Full Time College Student Trades Options 500x/Year

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[Music] Tom Sobeck my friend future star one of my favorite things on this on this network during our show us we're bringing in future stars Izzy how are you I'm doing great guys thank you nice easy name to say Izzy yeah I like it thank you so I'm you're wearing the colors man I like that yeah my gear is on so so bad let's throw up a Z chart up here so we get a little slide yeah you know that you're 19 which is which is great by some you years from this starts doing this in nineteen your freshman at Lehigh University with a that's correct finance major but you grew up in Turkmenistan I say not a lot of people know where that is it's okay so we did here because I like to torture Tony a little bit okay most recently to talk about you want to talk about they're all [Music] he did some work okay let's go back to the house oh look at that I appreciate not a lot of people know like probably one of its above Afghanistan kind of beer Iraq in that area right there exactly yeah so spare allel to do you ever go back not since I left which was three years ago first okay so you moved to Minnesota nice nice warm place and kind of yeah yeah yeah you're a freshman so you finished half of your first year half of my first taking a lot of the required classes and stuff like that that's right now the reason that there's a couple reasons one to have busy on one because I love his story you've made how many trades you think since the last year probably a hundred five hundred face five hundred semesters yeah so any any kid that's making five hundred trades in nineteen years old is his partner maybe he's part of the years old he's 19 years old yeah if he didn't commit a crime he's got you beat yeah 500 trades at 19 years old is going to change the way finance affects you for the rest of your life you're one of the it's probably one of the most amazing you know I love the story let's put it that way thank you because it's gonna change the way you think about risk it's gonna change it's probably already changed the way you think about making decisions it's probably made you a lot more articulate already you know with respect to finance which is super cool but when did you decide you hate I'm really interested in this stuff finance and everything else yeah so um so when we moved to Minutemen to the United States it was October 2015 so and I always always had this entrepreneurial spirit or you know I was like hey let's start a business and stuff and I was just like working on this carwash idea that I spent like three months working and didn't end up working though but we're 15 or 16 or 16 at a time yeah right links to the website bring you back some memories here this thing for 30 months and yeah thank you for putting we did enough so I went to the landlord where I wanted to set the carwash and she said you need you need an insurance and I'm like what's the premium and she's like $2,000 and I have my stone capital was like 1,000 like something like the idea went out of table but the next week though I was kind of sad for a week the next week I looked up how to make money online and you know these penny stock traders popped up so and I got hooked to the idea of making you know you can make money online with just the intelligence you know you can 16 years old you don't know anything you find some Ivy star spoke English and you know you know you mostly get hooked to those kind of things you know you see a guy making a hundred bucks a day and nickel analysis whether that's how you get into it and then as in the process you discover options and it took me like six months to find you guys in so how'd you make the money to start you do this all on your own yes I didn't want to ask for money and right so what I did is - first of all what's that what do your parents do my dad works for a security company good my mom is trying to get a license to work as a nurse she used to be a doctor but she needs to get license to work in the United States on it okay so yeah I I didn't want to ask them for money okay cuz I'm like I want to start this on my own you know I want to take my own path so I took I took two jobs in the in the summer of 2017 work 80 hours a week for 13 weeks linear in high school I was a Scalia was it was my I finished my junior year going into my senior year to do I worked at Arby's and Chipotle I saved up after three months of working I saved up like 6k $6,000 and that was our starting cap that was my start capital okay so when you went off to school and or you know your senior in high school you started when you turn 18 you started trading exactly and then you had this $6,000 $6,000 to start oh okay I will I love this story and so he started watching tastytrade you pretty much you realize the penny stocks were much but actually wasn't without a sacrifice you know I had to I got I got scammed for like 800 bucks you know I signed up for the service that teaches you technique analysis and the thing is they used options as a way to trade you than technical so that's how I found options and I'm like you know I don't want to do this technical thing I just want to do options you know let me learn more about this and in the process I found tasty tasty trade and pretty much 90% of my foundational knowledge came from you guys okay other where I started she ate hunt bucks and got taken and scammed for it this absolutely Hydra I got that I had that car from New York to I drove my mother's car from New York to Chicago and I had you know three hundred dollars in my pocket and I worked for three years before I was even able to make one trade so you know we all and I didn't get scammed you know it was all the gin that worked 5:00 at night till six o'clock in the morning sometimes in two jobs just like you did but I do it for three years so maybe I would have traded in that eight hundred bucks and a scam to get those three years back so it all you got a look at it how you got hurt yeah you start a path finish it cool I stole $8,000 from mom's purse so anyway let's get back to your song what I love about the story is like you know you worked your butt off to to get that six thousand dollars and-and-and the first thing you did was get okay so maybe got scammed on a you know from a newsletter guy whatever but then but but it got you in the business sometimes we say you know there's a certain level of engagement it got you and it got you excited the technology was probably pretty easy for you understanding kind of what we're doing was probably pretty easy you know just yeah but getting but getting started I'm sure you didn't have do you have any friends that did this at all did you no not at the high school you know I didn't have a lot of funds because I barely spoke language at the time and yeah you know I was this pretty much isolated kid and the people that knew what I was like who I was and they saw me like sometimes looking at the charts while I was schoolin know they would find a weird at first but then I would just sit them down and explain what's going on and then they went from being seeing it as weird to seeing it as cool so that's at some point I decided let's make a club out of this so I settled I started a finance Club I write around my junior year and about 15 kids signed up and we'd still be trying to figure how to speak English at that point what was your native language I'm fluent in Russian and Turkmen my native one Russian and Turkmen telephone is the native 100 Turkmen is okay on got it so it's hard enough to learn English let alone to learn finance so I got to get through I want to get to this I want to get to the story here so so so you start trading when you're 18 years old you're finishing up your senior year of high school you're kind of getting through all this stuff but and then you figure out you know hey you're going to Lehigh which Lehigh is just outside of just outside of Allentown Allentown right yeah and you're probably wondering where the hell is Allentown Pennsylvania yeah so the college process was interesting too because none of my parents have gone through that so I talked a lot of advisors and stuff yeah so I the way I picked liaise I search for top 25 in schools undergrads and it was like in the top 50 and I think in the first 10 where Ivy League so pretty out of reach for me and the Lehigh was a great option it's close to New York City and yeah I like the area a lot since oh so you get so basically during this period you start trading and it says on here you start trading short verticals and butterflies ion flies Jade lizards you make 500 trades with your $6,000 account which is great you trading really small you're obviously trading off and absolutely you love it I love it all you're addicted your junkie right you turn the six thousand dollars into what okay so it's another roller coaster story yeah let's hear the roller coaster okay so on up until end of October my I made it to almost 14 $14,000 so almost hundred percent return from this is from you started with your 6,000 to the end of October in 2018 2018 so I started in end of January yeah by the end of October I had $14,000 so now you're thinking you're genius I was thinking I was genius you know you get that cake you get all confident yeah and it was right around the time when finals were coming so I kind of liquidated my my active traits so I pretty much had no positions going on and then the Fed dissident came out stocks tanked and I thought it was overreaction I thought you know they will come back you know if the China trade if the Chinese started thinking I started thinking you know I've never been directional I've always traded volatility I've never been to volatility trades for the first ten months you killed it you bet on almost 100% almost hard to say it was great and and that was after Commission so right yeah and I mean all of a sudden you thought you knew something I thought I knew something so I didn't have pretty much time to trade and I was like you know what let me just buy SP Y calls naked calls I've never done that before I don't know why I did that but it kind of made sense at the moment I guess but so the socks kept tanking and I just kept averaging down and I put pretty much all of my or all of my earnings into Apple and SP Y calls and you know the anime so I lost pretty much all of my earnings but I look at it as a as in learning experience you know you you get you get humbled and I look at as a journey a long time we've been humbled ourselves many times throughout the years and especially after we first started and every once in a while you have to throw one to the gods and learn how to you know learn it's probably the worst thing that could have happened to at that point was that you picked the absolute bottom and then you thought all of a sudden oh my god I'm a double G I know something yeah I mean I'm again I'm a you know I'm gifted I think one of the things that's that's really helpful in that case is that you know you broke from the mechanics and you lost and you use the mechanics and you you want and then you broke from the mechanics and you lost and it immediately sets you back to okay I'm gonna I'm gonna do this the right way exactly you know I took like a pause you know like a months I haven't traded and you know I studied psychology of trading and yes I basically you know I took it as a learning experience cuz it's a journey and I know that I'll be doing financing in many years to come so and I would rather learn the lesson in the early beginning with less capital and you know because a lot of fun went out of business at you know and those guys can't recover now so I can't at lehigh and you're trading do people there you know because this is obviously a whole new group of you know 19 year olds do they think what do they think about it is anybody else trading or does anybody else it's funny what you're doing in my building on my floor there's another guy an options trader I would never imagine that would be the case it was your dorm in my dorm yes so we talked a lot about trades you know we sometimes we sit down and we trade next to each other but um yes about a lot of besides him there's not a lot of traders in general yeah I've met some other guys but they're seniors older guys and is there finance club that is a finance Club there is a finance okay that's good yeah and you usually have between ten and fifteen underlyings how do you pick underlying now yeah so I I have a watch list on it's only pretty much thirty five the most liquid stocks and ETFs I don't look at anything else other than that you know I don't care what happens unless there is another brexit coming up yeah so I wouldn't I wouldn't care so it's about thirty five and it great it's great you know the bid-ask is pretty pretty tight on everything it's like you spit him out it's like I was humbled the first time I use shoes but I had two adopted Nicky Bautista but I may sell him now by you oh yeah no but you can't sell you keep on the hood so so you haven't really since you're a freshman you've probably taken a lot of required courses right now you haven't had a chance to take a lot of elective courses I'm guessing in finance but as you go through your you know the next three and a half years you're gonna have a chance to get take some derivative I don't know the finance program at Lehigh but I'm sort I'm sure there's some derivative classes or some you know different classes on statistics and math and everything else that you can happen to get mold in there you want to be an option market maker that is exactly right that's I like you like I thought you don't I mean it's a it's a it's a hard it's a hard business it's a hard business to get into now because most of its electronic market makes eyes electronic but they're still you know they're still there's still a lot of opportunity yeah the world of finance where we live you know there's a I think there's a ton of opportunity and people are you know most kids are turned off to it for whatever reason just because they don't really understand it with the amount if you do 500 trades a year for the next four years you have two thousand trades on your belt you will be the top of the food chain coming out of school you know in addition to taking all the required something learning some code and everything else it's pretty remarkable how has 2009 teens really short but it's being okay for you so far it's been great yeah I'm yeah I'm recovering fast I think I'm I don't like to pick direction but in this case I'm a little bit slightly bullish and gentle Mike my portfolios but yeah it's been great so far well so far you've been right too if you've been short premium and slightly bullish you've had the absolute perfect position on yeah but you're back to your mechanics now absolutely back to mechanics so what is your position look like right now as far as you know types of trades you have on yes is it mostly short verticals or what else exactly mostly show vertical calls at this moment okay and I usually do some type of a pair's trade you know and like like I combine um for example um like you know Dow on Dow Jones & Bone you know Boeing is the mole about it so you know I would just buy premium and Boeing and sell premium you like doing it yeah cuz uh volatility has been realizing more than implied the couple of in the past call probably gonna think you're out of your mind and when you start explaining to a professor implied the implied volatility versus be always fought so you're doing a Paris trade they're not like what the hell have you ever mention the word chain lizard you're out of the class you're but out in the hallway yeah I'm doing iron flies and Jade lizards and they're gonna say get the hell out of here kid yeah you know the technology is so amazing today that you can really do any of this stuff from anywhere absolutely yeah I'm very glad I'm actually very excited for the small exchanging I'm looking forward to that cuz uh you're gonna love it and yes you know when you get out of school you're gonna come talk to us because we love you know we want kids like you that really understand this stuff and you know it's just it's it's awesome I I think you know there's a lot more value to firms in the industry we look already looks for smart kids but we also look for kids with domain expertise okay and the way to get domain expertise make trades and if you make money while you're making those trades doing it you know you could be the next tony batista yeah start with enough to be the first the next time sound off but so d head back to Mundi head back in two days can two days two days misspelt I'm actually I'm sorry tomorrow I'm heading back tomorrow yeah okay you spent a little time in Chicago yes I've seen I've seen portion of it and it's been great so far it's a lot more nicer than New York City it's a beautiful season yeah you'll lightly you'll love it it's a beautiful city well this has been you know it's a great talk because we don't get to we just don't meet enough 19 year olds you know freshman's like you that have you know too far and few in between I mean yeah I feel like I feel like I wish this stuff was around like we didn't really have computers when I was 19 but we definitely didn't have computers but but the ability to trade you know the way you can trade today we couldn't do it until the early 2000s so we were in the business 20 years and we couldn't do this we'd be sitting there slamming phones against the wall because we couldn't make a trade and you know in some product that wasn't right in front of us which you the opportunity you have today in front of you to just learn about you know the world of finance your understanding of liquidity and your ability to articulate a lot of stuff amazing thank you appreciate it yeah so is the congratulations and good luck and thank you so I'm going to stay in touch and let us know how your yeah how it's going over there all right cool thanks dude please do awesome let's see a quick max take a break when I come back we got the opening bell next though stay straight live you
Channel: tastytrade
Views: 27,849
Rating: 4.9318886 out of 5
Keywords: trading, trader, stock, market, finance, learn to trade, beginner trader, options, options trading, tastytrade, profit, trading tutorial, investing, how to trade, beginner, inspirational, interview, college student, lehigh university, finance major, market maker, wall street
Id: b3VxEspcphg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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