A Conversation with Myron Scholes

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[MUSIC] Good morning, Myron. >> Morning, Daryl. >> Let's go right to the heart of the matter. What most people remember about your Nobel Prize in Economics, is that it led to a precise mathematical formula for the price have been option, and we'll get into this story of that in a couple minutes, but for those who've watching that don't know whole lot about finance. What exactly is an option? >> [LAUGH] Bad question. Basically, an option is the right but not the obligation to buy a security at a fixed price over a set period of time, that's called a call option. And there is also other options, which give you the right, but not the obligation to do so to establish security at a set price over a specified time period. So the interesting thing about options are basically, they are right or ability to do something without the requirement to do something. So it's that flexibility, or the optionality that we think about in life. And it similarly applies to securities as well. >> So it could be equities, could be bonds, could be commodities. >> Correct, equities, bonds, commodities. Commitments to a lot of different things. >> Okay, so now let's go way back in time. Think of yourself in the late 1960s, and a lot of things were going on in finance around that time. Major development emerging fields of financial economics. A lot of people had worked on how to price an option, it was a hard problem. And I'm just curious to hear how you actually got involved in this. I mean, what was it that triggered your interest in solving this really hard problem? >> Well, that’s interesting involved question. But, basically when I was at the University of Chicago, as a PhD student, that was a very, as you’ve mentioned, a very embryonic time for the development of finance, it was a completely different way of looking at finance, mostly from an economic perspective as opposed to a rules-based perspective, and it led to the development of finance as a part of economics, really. Which was much different from the finances being an auxiliary sort of rules-based way of thinking about things. At that time, there was a great understanding of how to manage risk. And the idea of thinking about risk is the idea of buying risky assets, versus safe assets that was one dimension of risk management. And the other dimension of risk management was diversification. How you would diversify risky assets. That led to development of things. Such as Bill Sharps great discoveries and amplification of Markowitz work and talking about the capital acid pricing model. That, for us was a great breakthrough, because there was an equilibrium model of how individual assets should be priced relative to a benchmark or asset portfolio, and that was one strand that was very prevalent. So the culmination of risk and how to think about risk, but no one had really yet, had thought about risk from the dimension of insurance in our area. A lot of people had talked about insurance from an actuarial way, actuarial science. They had talked about pricing insurance from the idea of thinking about it, only in the form of an option as I describe. Had a value and option. But no one had really thought about it in terms of an equilibrium context, or thinking about how it fit in to how assets were held. How they were priced, and the dynamics. And that fascinated me when I, before I went to [COUGH] MIT as an assistant professor. And when I went to MIT as an assistant professor, it was mandatory at the time that Masters students in the Masters program had to write a thesis. And several students came to me and asked me to be their advisor, and they had option pricing data from the over the counter market. And using that data, they wanted to price options. So basically, they wanted to use the capital asset pricing model which we had discussed in our classes and apply that to the option. Terminal rapid use discounted it to present value, and look at the value of the option. When I started reading the thesis and thinking about it much more deeply, I realized that, although it might be easy to get the expected terminal [LAUGH] value of the option, it wasn't possible to think about discounting it back to present value by using a constant discount rate. Because the risk of the option changed dramatically as a function of time and as a function, more importantly, of how the underlying asset price change relative to the strike price of the option. You have a weight in the money option that behaved almost like the stock instrument. And basically, as it was out of the money that moved very little with regard to changes in the underlying stock or asset price. So, that got me thinking again, about options. And then, I started reading a lot of the literature on options that existed. Paul Kudner, who was a faculty member here at Stanford as well, came under the Bill Sharps auspices. And he had passed away in the late 70's here. But he had written a book or had a compendium of articles on option pricing in his book. And I read through all of them, all the articles plus the literature, and none were very satisfying, because they didn't have any really equilibrium model, or equilibrium thinking about option pricing. So that's how I started in to thinking about options, and then I thought about the idea of saying, what is, in economics, we think about equilibrium and having to think about one asset price relative to another and how the dynamics of that asset's price would evolve over time. And since I was schooled and enamored with, and in love with the capital asset pricing model, and what it implied about it's risk, an asset's risk and how that asset's risk would be priced. It became obvious to me that I should think in terms of the beta of the assets, so the beta is the idea of how the returns on a particular asset is related to some market portfolio equilibrium portfolio, when all assets should be differential expected return, just based on the proportionality or the beta of that asset regarding its relation to the market portfolio. At least over a very short period of time. And so thinking in that way, I said, well, let me think if I can think what that beta of this option is, okay? That would be. And so then, I would know what the expected return would be on the option for the next period of time, and how it'd relate then to the market itself. And then I Thought about this idea of the hedging, or the selling one and buying the other. And that's when I then started talking with Fischer Black, who I was working with in other projects, and we then started to. He had been thinking about options as well and working on options on his own independently of me, and then we joined forces together at that time. >> He was visiting MIT at the time? >> No, Fischer Black, actually, I met Fischer Black in the fall of 1968 when I, I'm dating myself, and I'm making myself very old, which I am, but [LAUGH]. >> Half century ago. >> I know, were you born yet? >> High school. >> [LAUGH] High school, okay, but basically, I came to MIT, and Michael Jensen, who was a colleague of mine, not a colleague of mine, a fellow student of mine at the University of Chicago, had met Fischer Black because Fischer Black was working at Arthur D Little, that's a consulting firm, and then had asked Michael questions about a study that he, Fischer Black, was working on. And Michael said that I should have lunch with him, so I phoned him up, and we had lunch together. And in the meantime, I had talked with Wells Fargo Bank in the summer of 68 before I went to MIT about their management science group and what they had been doing in terms of using Markowitz technology to build optimal portfolios. When I wrote my report, they had had wonderful technology in being able to use covariance matrices and figure out the efficient portfolio. However, they had no inputs to put into the model, and they had very few clients that they could use any of what they had done on. >> This was Harry Markowitz, who also got a Nobel Prize. >> Yeah, Harry Markowitz also had a Nobel Prize, with Merton Miller and with Bill Sharpe, in 1990. So I recommended to them that they think about moving to passive strategies because they had nothing to lose by doing that. And I just felt that, at that time, from studies that Mike Jensen had done and others, that just buying a portfolio and not trying to active management, that portfolio could do approximately as well as passive portfolios, at least from the data, and doing it at much less cost. And so that was the end of my project, and later, in December of that year, Wells Fargo phoned me up, Mac McQuown, and said, we'd like you to do more studies on this idea, this passive portfolio idea. And I said, well, I'm a young assistant professor, I'm stuck here at MIT, I can't travel. But I have this fellow, Fischer Black, who I had talked with and enjoyed my discussions, and he wants to set up his own firm, which was called the Associates in Finance. And he then became, with me, we go talk with Wells Fargo and developed a lot of empirical tests to verify that passive investing, you could do approximately as well as investing with an active manager. And I think that was sort of the genesis of, for the institutional side, the genesis of the idea of passive investing, which later been called index investing or ETF investing. And it was the case that Vanguard in 74 put out the first individual index fund, the S&P 500 index fund. But Wells Fargo was really the one that started off in 68 and later built a huge business. And now Blackrock has the- >> ETF business. >> ETF business that all generated from that particular genesis. So Fischer Black and I were doing a lot of empirical research and trying to show that this had efficacy, you can do it. And through that we discussed myriad things, we wrote a lot of papers together. It was kind of great to be doing research and this getting and publishing things at the same time as trying to think about building this wing of investments in finance. And we talked then, I talked to Fisher a lot about options, and he talked to me about his views on options, and that's how the partnership was born. >> He's said to be an interesting person. What was it like on a personal level to work with Fischer Black? >> Fischer Black evolved over time, and Fischer Black was wonderful to work with when I was working with him. I always felt that his ideas were, he was a genius in myriad ways. And he would argue his points, but he was very, very strong in arguing his points, but he's very malleable once he agreed with you, he would switch and come to agree with you and then amplify on what you were saying, so I was more voluble, talking a lot, and he was- >> That hasn't changed. >> [LAUGH] No, I'm sorry about that, but he was listening, and listening, and then he would intervene, and I'd say, okay, that's great, and we would move off in that direction. >> Yeah, I can almost visualize you two guys hammering away at the chalkboard, working on that formula. I know it's mathematically a very deep subject, but was there some kind of lights went on and some kind of breakthrough idea that you had that allowed you to actually come up with the formula? >> Well, I think in science, I don't know, maybe from your own experience and your own research you have a different view, but a lot of people believe in the eureka moment, all of a sudden the lights go on. But a lot of science and a lot what we did was connectivity, connecting various pieces together and thinking about the various pieces, and then that connectivity, because it's all in your mind, it connects. So maybe there is, quote, a eureka moment, where you see the connectivity, but a lot of it, as I said in the introduction, came from the view of thinking about what the beauty of the Capital Asset Pricing Model, what others had done, like Merton Miller and Franco Modigliani's views on capital structure and how they thought about arbitrage. That idea in their papers, they had the idea that debt in a firm, there's a pie concept, you have debt and equity, and you have the assets. So you can't have the debt be independent of the assets and the equity, they all have to be tied together. And so all those things were in the mind, and they were all fresh, and they were alive because that was so new to everyone at that time. Now, if people are studying it in class, it's all old, so okay, but at that time it was all, just everything was so exciting. >> It's exciting for you, but as you said, at the time probably not that many people understood the significance of what you've discovered and how important it would eventually become for the practice of finance. I heard, maybe this is just a rumor, that you actually had difficulty getting that paper published when you first submitted it, is that true? >> Yes, actually it was, when Fischer and I first submitted our paper, it was rejected myriad times, okay. It was rejected as being either too arcane or insignificant. For finance and when it was finally after the intervention of Merton Miller and Gene Famat tells the Journal of Political Economy that they should look at the paper again after having rejected it, they finally came back and said that they would publish it. And I think, I'm not sure if this is 100% accurate, but I think it is been the most cited paper in the history of the journal of economy. >> It's probably one of the most cited papers in all of economics. >> Thank you. >> So you discovered the formula, you wrote the paper, somewhere after you got the formula, Bob Merton comes into the picture. He was interested in the same problem. Tell us the story about your discussions with Bob, and what he eventually did. because he also got the Nobel Prize with you. >> Sure, yes, very definitely. In science, we're a little bit like hunters. So Fisher and I husbanding what we did. We tried to work and get as far as we could in what we were working on together, without broadcasting it or telling other people what we were working on. Now Hunter makes sure that he doesn't have where the fish are. And when Bob Merton who is colleague of mine at MIT came into my office, and was talking about his continuous time finance, and the idea of thinking about that the hedging portfolios that he was working on and developing at that time, which were very important, I said, great, Bob. Keep working on that, because both Fischer and I knew that Samuelson alone and then Samuelson and Burton had written papers on option pricing or warrant pricing. And we knew that there was fundamental assumptions in their papers that were incorrect because of our discovery. And we wanted to move as far along as we could. In 1970, Wells Fargo had a conference that they sponsored at MIT. All us people were brought in from around the country and the world wasn't at that time involved in finance as it is today. But at the time, so we had Bill Sharpe would come in and Michael Jenson and others, for example, and Merton Miller, and the like. So I was to give the opening paper of the second day of the conference. And I was going to open what we had done and discuss what we had done with the group. It was for me and Fisher it was here is a great group of people to introduce it to. And Bob Merton was supposed to come but he overslept, so he didn't hear the paper at that time. About a couple of weeks later he came into my office and he said, I heard you gave this paper at this conference. You had an exact formula to price an option. And he said, I think that's impossible. You know what I mean? And it can't be true. So I explained to him, I put up how hedging worked, and the capital asset pricing model. And I showed the differential equation to him. And he looked at it said, no no, because you still have a systematic component that you haven't got rid of in the form of it. It has to be part of the pricing. So the brilliance of what was discovered was when you went through this inductive approach to value and option, as opposed to deductive approach, everyone had taken the deductive approach, trying to figure out what the terminal value of the option was and bring it back to present value. What we did is say, no you don't have to do that, you can do it each period of time inductive. And then add it up at that time, and that would give you the valuation. And so he said no, that didn't work, there's an error in that. And so we argued, which is great when you have wonderful colleagues you know through your career as well as mine. Having colleagues around that you can talk to about things and argue about various things, really enhances the value for everyone. In talking to him and going through things I said, look as we use the capital asset pricing model as a way to do things for the simple reason that we believe in equilibrium pricing. So, if the capital asset pricing model applied every instant of time, then you would have an equilibrium every instant of time. And then you could figure out how every asset was priced relative to every other asset and that would mean that you would be able then to have this sequence of correctly priced assets in the market. And you can hedge them. And figure out from that how the differential equation came about. So I explained everything to Bob, and then he argued that that was not true, and then the argument was what does it mean? Every instant of time or every short period of time? How close should we get to the instant of time? And then he's left the office at midweek. Sometimes, these things are so vivid because you respect someone's brilliance in its ability to argue with you and talk to you. And then on midweek and then on Saturday he phoned me at my house and he said that he agreed now that our was right and he used Calculus and we didn't use stochastic calculus to come to our >> Almost nobody did at that time. >> No one did at that time, right [LAUGH]. We used stochastic calculus to achieve an exact result, which he then showed there was actually the replication if you believed And the generating processes of processes that he had used that it was exact replicate, exactly replicated. I think Fisher and I have argued with Bob over the years that we liked our initial formulation better than Calculus or the continuous time framework because of the ability of us to allow for pricing to change in the economy and that you would then be able to to have every asset to be priced correctly and held. We didn't have to assume that but we had to argue that we assume the capital asset pricing model applied in continuous time or in very short periods of time. So it was his work, and his evolution, and then he formalized any more components than we had done. Once you show where the gold is in them hills, it's very hard. Once you have your stake, for others not to continue to stake out lots of different parts as well and find more gold and there was a lot of gold that was available at the time with the option pricing technology. >> Yeah, clearly. I read that he generously held up the publication of his next paper on option pricing. So that your paper would get priority because you were first. Is that right? >> Correct, yeah, he did. I mean, his paper on one, pricing and his extensions and what he'd done was published in the Bell Journal. And, they're ready to go and then the. Because we kept getting rejected and asking for revisions, that basically the Journal of Public Economy published our Paper, in May of 1973, finally. [LAUGH] >> So changing gears just a bit, as I mentioned earlier, most people who are not deeply immersed in finance, do know that there's this famous option pricing formula. But right in the title of your paper it says that your formula could be applied to price corporate debt. >> Right. >> And that's now, one of the most important applications of the formula. Did you notice that at the same time that you came up with the formula, or before and you were trying to solve both problems? Or did it occur to you after you priced options that you could at the same time calculate the market value of a debt claim on a corporation? >> Wow, once Fisher and I had the option pricing formula, came up with a pricing formula, then the idea of an option which is the right to and not the obligation to do something. Then both of us started talking in every direction about how our lives were, options were everywhere. And in other words, it's going through the forest if you start focusing on something. You'll see things, in myriad of different ways, then if you go somewhere else through the forest and focus on something completely differently. As a result, I remember our taking vacations together and walking on the beach and just talking, talking, talking about how options were. And how we could apply what we had done to other things, as well and it became obvious because of Franco Modigliani and Merton Millers work on the idea of capital structure. But they and their capital structure work only had it be for riskless debt and not risking debt. And so, we talked about that and how our work would apply to risking that, as well, and why debt equity to us became an option. The equity holders had the right to buy back the firm from the debt holders by paying off on the debt obligation and no-fault bankruptcy world. If they didn't they just turn the keys over to the debt holders and they would take over. So basically, the arguments that Miller and Modigliani held at least a frictionless world apply in the same thing, if you had risky debt as you had non risky debt. But the important thing in the debt contract was that with risky debt, there was a whole number of incentives that would come into play. And there was a friction between debt holders, an equity holders because if they change the risk of their assets, that could affect to that holders differentially from the equity holders. And basically, if the firm got into trouble then if they issued equity, that would, increase the value of the debt, etc. And so, all that was so exciting to talk about and think about, as you know in your own work, over time as you formalize those things. So that became a very important part. So we talked a lot about that. And actually, once you had the basic formula to price an option, then you obviously had the basic formula. The dynamics, the price of debt contract. But unlike the option contract which can think as isomorphic, meant that you're above it and you're watching it. When you go to the firm and thinking about the firm can do, then there was this war between the debt holders and the equity holders. And they could change the characteristics of the assets or the evolutionary process of the assets that would affect debt and equity, they could have a dividend policy. So they can have issuing more debter\g etc., or buying back equity and to all the covenants would come in. And so, that was a rich area that led to many papers and more Merton formalize a lot of that, and what he had written on in his paper. So we did describe how to price a simple debt contract as that in an extension, because what we had try to do was we published initial paper, we just thought about being a piece. We'd have this sequence of other papers and we have- >> Publish your perish. >> Publish your perish [LAUGH] >> Now my system festers from having a list of favors, so once you have a train, you want to have published more. But I didn't realize more that, once you expose a whole new area, people will then give up. I remember giving the paper here at Stanford University, coming here was a Berkeley, Stanford joint seminar. So there was 150 people in the audience listening to the Black Schulz paper. And a lot of people, obviously, because it was so unusual to think you could value something in finance, without having to know what the expected return was that people were shocked in the audience. And so it was, those answer that was false, but I remember Mark Rubenstein coming up to me after the seminar, we're sobering. Mark said, this is going to change the whole nature finance that I didn't. >> He was right. >> He was right, I didn't know that. >> Yeah, it opened up a lot of avenues. So speaking of that, moving ahead through time like about 25 years later, the phone rang early in the morning. >> Yeah. >> They were calling from Stockholm, I suppose. >> Yes. >> Tell us about that phone call. How did you react to that? >> Well it's actually, I was in Pebble Beach giving a talk or remember and it was, okay. Obviously, everything is always a shock to you, when you have the phone ringing and people say, you've been awarded that prize. I had, unfortunately, Fisher Black had passed away in 1995, two years earlier and I had thought that, because people said that, your work was possibly going to be awarded the prize. And it's interesting that even though the expectation might be high. There's an error to the expectation. >> Right, and you'll never know in any given year. >> In any given year and it's likely to go get the prize at some point. We don't know what year it's going to be. >> That's correct. >> So it must have been quite a shock. >> It was a shock and also, I had thought that obviously the first thing that I had thought was that it was great that Bob and I awarded the Nobel Prize. But then, I bemoan the fact that Fischer, of course, had passed away and wasn't going to participate as well. >> And then, you had to go to Stockholm. >> Correct. >> And there's this big event, the king is there. kind of take us back, paint the picture owhat this event was like for you and what happened? >> Right, well, it was new for me, in the sense that I went to Stockholm and everything is very well prepared. They have a playbook because they had about a hundred or so years of experience. And so, they know everything in the order everything's going to happen. I was just this person that's there and alike. But it's very a great ceremony, because they come by in a combination of frivolity. In other words, the students have scheds and preparations. They also have ceremony in honor of the King and. >> Queen of Sweden award the prize and they have a banquets that follow, informal banquets, and they also have serious scholarship. You give seminars at various universities in Sweden. And so the combination of the scholarship, the frivolity and the ceremony is a pretty rich experience. When I returned home after the whole affair, they'd given me before a driver and a cache and you had your own cars and everyone would watch you in Stockholm as you're going through Stockholm. So it was a very important event for those people in Stockholm and Sweden, generally. And so I got into the back seat of my car, expecting my car to go to the supermarket to buy my food. And obviously, it didn't go anywhere so I had to go in the front. But the fascinating is everyone in the press always asks you about what are you going to do with the prize money now? >> [LAUGH] >> At the time, the prize was approximately $1 million and I obviously had to split it with Robert Merton. So he received 500,000 and then the United States government, they wanted about 250,000 of my 500,000. But you've been in Stockholm and it's very expensive. So I had to bring my family and pay for their air fare, and their dresses, and all the other things they needed to wear for the ceremonies, and the like. And so I think when I got home, maybe I had about $32,000 left of the money to either spend on myself or invest. So one of the Nobel Prize winners, Phillips, who was awarded the Nobel Prize with Steven Chu and is the Stanford physics professor was awarded the prize in the same year. There was three who were awarded the prize in physics and he bemoaned the fact to me that actually he lost money, because he has to split the prize in three. The award of the prize itself is ignoring or forgetting the monetary value is so huge, because your life changes so dramatically after that. >> Well, it's certainly. I mean, you didn't need the prize to validate the impact of your contribution. So speaking of that, another quarter century has passed almost and the world has been changed a lot by the work that you did almost 50 years ago. Help us understand that legacy, what's going on in finance today that had you not discovered this prize. Pardon me, had you not discovered this breakthrough formula and this methodology for pricing options, and for pricing corporate that what would be different today? What's the legacy of what you did? >> Conditional on others not to speak of it. >> Well, okay. >> because you always worry about that, that someone. Once you discover something, you have to publish it. Because others will discover as well, but I think that it's changed the whole nature of finance in applications of finance to practice. Because when we started off in the business, then the investment banking world, for example, or insurance companies or banks are just marrying together buyers and sellers. They were just sort of agents. And once the technology was developed, technology was developed, they then moved from the world of agency to being principal in part and they innovated in so many different ways to make things faster for clients. When you're just an agent, you have to find a buyer and a seller. >> If they could act as a principal in part and hedge their risks and learn how to use quantitative techniques in what they were doing, then- >> So let's go through that in a concrete way. >> Sorry. >> I'm a client of whatever, Goldman Sachs. I call them up and I say, I have this corporate or personal investment problem. What do I do? I mean, where does the work that you did come into the solution for a problem? And give me an example of a problem. >> All right, an example of that might be that a particular corporation might want a security that would pay off in different states under different conditions and that would not be a standard form contract. They might have oil or they have different things they would be willing to pay off more on, if oil prices were higher than lower. >> So that's already not traded on an exchange? >> No, it's not traded. >> So Goldman has to kind of manufacture that contingent claim for you. >> Correct. >> And how does your work help them figure out how to do that? And how much to charge you for that? >> Right, well, charging part, I don't know. >> [LAUGH] >> There's obviously that charging part first is what the value increment would be, that how much I'm willing to pay for the solution that befits me versus the one. My shoe size versus having one shoe fit all, that the old way of doing things was one shoe fit all. You just had a standard contract. And then as you can make things more individualized, the value to me increases. But then the charge or the pricing of that depends on competition, and Goldman would be doing it, or JP Morgan would be doing it, etc., the same way. So as the technologies develop and people know it, the pricing comes down. Because then everyone can learn and copy from each other. So we're all better off in our using it, but individualization of is that the manufacturing process became one of say, okay, we will issue this claim that you have to a client that we have. But that client doesn't want to buy what you want, but we will give the client what they want and we will hedge the risks on our own. So Goldman would then act as an intermediary, they would buy the claim that the corporation wanted to issue and they would sell another claim to someone else who wanted to buy something else. And then they'd have to figure out how to handle the middle part, which is the excess risks or the excess pieces that weren't matched in the match. And then they would use the derivative technology to be able to hedge that risk and be able to manufacture by going to the capital markets, and buying things. You've done obviously a lot of research on your own, thinking about these hedging technologies and how they would apply to the intermediation business. So it changed the nature of intermediation quite dramatically and that attracted a lot of quantitative people or quantitative interests in coming to investment banks, and finance generally. >> So there seem to be no end of applications of what you've done. Looking forward, do you foresee >> Some new kind of technology for finance that either enhances what you did or takes us in a completely different direction going forward? >> Well, I don't know if I'd say it's a completely new direction, but I do think that as being a way to think about using what we know in a different way. And what I mean by that is one of the great findings sort of the arrow brute technology or the state technology, they built a technology that tried to price risk in various states. So instead of thinking about a riskless world, we thought about a risky world where the prices of assets would change cross sectionally, depending on the state of nature that arose. Now the interesting thing is that, that had myriad states and myriad prices and just as we have thousands of goods around the world today. Well, that technology, the option pricing technology if you believe there are certain state variables like growth assets or interest rate assets allows you to be able to economize on pricing and everything becomes price relative to the evolution of the state prices. The interesting thing is that we observe in the option prices or market prices is the prices of insurance. And if you look at the prices of insurance, they are not constant overtime. They're changing over time. That means that the risk is changing over time. And if the risk is changing over time, the distribution of risk is changing over time, then we have to now give up the one period models that we had been using. Or in a one period model, I mean, in an evolutionary sense, we just assume that the evolution is known and the calibration is constant. And then figure out how to use the information in the market prices to decide on then how to change the way we think about capital budgeting decisions, the way we think about discounting, the way we think about portfolio management. So there's tremendous amounts of dynamics that are left to still work on in that area which I think using that basic framework and the value of prices that we see in the market to really enhance our ability to understand those things, and we know that we can assume that we're drawing from the same urn each period of time. Yourself have done tremendous amount of thinking about what happens at times of shock in which, and how prices change dramatically. And so we can start incorporating those and more directly in what we're doing, and I think those are tremendous growth areas had. >> Speaking of shocks, those finance is often associated with big shocks to the economy associated with financial crises, financial instability. But with what you've described this morning, I hope that those watching will understand that research discoveries like yours can improve society, can add a lot of value to the real economy by providing solutions that weren't otherwise available and I really want to thank you. >> You're welcome. >> For coming in today and going over. I know it's old history, but going over how this came about. So thanks again. >> You're welcome, Derek. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. >> Yeah, thank you. [MUSIC]
Channel: Stanford Graduate School of Business
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Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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