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hey guys it's ashli and today we're going to be talking about a court of thorns and roses by Sarah J Maas this is the first book in the a Qatar series for everybody who already knows I'm a little late to this series I'm sorry I'm getting into it I promise I loved this book so much I really really did I gave it 5 stars it really exceeded expectations even though it was not what I had expected at all the only thing that I do going into this book was that there were fairies in it so there's this girl Farah and she kills the fairy on accident and this fairy comes after her and tells her is that a you can either die or B you can come with me in prision and live with me for the rest of your days and of course she goes with him and a bunch of stuff happens and that's about the best that I've got I'm pretty sure to be one name that she associated with this book is Reese and or rice and but in the glossary of pronunciation in this book it does say brief and and that is how I'm going to say it but you know what I wasn't very fond of him and I'm going to get to that in the spoilery section but I thought I'd just throw it out there anyways I did love Farah I thought that she was really headstrong and really went for what she believed in a couple of times she really pissed me off she really aggravated means I got over that eventually I really loved Hamlin I know that a quart of mist and fury is the book that everybody starts hating on Tamlyn and loving on Reese and but you know I'm not there yet so as of right now I am I'm CamLAN team Kaelyn goes Hamlin yes the beginning of the story wasn't the best for me how personally hated the beginning of the story it was it started off slow or anything I just hated the circumstances and everything that was happening at the point from the point where she goes to Christian onwards I really loved it so everything after that was like a plus need more got to have it honestly that's really all I'm going to say for this book it really went in a turn that I was not expecting at all so if you haven't read this book yet please please because I'm about to get into some spoilery stuff and I don't want you guys to be spoiled so come back when you have read this book and we can discuss it together so bye you guys so like I said the beginning of the book was not my favorite the beginning of this book actually extremely annoying for me and I'll give you a couple of reasons why even though some of the reasons to these things may have been explained later in the book from the very beginning before I knew anything these are the things that really aggravated me why is Farah the youngest and has to do all the work like her older sisters aren't doing why did her mom out of all three of the sisters told the youngest child to take care of the family I don't understand it all why does her dad not give a whether they starve I don't understand and lastly after all of this has happened why does Farah not just scream or leave them to guy as for the very beginning I hated it now when she goes into prison right my first thought was who the hell is Tamlyn where is Rhys ed this is not what I had expected the only name that you ever hear outside of this series if you haven't read it is Rhys and and when we met Pamela and the whole entire book was about Pam when I was like where is the sky I had no freaking idea I thought that I had read the synopsis to a whole completely different book for a little while something that I wasn't crazy about again was when Tamland busted into the house screaming murderer and then all of a sudden was like a hat and I just come and live with me why did you have to get her scared and then try to convince her to come and live with you because as we all know toward the end of the book he needed her to come and live with him so that she could fall in love with him and break the curse so why would you go in screaming murderer I don't understand so something that I thought was a little weird with the mask so at first Farah is told that a fairy plague has broken out and it really erupted during this masquerade party and now nobody can take their masks off but in reality it was really amaranthus curse so that this mortal has to fall in love with Tamlyn even without seeing his full face this thought I was like everybody around you wearing an animal mask except for you just really like was weird it was really weird but I mean if you think about it it kinda way to that whole like seeing within things so it kind of worked Kamran does constantly asked her why don't you like me or why don't you like us or why do you hate us and I don't understand why Farah just didn't respond with because we were taught to hate you who Shen really made me start liking the books I really like solution because up until this point I was still a little weary about it so the part where Lucien goes and tells Farah how to capture the cereal but then later tells her that he hesitated when he heard her scream I wanted to like whip his hair out I'm like Lucian you told her you would save her why are you hesitating especially now that we know that there's the curse like you have one chance to save this girl from dying and breaking your curse and keeping your kingdom intact yet you're not gonna help her where is the logic I know that a lot of these things that I'm saying make it seem like I don't like the book but I really did all of these things compiled up into the very end and the end is what made me really like the book honestly I think that a lot of these things that I mentioning are funny in a way and they definitely add to the story and I just love like crashing it but loving it at the same time like it's great one of the things that I loved was when Farah went with Timlin and they were in the meadow and then Tamron led her down to the starlight pond and they swam in it I thought that that was adorable and I really really want to see a picture of that honestly like I'm trying to imagine what a pool of starlight looks like another one of those parts that I thought was really freaking weird was the great right okay don't get me wrong I loved it but I thought it was really weird so Tamron in essence basically has to perform this ritual where he lets just like magic into his body and he becomes the hunter or the warrior or something he goes after the female and basically like takes her and then it's over and dog food will harvest and the magic is going to go across the land and it doesn't like oh hi but then they like force her to stay locked up in her room during this because they know the Tamland will come after her at this point she's out there getting food like an idiot because they told her to stay in and she should listen to them because this is still stuff that she doesn't fully understand yet right and Pam would come back to her in the end I liked the scene but while I was reading it I just felt really uncomfortable so thinking of the great right scene though that scene was a really introductory kind of beef stew old steamed eNOS that's going to happen later on and even though I'm not a huge fan of anything resembling erotica in the closest way or any kind of like really really steamy scene I have to say I did really enjoy these ones I don't know if it was just because I love the characters but I liked it and I just I can't imagine what's going to have it at akima I remember seeing pictures about page 22 or something in a coma and I just remember like reading parts of it and being like oh boy okay so we're just going to stop this talk now let's go move on go move on so when Farrah starts painting in the book that is the best thing that could possibly happen to her in prissy and honestly I loved it when she would start painting and lock herself in her room all day and just paint and paint through her heart's desire and I especially loved the scene where she wanted to give a painting to Tamlyn and he shows the one of the woods because it represented a part of who she was and what she spent part of her life doing and I just I just really enjoyed it I did when we get our first glimpse at who Rhys and is I hated him I mean he put a fairy head on the statue which wasn't good to begin with we get our first glimpse of Rhys and during the great right but you don't really know it's him unless you know what he looks like or going into it who he is like I did so I knew that with him but our first real glimpse of him is at that dinner scene when he pops in and he's like Emma renfa and the curse and blah blah blah blah blah and tamilyn is hiding Farrah all this stuff goes down and in the end Rhys and makes Tamland bow down to him on the floor by his feet so that he can beg him not to tell em ER and about this girl I hated him I hated him I hated him when talents and sfera back to the human world like you might think that you're saving her buddy but come on we both know that she's going to come running back come on favors back in the human world I just I don't know if my feelings toward Nesta because we end up finding out that Nesta had not really ulterior motives but she wasn't as frozen and frigid and horrible as she seems to be in the beginning when Palin said that she had erased the memories of what happened from her family Nesta actually still remembered and so the entire time the favours been gone she's had to live with this and wonder what the hell is happening why don't my family remember anything that I do but at the same time that I felt for her I was still really pissed off because we found out that Nesta absolutely hated their father she wanted nothing to do with him because he wasn't doing anything for them but I mean you could have treated your sister a little nicer we know that you really didn't hate her but at the same time like you put her through such hard things to get that moment where after Farrah goes back over the wall she find Alice in the palace and hence the palace was completely ransacked everybody's gone alice is the only one left and she's collecting food for her younger nephews that she's watching after her sister and her husband died Alice tells Farrah everything that she couldn't before and my only thought after all of that was god dammit Farrah you couldn't have said those three words you couldn't have just said I love you right before you left right at pan let's set them right to your face you couldn't have just said I love you and just broken the whole curse come on going to collect myself but seriously though seriously so then Farrah goes on her quest to the court under the mountain to challenge Emer entha and pledge her love to Tamlyn even though it's too late to break the carson now now instead of just saying three little words Farrah has to compete in death-defying trials to get Pam the kingdom back like you could have made this a lot easier on yourself farad you really could have so the first trial comes that one was probably my favorite out of all three of them I want to say she was running through the mud in the maze with that worm casing her and she ended up using the bones of his victims to impale him and I just really really loved that one it kept me on the edge of my seat and I just I really liked it then what I didn't like was afterwards when she had her R and it was like completely broken basically and she was in so much pain and so reef and comes along and decides that he's going to help her and he's going to be like look I'm going to heal your arm for you but under one circumstance you're going to come and be with me in the night court for two weeks out of every month and she looks at him and says hell no I really love the Pharaoh was standing up for herself but girl your arm is broken you're not going to be able to do two more trials like this so she knew that she had to come to a compromise and she ended up healing her arm and giving her those weird tattoos that I didn't know how she got until now but she has to go stay with him for one week out of every month in the night Court so I'm really interested to see what's going to happen in a coma I know that there are going to be a lot of steamy scenes between them and I just want to know how that comes to be because as of right now she's really just in love with Hamlin so I don't know what's going to happen at all so on the second trial comes illusion is tied to the floor and these spikes are coming down and are about to impale him and kill him and Farrah has to read the scripture that culture which of the three levers to pull to stop the spikes right favorite pants read we come to find out that now briefs and can talk to her through her tattoo which is really really weird and so whatever she reaches for the wrong lever the tattoo burns so she ends up pulling the right one and she saves everybody but it was just really weird it's not something that I had expected but I mean if it works it's to work something that really broke my heart was right afterwards when Lucien came to visit her in her cell and told her the reason why he couldn't come and fix her arm last time when he called out that tip to her in the maze the Queen took him and made Tamlyn with him couldn't move for days afterwards because it was so horrible so he couldn't come to her aid and he was trying to apologize I really felt for both of them there in the situation that's so horrible and they can't do anything but take the choices and the options that they're given so then riesen goes and starts drugging Farah with fairy wine and making her dress really like scantily and with barely anything on and makes her do what lap dances right in front of Hamelin all to make him really really pissed off so in the end he goes crazy and attacks amaranth alike the news was that the best way to go about doing this free sand was it wasn't really so that everything at the end happens really really fast so the third trial she has to kill three innocent people and then the Queen will let Hamlin go and the curse will be broken and Hamlin is going to kill her she kills the first two people with a little bit of a problem I mean it kind of like rips her heart in two but she kills them and then she gets to the third person and it ends up being Hamlin she can't go through with it she can't go through with it and I started freaking out a little bit but then I'm thinking but something has to happen she can't just tail Tamlyn because then this Queen will never leave and then I don't know what's going to happen in the next book but then she sort of starts thinking about everything that she's heard since she arrived in prison and she comes to this conclusion that Cameron's heart was enchanted so that it was made of stone I don't probably remember why this was the case so she ends up taking a chance and stabbing him and the dagger goes to his heart and it stops because his heart lui is stone I guess amaranth ax did something to it amaranth ax unleashes her wrath on Farah because she killed Hamlin but then Tamlyn meanwhile is not really dead and he's trying to get up and restained is trying to help Pharaoh so that Emma ran that doesn't kill her but in the end he gets thrown against a wall and failure it's like near dying when Tamlyn finally gets the power and finally goes after a Merida and kills her and then comes back to Farah and favorite it's like pretty much two dead in his arms and then apparently each High Lord grants Farah I guess his his wish or whatever it is is blessing and then becomes hyphae all of that happens so fast now I wasn't really surprised about the hyphae part because I had seen fan art done about this series and I noticed that fara had pointed ears and whenever she was introduced in this book she was a human and I was thinking well something has to happen where she becomes fairy otherwise why would people be painting pictures like this so I wasn't really surprised but I was still happy in the end because that means that she's going to live forever and she can be with whoever the heck she ends up with I don't even know anymore and of course she and Hamlet effects again and then they end up going back to the spring court and none of the answers as to what fara is going to do about the one week in the Night Court or what Tamlyn is going to do about it or answer it and we live happily ever after for the time being something else that I want to know I have heard so much about fara and Rhys and I just want to know what happens to tan when in the next book like does he just fall off the face of the earth or something I I just want to know I want to know I want to know now but don't act don't actually tell me please don't that is going to be it for my a Qatar book talk thank you guys so much for watching I know that a majority of you have read this book and everybody is telling me that I need to get to Accomack now and I will I promise you I will but not right this second maybe in the next couple of months because I'm scared I'm going to be in a book hangover after I read it because so many people are and they tell me they are and I'm just really scared but I'm really looking forward to it at the same time so again thank you guys so much for watching if you want to follow me on social media I'm on the dash of edge 12 on Instagram Twitter and Goodreads all of my links are in the description below I will see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: a dash of ash
Views: 43,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: book, books, bookish, booktube, booktuber, a dash of ash, booktalk, a court of thorns and roses, sarah j maas, acotar, feyre, rhysand, tamlin
Id: i1vj0S9v_Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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