A Complete History of Pokemon Rumors - Did You Know Gaming? Feat. Remix (Part 2)

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if you haven't seen part one of our Pokemon rumors videos click the link in the corner or the top of the description to catch up before watching this video [Music] did you know after the release of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl the YouTube account poked ions uploaded a video of an encounter with a legendary Pokemon named purge a few months later the channel uploaded a second video that showed Bidoof evolving into purge these videos were well made hoaxes for the time and garnered about 8 million views combined this Pokemon was actually a sprite of the o.z 12 SMS torus from the game Super Robot Wars w since this game only released in Japan Westerners had little knowledge of it and were more likely to believe the videos this wasn't the only hoax in 2007 in April Maryland composted a box art and game details for a third pokemon game to go along with Diamond and Pearl the game was titled Pokemon zircon and had several changes to the story Giratina would have a larger role in the game and players would encounter the Pokemon before battling the Elite Four there was a new area called the challenge area which had Pokemon XD styled simulation fights however the next day marriland admitted the post was an April Fool's joke the next month Nintendo officially announced Pokemon platinum which led to a few more Pokemon fix the website poke a Beach reported that an alternate sky form to Shaymin would be in platinum and shortly after a leak surfaced however the leak turned out to be fan art the artists printed it to gloss paper then photographed it and posted it to 4chan fans assumed the art was legit and spread it across the community it eventually made its way onto popular Pokemon sites which prompted them to come forward and confirm they faked the art in April 2009 the palet Tribune podcast announced a new Rotom forum had been leaked and that people who called Pokemon USA would hear a message from Team Galactic the team would ask the caller to state their Pokemon friend code then asked what evil deeds callers would do if they were given one of the 100 row Tom's up for grabs as you might expect this was an April Fool's prank by the podcast in January 2010 a new generation of Pokemon games was officially announced for the DS from here until the game's release in September a large amount of fake Pokemon were passed off as the real deal in May silhouettes of the starting Pokemon were posted by Nintendo which led to a few fake starter Pokemon being spread several fans took the silhouettes and made Pokemon based on the shapes one of the more popular pieces was posted on several sites is legit likely because it was of a higher quality than most other fan art at the time another set of starters spread in May likely because they were relatively convincing fakes however the text in the scans were very basic Japanese which was a red flag after the starters were officially revealed several fans made fake evolutions of them the most prominent of these was an OSHA watt evolution from a fake scan not only did the fake leek have high quality full art it also showed a convincing screenshot of the Pokemon however the artist came forward admitting it was a fake Pokemon this was followed by a series of alleged leaks from message boards like to Chan and 4chan which were usually based on existing info one leaked had six pokémon names and descriptions including a warlike bipedal turtle and an angel Pokemon another fake leaked t starter evolutions and another fake leaked set black and white would have an evolution of both Golduck and jinx yet another leak showed a dozen names including fake names for an evolution of peed of a pre evolution of galvan chola and an evolution of min chino another rumour told how the seasons would change in black and white the rumor said seasons cycled on a weekly schedule however the seasons changed month-to-month in the final game the rumor also stated the game had a new attack called seasonal beam which changed type based on the season this was also false a fake coro coro scan of several known and unknown Pokemon began to spread in July 2010 many fell for the hoax partly because several Pokemon it featured had been officially shown off a week earlier the image included a fake evolution of Chimecho a fake skull Pokemon and a fake pre evolution of cough egregious later in August to fake screenshots popped up which gained traction people believe the Pokemon were real because Darumaka was confirmed as legit around the same time the screenshots surfaced however both screenshots turned out to be fake circulated on to Chan shortly after this another korokoro scan was posted showing a mix of official and fan made art that was taken at face value the image contained a now infamous fake fish Pokemon called guru Gaea as well as a fake silhouette of dearly a clue to the scans fabrication was it's inaccurate depictions of Alamo Mela and pan sage which were based on a leaked image of an unfinished Pokemon toy descriptions of four new Pokemon leaked later in the month the monsters were water and psychic-type dolphin an ice and fighting type polar bear an honor based Pokemon and a long year Pokemon while black and white did include a polar bear pokemon bear tick isn't fighting type at all whatever this rumor got right seems to have been a lucky guess shortly after this several websites posted scans from the latest issue of coro coro taken from blogs and boards although some of the media was legit these sites accidentally included fake pieces of art showing a fake evolution of woob at this fan art was posted by the artist and then circulated on to Chan and was passed off as real just before the game's release of fake korokoro scan of pan sear and pan poor surfaced along with fake screenshots of an axe you evolution when the game finally hit shelves both of these were shown to be false before the games were released in North America eager players heard about an item in the Japanese game known as swimming goggles supposedly when held by a water type Pokemon the goggles would increase some of the holders stats by one stage however if the goggles were worn by any other type of Pokemon they would fall asleep this rumor caused a mild panic in the competitive fan base as such an item could potentially create an unbeatable strategy when the game released in the West no such item was to be found the game has been heavily data mined since its release and no evidence of the goggles exists rumors also arose about SHINee versions of several legendary Pokemon specifically that the Pokemon Zekrom Reshiram and Victini can be found in their shiny forms in black and white shiny sprites of these pokemon can be found in the game's files which led to some players believing they could be acquired somehow no giveaways or in-game events took place however and while SHINee Zekrom and Reshiram could be found starting an Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire a shiny version of Victini has never appeared officially in a Pokemon game the presence of their shiny sprites in black and white was just a fail-safe to keep the games from crashing if someone hacked a shiny version in January 2011 gaming update comm reported that a new Pokemon game was in development for the week while at CES the website staff apparently met a Nintendo representative that mentioned a Wii title similar to Gale of Darkness and speculated if it had connect to black and white the site elaborated saying the game would be a cross between Gale of Darkness and battle revolution however no such game was revealed in April 2011 rumors sir about an actual remake of Gale of darkness for the 3ds that month Dengeki Nintendo Magazine announced a new Pokemon game would be revealed in May which hyped up the fanbase for a big reveal a few days later a reader of a 3ds blog sent in magazine scans announcing Gale of Darkness for 3ds however keen-eyed fans pointed out a few oddities in the scans some of the Japanese was unusually worded and the 3ds model in the images was a pre-release model from e3 immediately after more images surfaced the images showed a pokemon mystery dungeon game focusing on Pokemon from black and white again fans pointed out that the Japanese and the scans was out of context debunking the images after black and white had released fans speculated on a potential Pokemon gray version every generation of Pokemon up to this point had a third game release that combined aspects of the previous games and made improvements however in February a Pokemon rep told Spanish outlet mera station the generation would end with black and white but Nintendo registered Pokemon gray comm a few months later this seemed to confirm the game's existence to fans but domain purchasing is sometimes done to protect an IP from exploitation a month later scans from coro coro surface that teased a new form of Kyurem which fans took as a hint towards pokemon gray however no Pokemon gray was released all rumors about gray were put to rest when Nintendo announced pokemon black 2 and white 2 in January 2012 years later black and white director junichi Masuda explained why Game Freak never made Pokemon gray masa 2 at old Game Informer the concept of black and white was kind of these opposing forces a yin and yang kind of thing if we went with gray it would have moved away from that concept there was far less buzz around black and white 2 than most Pokemon games that said they still had rumors in mid April 2012 a magazine scan showing a piece of art and game sprites 4 - Pokemon was passed around several fan sites the Pokemon were a cactus owl named Saburo and a platypus like pokémon called kau Inoa she although the scan was promising the artists that made it came forward confirming it as fake a few months later another scan surfaced showing a new form of Victini this form would be the Pokemon stellar form but as you might expect the form was absent from black and white - upon release in January 2013 an anonymous source contacted NGO nintendo.com with information on a title called Pokemon rainbow the game was apparently a love letter to the franchise and would encompass the settings and Pokemon from the first four generations as a 3ds game it would have improved graphics with a dynamic camera and battles apparently looked very different the game's story would also take place at the same time as pokemon black and white - did it have over 20 new Pokemon including an eeveelution called draconian and a pirate-themed rodent called verbal the game would also release alongside a dedicated Wii U app when Pokemon X&Y were announced the same month this rumor was essentially debunked curiously it seems that Pokemon Sun and moons code name may have been niji but the game has no resemblance to the original rumor and is likely unrelated after the announcement of Pokemon X&Y artwork of a new Pokemon appeared online named Kai and Chu from the Japanese word Kai and meaning flame it was supposedly a fire-type evolution of Pikachu images of Kai and qu quickly became popular on Japanese social media being retweeted thousands of times and becoming the number four trend on Yahoo Japan shortly after this the Pokemon was shown to be a prank from members of the Japanese message board to Chan a month later a coro coro scan made the rounds showing two new Pokemon a bird and a warmth although the art in the scan was convincing the Japanese text was fairly poor showing it was fake shortly after another scan popped up of three new Pokemon including two dinosaurs and a ghost a few days later more scans surfaced showing new Pokemon in the player characters while the scans were generally easy to disprove thanks to the art a full scan of the mail player character fooled many the scan was posted on several sites as a legitimate leak but was ultimately shown to be fake March 2013 saw a large amount of fakes early in the month an image of Herot cross and pincer pre evolutions circulated but the creator of the image admitted it was fake this was followed by a scan of two new Pokemon as well as different form of Pikachu and an evolution of far-fetched however this scan had incorrect Japanese and was shown to be a forgery naturally one fan created fake evolutions of X&Y starters these were posted on several forums and social media another scan showed up shortly after featuring a jinx evolution called Ruggeri ax at the end of the month an image leaked showing a trading card of chespin's final form however this image was edited the original showed a teddiursa and an Ursaring April 2013 started off with an obviously fake scan of a light type Griffon Pokemon followed by a fake evolution for Sableye complete with inaccurate Japanese a pre-evolved form of Drowsy was also posted on several blogs in social media as lidget leaked but the image turned out to be a fake from to chat a few days later another scan featuring an abyssal evolution went viral on Reddit but this also turned out to be fake in June a rumour popped up on 4chan from someone who apparently knew a marketing supervisor for Pokemon the anonymous someone said X&Y would have a new flying slash fairy-type pokémon called Alvin II they also said that Dunsparce Mawile Stantler and Sableye would get new evolutions and also gave a false description for pangoro a scalp evolution and incorrectly said clauncher would evolve twice they also said the second gym leader was named kale and used berry types shockingly the rumor was entirely false in july concept art for a fennekin and chespin evolution was posted on several message boards although convincing the designs were shown to be from deviantART and seemed to be inspired by other fan Pokemon and Digimon a popular scan showing an evolution of skrelp leaked the same month however this was also shown to be fake the weeks leading up to x and y's launch were hectic and full of rumored Pokemon one rumor alleged that the next issue of coro coro would feature two new Pokemon one of them would be based on a bag of potato chips and the other a sushi roll the rumor also said there'd be a second evolution besides sylveon shortly after poke a [ __ ] composted a rumor from a quote reliable source the rumor said X&Y would have several new Pokemon including a monster with tusks called trusk a ghost spider called op arachnid a porcupine and badger Pokemon and a pre evolution of meowstic called Esper the rumor also stated that the Chansey Dunsparce clefairy and togepi lines would change to fairy-type although some details of this rumor turned out to be true it was largely inaccurate in September scans from coro coro spread across social media they showed hair across and our mega evolutions as well as the evolved starters these were traced back to to chann however and proven to be fake this was followed by a few scans for a mega Mewtwo X and a mega Mew although mega Mewtwo X appeared in X&Y this design was fake as was mega Mew around the same time images from a magazine showing a bug and flower Pokemon made the rounds on social media they were followed by a mega banette silhouette all of which were fake just two weeks before X and Y's release images of a mink based Pokemon popped up on 4chan the art was consistent with both the titles promotional art and in-game graphics and was largely considered genuine however an artist came forward the next day showing how they made the hoax after x and y's release there were rumors of a Pokemon Z in May 2015 many Pokemon fans misunderstood an update from the Japanese site pokemon line fans used inaccurate tools such as Google Translate to view the site which caused the misunderstanding Pokemon Line mentioned a rumor that Pokemon Z would be announced in an upcoming issue of Famitsu but fans thought the site was confirming Pokemon Z's appearance in the magazine when the next issue of Famitsu was published there was no Pokemon Z in January 2014 dual pixels comm reported a rumor about new games called Pokemon plus and minus they would take place in a region based on Southeast Asia and focus on themes of tradition vs. exploration the stories villains would be a team of religious zealots who believe the protagonists best friend is the reincarnation of a chosen one and want to sacrifice them to awaken the games his legendary Pokemon the region's Central mainland would function like an MMO allowing players to trade and chat with each other worldwide several new Pokemon were also detailed the starters would include a water-type humanoid with a jar on its head a fire goat and a plant like creature with a leaf for a face the new legendaries would be a lion with several faces and too many armed ghost Pokemon the rumor attracted a lot of attention when it was first published however the fact it was stated to be in development for the rumored Nintendo Fusion a handheld and home console hybrid system meant plus and minus were debunked as soon as the Nintendo Fusion was shown to be a hoax on April 1st 2014 Azurill and.com report an announcement of pokemon black and white three Game Freak had apparently decided to go back to the black and white games due to the underwhelming performance of Pokemon X&Y the game was set to be released for the D s not the 3ds and since the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection service was planned to stop in May the game would feature no online battles or trades this of course was an April Fool's joke in May 2014 Nintendo officially announced remakes for pokemon ruby and sapphire shortly after a magazine scan showing Groudon Kyogre and Rayquaza using into a single pokemon showed up online around the same time a scan showing Rayquaza fused with Palkia and dial guff from Gen 4 also popped up these of course were fake but were taken at face value by some fans with a new game being announced several artists drew up examples of mega evolutions for their favorite Pokemon however some of these evolutions were passed off as legitimate leaks one prominent image showed a fake mega Sceptile and another showed a mega form of cling-clang this second fake scan was a parody however the Japanese text translated as I bet you can't even read two words in Japanese and eat this [ __ ] up on April 1st 2015 Azurill and.com announced Pokemon 0 and infinity with an accompanying teaser trailer at the same time pokey jungle calm announced Pokemon temporal diamond and spatial pearl also with a teaser these were of course April Fool's jokes it wasn't until February 2016 that Pokemon Sun and Moon were announced sparking more rumored Pokemon in March a collage showing 9 Pokemon was posted on message boards the art apparently came from a 4chan thread that was deleted by the site staff which added to its legitimacy these were followed by a sketch of two Pokemon a moth and what appeared to be a grass-type bird curiously this grass bird surfaced months before outlets reveal around the same time a set of starter Pokemon were posted across fan sites in social media the starters actually came from a pixiv gallery and were posted before Sun and Moon were even announced another set of starters popped up in March coro coro scans had supposedly leaked early showing a water lizard grass goat and fire bear among other game details there was another popular 4chan leak in March one user said they'd seen many details of the game including the entire decks the person claimed the game's region was called Corona and they drew the region's decks from memory as expected it was highly inaccurate in fact every Pokemon shown before the game starters reveal were fake on March 30th 2016 poke a jungle reported on supposedly kheema jizz from a Pokemon company presentation that had surfaced on Twitter among the slides was info on Pokemon go and Pokemon shuffle as well as a new version of Pokemon - for mobile a few days later poke a jungle came clean admitting they faked the presentation and screenshots of - themselves as an April Fool's in late April designs for three starter Pokemon popped up on 4chan the designs were surprisingly close to the actual Sun and Moon starters being a grass bird a sea lion and a fire cat however they were debunked when Sun and moons first trailer dropped shortly after the reveal a Japanese artist drew evolutions for the starters this art was taken out of context and passed off as a legit leak on social media in June a rumor emerged about the possibility of Sun and Moon giving Pokemon 5 move slots instead of 4 a member of Reddit noticed an e3 screenshot had 5 lines in the moves menu suggesting 5 moves however the fifth line was for hold items another set of fake starter Pokemon made the rounds in June but these were disproven fairly quickly this was followed by an alleged leak from e3 where a source claimed they took pictures of art behind closed doors the images showed a set of pygmy inspired Pokemon but due to the art style and the fact that came from 4chan they were dismissed as fake in August a fairly in-depth rumor surfaced the rumor promised several Newell olan forms for Pokemon such as Paris and Paris act coughing and wheezing Solrock and lunatone as well as arcanine these details along with most other info in the rumour turned out to be totally inaccurate this rumor was followed by fake art for 3 new Pokemon a fighting lobster a haunted snowman and a Pokemon that was an evolution of a previous fake which was yet to be debunked another leak showed a manga panel for a let's evolution but this was also fake when rock rough was revealed in korokoro the magazine showed the pokemons to evolution paths the magazine also said the starting Pokemon would also have a secret because of the context of the statement fans assumed Sun and Moon starters also had two final forms for each Pokemon however this was a misunderstanding fueled by a few mistranslations and clearly not the case the weeks leading up to sun and moons release saw lots of rumors about a lull in forms two back-to-back rumors popped up on two qian claiming coro coro would reveal a fighting type of lowland ekans and arbok as well as anna lowland electric / ferry electabuzz and a fire / grass magmar when coro coro released these pokemon were nowhere to be seen a post also popped up on 4chan showing images of anna lowland cubone Persian and Mantine although Anna Lowell and Persian appeared in the final game all the images shown were fake this was followed by an Aloha and Jigglypuff which unsurprisingly was also fake on the same day Pokemon Sun and Moon launched Eurogamer reported on a new game called Pokemon stars for the Nintendo switch stars would be an expanded version of Sun and Moon similar to games like Pokemon emerald and was said to be in development at the same time as Sun and Moon despite being on different systems stars would feature 3ds connectivity so Pokemon could be traded between versions the game was scheduled for release in mid to late 2017 but the project never materialized in a follow-up article Eurogamer explained that Pokemon stars had been cancelled due to Nintendo's desire to support the 3ds the early success of the switch mat they didn't need a Pokemon game to push sales so work done on stars was rolled into ultra Sun & moon while many claimed to have seen behind the scenes evidence it's hard to say whether Pokemon stars was ever a real game in development or to what extent it was actually developed in April 2017 Azurill and Comm claimed Pokemon stars would have a holiday 2017 release and feature over 20 new alone forms including dragon air dodrio jinx and Alakazam they also said stars had a new story featuring necros ma on the same day brazilian fansite Pokemon net also reported on stars they claimed stars was set five years after Sun and Moon and that gyms would make a return as with the Sevi Islands however both of these updates were April Fool's jokes after ultra Sun and Moon were announced hopes of Pokemon stars were squashed this didn't stop murrs about new Pokemon however in October 2017 a popular rumor spreads stating several alone forms will be added to ultra Sun and Moon these were a low and oddish gloom and vileplume which would be poisoned / fairy-type and anna lowland paris sect that was a bug / ghost type these rumors lined up with another rumor that claimed Team Rocket would return to Pokemon when screenshots of Team Rocket and ultra Sun and Moon popped up the rumor - Lolan forms seemed more legitimate however when the games released there were no Newell olan forms by late 2017 new Pokemon games had been confirmed for the Nintendo switch not much was known however leading to speculation and rumors one prominent rumor came from a Chinese source which had predicted team rainbow rocket being an ultra Sun and Moon the source claimed Chinese localizers had finished translating the game script the game would also have no new mega evolutions but Z moves would return and be activated by motion controls the plot would focus on a conflict between tradition and innovation and be in a region inspired by Spain or Italy the game would release in late 2018 or early 2019 and have a simplified battle system similar to the Digimon World Games although this rumor got some details correct it's clear the source didn't know the new games were gen 1 remakes more rumors detailing new Pokemon soon followed images from a Chinese message board spread across social media depicting three new Pokemon these were allegedly starters from the upcoming Pokemon game force which the Japanese text around the images seemed machine translated however casting doubt on them a month later another set of starters surfaced the images were very convincing and the Japanese text around the art was natural and accurate the next day however the person who made the art came forward in a Facebook post another rumor hit at the same time and was more cryptic than usual the rumor was that the next set of starters would have something to do with the hero from Dragon Quest 8 a labyrinth and sha wujing from Journey to the West however all these rumors would be confirmed as fake when Nintendo announced Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Eevee as the next Pokemon games for switch a few weeks later in March 2018 rumors of a new evolutions came up once again in the first trailer for Pokemon the movie the power of us a trainer holds her pokeball up to the sky the trainer's Pokemon was later revealed to be an Eevee which led to speculation about what the scene meant some fans assumed a flying Eevee would be revealed shortly after merchandise for the film was marketed with blocked out spaces presumably covering a yet to be revealed Pokemon however no new Eevee form appeared in the movie in May two popular rumors emerged on 4chan the first rumor said the let's go games weren't remakes and took place in a completely new Kanto it also said there'd be new Pokemon and new forms for non Kanto Pokemon Pikachu and Eevee were said to have new evolutions Pikachu could evolve into Goro Chu and Eevee would get a normal-type evolution the rumor also said catching Pokemon would be like it was in past games all of which were false the second rumor stated the games took place in Kanto and elsewhere and that Kanto would be completely different the region was apparently broken into pieces of island by a catastrophe the games also had new Pokemon including a snake legendary connected to the Kanto disaster catching Pokemon would apparently be harder and not very similar to Pokemon go the game would also have the original Kanto starters with Eevee or Pikachu given as a gift later the evil team in the game wouldn't be Team Rocket and version differences would be the biggest the series that ever seen the rumor finished off by saying diamond and pearl remakes were in the works for 2020 this rumor gained popularity due to a previous rumor that came with a logo and name leaked however the post got many details wrong in July 2018 pokey Schaffer coms Twitter account announced a new set of official merchandise showing all nine evolutions plus a mysterious tenth charm fans believed this extra charm would be an extra Eevee form which would possibly appear in the let's go games weeks later however this tenth charm was revealed to just be Pikachu and Eevee together another Eevee rumor popped up soon after a promotional video from seven net shopping showed a Steelcase preorder bonus for the let's go games the cases art showed elements relating to Evie's various evolutions some fans believed the dark crystals at the bottom of the case didn't match up with any of Evie's evolved forms and wondered if a new Pokemon would be announced however this crystal was there to represent Glaceon xyce typing and was likely made gray to stand out against all the blue and / already in the image another rumour just before let's goes release stated each game would have a different champion read for Pikachu and blue for Eevee a new small pink whale Pokemon could be received by connecting to Pokemon go and players could be other trainers like Sabrina in the online hub by beating them in the campaign upon release this was proven false another 4chan rumors surfaced around this time the poster claimed to have images of Melton's evolved form which had never been seen at the time the quality of the image made the rumor questionable however surprisingly the art resembled Mel metals actual design when it was revealed the art is believed to be a lucky guess in February 20 19 a rumor surfaced on 4chan about a new set of games Pokemon Kingdom red and green these games would look like the original Pokemon concept art and have a new system that makes Pokemon behave in a realistic way Pokemon would also gain experience slower to make the game longer and the game would have a large semi open world covering multiple regions including the new chubu region the poster accurately predicted some elements of a video tweeted out by the official Pokemon Twitter account before it was released giving some legitimacy to them however the actual rumor is entirely unsubstantiated as of right now and there's more reasons to doubt than believe it as of the making of this video sword and shield have yet to release meaning we can't yet confirm or deny several rumors about the game we've decided to save rumors on pokemon sword and shield for another day but until then did you also know that many false rumors were spread about waluigi appearing in both super mario 64 and super mario sunshine or that a prominent games industry leaker was tricked into releasing fake information about smash brothers ultimate check out the digital gaming video on mario rumors and smash brothers rumors for more [Music] you [Music]
Channel: DidYouKnowGaming?
Views: 864,953
Rating: 4.8939724 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon rumors, pokémon, pokemon games, nintendo, game freak, did you know gaming, didyouknowgaming, dykgaming, dykg, gaming, nintendo switch, nintendo ds
Id: XRgs1hOJVic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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