A Cool Grammar Test That 95% of People Fail

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[Music] hey try your skills with this spelling test 95% of people fail you know autocorrect can sometimes a noise and even leave us in some pretty awkward situations but be honest we've kind of grown dependent on our phones and computer spellcheck feature when was the last time you actually had to test your spelling skills your 6th grade spelling bee this quiz will be divided into simple intermediate and advanced sections with gradually increasing difficulty and some of these words leave even the smartest completely baffled only 5% of people get all of them right you'll need to finish the sentences with the correctly spelled word while you're taking the test keep track of the answers you get right at the end of the video you'll get your results are you ready then let's start [Music] [Music] [Music] and now for the results drumroll please if you've got less than 10 words right you might want to consider working on your spelling skills a little more if you've chosen at least 10 correctly spelled words your level is that of an extremely smart sixth grader if your score is between 10 to 14 correct words not too shabby you can be proud of yourself for your spelling skills and if you knew the spelling of all 15 words you've passed the test that 95 percent of people fail congratulations so how many points did you get and which word puzzle do you the most tell us in the comments below share this quiz with your friends and see if they can top your score like this video if you had a good time and subscribe to our channel you'll always find something interesting on the bright side of life you
Views: 3,074,710
Rating: 4.6640053 out of 5
Keywords: spelling test, grammar test, check your grammar, grammar rules, english grammar, lear english grammar, grammar quiz, spelling quiz, test your spelling, spelling bee, spelling guru, test your grammar, super hard quiz, grammar games, language games, autocorrect, how to spell, bright side, bright side videos
Id: HNDCihroDf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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