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hi everyone we're here again for another video with another inspiring entrepreneur know with the heart and the goal for you guys to be part of this draw economy that I hope their stories will be something that will inspire you and give you the wisdom to be able to make the right decisions in your investment so this will all be an icon 2018 so for this video we have someone very very exciting to interview why didn't even graduate college but now he's the CEOs the president of his own company so let's talk more about his journey you guys need like you to meet mr. Cyrus there so hello Jason best prepare to everyone else that I interviewed you you don't get to be young yes how old are you ready 28 years old alright so let me start with this why did you not go to college most circumstances push me get it the basic story there was I was talking to my dad at the intersection of life you know the section of life because it's a decision that you make and then it's gonna change the course of your life smell iike a college degree right and and one of the one of the interesting conversation has a I don't know what to pick I don't know what course the big my parents say a vanilla well as long as you choose one course okay okay what's long as you choose one course you stick to it you're not gonna shift anymore only because you're not gonna waste our money [Laughter] do this if I'm gonna do this I have to make sure that it's something I really want hey did you have something in mind already is a high school borrowing you you would take entrance exams to be a fourth-year photographer before jumping into politics when you're a single you don't really think of these things I am I was fully into music I was I was dedicated to playing the drums I was dedicated to swimming okay I was representing not representing but I would I would compete I would compete and just do it for fun because I liked it so something in the far future is not really yet in your mind so the deciding factor of going to college was something that I really took it to heart put in a Longworth I I found the concept of gap here oh okay found the concept of gap here it's good that you got it through yeah I have some friends for my age now now is the gap I kept on the concept cause gap here and I was reading through it it's not ago again a couple of shows a bug betcha so I convinced my parents I become mapa I found this concept called gap here it's a long Indian eleazar pen their deal was as long as you make that gap here productive okay so make it productive and indicia it's not gonna waste your time that's yeah so what that's when you started that's when we found out about the cimelia program in Pakistan so my dad my pressure part of a group and they said they were gonna go to this business training program and said I you wanna come yeah well since scallop carried on like since I was young like forever yeah that's good let's go there haven't been there anyway so we were living in forget the aura and that was when it started I started to found out about the program we were going to the week-long business programs and I got so interested until the founder people don't said hey why don't you take our long course but was it was it hard just family the stigma no problem there's family they look at the different if you didn't go to college did you ever experience that well of course I mean there was always that suffered I got it you know yeah I mean I was like I was like enough on that college looking good and the interesting part was that that that gap year was the was what people did me to what I'm doing today so the cimelia program was was a life changing program for me only because it taught me the values and character towards work applied through the firm so you Amelia program for five years that oh it's like how for GE already that you got oh definitely it was the original plan was I would stay there for only four months okay and after the four month program the institution said hey why don't you why don't you work here late so South yeah but while he was doing that bottom it never came to your mind already to go to college it wasn't fun on your intention already I was having fun I was having fun he we were we were in the field working and I was already earning a little bit they were okay with it because I was still being productive and then of course on the second year of working in Somalia that's when I went through a homeschool college program okay didn't study this III did I started something for two years but sabi KO all the information blessed by Internet hmm so why am I paying I want to get the information I get the day in turn and so what what the program taught me is niche and specified learning if I'm interested in something I become aware that it mark that's what I do also yeah I recommend that for those who went to college you'll you'll understand what I'm saying certain things are we learn we don't even realize anymore and it's very big to spend so the balance are is the man Mark III respect the institutions of college only because it also brings you the certain connections as well business connections which I'm also trying to build up over time okay because when you come from a certain school even given a young upfront man that thing is but also I was okay to do it out that only because I was just having so much fun and learning was actually a balance of life of the plan a lot of the funny a lot of the people that I follow Navi tech entrepreneurs they even finish college the smell is so I think here in the right path I get tips I hope so I hope so and I hope the solution we're coming up with it will help a lot so well now when you when you were going through that we didn't go to college you already knew in a man that you would be an entrepreneur or it wasn't low also a plan that it was only because I was Ivy would thinks like one of the principles that was always taught to us was use what you have right and make the most of what you have so at that time what I had was like okay there was vegetables in the field we would I would trade it to the local market and I would that was my assignment at the time and [Music] the founder would have his farms produce the excess I'll be called Tito can I sell it so I started to look for customers in the city in the city so that was that that was your parent training centers you had extra earnings and all of that it wasn't much but it was more than enough from where I was only because I was already content from where I was okay now you mentioned when you when you went from booking on after going through the program you went to Manila and then you went to so that's why I I like stopped reading because no one sees you you never give up buggery buggery sorry it wasn't totally polarized in this movie like from coming from an active and you're alone in the field you're working all day under the Sun and then you're trading and it's not a glamorous thing right and then two weeks after resigning from from the program in Binh Thanh I said I am visit the friend and again the or oh I got a call from from a local designer who's the president of my sister Jackie London I mean an extra guy cuz a cute young person from a knit I didn't know what it was long story short it was a show from from a group of vanilla to launch on brand in cagayan de oro so Sally pulls a lot of other time and that also catapulted it to to me we're doing it now a war no more yeah I'm focused full-time on on on the work that's that we're doing so now from from the time you went from high school skipped college went to modeling what pushed you to start your business and your endeavor right now I use the modeling industry as a way to improve myself what do I mean because I you know people think I say it's just glitz and glamour but in reality it's also a lot of hard work when I say hard work it's also because you're trying to be you have to have a high EQ so I'll be able to like move around the industry right and that's what I wanted to develop here in Metro Man especially a guy like me from bukidnon moving to Metro Manila I wanted to and there's nothing wrong about that right yeah but but but you know you have to learn also to adjust to society as well right so yeah so when you started what what everything the idea or you said you you said that your background from farming led you to do what you're doing yes so better you did you already see that you are the skills business happened if there's one thing about what I love to do mark is when I find something I really study it and I really if it helps a lot of people I actually promote it myself and really be an advocate for such things and after my two-and-a-half year full time modeling short career where everyone call it I wanted to go back into the food industry only because I know this young columns city excess Nimmons provinces yeah so sorry oh hey maybe maybe we could do something so I started to look for products and sure enough I went back to our roots in the kidnoh and okay and we we found a certain product which we started to distribute in Metro Manila which catapulted my friend at night to start a distribution business we're committed in Bamako and the manual labor coming in to drive for a year we were driving our truck coming me smoke coming miss one of the deliver coming miss vanessi says arabic for other story my meeting up at 2 o clock pyramid deliveries automata okay so so I got going to deliver I have to find the way sir church especially semester money meet up on part people developing imagine driving a you refrigerator trap and then you have extra clothes there so you have to look for a corporate of the change and then para unwilling the address or do you think there are that's enterpreneurship delegates actually know every no everything else so here's the thing you wrap this up the four people who are young also that want to start their own business what we're what what's something that you can impart with them that may actually I shouldn't be scared Ashley started and visited say yep context no majority of Filipinos they mostly play doctor culture is you something already get a good job and then climb the ladder did something that's totally is opposite because you you didn't go to college you didn't get the job and then you did climb any ladder but you meet your own so what's something that I guess inspired you and push you to go that route and what is something that can be part to them as well maybe I would take things on a daily basis like whatever the challenges are but to act if you're employed no problem save as much as you can but while you're if you have every year still at the on a single state right here here's the same girl and they are so trying to figure out like make your be very content of the simple things like if you can save as much go ahead because and then I would spend a lot of time reading mark like instead of watching TV I would always we spend a lot not so much what's your do you but the budget can be heavy mine well I do have a budget because I'm living independently so I see you budget your own what's your biggest expense for my travel moving around okay also we said that there are business really this is related so for your personal expense how I would save up for to travel like we would be firm on our sale tickets you know I would save up for it okay so now for people who thought they you start people of that to start businesses what can you tell them especially people who are a bit scared as well yeah you know business is scary I want I want I won't deny that but it's exciting because you have to be you have to love solving problems and when you solving problems it's like okay out this is a challenge what am I gonna do next and this is the challenge how do I get there you know so it's always about figuring things out who can I call to actually help me and the nice thing about business is it's very very humbling very very Knoblauch only because you have to ask help from other people like hey help me I don't know how to do this can you teach me Oh what book and I read can you what you know can you recommend something so and the nice thing about our generation they mark is our generation yeah our generation is yeah so so it's really getting to the field of like solving problems and serving people serving from solving problems for them and over time you get to see a 24-hour component get it on business so it starts from again where you are but at the same time you evolve into it alright so this is part one of our video in join us for our no I we didn't really talk about what the business is specifically but it's pretty much involved with the farming and that and that will be the next two videos so if you want to hear more about it also this also for icon 2018 will have the link below so you can catch him live now if you wrap all of the attendees or the speakers in icon [Laughter] so the link will be below so you can also join and hear his story out so that's it watch out for partly where we talk about the farming in this how we actually build the business around it as well so just print out bye everyone bye in part 2
Channel: Marvin Germo
Views: 10,806
Rating: 4.9642859 out of 5
Keywords: stock smarts, A CEO THAT NEVER WENT TO COLLEGE, ceo, business, entrepreneurship, start up business philippines, how to start your own business philippines, how to make money in the philippines, agriculture philippines, technology philppines, farming philippines, business seminars philippines, business expert philippines, business for beginngers philippines, never went to college
Id: Df2QqYpK6Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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