A Couple's Morning Routine in 1775 America | ft. Samson Historical |

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good day everyone we have a very modern looking box in front of us for my not so modern company i'm here with ron rayfield and i'm justine dorn we're in our pajamas right now we just woke up you can probably tell by my face that i just woke up and i'm bare-facing everything yes so we got a box from samson historical they are a historical outfitter they make clothing cooking supplies uh pretty much everything honestly what don't they make doodads right so people ask me all the time where do i get my cooking implements these are actually from samson historical they're the cheapest place i found and they make very good quality products even this butter churn up here this is from samson historical so what don't they make i don't know but half the things in our cabinet are honestly from samson and i think that they caught wind of that so they sent us a box all that i know about it is that it has clothes in it and this is an 18th century themed store we do early 19th century mostly we do 1820s they do 18th century so it's a bit earlier but in our private lives we also reenact 18th century we do i mean me personally i do anything from 1750 to 1825 and you pretty much do the same yeah pretty much yeah pretty much so that's our area that we focus on and we're going to go back in time a little bit to a period before 1820 we're going to go to 1775 here so all i know is that there's clothes in this box i don't know what color they're going to be i don't know exactly what kind of clothes i just know they told me that they're sending me clothes so thank you samson historical and then after we open this we're going to try it all on also i didn't get clothes today but i do have samson clothes so the clothes i'll be wearing are also from samson for the yeah from the men's line yes all i know is they're sending me clothes for me so woman's clothes they don't send ron right but the clothes you see today will be all from samson right okay let's see let's open stamber i have i asked ryan give me a knife and he brought me the biggest knife we have i guess that means you trust me around knives [Music] we keep cardboard boxes because we burn them we use them as kindly and i use the packing paper to roll cartridges and there's plenty of it in here looks like paper we can burn it no it's cartridges go for cartridges wow this is cool let's see okay first let me take everything out of the box cartridge paper he doesn't trust me around knives well the first thing it's not wrapped up these look like arm warmers so that was very nice of them send that to me they're these off-white arm warmers these are really nice wow that was nice got a thumbs up yeah yeah these were definitely a thing back in the day century dresses they usually would have ended right here they were at elbow length for the sleeve and if you wanted to keep the sun off of you if you wanted to stay warm you would have worn these no these are very nice very nice yeah these are very nice and you can probably tell from looking at me i do need to keep the sun off of me so thank you or else i get sunburned these are very nice this looks like a little ribbon to tie it you're right tight if you need to or maybe it's for the other things yeah they sent us a ribbon it looks like either it's black or a very dark blue let's open let's see this one i'm trying to see what color exactly this ribbon is it looks like it's either black or dark blue i love ribbons i have a whole montage of ribbons right here okay yeah it's black which is nice that's that's my fancy right there that's tickling my inner goth so thank you oh it's a lot of ribbon too that might mean it matches with what they sent ooh more black i'm liking this i'm liking this outfitter on and this is a skirt this is a petticoat and it looks like it's made out of silk very nice this is really nice i don't own an 18th century silk black petticoat i have another one from samson that's wool it's really good for winter but this is silk very nice i feel like i'm moving up in the world i'm wearing silk now we started off at cotton and now we're going up to silk so the strings here are for tying you tie the back strings in the front and the front strings in the back so i will be putting that on today wow look at that oh my goodness that's nice looking that is gorgeous wow that really is absolutely stunning i am loving the colors in this i feel like i will look like a countess who just stepped out of a 16th century old german castle that i inherited from my great great grandpa yeah because they're always really old even by the 18th century at least in the movies and whatnot very nice really nice this is really nice this will be a nice outfit oh i'm loving the colors i don't know how you guys at samson figured out that i have a little touch inside of me of goth but you figured it out and thank you you nailed it they must have watched our questions and answered video maybe where it says that we like metal music that's the final piece there are these mustard colored dudes wow these are really nice feel them they feel very well made they feel sturdy and these aren't leather these are wool right it feels like wool to me it feels like wool i mean the bottom of it is leather right so this is what the soles of shoes look like back in the day they were completely smooth there was no tread on them you would have gotten tread over time by walking on cobblestone streets which scratch up the leather but they're always really slippery at first but then after you scratch them up they're just fine these are really nice these are buckle shoes you can tell because of these two flaps here you have to put a buckle here very nice these are really nice this is a nice outfit it's it's exactly my color palette that i personally would go for so this is absolutely gorgeous and i can tell it's all very good quality this is silk too this bodice we're gonna go and start the rest of our morning get dressed get all prettied up and eat cake for breakfast because that's all we got here right now if you guys want to join us stay tuned and thank you samson thank you it's mid-morning we gotta get up and get ready oh we have a wedding to go to i really don't want to go to that wedding i heard there's gonna be cake oh let's get to it well in that case it's cold this morning yeah it's a little chilly a little chilly it's not that bad i'll be lucky if i survive to see spring it's cold i'd start a fire but there's no point we just have to head on out it's a waste of wood now before we go off the way i didn't shave donna you need a shave it's the fashion you have to have a smooth face [Music] do you need me to help you lord no [Music] no i used up the last of our soap yesterday where did i put that new bar i haven't seen it found it [Applause] [Applause] uh so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] action [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] got your foot warmer ready for you oh thank goodness you do that and it's cold in here i'll get a get started shave and how about that it's not that cold i feel fine it is very cold the birds will fall out of the sky frozen it's that cold today that's oatmeal oatmeal uh mixed in with that lye soap so mr stamps in the store isn't it it is i like that it's very nice don't irritate your skin because it has oatmeal in it if it's safe enough for my skin safe enough for yours [Applause] um [Music] i don't know anyone else that's going to this wedding that's why i don't like going to most weddings because i don't know half the people there that's how we meet new people you're very optimistic it doesn't hurt to have friends i wish i had more i guess i just get shy whenever i go to places that i don't know most people are you're not like that you don't get shy not really so so it's been a while since i've had a shave this night you look nice your skin is smoother than my skin now they made sure we were clean shaving back in the war but it's been that long since you last yeah since then i've just roughed it oh you look good both ways thank you okay you want your pants at least yes please brown ones nope [Applause] what's up no it's new it's a wash to the face spots and marks so it removes spots and marks from your face so i have all these old acne marks these pimples that i can heal with with this so so [Applause] [Applause] thank you no anywhere but there i'm ticklish what do we have for breakfast we got a few pieces of some cake oh right the leftover cake from last night we can eat that before we eat on the road let me fetch that you like some brandy hello darling no my my head's still split open from yesterday but food thank you you're welcome eat quick peace oh yes could you help me with my stays yes take a bite and i'll help you [Applause] i love the top rules nice days are behind you [Applause] oh did i sit on did you not quite um [Applause] [Applause] as tight as we'll go please we have people to impress this man places to be and people to impress chickens are loud outside you wanted them this is true so could you loan me your finger good [Applause] thank you perfect [Applause] now i believe that you are also sitting on my bum roll i guess i'm sitting on that as well yes you're flattening all my goods fluffed you're shaking the dust and dirt off of it after you've sit on it what color waistcoat do you want birthday well what do you think would look best with your outfit how about your new blue waistcoat from samson okay be sure not to sit on that man [Applause] well how's this look it'll look better once you've buttoned it up silly you do when you're done to tie my tie please i can do that isn't blue your favorite color it is do you remember what my favorite color is purple clothes lavender yes light purple i'll feel a lot warmer once i put this on i don't know what you're talking about i feel fine that's because you're a big thick man and i'm a little twig of a woman this is very nice i like this this might be my new favorite uh [Applause] so [Applause] so let me show you how it's done that means you wish to be kissed right i think it's this or is it this that's that one at least it is now it is now everything i do means i wish to be kissed it's finally time for the counter garments you women take so long to get dressed it's only to impress you and myself thank you is this new it is new where did this come from the same seamstress that made your waistcoat mr sampson mr sampson wow i sure know how to keep them busy we keep them busy now where is the the black scarf that i have oh i think i laid it maybe over there by your your night my nightmare nightgown oh you're right it's quite sunny today to keep the sun off your shoulders my headache seems to be gone careful not at this rate no thank you it flushes my skin makes my cheeks a little red how did you have a headache but five minutes ago and then it went away after you took the first swig i saw you sneaking up didn't you yes and i heard it well it has to go away sometime fight fire with fire as they say that is true you could have become a pharmacist or a doctor with such amazing advice oh i put that in my pocket it smells good it's from the same perfumer that's a hard word to say that gave perfume to mary antoinette wow it has lavender and rose in it oh it smells good on you in fact i should put that in my pocket right now makes me smell good wherever i go and if we happen to walk past a smelly corner i can pull it out cover my nose with it this is beautiful i do love the color he'll be dressed finer than the bride today she's likely to get jealous likely i know she'll be i don't wish to cause any drama now i don't think i will cause that amount of people surely they knew what they were getting into when they invite lady justine oh come you're just flattering me now [Applause] normally i put the skirt on first and then the bodice but you were just too excited i was too excited that's all right i'll help you if you need help thank you even the finest maidens in the lands need multiple servants to help them get you yes and that is you today thank you i have a good teacher love just lovely thank you lovely dress lovely woman thank you so so and now there is the matter of my shoes now what are you doing ron just a little more what have you done hold on is this what the men prefer well i suppose i don't dislike it thank you now i borrow your seat as i put my shoes could you help me put my shoes on please yes thank you which ones you prefer blue or the mustard the mustard so [Applause] they feel about the same they do great [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i don't quite know what to do with my hair i don't want to fiddle with it too much i want to be comfortable for the ride over hun could you fetch me my brown coat please i'm almost there a few more buttons here here we go this code i've had for a little bit i did get it from mr sampson last year that goes quite nice look my new it does nice coat you look very nice your absence from drink did not last long who's who is she marrying again what's his last name was it fair fats you're right it is fairfax remember it starts with f that's what i thought oh good for her i am ready are you yeah pull my stocking up just a little bit okay i'm gonna travel with the pistol on me once we get there i'll take it off you never know [Applause] found it you want to wear this bulky thing yes only for the road [Applause] don't mess up the wrong cart they try to rob us isn't that right that's definitely right i've got the one hole down there for you the others up here for me are you gonna wear a hat today no no my shadowing oh now you're asking to be robbed that's why i have this on [Applause] don't forget your wallet thank you should i take my housewife with me just in case yeah you never know somebody might lose a button excellent point it really must be going out here i packed already your buckle shoes um in my travel bag so when we get there change from the boots to your buckle shoes it's more formal for a wedding i'm a big guy i don't realize this [Applause] but they'll be covered in mud and whatnot if i got to jump out of the cart and nail shoe back on a horse or fix a wheel i need boots so i like to be prepared yes well i had to pack your buckle shoes okay for when we got there well we must be get going okay you look lovely thank you [Applause] you
Channel: Early American
Views: 1,385,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 18th century morning routine, 19th century morning routine, morning routine, historical morning routine, historical routine, getting dressed, getting dressed in the 18th century, getting dressed in the 19th century, asmr, early american, history, clothing, costume, dressing, 18thc, reenactment, corset, try on, working class, period costume, 4k, get ready with me, years of fashion, historically accurate, historical get ready with me, american history, LBCC Historical
Id: -dJFHks8-z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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