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ah yeah thank you slick but you're not you're really not all right it's come to the attention to the shogun himself that some of y'all are not slicing that like button and guys i didn't want to have to grab the gauntlet again you think i like using this huh because i don't in fact this is just a scare tactic what i'm not using the gauntlet today see i got something else for you to those that neglect to slice that like button can you drive by can you drive by something that is everyone's weakness i'm gonna snap my fingers is to show you that i mean business see that's very painful huh what's up what's going on queer kitchen look at this thing it's april why are we even playing this what's up what's going on quick kitchen and welcome to krampus is home shout out to roger at regal studios for sending me this game it's a new christmas horror game so ms claus about to give us some cookies what cookies you talking about bro what was that laugh after [Music] no isn't krampus like anti-santa claus or something uh difficulty insane obviously [Music] oh okay no this wasn't sinister or anything so we play us this kid his name is sebastian we're home alone and we're waiting for our parents to get back look like a grown man oh [Music] look at him whoa yeah let's see if you got some sense check the terrace oh no what is this oh move got him yo we watching this oh i'm hurt oh my god got him red dot him that's my favorite part of the show up down up down all right so we need to check the terrace what's that sound oh interact with f instead of e that's weird hello anybody out here hey we must be rich anybody out on the terrace honestly if you're gonna check something you better bring a weapon with you don't just go check it because something is actually there it's nothing all right all right bro i am my child my sprint should be near limitless close that i'm calling mom you almost home hey sebastian we're still stuck in traffic i think we're going to be a little late tonight your mom says that she left the pressure cooker on could you turn it off please be careful though all right bye dad can i get i love you yeah we about to turn all the lights in the house on i ain't playing no games uh huh nothing here oh this game's pretty nice so far open that up uh-huh bathroom okay look at this long shower football field shower oh we're upstairs [Music] oh okay oh this house is nice okay let's go to the kitchen pressure cooker let's turn it off up smells really good i think it's baked beans bro turn it off oh i need a oven mitt who's that who's that i'm hearing stuff guys we need a oven mitt oh that's a fridge sound like a dang car engine what a oven mitch mom oh oh oh i just had to is decided to turn it off i could turn on the christmas tree lights okay [Music] why does i have to play music no that's creepy let's go back upstairs where's that laying on the floor the deer hates to be ignored well make yourself known i'm gonna call my parents mom come home now oh my god i think i have to flashlight one of the bedrooms what bro bro broken bro bro um nobody panic my name is corey kitchen all right i got this yeah let me get that flashlight uh-huh there we go all right get the flashlight out check the fuse box it should be like in the basement right fuse let's go much better all right can i go to sleep now wait another note the elf hates water what oh what the are you what find the what did it tell me find a water gun why is his enemy casually right there are you about to kill me what are you doing oh my what i think i've seen a water gun in the tool outside all right we're outside so what i want to do is get to the shed the tool shed but i feel like somebody's out here open that up i should find a key to this door i think it might be somewhere in the kitchen you got too much dip on you oh shoot reindeer reindeer hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey get the freak bag what are you doing oh my gosh bro i'm just looking for a key okay okay i don't know what kind of controls i was doing he said the key is in the kitchen for some reason tool shed key in the cabinet with the plates man nothing makes sense in this house i'm out what the freak who sneezed bless you he said hey open that up open that up got it open the door up we got in here water gun what's that is this what we need double a batteries all right cool cool cool let's go downstairs that's the water gun right there got him red dot him we got in here nothing all right let's go let's get the freak out of here the flashlight's almost dead i need to turn it off dude bro bro are you serious oh my gosh bro i can't even equip the water gun bro i have to pause i have to pause what is up with the difficulty of this game come on boy are you dead recharge guys i don't know where the freak i'm at oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh bro run oh my gosh the flashlight's almost there bro we got bigger fish to fry right now than flashlight batteries i'm about to get look at all these creatures get the batteries gazebo another note you are coming with me sucka you better kill me over my dead body all right well i need to tell my parents what's going on bro how are you just going to be in here looking my only way out come on just leave please think the reindeer if you look at them they can't move that's kind of cool that's kind of cool we found out one of their mechanics uh we got to get back to the house door has been locked all right we can jump what jump through the window whoa nelly get in the window uh-huh let's go let's go boys go upstairs go upstairs uh-huh i'm too fast i'm too fast get to the phone hip squeak freaking should have energy for days mom pick up why don't you answer the phone i'm dying here hello please come back now weird creatures are chasing me chair right don't worry we'll be there by 2 am here weird creatures are chasing me that's the best thing i could come up with my parents never believe anything i say yeah cuz you sound like a freaking idiot how about there's someone outside the house please come home so as long as we stare at it it can't get us so [Music] what you gonna do babe is somebody behind me all right we can stay here all night we can stay here hey it's red light green light rules what excuse me see the only thing that i'm nervous about i have a door behind me so if someone were to come into that door i would be kind of flanked excuse me you just got a backpack [Music] this is the weirdest my dude krampus came upstairs with the orange supreme backpack krampus why do you have a backpack on what's good so stupid so fun open the door close the door close door close it freaking morons you can't open doors oh my god bro they everywhere jump out the window jump out all right bro we're gonna have to recharge this and go downstairs krampus with the orange duffel [Music] good thing i wasn't in the house to care about that oh oh he's coming around i'm going there when he comes he's coming that way he's coming that way come on yeah yeah idiot i'm jumping in the house come get me come get me come get me all right i might want to switch places now i'm going back uh-huh too clean with it break my spleen with it everybody know that a brother got a lean with it that's for my og's y'all don't know what that's from oh boy they are out here right now you come in the house i'm go you come out here i'm going in just one more hour to go man they're walking around the house like i'm really in there these idiots i was on the balcony the whole time what's that is this is how a lot of people play call of duty what was that oh no no how did he get out of here oh i'm dead oh i'm dead ass mr backpack i hey there [Music] about to get blown with the mack [Music] clicking oh my god clicking [Music] uh i did it wow that was so scary oh man that was so hard too [Applause] okay i was giving this game some slack but that was very cool that took some skill because the reindeer it stops when you look at it krampus like if you look at him he freezes what who opened the window oh i said it's a nightmare it's a nightmare no no no no no no no no it was a nightmare [Music] what so what's in a nightmare i actually just got kidnapped uh and he brought me to prison we're at you guys we're going to end this here what is this place get out of here if you guys want to see any more krampus his home yeah i didn't know what to do so this is the same right slice that like button subscribe today to join the samurai until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] because my name is [Music] you win perfect
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 11,171,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christmas, horror, game, krampus, is, home, gameplay, lets, play, playthrough, walkthrough, part 1, scary, jumpscare, reindeer, elf, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, funny, hilarious, moments, reaction, meme, edits, regl, reglstudios
Id: YazcwoU5G24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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