A Champions Mentality - Motivational Speech

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we're not on this stage just because of Talent OR ability we're up here because of 4:00 a.m. we're up here because of two a days or 5 a days we're up here because we had a dream and let nothing stand in our way if anything tried to bring us down we used it to make us stronger we were never satisfied never finished we'll never be retired my high school English teacher Mr Fisk he had this beautiful quote it read rest at the end not in the middle middle and I took that to heart I believe there's time for resting at the end but for me that time is not now to have a dream sacrifice for it and never ever rest in the middle be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of secondes some blood you're willing to shoulder more than your responsibility of life because you you expect and demand something more of Life Champions mentality man hoping for a good result you're demanding a [ __ ] result you're going above and beyond what's expected in the gym what normal people do you do more than what's normal because you want more than a normal return of life is investment one thing important is that we all have these moments these moments in time that either make you or break you that can determine the rest of your life the rest of your life can be determined up by one simple decision and I had decision to make I wanted to quit wanted to give up there wasn't some inspirational quote there wasn't some there wasn't nothing it was me myself and it was freezing out here I had to make a decision decision I make was to get up and keep on going that one moment changed the rest of my life I tell you the harder and harder you or in here the harder and harder it becomes to accept failure out there second place isn't an option anymore guys the more you give it in here the more you get out there why would you not want to give it at all what else are you going to do you come here and kill it right now or stay home on the couch you know watching the life pass by what else would you be doing right now taking the time off or taking the time to get ahead if it doesn't seem so easy to you it's cuz you don't believe in yourself you believe in yourself you want to be in here killing it cuz it's giving you that much more of a chance cuz you believe you can pum that because they don't believe they can ever get there so therefore why take the precautionary steps to sharpen you know and home the Arsenal to go to battle cuz they don't even want to go to battle cuz they know they're going to lose how do you want to look in the mirror every single morning do you want a positive reinforcement or do you want a negative one to go about today how do you want people to see you what if a lot of times I'll be in a 200 mile run or something like that and I'm all jacked up body's broken mind's Broken Spirits broken I start to say what if I can pull this off it's the what if I can can pull off a [ __ ] miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about that I have the hair gr up on my arms cuz it makes me just like what if sometimes you just got to say things just for what they are just what they are passion passion is free nobody can charge you for passion nobody can tell you what passion looks like because that's all about you effort effort is isolated the reason why effort is isolated because nobody can dictate it effort is 100% in the mind no coach no player nobody else can make you run to the ball nobody else can make you finish a tackle nobody else can do it that's why it's the most isolated things in this earth right now is effort and when you finally figure it out how to win real battles is found through fundamentals that's what wins championships that's what wins battles blocking tackling blocking tackling until they get tired cuz you don't know what tired feels like what
Channel: Growth Everlasting
Views: 424,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Motivation, #Inspiration, #Success, #SelfImprovement, #Achievement, #Mindset, #Goals, #Empower, #DreamBig, #Believe, #StayPositive, #Wisdom, #Wellness, #SelfLove, #Gratitude, #Motivate, #Inspire, #Achieve, #Positivity, #SelfGrowth, #WisdomWords, #WellnessJourney, #LoveYourself, #LifeGoals, #Mindfulness #Empowerment, #PositiveVibes, #SuccessMindset, #Resilience, #SelfCare, #InspireDaily, #PositiveThinking, #GoalSetting, #Ambition, #AchieveGreatness, #SelfBelief, #LifeLessons, #MindPower, #DreamJourney, #FocusOnYou
Id: lUcJer18PVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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