Big Dreams, Small Budget - Location Location Location - S12 EP7 - Real Estate TV

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if you can get a mention of swinging into  every show you'd be happy this week we're   in the north west and we're feeling a  little bit frisky I don't even want to   know how you're gonna persuaded I don't think  there's going to be much talking and in the   battle of the sexes I don't know whether  to call it a stumbling block but but this   is a stumbling block girls will be girls where  would I put all my claws and boys will be boys   I have got a Whopper and I will be revealing  it tomorrow morning in what promises to be a   search of Titanic proportions there we go now  you're flying you could see New York foreign [Music] this week we're in the Northwest pulling out all  the stops for two pairs of hopeful house hunters   but with babies bumps and balmy budgets I'm sorely  tempted to bomber lift back down south [Music]   don't sail off into the sunset yet Kirsty  with its stunning new skylines stylish shops   and super social culture there's plenty to  keep you interested in Greater Manchester   though in recent months demand for  luxury living in the city center   has fallen further out the family house  market is still full of life and that's   where we're searching this week with two  couples desperate to find dream homes [Music]   since they moved to Manchester three years ago  Helen and Rick really have been living the high   life with a Swanky rental pad in the Heart of  the City Center they've had clubs restaurants   and shops on their doorstep but times they are  a changing there's a baby on the way and while   the penthouse may be perfect for partying it's no  good for Parenthood we will miss um living in the   city center will really miss this flag but then  at the same time you know we've sort of done that   lifestyle for 20 years so you know it's it's time  to sort of move on now and do something different fortunately all their friends are moving on too  problem is they've already found their family   homes in the suburbs and with only three months to  go till bump becomes baby H and Rick are playing   catch up [Music] but at least they know exactly  where they want to move to the Swanky footballers   playground of hail and alteringer the ideal  area will be on the border because then we've   got the best of both towns and Villages it's  about a four square mile area blimey that's   only around 200 streets and it's a very sought  after area with not much coming on the market   maybe the garden could be a little bit smaller  or maybe not quite you know the perfect angle   um what else would you compromise on  okay wouldn't compromise on much else   well it's a long way down from the penthouse  so where are we looking I think the main areas   we're sort of looking is around Altrincham and  hail area so then that gives us we can get the   metro into Manchester for me getting to work and  also then it's it's good for schools it's good for   that bar cafe sort of lifestyle that we want to  enjoy in evenings and weekends but I like the way   you start that sentence with the main areas and  then you go there I feel slightly confined by that   and that's not the only hitch H and  Rick have got a maximum budget of 460   000 pounds but ideally they're looking to  spend only four hundred thousand for that   they want four bedrooms off street parking  and a south or south west facing Garden   problem is even though the average house  price here has dropped by more than 18   in the past year H and Rick's budget still  won't go as far as they might think [Music] if you think you've got it tough spare a  thought for our second set of house hunters   Graham and Nina Walker looking to start a  family they were minutes from signing on   the dotted line for their first marital home  when Northern Rock crashed way back in 2007.   you know all the newspapers were saying that you  know this was the start of the housing crash we   lost money you know we paid money to do for the  solicitors fees yeah um we had a really difficult   decision but we decided in then that we were going  to pull out of the house they've been binding   their time in a budget rental in Preston and have  managed to save a whopping 35 000 pounds but it's   been 18 months and Nina is desperate to move on  I am so fed up of living here you know we want   a home that we can live in and that we can have  children in and that we can start our married life   together in for 31 year old Nina who's previously  owned a property it's about making a Fast move but   for 27 year old first time buyer Graham it's about  making the right move it's really important to   me that we find the right house and I think that  makes makes me a bit more sort of cautious really   I think but that frustrates me yeah because I  think Nina thinks with her heart and I think with   my head and but I mean there's there's downsides  to to both really you're telling me between Nina's   dreamy ideas and Graham's first time fear the  only place this pair are moving is nowhere fast so you almost brought nearly two years ago you  didn't which was totally the right decision   as it turns out yes prices have come down  since then how many houses did you look at   um we must have looked at I would say sort of  30 40 houses yeah you know cuddly dead when   we first started looking wow um that's  that's a lot is that a lot that's a lot   I think Graham's Amore is more more hesitant buyer  whereas I'm I just want a home you know and I know   you do as well Graham but yeah I think I think  I'm more cautious because I just want to make   sure that we do buy the right thing okay I can  see I've got some hand holding ahead of me [Music]   ideally Graham and Nina wants something with  character and period features plus a good sized   garden and three bedrooms all for a hundred and  ninety thousand pounds and because of Graham's   job we're looking at somewhere within half  an hour of Preston and Manchester so we've   got four hundred thousand pounds to get H and  Rick into the footballer belt at 190 000 pounds   to get Graham and Nina back in the game time  for Phil and I to be United in Manchester City   actually it's going to be quite a tough time we've  got some serious work to do but I'm feeling pretty   happy about my things that said I'm feeling happy  you're going to be in wide land it's going to be   all four by fours and fake tans where you're going  they've got very very very very very very very   focused proof of them well you're their man then  you can't focus on more than one thing at once with direct rail links to Manchester good  schools shops bars and restaurants it's   no surprise H and Rick love hail and alteringham   problem is they're not the only ones and prices  here can be more than twice the regional average   and with few new properties on the agent's  books it's anything but a buyer's market [Music]   so something's got to give to get H and  Rick the family home they need for four   hundred thousand pounds and its location  my first house is on the very outer edge   of their preferred path 20 minutes  walk from the bars and restaurants   they love but it's within budget and it  has all the space they need come on in uh now we're very it's a fairly standard house at  the front so yeah that's bigger than normal yeah   I think it's from here on that it actually gets a  really exciting class because it becomes different   and we start to get the feel of the openness  it's light it's contemporary it's great space   yes it goes on quite a bit more yeah it's  really nice I like it I love and one of the   things that was on my list was a kitchen with  a glass roof so when that's it look at that   upstairs there are the four bedrooms H and Rick  asked for and I think there's potential to add   even more space by converting the garage or  bringing the extension flush with the rest   of the house it's not a massive guest bedroom  but it has an ensuite it's quite a decent one   it's it's big enough as you said it's guess  yeah get on the here once in a while so you   don't want to waste lots of room on an empty  room I guess yeah grannies might become quite   useful when somebody arrives exactly yes  and something else that might become useful I really like it it's nice well I think I've got  this one sewn up how'd you get on yeah good good   yeah we really like it a few Smiles around yeah  yeah I could definitely definitely see myself   living here and the only thing that we're a  little bit about is is where it is because   um it is quite aware from sort of both hairline  altering again so I think what we want to do is   is do the drive or do the walk and just see fun  that all went very well indeed I'm just texting   lady all sock making sure she knows I'm in front  h r adore my first house good luck in Preston I could have sworn I heard them  say it was too far out of town   do I really need to remind you  of Three Little Words foreign [Music] we're in the Northwest where time is  running out for parents to be Helen and Rick they   need a family home before two becomes three and  I'm with Nino and Graham who have rejected over   40 properties in their hunt for their marital home  now it's down to me to get them over the threshold   in these uncertain times buying the right house  is a tricky operation particularly when many   would-be sellers are deciding to stay home pull  the shutters and ride out the storm but for Nina   and Graham Walker the storm has gone on too long  since their wedding 14 months ago they've been   renting a small place in Preston and they're  sick of putting dreams of family life on hold   so our first house has family written all  over it a large garden three good-sized   bedrooms ample living and dining space  plus good schools within walking distance   granted it doesn't have the period  features I know Nina would prefer   but it's practical spacious and just short  of 175 000 pounds it's 15 000 under budget now note the door guys because it's one of the few   original features in the house  oh right okay okay oh foreign I'm like sort of pleasantly surprised  really I wasn't I wasn't yeah yeah I   think I could see this sort of potential with it interesting so Graham's first impression  was was it's slightly pleasantly surprised   but Nina I don't think it's possibly got enough  period features and I'm I don't like either of   the fireplaces kind of that is not that that's  horrible that would be right in like um like a   barn or something blimey Graham looks positive but  something tells me if Nina's not happy it'll be a   no-go I always say that if someone's really  interested in the house they'll be itching   to know what the price is and you haven't  asked me no what is the price 174 950. okay what do you think and careful Graham I think  there's a right answer yeah I think it's quite   smart it feels small in here yeah it feels  like where where would I put all my claws   oh I don't know Nina where  would you put all your clothes can you see yourself living in this house I'm not sure does that mean no I don't think  I can it means let's see the other properties well clearly this has isn't a contender I'm  starting to think this search might be less   about twisting Graham's arm and more about  finding Nina period charm and while they   poodle home to ponder on things I'm off down  the m62 to pop in on pip and I could do with   some support Helen and Rick are expecting  their first baby in just three months and   need a family home fast problem is they've got  their heart set on Central alteringham and hail   which gives me approximately four square miles  of search area and not many properties to play   with but I think I've got one which might just  do the trick Central hail is kind of where you   want it to be isn't it and perfectly obvious why  yeah yeah shops restaurants bars cafes it's all   going on here as well Yep this is where we want  to be want to be able to get in there and enjoy   this sort of Lifestyle so well I'm hoping that  Kirsty is here so here she is shopping of course I would never ever believed that Kirsty in a baby   shop no the whole point of being  in this area is the nice shops that probably bag tells the story  doesn't it very popular with young   families easy to see why yeah and  the house that we're going to see you really are push the cram when you're into it  most of us realize that in order to get the right   location you often have to compromise on size but  I think H and Rick need to see it to believe it   this house does have everything they asked  for but 20 minutes closer to town than the   last house everything here is on a smaller  scale except of course the price tag 30   000 pounds more than their ideal spend come in see  what you make of this it's a little bit smaller   than where we've come from it's a little bit  narrower and I wouldn't describe it as a project   but there's a there's plenty of stuff you're  going to want to do to liven it up brighten it up   okay um no from first impressions for myself I  came came in here it was very dark it's hasn't   got that room here it's narrow I'll still look  at the rest of it but it's a big no without   unless it came in at such a ridiculously  cheap price like you'd have to it doesn't and I think it still needs a lot of money  spending on it as well so it's horrible for   what we want it's not everybody it's just  horrible I don't know when what else to   say I feel that you could create something  that would suit you here it would cost a   lot of money it would take time and effort  which you may decide that you don't have failed I am going to slightly flog the dead  horse because and the reason for doing that   is because this is the housing stock of  the area this is what you get 200 yards   from Hale High Street well I think what this  is then delivered to us is yeah we'll live a   bit further from hell in Altona than what we  said before to get the house that we want okay   and dare I even ask about this  house I think it's for now hey right well thank God they like the first  place I could do with a drink congratulations   that was an unmitigated disaster on a scale  that I haven't seen for a couple of years not   at all it's all part of the plan they will come  out tomorrow morning realizing that they cannot   live right where they wanted to do so that was  a plan was it yeah yeah a plan a welcome I'd   hate to see what impromptu looks like and unless  you can pull a Whopper out of the bag I have got   a Whopper and I will be revealing it tomorrow  morning I don't even want to go there [Music]   so we're moving further out of hail but only by  10 minutes and my Whopper well it's absolutely   massive it's got all the right dimensions  I'm incredibly proud of it only problem is   it points in the wrong direction I know that  you're gonna like the style of this house   that's lovely yeah lovely big drive and yeah  it's lovely I have noticed one thing though   that this is on the north side of the road  yeah so this has got the north facing Garden well actually to be fair there was one other  compromise you know you said that your budget on   a really good day with the win behind you could  might just be able to get to 460. yeah right   I saved you 50 Quid [Laughter] Hefty house 470 square feet bigger than anything  else we've been able to show them it has four   large bedrooms and the potential to make a fifth  in The Loft what's more the reception rooms and   the kitchen have that wow factor that secretly  I think H has been looking for check this out   kitchen Diner [Applause] my favorite room  obviously it's an absolute belter yeah it's   gorgeous yeah that's it it's got the Islanders  now this is great maybe your Whopper is impressing   more than I thought it would it's lovely it's nice  and big and white I'll just like we said we wanted   good good um this is the main bedroom in here one  thing I just sort of sow the seed into your minds   as a point of comparison this  at its full asking price is 86   000 pounds more than house number one yeah which  was probably a another four minute walk away from   hail so that's it what twenty thousand pound a  minute yeah I'm glad it's not my decision you   just created it I just created the confusion yeah  thanks it looks like this house is moving into   the lead despite the extra cost but that  Garden could still prove to be a problem he wouldn't says as it comes out about um it feels better out here than it looks yeah  from in there good yeah for what it's worth I   kind of see your style more in the other house  but greater longevity and ability to live here   for forever here I know you might grow out of  the other house yeah you'd never grow out of   this but for 400 pounds a month difference on the  mortgage that's a lot of money yeah it's a lot of   money and I don't want to sort of you know to  spend the few years when the baby's little so   I think you know I can't really afford to do that  but then on the flip side I don't want to change   myself in the short term so it's dilemma well  tricky decisions ahead for H and Rick and I can't   tell which house they'll want to look at again  tomorrow an embarrassment of riches on this side   of the search but with Kirsty well it's just plain  embarrassing isn't it very funny Phil but truth be   told it has been a bit Grim up North with my first  house being rejected for not having the period   charm Nina and Graham are after but I'm about to  remedy that with my second property four bedrooms   packed with period features even the garden has  character and Phil's arrive just in time for me to   wipe the smug grin off his face you just relax is  this your favor put your feet up I don't I don't   make favorites Phil and nor should you a little  bit no no bet thank you we're in a sought after   area of Wigan it's not an area Nina and Grom have  asked for but that's not actually what worries   us about this house what worries us about this  house is that just shy of 200 000 pounds it's ten   thousand more than Nina and Graham's maximum we're  hoping we can bring it in closer to their budget   but we know from the agent that the vendors  don't want to move too far on price [Music]   now wow somebody told us the kitchen was kind  of important oh I love it oh wow wow that's   fantastic oh it's amazing oh I love it it's pretty  decent for the size of it wow oh it's amazing I'm totally speechless there is I don't know  whether to call it a stumbling block but there's   a stumbling block it's not gonna you know it's  not gonna take it genius to work out what the   stumbling debated long and hard about whether  to show you this house or not and basically we   decided we couldn't not show it to you even though  and the last thing that we want to do is encourage   you to spend more money but it is a terrific  house um and it's on 199 950. okay right okay it's [Music] it's not a lot more um it's it's  the it's the monthly payments on the mortgage   basically reference would be an extra 50 but  they've already made sacrifice there are 190   000 pound budget and 50 Quid a month might be one  sacrifice too many it's a much bigger house than   perhaps you would expect yeah or or a much bigger  house than you need right now so there's no harm   in saying look this is great but I I don't want  to stretch myself right now I'm happy to take a   smaller house and go back to your you know your  175 or something like that yeah but I think this   this house has just got everything that we're  looking for and it would be a shame to kind of   um not just push ourselves that little bit  extra Kirsty and I often talk to people about   um the property game and think of moving as a  as a game your first house and your last house   and you want to get from there to there in the  least amount of goes possible yeah because it   costs so much to move yeah the person who wins  the game of snakes and ladders it's the person   who rolls the dice fewest times yeah so master  bedroom oh it's absolutely amazing oh it's it's   beautiful I love the fireplace absolutely love  it you know I even oh it's just it's beautiful   that oh look and I love it I love it I could cry  it's just I could it's just it's perfect for me   anyway but I'd need to talk to Graeme convince him  yeah I don't think there's gonna be much talking what does that mean I don't even want to know  how you're gonna persuade you guys don't don't   even want to know I don't think Graham stands a  chance you know I'm here oh there you are it's   good size isn't it this is the third bedroom yeah  yeah yeah look at the look at the view [Music]   so this is the fourth bedroom it would  make a lovely walking wardrobe yeah I dreamed so this is the master  bedroom what do you think it's huge it's amazing isn't  it look at the fireplace Nina's not the only one feeling playful Phil has  lured me to the bottom of the garden if you can   get a mention of swinging into every show you'd  be happy wouldn't you that would make you happy I   heard okay well the thing is they want this house  they gave us the list of criteria this is the   only house that fits a list of the criteria but  we have a responsibility to them they're facing   a very big decision and I think throughout  that decision we have to hold on to those   tiny little pools of those you'll be fine at ten  thousand pounds over budget I certainly hope so this week we're on the outskirts of  Manchester with two young couples   looking to buy their first family homes  for Nina and Graham it's about getting   out of rental hell and when I took them to  this four bed in Wigan they were in heaven   somebody told us the kitchen was kind of  important but at almost 10 grand over budget   I've got to play Devil's Advocate and show them  something to bring them back down to earth and it   doesn't get more earthy than this surrounded by a  conservation area on the outskirts of Bolton it's   cute as a button Nino and Graham said they'd  love to find something semi-rural but didn't   expect to find it on their budget they were right  this three bed is being marketed at just short of   two hundred and ten thousand but before you  think the country air has messed with our   heads the agent assures us that 190 000 pounds  would secure it for a quick sale which makes   this a bit of a bargain the thing about this  house is it's really in very very good nick   um it's lovely and light this room is the darkest  room and it just needs a repaint with a lighter   color yeah but everything's done yeah and if  you look out the window you'll see there's a   nice little Garden Fields at the back which  the council have assured us a green bow that   won't be built on okay and when you go to the  upstairs bedrooms you just see Moors and hills   and oh lovely it really has that semi-rural  feel yeah am I flogging a dead horse here um it's not got the wild fats at the other half  yeah it's just not that house is it it doesn't   have that sort of character in that but let's  go yeah it's not you know with potentially 10   000 pounds separating the two properties I  certainly hope they'll give this place a chance it's lovely um it's perfect for the  setting that we're in yeah the rurals   Garden you don't think the whole mountain biking  getting onto the Moor in five minutes thing is   going to swing it for you Graham because  this was the house that we thought might   do you you know cheaper and good access  to those type of outdoor activities yeah   um I think if it was on our doorstep maybe we  would take it for granted a bit um so oh for God's   sake I was going to go with you into the kitchen  but I'm not sure I can actually be bothered   honestly these two will make any excuse to  get back to the Victorian property there's   nothing wrong with this house well nothing a  dose of DIY wouldn't fix oh dear [Laughter]   wow yeah it's um it's a bit 70s isn't it [Music] in the morning foreign we get a reaction to a house like the one the  Walkers head to this house the kitchen rented   them speechless the bedrooms almost made  Nina cry but today Graham's having a sudden   change of heart let's hope this doesn't  end with Nina broken-hearted right so   hello how was night um obviously we've got quite  a lot to think about so you know the money and   um my area and things we don't really know it very  well are you worried about I mean it does occur to   me Graham that it would be quite convenient given  how worried you were about the money if some other   barrier would leap up between you and that house  that's exactly how I feel yeah he's getting he's   becoming Hesston again this morning and he started  to this is oh it's the area right we don't know   the area well enough and I'm ready to strangle  him to be honest yeah I think this is kind of   sort of coming to terms with the fact this is  how I get one um something feels some something's   really important it feels it feels right but  then little things start niggling away and ask I didn't I didn't I know it's a shock isn't it  no I didn't well he's managed one major decision   in his life now he's going to have to make another  while here Nina think things through on the other   side of Manchester Phil is with h and Rick we've  got two houses in the running a big four bed   budget Buster about 10 minutes from Hale's Swanky  shops and bars and a slightly smaller but sensible   house with west facing Garden a little further out  and that's where ancient Rick wanted to meet first   well we've really been comparing has said the  hair world that we saw yesterday so obviously   this our first house you know and sizing up the  distances the size of the houses the rooms and   obviously the pluses are negatives and did some  sort of grading between the two properties and   how did the grading system come out um this one  scarred 10.75 and um Hill Road scars 12.25 so um but then that's not taking into account the price  so yeah indeed price is a huge Factor here with   the hail property marketed at 85 000 pounds  more than this one it's a much larger house   but here we have the added benefit of an ensuite  thank goodness it's not my decision he had such a   fond reaction to this house the first time  got feel coming in the kitchen lovely yeah   it's really nice but small now it  feels it feels small I think I think   yeah it's the glass ceiling and everything  is great and the setup is lovely to me but   yeah it don't have that size for myself it's small  in comparison with hail right yeah I think that's   what in you know again why we wanted to come back  today because I know that I love this house and it   feels really nice but I was worried that I was  going to think it was small and I think I do   um fortunately there's room to expand here  and with almost 100 Grand at stake I think   it's something we should take a serious look  at the first challenge is to shift this car oh he thought we'd be pleased about that oh we don't know your own strength pip right could be a playroom could be a bedroom I've got  a ballpark quote and this is sight unseen from   a builder to replace the doors with Windows um  plaster it waterproof it sort out the electric   somewhere between six and seven thousand Pounds  will get you a habitable room right okay okay   yeah it'd be a good sized playroom yeah  and I think that's what would be fit for   they don't sound convinced I'm not sure this  house measures up on second inspection it's   really small everything about the house is really  small feels very standard three bed semi now you should have got big Rick to help you with that  just short of seven foot so you're not going to be   able a bed is just over six foot so you can't spin  it round you can't use it so you can't fit at all   where'd you fit a wardrobe the drawers it doesn't  work okay do we need to look at anything else   I don't think we need to look at anything else a bloody meal out of that don't I well the  vendor said if they pay the asking price on   the house you'd throw the car in we can keep  his car well I'm glad you're laughing you're   down to one house and it's the budget Buster and  things are looking pretty hairy over here too   Grandma Nina loved this four bedroom Victorian  house when they saw it yesterday the price tag   wasn't ideal at 10K over there 190 Grand budget  but that's not Graham's problem today he says   he's fretting about the area but I'm worried  it's more than that close yourselves down because we have to have a serious chat now last  time we walked into this room you looked around   and you said that phrase which I very rarely  set here anyone say it's it's perfect you said um now it's not perfect it stretches you  financially it is the perfect house but   it's I'm starting to see those niggly little  things as big issues and I'm not sure why but   at the end of the day I mean a house  is a house isn't it and a house is a   horn a house is it yeah yeah and remember I  don't want to be in that house anymore yeah no you're right yeah maybe this is it then  maybe there's still a big maybe isn't there   no there isn't there what just give me give  me the the questions ask me the questions um no no I I haven't got any questions um  what is that is it the area that you don't   know the area enough what is it I think that's  kind of that's probably one of the things um uh I think someone needs a little breathing space  you could go out now and just walk about yeah   when Nina and I could talk about what we wanted to  do to the house and no I'd feel better for doing   nothing do you want to go now yeah yeah but  I think let him go by himself maybe okay   just walk around the immediate streets go for  a Wonder oh dear swindley is one of the most   sought after areas in Wigan the schools the  park all great for a long-term family home   Nina Knows It But Graham's just not prepared  to make the leap let's hope his caution isn't   catching on this side of the m62 H and Rick have  already ruled out the first house they Revisited   because of its size and I'm worried about the  garden in the second property if facing north   becomes a deciding factor there's every chance  we could all be going home empty-handed today I'm nervous now I'm excited yeah nice it's  good to be back it's it is it's exciting   yeah is it big is it small it's Grand it's  big it feels a proper proper grown-up house   a grown-up house with a grown-up price tag  there's no doubt this could be a wonderful   forever family home but at 460 000 pounds  the top of their maximum maximum budget   they're going to have to be absolutely  certain and get over the garden issue it's it's not comparison into it now it's just  I don't like it no it's great I love it when   we came in yesterday there was big smiles outside  the house big smiles to start with a big surprise   when you saw the kitchen and then it all kind  of went a little bit sour when North facing   Gardens smaller than you'd hoped have you got  over that yeah yeah well I think the sun does   hit the garden you know because it's set back from  the main house it don't get shaded as much and we   have listened to you and we do live in Manchester  so the amount of sun we're going to get there is   parks around for those few days you know maybe  we're putting too much importance on that when   in truth we're going to be in the house a lot more  and actually in the garden it feels good it's it's   got that size it's got that wow factor yeah you  walked in here it's just you know we could it's   a lovely house so come on let's go right done so  it's Full Speed Ahead inhale but on my side of   the search the Wigan wander is still roaming the  streets and Nina's dreams of a family home are   going down the drain I think he really is feeling  the pressure this is obviously Agony but we're   never going to get a house if he continues like  this how will we ever ever going to buy a house well I don't know what to do  neither do I and unless the   Rover returns soon it's not  looking good for this house true to popular suspicion I.E Phil there  are lots of times when I like to be wrong   and I'd like to be wrong about  whether Graham buys this house or not I don't think I am though man down man down it is never a good sign when  someone goes missing in action Graham Walker's   gone to ground Prospect of paying out 200 000  pounds for bricks and mortar has left him severely   shell shocked there's only one thing for it send  in the troops be okay yeah yeah it's a quick look   around how you feeling all right yeah it's not  as bad as a sort of thought yeah way you know this is the best house we've seen  yeah I think just me who thinks that   no Kirsty and I are right behind you there Nina  please just have this house it's amazing and you   know compare it for the prize to all the things  we've seen exactly the space the character the   perfect kitchen look how big that kitchen is it's  huge it's and it's gorgeous and we won't need to   spend a thing on this house not one penny no  I totally get what you're saying and I think   the place isn't it yes okay right good  right so are we gonna yeah see if we can   get yes yeah okay okay cool yay oh I love  a happy ending oh you found each other yes right [Music] [Laughter]   we've been doing a lot of thinking and  chatting things okay and what's Nina said   um Nina loves the place I love the place as well  um I've had a little walk around and it is a is   a really nice area so yeah so I think we're  gonna no I don't think I know we're gonna um   if we can get it at the right price brilliant  but don't forget it's above budget it'll take   some serious negotiation and you're not the  only one H and Rick want the four bed in hail   but on the market at just shy of 460 000 pounds  it's at the very top of what they construct to   how do you want to play it the figure which we  would like to pay for it is really around the the   420 Mark I think 420 is ambitious because  I really yeah yeah you know I'm thinking   they're doing well to get it for less than  450. actually I think it's worth 450. that's   kind of a fancy where we get yeah good okay their  offer is 40 000 under the asking price I'm gonna   have to play this one just right um John good  afternoon Phil Spencer I've got an offer for   you and before I give you the figure I'm going  to be entirely 100 open with you and our couple   gave us a search budget of 400 000. they said to  us at the outset if something was really perfect   they could borrow some money and stretch it but  it would have to be absolutely perfect so I've   got an offer for you of 420 000 and that's  stretching everything that they could do   in Wigan things are tricky too though we're  told the vendors won't accept anything less   than the full asking price of almost two hundred  thousand pounds for the Victorian property Nina   and Graham's finances are so tight we can't afford  not to try and get them a deal so I'm starting   bang on their original budget of a hundred  and ninety thousand pounds foreign [Music] we've been around the houses with this one because  it's really at the top end of my class budget now   currently in rented accommodation they haven't  given notice so they can send rented accommodation   as long as it's necessary or move as quickly as  your client might want them to the thing is that   we just haven't got the asking price but we we  are in a position to make an offer of 190. foreign hi John how did you get on um where's some distance apart um yeah yeah  thanks for your help cheers bye [Applause]   um 420 is not going to enable her to do what she  needs to do no big surprise um but we are down at   4 50. right camera I think I've got a relock  at the numbers as you said a couple of days   and then obviously see what what we can  do and what we can go back in with yeah   and it doesn't look like things are going  to be resolved in wig in tonight either   now they're they're on holiday I think  we're really not looking to hear back   until tomorrow or Monday at the latest so  a bit more patience I want you to have that   house I think it's the house for you yeah  we were a good buyer you are a good buyer   and a good vendor should bite their arm off  for a bar like you yeah good good we help so two days turned into two weeks and sadly  Nino and Graham didn't get the result they   were after we ended up going up to the full  asking price and then the vendors decided   that they didn't want to sell the house and so  obviously you know we loved the house didn't   we so we absolutely loved it and we were  gutted absolutely gutted weren't we yeah   not to be outdone they continued their search and  this time we're able to be far more focused in   their efforts having looked at the houses we had  with Kirsty we kind of knew what we wanted then   and I've cemented the fact that yes we want to  live in a Victorian house yeah it certainly pays   to know what you want and six months on Nina and  Graham have found a cracking property in Preston   189 000 this four bedroom Victorian Sammy offers  them plenty of room but it is a big renovation   project good thing Graham's not only got over  his fear of house buying now he's also happy   to roll up his sleeves I think originally we were  never expected to to take on a project like this   but I think now we're glad that we have whether  that'll be the same in a few years time I don't   know but we're excited at this point so that's  great it's a family home and it's a forever   home and hopefully when we have children  you know the space to to grow into it yeah [Music] while Nino and Graham's thoughts turned to  starting a family H and Rick have already   celebrated the arrival of baby Dexter the main  difference since we're last Phil and Kirsty in the   summer was little decks coming along here it's a  big big change to our lives great news but things   haven't worked out quite as well for the house we  found them in hail we did actually up our Opera   but we didn't get it and people said for Fates  reasons at the time it wasn't a lot of comfort   but our search wasn't in vain H and Rick  realized that alteringham was definitely   the place for them and moved into rented to  keep a closer eye on the market in the area   the move paid off we walked in this house and  knew straight away didn't we yeah literally opened   the door and just a couple of rooms we just said  this is it this is definitely it at 467 000 this   Victorian property is seven thousand Pounds above  their maximum budget so a few extra months saving   have come in handy they'll be moving in in four  weeks time and with five bedrooms and a converted   Cellar it certainly provides them plenty of room  for a growing family and as for the garden this   one faces East uh Phil and kirsty's advice you  realize that there's south facing Garden wasn't   the be-all or render so we then decided to come up  and look and we're happy that we did yes it's nice   when we moved here I think one of the questions  we're asking ourselves was would we miss the   city life one I don't think we have and two  we haven't had a chance to miss it he's just   it's really every minute we had  getting used to being parents really   so we haven't missed it honestly  no it's great we're enjoying it [Music]   foreign [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 165,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all homes home and garden, budget vs dream home, diy, diy projects, home decor, home decor ideas, home design, home restoration, house design, house hunting, interior, interior design, living room makeover, location, location location location, manchester lifestyle, manchester property, northwest house hunt, phil spencer, real estate help, restoration
Id: nYmPfF2O_ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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