A Collection of Strange National Park Stories - July 2019

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[Music] you hello folks I know it's been a little while since you've heard my voice and I do apologize for keeping you in the dark well to give you a quick update I've been doing a lot of traveling and working on some new creative projects some of which I'll be sharing with you in due time but in the meantime I've got a whole new set of strange National Park stories I'd like to begin uploading on to my youtube channel starting now and of course let's not forget about the disappearances themselves you can bet that there have been quite a few cases that have happened just a summer alone many of which are still so fresh and they're considered active cases so open the eyes chest pull up a chair and throw another log into the campfire kustanai storytelling time a couple of summers ago I was traveling through Utah I decided to stop at Zion National Park but not for the reasons you may think I wasn't there to go hiking I wasn't there for sightseeing either no simply put I only wanted to stick her from the park to put on my Nalgene bottle I know not a very good reason to visit a national park but I had to add this one to my collection you see over the last couple of years my friend and I were having a contest to see who could visit the most national parks and Nass proof we decorate our bottles with as many of those stickers as we could and on top of that we could brag to everyone that we had actually been to these places Oh in case you haven't already guessed I'm a 20 year old college student who's lived in the city my entire life and now I'm not much of the outdoor type to begin with but I do enjoy the traveling aspect of it I arrive at the visitors center around noon and locate the gift shop it was pretty quiet inside with only a handful of guests and I can hear them making their small talk about their travels and such I order an ice cream and make my way over to the stickers I ended up choosing a smaller red one shaped like a patch you see on a park rangers uniform there was something always so satisfying about placing a new sticker on it it always put a smile on my face after checking out I made my way back outside it stops near one of the restrooms where the water fountain was located I fill up my water bottle and set it down next to me as I kneeled down to tie a shoelace that had come loose as I finished I stood up to grab my water bottle but as I did so I realized it wasn't there I stood there perplexed and looked around me had it rolled away I asked myself but that was impossible because the ground was flat and there was nobody around me either and then I spotted it it was sitting on top of a fence post about 10 feet away your guess is as good as mine as to how the hell it got there but I sort of just shrugged it off and thought maybe I'd placed there by accident without even thinking about it when I was walking by a moment earlier well I get back to my car and set the water bottle on top while I search for my keys to unlock the door and as I went to grab it the damn thing was gone again that's twice now and I got a weird feeling in my gut I can't explain it but somehow I knew to look over toward the edge of the parking lot and that's where I saw it this time it was sitting on top of an old park sign and right at the edge of the tree line it was obvious to me someone or something had put it there in the short time I was reaching for my keys again there was no one even remotely close to me and even if there was I'm pretty sure one of my five senses would have noticed is somebody to grab that bottle so there I was standing about 25 feet away from it this time and then I had this eerie thought that it was put there on purpose to try and lure me closer to those woods what gets me is how quickly it happened without me even realizing it that wasn't normal one thing was certain though I was not leaving that bottle behind so I waited in the car for the next group of people to show up in that parking lot when I felt comfortable enough to get out I booked over to that bottle grabbed it and ran right back to the car I left the parking lot right after that and never went back I just got a no has anyone else out there ever had a similar experience if so let me know in the comment section below thanks for sharing my story [Music] last June my hiking buddy Jeff and I were traveling through last National Park and decided to go and join one of the many trails in the area the two of us are both seasoned hikers and wanted more of a challenge so we picked the longest most difficult trail that we can find we entered the King's Creek Trailhead at around 9 a.m. on a beautiful Sunday morning the trail is only three point nine miles point to point but is rated one of the more difficult trails in the park system with an average grade of around 5 degrees and maxing out around 21 and with plenty of very terrain to carve through about a mile in we were met with a stunning view of alpine meadows circled by a sea of lush green conifer forests that's where we decided to make our pit stop the two of us just set there in silence smiling and taking snapshots of the surrounding wilderness after a few moments we grabbed her gear and moved onward soon thereafter we entered the wood line and into the darkness of thick forest the trail narrowed into a bonnie vein of a path and sliced forward as straight as an arrow for as far as the eye could see it reminded me of a long corridor he'd seen an old building well as we were chatting something made Jeff stop in front of me I saw him cocking his head to the side like he was trying to get a better listen for something without breaking contact with the trail ahead of us he asked me do you hear it I paused and listened and after a few seconds I heard it too and it was becoming more apparent it was a sound of something running or galloping on hard ground and then out of nowhere a large cougar shop passed us and began running down the trail and in the other direction behind us we couldn't believe what just happened in fact it was so quick that by the time we drew our weapons he was already gone and out of sight we both still Derrick shocked and looked at each other it was a strange feeling to know that we could have reached out and petted that thing if we wanted to that's how close it got to us but it acted like we weren't even there after the initial shock wore off Jeff asked me what would cause a large predator like a mountain lion to come running so close to us and off in the other direction it wasn't like it was chasing anything it was more like it was being chased and we knew it wasn't a good sign and decided that's where we turn around part of being a seasoned hiker is listening to that gut instinct one has and we believed that was nature's warning to us but here's what gets me 99% of the time wild cats tend to go out of their way to avoid people the fact that this one was comfortable enough to brush by us says a lot and that whatever made it run was more of a threat than we were who do you all think I'd appreciate hearing from you you my roommate Jocelyn and I finished setting up our campsite at Indian Cove campground and inside Joshua Tree and just off highway 62 our campsite is within an arm's reach of a little known secret of a spot called the crawl a network of caves and deep canyons often sought after by those seeking refuge from the hot desert weather so basically you're carving your way through a rather long and often treacherous boulder field it's a hell of a challenge but quite rewarding with cooler temperatures and stunning geological features and views well once we conquered the crawl we arrived back at our site and just in time for nightfall you meet a little fire and cracked open a few ciders for the next couple hours we sang and played two little guitar and admired the crystal clear night sky above our heads as we sat there and now jocelyn spoke up seriousness in her voice she turned to me and said something strange happened to her when they were inside to crawl earlier that day they had entered one of the many tailless caves in the system when she noticed a large oval lusk shaped Boulder in the corner of the space they had been in though the cave was mostly dark it was a sliver of light that shot down from above you're no peening at the top and illuminated the floor beneath she said that the large over rock looked in naturally positioned like someone had purposely moved it out of its original spot she described having a weird feeling about the object as they passed by it the first time and would again see it on their way back out during the second time she said that the rock had moved to the exact opposite side yet somehow managed to maintain that same awkward position it was sitting in she had the feeling it was either messing with her mindset or disguised as something more sinister Jocelyn stated that it made her question her own sanity which is why she waited to say anything to me until after she thought long and hard about it we both agreed how strange it was but didn't let it bother the rest of our night eventually we turn in and climb into our shared tent around 2:00 a.m. we were sleep soon thereafter I awoke to the sound of the tent zipper slowly being unzipped and when it reached the bottom it stopped I thought maybe it was Jocelyn coming back in from using the bathroom or something but as I looked to my right I realized that wasn't true as she was still stuffed into her bag snoring away I felt the chills running down my spine as I set up and scrambled to find my flashlight and pepper spray and when I did I whispered to Jocelyn while shaking her awake when she saw the fear in my eyes she knew to be quiet and we both sat there staring into the darkness for the next several minutes we were in complete silence waiting for any sign of movement outside but there was none when we finally mustered up the courage to step out and investigate there was nothing there so what opened our tent and how did they vanish without making so much of a sound it was a very strange experience and how does diving into conspiracy territory don't get me wrong there were other campers in the area as well family five a few sights from us and an elderly couple on the other side of them but here at camps at number 15 we were all alone as far as we knew Jocelyn then told me she was convinced something followed them out of the craw and it kind of freaked her out we were gone shortly after and to this day were still baffled by this experience back in the summer of 1996 I was part of a team of forestry technicians flying over the Denali wilderness on her way to our next assignment we were to be dropped off early that morning and GPS our way back through a grove of units for data collections and assessment it would take us most of the day to complete the tasks where a chopper would be waiting to pick us up we were a special team of technicians familiar with the Alaskan wilderness and equipped with the finest GPS technology for that time this was my third drop of the season and would probably be the last considering it was already nearing the end of August it was early that morning when her five-man team was dropped off at the top of the mountainous 400 acre parcel of tundra forests and we began making our way down we had a system in place that would minimalize her chances of getting lost while maximizing efficiency so years would occur when we were out there one of our newer technicians disappeared and the really strange thing was how quickly it happened and what he had to say afterward when we eventually found them it was about three hours in and we had all sort of just regrouped we stopped to have a snack in a bathroom break when Tim grabbed a roll of tissue and her small folding shovel we all knew where he was going without even asking he went behind a curtain of large growth and did his business we all saw him leave and when five ten and fifteen minutes went by we began to get worried it should have only taken him a few minutes from start to finish I mean how far do you need to go for privacy when you're out in the middle of nowhere we begin shouting form and when there was no reply we went out looking for him we found a shovel lying next to where he was at along with the roll of tissue but otherwise there was no sign of him anywhere this discovery totally weirded us out and panic begin to sit and after only 30 minutes of searching we began asking the question did someone or something catch him off guard while he was most vulnerable but why didn't we see any sound of this there didn't appear to be any struggle or sounds of distress it was also strange and the longer we searched the stranger II it became we were now an hour behind schedule and we had to radio and video satellite phone to report the incident to make a long story short we failed to find any sign of Tim and it wasn't until the next day that searchers found him sitting in a field 30 miles north of where we last saw him searchers found him near a boulder field much further up the mountain than our initial drop-off point which was abnormal considering we were told to continue downhill should we become separated or lost but the strangeness doesn't end there when we interviewed him he began to tell us a story that had us all scratching our heads he said the last thing he remembered prior to disappearing was being crouched down behind some trees with an ax nice shot of the group then out of nowhere she recalled being carried through the woods in the opposite direction kicking and screaming yet none of the others seemed to notice what was happening Tim said he was moving at a quote supernatural rate of speed and everything became blurry he could feel the sheer power of whatever was carrying him further up that mountain with tree branches and shrubs whooping and clawing at his body thus explaining the bloody scratch marks he was found having but based on the position he was in you can never really see what was carrying him it was about that time he added that he blacked out before waking up in pitch-black darkness and all alone when he came to he said he was shoeless and disoriented from being carried recklessly through the wilderness he could also feel the burning itching and stinging from all the scratches and insect bites they now covered his body from head to toe but the thing that frightened him the most was the overwhelming feeling that he was about to be eaten alive by something very large and aggressive he used the haunting metaphor of feeling like a banana that had been partially peeled and ready for consumption this very thought brought him back to reality and he remembers breaking into a dead sprint until the early morning hours later that day he found a clearing where he would remain until search and rescue found it they spotted his orange safety vest which he credits to have saved his life somehow through the ordeal he was still wearing that vest while his socks shoes helmets and tools were all missing that was all he could tell us though and we were left with more questions than before we interviewed him the National Park System also conducted their own investigation and would eventually dismiss him from the team in fact Tim was cues of reckless endangerment and for using up precious resources during the search and rescue effort overall things didn't bode well for Tim following that drop and he would never return to collect his final paycheck after this experience none of us had ever heard from him again you can't help but wonder if he's doing all right I can't imagine going back to normalcy after such traumatic events well for Tim I wish him the best and hope he's found a job that doesn't require getting lost in a forest of strange creatures and false accusations [Music] and there you have it just one of many new collections of stories that I'll be sending your way so get out there enjoy the rest of the summer break a sweat create some new memories and of course be safe out there [Music] thanks for watching and subscribe for more videos [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Rusty West
Views: 110,341
Rating: 4.8378744 out of 5
Keywords: rusty west, new rusty west, new david paulides, david paulides, strange national park disappearances, new missing 411 cases, rusty west disappearances, rusty west scary stories, rusty west wilderness stories, scariest national park stories, big foot, rusty west 2019, david paulides 2019
Id: uqdSLJu0Hvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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