A Complete History of WW1 In Countryballs

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the years 1914 this nice and clean map of Europe has a lot more dirt than you might think it does and it's long going to get Messier from here so what is going on now what was going on before and what is going to happen later spoilers a fight breaks eyed and destroys a good chunk of everybody let's look back a little bit before the year 1914 in the year 1912 the reason in Southeast Europe known as the Balkans was always a hot mess it's like a one Kingdom here in Serbia this one as of now fairly small Kingdom has an undying urge to expand when they failed in taking a region with a high population of Serbs Bosnia they look at South and what is Electra's off of them just a ton of their Christian pals are waiting to escape Muslim empire this is the Ottoman Empire who doesn't have a very good reputation with the rest of the gang here so everybody has a little bit of a score to settle with them the four kingdoms of Bulgaria Greece Serbia and Montenegro been together and the Balkan League is assembled ready to take the Ottomans out of Europe and on October 1912 they begin their attack [Music] to say the very least this did not end well for the Ottomans all four kingdoms so nice chunk of land with them and others an independent state Albania even though massive gains are made on the Balkan League side the largest and most powerful Kingdom Bulgaria was not pleased with their share of region known as Macedonia - the people live there and former Yugoslavia public of Macedonia - the people who don't live there Bulgaria invades the former best friends in June of 1913 gave up in a month so now we have a collapsing Empire trying to survive one Kingdom displeased with their war profits one Kingdom attempting to unite all Serbs but a bit north of them a huge Empire who is still holding Bosnia full of Serbia's people everyone get mad cuz Serbia isn't stopping in late June of 1914 a Serbian Nationals by the name of gavrilov príncipe sesame' Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria a month later war breaks out between austria-hungary and Serbia directly after Russia declares war on austria-hungary for declaring war on Serbia afterwards Jemmy declares war on Russia for declaring war on austria-hungary for declaring war on Serbia second - lastly France declares war on Germany for declaring war on Russia for declaring war on austria-hungary for declaring war on Serbia no finally UK declares war on Germany and austria-hungary because that's what friends do so let's get started France and Germany weren't at good terms even before this war began as a result of their direct border was heavily guarded but Germany didn't exactly plan on playing by the rules since going under over a fruity border wasn't an effective option why just go around it following this train of thought is that's what Germany did it in early August of 1914 Germany went on to attack through Luxembourg and Belgium in order to get to France while their initial attack was effective they stopped advancing by September and found themselves locked in a stalemate both sides dug trenches and stopped moving until late March of 1917 so as the British might say let's skip across the pond for a moment to see how the u.s. is doing attempting to stay neutral they just see this war as a distant tragedy that should involve him in any way but now they're feeling a bit bad for Belgium vet trampled on by German troops because of this Herbert Hoover who would later become the president of the US organized the Commission for a leaf in Belgium where supplies needed for living that generally most Belgians did not have at this point were brought to them rather than this however the US was having a jolly OK time taking stuff over in the Pacific like the rest of the Europeans would have so with that being said things in the Americas are pretty calm as of now now let's go back to Europe to look at Serbia in austria-hungary and what they're up to nothing for the first entire year of the war very few advances had a curve between Serbia and austria-hungary even though these two are at each other's throats during the first couple of days austria-hungary's priority changed quickly as Russia started gnawing on their eastern border the front lines here were back and forth Germany and austria-hungary only began making significant gains after a counter-offensive took place during May of 1915 now who are we forgetting about the Ottomans of course let's not forget about the Ottomans who joined the war on the 29th of October of 1914 there were just a tad late to the party but they stayed up until the very end upon their arrival they were met with a quick 2x4 to the back of their head also known as an invasion whatever you want to call it was quickly repelled by mid-november the Ottomans went a bit further and decide to attempt to invade Russia in midwinter but just like before this attack was repelled the next month the Ottomans were not entirely happy with this move on top of an empire that is collapsing due to problems with ethnic diversity now they have a bruised military force and can't fight as well on foreign soil so like any logical thinker of the 1480s they walked right into ethnic Armenian territory and proceeded to do things I would probably get my video blocked in modern-day Turkey thank you very much now as of May of 1915 let's take a look at the standings Russia and the Ottomans are running into a stalemate Serbia and austria-hungary are still at a stalemate and Germany and France have not moved at all but now Germany is advancing into Russian territory faster than before between May and October Germany had entirely captured Duchy of Warsaw is making quick moves into Russia's Baltic Holdings this as things have really started to heat up between Germany and Russia Serbia is seeing their last couple of months in this war on the other hand u.s. is getting really mad about Germany sinking the favorite flow the Lusitania the u.s. is starting to reconsider being neutral in this conflict and is about the second to last draw they can hold the fort bracelet back so you remember Bulgaria yeah Bulgaria remembers Bulgaria October 14th and 1915 the previously mentioned Bulgaria who was still disappointed about the outcome of the last Balkan war decided to take the opportunity of seeing a survey completely vulnerable and who made it in cooperation with austria-hungary within two months Serbia was destroyed well he made off with a good chunk of their land but Serbia wasn't entirely good so I hope you were falling before because I'll warn you it only gets more confusing from here on out within the last couple of days Serbia's army evacuated into neighboring Albania and Greece and continued to fighting from there so with mainlander be defeated the war should end right well unfortunately no Europe has already turned into a melting pot of chaos and they're not showing any sign of stopping everyone had done enough to piss each other off it seems and now they all have a score to settle a score they can only settle with more a lot more blood is to be bled let's keep bleeding shall we ever since the defeat of Serbia things have slowed down until April when Russia decided to drop the femur to light force on the Ottomans heads and then in June Russia took back lane from the Germans making a bit of a comeback Romania joined the Allies in late August of 1916 and invaded austria-hungary it went nicely until September when Pope Gary attack from the south diverting Romania's attention Romania was fought out of austria-hungary through October into the next three months we seem to be skiing old so besides Romania being steamrolled in the fact that this is a war of course things are actually getting pretty quiet this relative silence said I'll be ruined creature may decide you pokin us with a stick once again by January 19th of 1917 Germany attempted to send a telegram to Mexico but the message was intercepted by the UK and was forwarded to the US this was known as the Zimmermann telegram Germany who was afraid of the u.s. becoming too powerful wanted something to distract the u.s. from Europe in this telegram Germany essentially said hey Mexico if you want to help me destroy the US I'll help you get your land back from the war head of course Mexico's never getting a say in this since the u.s. received the telegram before Mexico did Tibet for Germany who is trying to reach out to make a new friend because after receiving this telegram the United States declared war on Germany and while the u.s. is gearing up for battle Europe is just now thawing out from doing pretty much nothing all winter the action would kick start after France on the battle for Dunn and began making gains against the Germans in March but at their short time they got stuck again much more drawn-out mustard gas attacks trench flight massacres and vomiting in suits throughout the entire year fast-forward to November of 1917 and breakfast spontaneously has a revolution there's communists now and they want to overthrow the Russian government now Russia has to fight the Ottomans austria-hungary Germany and now they have to fight themselves too of course nobody can fight in Siberia except for Russia during the winter but Russia is already fighting with Russia so obviously Russia does not stand a chance in December Russia capitulates they pull out of the war but they end up paying a massive exit fee signing the Treaty of brest-litovsk Russia loses in train estonia latvia Livonia lithuania Finland Poland Belarus Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia contractors and their population 90% of their coal industry and they pay 6 million German marks for damages quickly Germany austria-hungary and the Ottomans Russian to occupy the surrendered territories even though Russia as a whole had already surrendered these territories were still not entirely calmed down since the surrender and small battles would still be taking place as a result it took most of the central powers the troops to secure this land because of this they're even weaker on every other active front if you think this would make the u.s. think twice about trying to fight Germany who just capitulated a giant bear now long ago Iran in January of 1918 the US President Woodrow Wilson outlines what is called the fourteen points a set of principles that could be put into place after the war to ensure peace remain in Europe and that further conflict over basically the same things would be avoided simplified they are as followed section one there will be no secret treaties if two or more countries have to agree to something you bet everybody else is going to know they agreed to it section two freedom of access to the sea weather during times of peace or times of war essentially this is a discrete way of telling Germany that's sinking everybody's boats in international water was not a very nice thing to do such an three the establishment of free trade you can probably imagine the people it stopped selling guns to each other if they knew if the buyer was going to use the guns on them the economic a mobility that took place during World War one also restricted a lot of trade of food because of this there is a pretty significant famine everywhere such and for the provokers of this world will have their armies dealt on geez Defense Forces of course it isn't totally necessary spend more than 10% of your entire gross domestic product is just to build more killing machines right section 5 the Empire's colonial claim should be adjusted or in other terms the Allies are going to take the Central Powers colonies for themselves these will be administered in what are called mandates later section 6 the Russian territories will be evacuated and afterwards everyone will let Russia decide their own fate in the ongoing civil war section seven Germany seriously get out of Belgium that's illegal section eight Germany should probably also get out of France about fifty years prior to the Spore Germany had taken over Alsace Lorraine Francis Madden so is everybody else apparently section nine Italy will be adjusted so that anyone deemed an Italian would be within their borders this mainly concerns us you're hungry but surprisingly not San Marino section ten austria-hungary the beautiful Patrick of different languages and ethnicities is to let all these other ethnicities decide what they want to do for themselves or in freedom terms will give them independence section 11 Romania Serbia and Montenegro are to be got out of by the central powers and have their stolen territories given back to them the survey will be given free undisturbed access to the sea but will be organized along lines of national Allegiance and independence will be guaranteed for all of them I saw in section 12 the Ottoman Empire be partitioned along lines of ethnicity the Turkish majority portion will be given independence has its own Turkish nation while other ethnicities will be given the right to decide who rule amongst themselves just like Kurdistan I'm sure the section also promises that the Turkish straits will be internationally administered and will be open to anybody sailing through Section thirteen a polish state will be given independence in areas that are undeniably majority polish they'll also be given access to the seat and a promise of undisturbed independence oh four they could predict the future and finally section fourteen the League of Nations will be formed as an organization made up of great powers who will assure that everyone will be able to maintain their independence and that generally stuff gets enforced even though the United States has made a pretty confident statement about the future of the world the central powers still kept at it after spending most of 1918 trying to secure the land that fell off the Russian Empire the US had already deployed to France and began driving the Germans out on last day of September 1918 Bulgaria surrenders on the last day of October of the same year from the Ottomans lay down their arms the third November and austria-hungary recoils and fear as they are attacked from all sides and of November 11th Germany is finished and thus a victory was secured for the Allies surely this can't be the end can it do not worry about no reason the world is going to look a whole lot different from now on so now let's look at how Europe will be reshaped first look at austria-hungary which went from a beautiful stained glass window to a harmful bloody and ugly pointy mess of broken glass first of all the land that's inhabited by Czechs and Slovaks is given independence forming Czechoslovakia second to Serbia Montenegro unites in further annex what is known today as Bosnia Croatia Slovenia and Voivod this thing to form was familiar to many as the kingdom of Yugoslavia Trentino was ceded to Italy of course it was pretty easy to be with people there Italians Transylvania was ceded to Romania and from then on vampires became a Romanian stereotype again Galicia which is inhabited by many poles was ceded to the not yet complete polish Republic finally of course the kingdoms of Austria and Hungary and our two separate entities now into Bulgaria they were able to hold on to their Serbian land for the duration of the war but now they're forced to give it back to Greece they lost their direct access to the agency they were also required to shrink their absurdly large military done to his side's just 20,000 men and pay for all the stuff they broke and yes they did break Serbia so I guess who's getting all the money the ottomans fate was not entirely sealed into a few years after the war an armenian state was given independence while Egypt Palestine Jordan Iraq and Kuwait were given to the British and Lebanon in Syria were given to the French Greece France the UK and Armenia attempted to wrestle it down the Ottomans for the next couple of years until they eventually settled and form the modern-day Turkey and for whatever reason there's still no Kurdistan but fun fact is proposed to Sarah meaning to the knight states and mandate but this idea was denied by the Senate all for the sake of democracy suppose and out for Germany who for whatever reason everybody thinks started the war their polish land of course is given to the newly established polish state Poland has also given access to the sea through the Polish corridor this and one many other things becomes very controversial later some land a bit south of this is ceded to Czechoslovakia who also really recently emerged the region of Alsace Lorraine has returned to France after is taken from them in an earlier conflict Germany also ceded mammal France originated Lithuania but later on Lithuania took it from them because it makes sense walk nicely to Denmark Northern Schleswig was seated despite them not doing much the entire time the city of Danzig near East Prussia was given independence as a free city state to Belgium who so sadly stepped on received the regions of open and Malmedy and we're still not done far away across the ocean or more specifically in Africa the German colonies of Tanzania and Namibia are both given to Britain Cameron and Togo were split between the France in the UK and the regions are today known as Rwanda and Burundi were given to Belgium in the Pacific Japan who also was just here to make a profit gains Germany's Pacific Holdings above the equator plus a small calling of the use to be part of China german samoa was given to new zealand who at the time was still under British control and the rest was given to Australia who was also a British subject back into Europe for a moment Germany's military was stripped of all things unnecessary for defending themselves they were also required to remove military presence from the area west of the Rhine River area captured from what used to be the Russian Empire was to be returned but since Russia doesn't exactly exist right now the areas are evacuated and eventually chaos sweeps back into them finally the last assault - covered nearly open wooden coffin Germany is not required to pay 132 billion marks which in today's money is about four hundred forty two billion dollars even though the treaties were set in stone and managed to please most of the Allies there are still millions of people who were overall not happy since the conclusion of the war will get lost even more Germany had fallen and now Austria and Hungary are weakened on their own but even then Italy still is a bit picky with what they earned after fighting soon enough someone wait - out of his mind is going to show up and try to recreate the Roman Empire this was a very controversial treaty and if you can't tell Germany lost a bit too much for their own good their economy Falls and the German people are now angrier than ever before they're starting to feel separated from each other after losing swaths of land as the years progressed through the quite literally depressing interwar period Germany seeks to restore its glory will give Europe until the 1930s before some Austrian painter comes to power and decides to make his dream come true until then enjoy how relatively clean this map of Europe it'll get even Messier in the next 20 to 30 years so what listen can we even learn from this we cannot pin the blame on just one side exactly and it's not like there is an obvious bad guys and good guys at least not in continental Europe rather the blame will be pinned on the main causes I'm standing from militarism everyone was militarized let's be honest everyone constantly had their armies fully armed and ready and we're about ready to snap at each other in any moment extending for alliances breathless of whether or not people thought assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand was such a brilliant idea Russia only came to Serbia state because they had already established that they're good friends with each other it isn't like Germany hate anybody either they'd only decided they need to support austria-hungary because they had made an alliance with them I standing for imperialism Europe was getting crowded but everyone still had to take stuff over this applied to everyone it over like taking over the mediterranean france and britain like taking over africa serbia like taking over other Serbs and so to Bulgaria everyone was bound to take over something at some point and standing for nationalism mostly this can be traced back to the one guy Gavriel Princip he had the plan to make a point of uniting all the Serbs by killing Franz Ferdinand but of course well Gary I had essentially the same idea in mind which is what drove him to beat the tar out of Serbia now that we know that not one site in particular was to blame for these four years or everybody dying is there still any lesson we can learn besides overall not being a militarized allied imperialist nationalist well there is one it applies anywhere just stop killing each other it helps [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Freezepond
Views: 2,119,943
Rating: 4.8337827 out of 5
Keywords: ww1, world, war, one, countryballs, country, balls, in, space, great, the, poland, polan, polandball, countryball, animation, history, alternate, hub, emperortigerstar, geography, europe, america, germany
Id: 9OAbMMIdvpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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