A Closer Look at the Proxinator: Combining Virtualization and Storage with Proxmox and Ceph

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hello everyone bre Kelly here again at 45 drives today we are talking about our proximator product we're doing a deeper dive and um well let's get into [Music] it the newest product line in the 45 drives Enterprise side is the proximator not the first time we talked about this but it's the first time we're doing a deeper dive in it so what I have in front of me right now is the vm8 option of this we have two options we have the vm8 and the vm16 name's pretty self-explanatory the eight holds eight mvme drives or SATA or SAS and the 16 holds well 16 of them but we don't stop there we're not just this this is what's cool about this it's not just a storage product this time it's it's kind of the all-in-one um and I'll get to what it's useful for when but I just want to walk you through the pieces right so let's start with the storage near and dear to my heart uh we took the same bones in the same um architecture that we built into our mvme F2 storage server and we've utilized it again here in this vm8 and vm16 so we've got the eight and the 16 variation again ubm so it supports mvme SATA and SAS and you can get it in the eight or the 16 variation we've got the same high power compute platform we can get a high core density High memory dens density so you can run uh virtual machines or whatever Computing um workload that you have and fun new stuff uh Native support for uh gpus we've never really had this in any of the 45 drives products they've always been storage products so what kind of gpus can we put in this um in the front compartment here we have built and supported the ability to uh put full size full height 10 and a half or more up to 12 in depth graphics cards right now in this machine I have an Nvidia l40 which we have been using to uh our our sister company protoc case has been using for actually I'll tell you later in the what it's useful part but so big l40 you can put a large graphics card in here in the front end actually you can also have half height half length cards if you want to use that as well um in the front here I have two Nvidia l4s plugged in next to uh the network interfaces in the in the hard drive interface so what is the vm8 the vm16 the new proximator product it's a little bit of everything it's storage it's GPU compute and a bunch of CPU compute and memory okay so a new harl platform that's great but it's a good Hardware platform is only as useful as the software and and solution you build on top of it so what is the use case for something like this well uh it's kind of in the name uh the proxin nator it's built to be used with proxmox with seph or ZFS and it's best used in a hypercon converged infrastructure utilizing proxmox as a awesome open-source virtualization virtual Network management layer um the Seth storage solution which we all know and love and um and an awesome platform like this you can get uh highspeed storage High compute High GPU and a nice management layer on top of it so you can get your own open- source flexible modular big strong fast hypercon converg infrastructure built that out of a couple prox MOX notes that's what this thing's really useful for okay so that's its intended use right it's good Hardware platform you put Pro mock Seth combine these you got a good HCI INF infrastructure um that was redundant hyperon convergent infrastructure fun um and the next question kind of little philosophy why did we decide to build this we've always traditionally just kind of been a storage company well we want to expand we want to give more but also the bigger thing was is most people are aware in this world of the kind of corporate pen stroke of when broadcom acquired VMware and it caused a bit of Chaos in this industry a lot of fear a lot of unknown um again VMware solid product but that's that fear of the Legacy right one corporate pen stroke and things move around so um that inflexibility or the vendor locking of maybe all of a sudden you're somewhere else uh that just didn't sit well with a lot of people and proxmox has been around for a long time a lot of people using proxx Mo a lot of big new interest in proxmox um and we wanted to give a platform that supported the idea of what you could get with VMware and vsan um and have it all supported an allinone so the prox we are partnered with proxmox um the company to sell prox Monon ve the virtualization environment we support it we love it we build around it and why we did this we wanted to give the market a solid open source flexible no Walkin system that's purpose-built to run proxmox Seth and just give you that hyper convergence infrastructure between the from the fast storage to the fast compute and everything here we're just really excited to have um the proxor available to the public okay so that's a little bit of what is it what's it for why we did it the proximator new product line from 45 drives the vm8 and the vm16 variations you have some flexibility on what CPU and what compute you put in the front end obviously with the gpus as well too for more detail of what the full list of your options are go check it out at 45 drives.com we've got a page dedicated to this um we're quoting we're selling talk to us we can't wait to get these in your guys' hand so with all that said thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it catch you next time [Music]
Channel: 45Drives
Views: 18,171
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Id: F9k9CxlNiSc
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Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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