friends and welcome to the final day of the cozy little read-a-thon oh my gosh I'm kind of sad I've been really having the best time this weekend it's been really really fun connecting to all of you I know I said this I think yesterday or maybe the day before but my favorite part by far has just been seeing all of the lovely photos and all of the lovely videos and messages that you guys have been sending me it's been really really fun to be baking and then seeing what you guys are baking it genuinely has felt like we're hanging out it's been one of the best experiences and I definitely want to do things like this more in the future just so that I can connect to you guys more because this has been just so much fun for me also thank you so much to Soleil for creating such an amazing read-a-thon and then asking me to co-host as well as Kaelyn I've had just the best time ever and it's just felt so cozy I've also really really really loved how relaxed it's been because there was less of a focus on reading prompts I've just been easier on myself it's been like very refreshing and its really kind of felt like almost like a self-care weekend which I really really love a lot okay so let me go ahead and tell you where I am at with the reading so okay I still have over a hundred pages to finish this book and here's why while I have made some progress I don't think that I'm connecting to this book as much as I thought that I was going to connect to this book it's a really really great book but I was just so excited to kind of see where the relationship progressed since it was the final book in this series that I think I've been disappointed because we're almost done with the with the story and we've really barely had any interaction between Jude and Cardin I I don't know how to feel about it because I love the story and I love all of the different political alliances but also I'm really sick of all of the political sciences like these people in Fairyland they just they need some more hobbies isn't really that important for them to like all rule fairyland like you know what's fun knitting knitting is awesome and so is baking and so are plans like all of this political stuff is just exhausting to me so I'm a little over all of the different political strategies which is very Hufflepuff of me and I'm sure I am totally in the minority of this I will say that it's a really really wonderfully written book and that I am enjoying it but I think that I'm just having a harder time picking this up because I'm not getting those feelings that I wanted to get from it but I really want to finish this story for so many reasons one it's one of my favorite why a fantasy series if not my favorite Holly Black is just brilliant and I really need to see how she wraps up this series but also I want to talk about this with some of my friends so I need to finish this book today I really want to see how it ends and I really really really want my characters to get together that is the priority today today's priority is finishing this book I'm going to take this I think to a cafe I'm gonna get out of the house for a little bit I think maybe that will help me actually not get as distracted but still make me feel really cozy so we're gonna go to a coffee shop I'm gonna get a nice big latte and hopefully we can sit by the Christmas tree so we're gonna do that we're gonna read and then hopefully after I finish this this is being very optimistic I can start this book winter magic this is the anthology so I would really just like to read one or two of the short stories today I'm not expecting a lot I'm definitely not expecting to get through the entire book but I really wanted to read some of these wintery cozy short stories for the read-a-thon so I will be doing that tonight hopefully with a very large cup of teeth and that's really the plan we're also going to be decorating the gingerbread house today because it's set and it's perfect so it is all ready to decorate and so yeah that's kind of the plan decorate the gingerbread house finish this book go to a cafe and then hopefully start this book with some tea later tonight I'm excited I can't wait for this cozy weekend to continue we're gonna take this book and we're gonna finish it that is the energy of today so I guess we should go and hit the road go to the cafe let's go [Music] I think I built on you I thought the bank said said to me to me as him sorry he let me turn but can't take it so make sure we do this right I sold up my plans to be with you tonight tonight so just sit when me jump into the net into the morning building cat mystery I don't think I ever wanna go come closer next to me try to find another way to say this but I think I think we were meant to be hello so it has come to my attention that I am an idiot sandwich because I finished the queen of nothing and it's perfect as soon as I sat down I immediately just kind of really fell into the story I'm like I've really fallen into the story so far it had every feeling that I wanted it was so insanely beautiful add the plot twisted it was unexpected it was really interesting actually but just like I finally got them I got those those moments that I wanted and that I was craving and I cried I cried a lot I honestly like could not stop crying at a certain point this book did everything I wanted it to do I was expecting it to do more of that in the beginning but I'm not complaining because I think it was all part of Halle blacks brilliant plan was just to drive me crazy with the slow burn and I just I just really loved them I loved Cardin I love Jude I genuinely was like sobbing in that coffee shop I mean people around me probably thought I was a little weird it was so good and it was so perfect and I'm so glad that I read it for this read-a-thon I love them and now I'm just really sad that the trilogy is over because I'm so attached to it oh my gosh okay ten out of ten Annie Hill my goodness anyhoo so now that this is over way I think I'm probably gonna go home and finish decorating my gingerbread house and then we can start on the next book or I guess I can start on the next book winter magic so my plan is to finish the gingerbread house make myself a cup of tea and start on this really cute anthology of middle-grade sir we get it boy he is he is an interesting fella so let's go home let's make some tea and let's start this cozy anthology and decorate a gingerbread house it's a perfect day let's go [Music] come joining us all [Music] today [Music] come on now let's go caroling through the snow all day [Music] we've been good but we can last hurry Christmas hurry now I can't see what's on never my straight for you ah ooh dinosaur kitty cats do [Music] Oh [Music] wake up with a smile the feeling is the day [Music] magic in the air is waiting for me [Music] I think but I can [Music] very now I can't wait to see what's under the three for you and me Oh Dinah seismos day [Music] all it said [Music] made a bad choice [Music] hello so it is like 10 o'clock at night I have gone ahead and paid my gingerbread house and now I think I'm just going to chat to some of my friends and kind of unwind casually read this and then also I think what I'm going to do is take off all my makeup take a bath and then get into some new pajamas and just continue to be super cozy so I will talk to you tomorrow for my wrap-up of the cozy little read-a-thon but I think this is my last update whilst I am in the cozy little read-a-thon I'm really loving this so far I loved this and you'll hear more of my thoughts tomorrow and yeah it's just been like the most chill fun weekend I've had in a really long time and I'm really really glad that so many people have participated and it's just felt so wonderful it's just been so much fun so going to take a bath talk to my friends and continue to read I will talk to you in the morning bye hello everyone ignore this it's a box of books that I'm donating actually but I am here to conclude the final conclusion for the cozy little read-a-thon I had so much fun I had so much fun I think the most fun thing that I did was just interacting with everyone it just genuinely meant so much to me and it made me so incredibly happy so first of all thank you for everyone who wanted to participate and who did I had such a great reading TBR I didn't even get to get to because I was stuck on Queen of nothing but turns out that was a 5 out of 5 star for me and I loved it so much so I highly recommend the trilogy if you are on the fence about it The Crow Prince is just really really wonderful and then I also got to start winter magic which is really really good and it is but I am currently reading now so I guess this concludes the cozy little read-a-thon I had so much fun thank you all so much I love you with my whole heart and next time you guys keep your head in the clouds in your heart in a book and I will talk to you very soon bye [Music] with Christmas in but with my friends [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Alexandra Roselyn
Views: 8,697
Rating: 4.9455781 out of 5
Keywords: #cozylittlereadathon, #24 hour readathon, #reading vlog, #vlogmas, #bookmas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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