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look at the real estate alligator okay hidden animal are you you get to get your capital gains and also the rentals so that it'll you you return of in Amman so we decided to continue with the real estate investing hi guys so this is part of my session here in Qatar or of this video series in Qatar where we have piracy though he made he was part of the first video where he asked me a couple of questions on investing business personal finance Farrow this time I want you to see how he did it here from Panama Gong Cepero nine guys grab a grab it so this is Harry Saucedo hello hi oh hey Harris how long have you been here in a bar eight years eight years sobrang llamado you will be do nothing with Bernard under UN no madam in jollibee okay so eight years in Qatar when did you start to realize some alarm when I mock save and in this maybe NH tab we can before I gotta be the backing of a second generation ortho me okay so we decided come on Ian when tsunami photo denying markets Tammy signing dynamic life though it's why we initially but the dynamic dito subpoena mean we have to start investing mmm para no no when you say second-generation OFW that mean that means the main are having abroad or some Philippines kappa like a luma hey uh Philippines now okay then you parents time in a yearly level move away to see us perfect age for annual vacation I so you know probably parents Bona OFW means a demotion special occasions in your in your life yes but I'm gonna know Union Union agreeing copilot none so so you started to come here para Moxie bug invest and then a mindfuck nothing more I save them I got dinner when good Anka a challenging initially its chat it's very challenging to say you you get to handle a different amount compared to your salary in the Philippines okay pero siempre as along the way you have to realize now that max ticket owns a game plan mode which is to invest in to go home early okay so yes Drive opposite Cori new canary me eleven and respiratory yes I know respiratory functions the harmonics talks to fill our lungs and medicine so kamiki live in the first first it but I so he came upon a first responder 911 yeah yeah something like that so today first responders spoon me like a socket be seen but it's movie bottom oh yeah so it's fun so there's the first responders my on you're invested in real estate on the back stop stop business Marin that's part young real estate oh hey it's Lauren oh it's her did me with my question is this what you're doing as a first responder if and then it's totally different from I know it's totally different from in background oh yeah yeah oh man I'm gonna put Bedouins you see in family cool oh they're also running a residential rentals okay so but are not adopting renewing them but you can see real estate delegate okay I hit an animal are you you get to get your capital gains and also the rentals so you return of in a month so we decided to continue with the real estate investing so very different Seguin Romano hindi ko like very non condo you started your own a building but over a birthday party apartment resident okay residential so you so I mean and in steps done boom in Monaghan Anupa Direction ahoge it may may be coming not so we decided were farming extra savings when we decided to bite a lot and at the same time we built the residential apartment okay what's the biggest advantage can we call you my villain and lupa buy an apartment as compared to buying a condo and in terms of possibility Nikita and get a new peanut advantage here this is a residential it's a lot that we believe more and at the same time appetizer and more you get to maximize the gain that you will get compared to a condo unit fine open open for example residential oh yeah you have a 150 square meter that can generate more than 30 thousand reals compared to an ordinary condominium real specify only 30,000 more you mean yes thirty thousand test because because because khatola know Aneesa I mean we have a two-bedroom apartment or bedroom and studio type so we get two marks in myself so this is what bottom complex organization building manager no it's me myself there shall be no paramesvara separate separate each individual okay now picture stop what stop also me individual and what oppose so even you you know Vietnam in total Don is more than the there earning that we get from contraband oh yeah so Ellen and the toe Ellen you scream it in 150 I know it's a 250 no assume up and down you Dylan alright sir when want a flat okay so advantage is because halfway London Annabelle developer to billionaire okay Alaba condominium you curious ordered full of ideas in television in a rental continue me a new Olympus intimidated by your own lab but I'd wanna apartment as compared to buy a new condo cuz it's a condo it's a finished product idea so for example you buy a pond over it three or four million pesos can generate you around thirty thirty five thousand pesos so so apartment let's say we could make enough about three million 30 35 3 million Oh money I think ah so this probably you what Meganium pressure building you ha yeah okay I think continue of a tapas so so far there no no not ten percent Indian okay so it's apartment let's say Masada as shock impaired dunes back to Lima so Hondo as a Billiken a lot in at the same time construction mmm but the must Paula getting you return come pardons champ Ramos Malibu you spent more rapid mass panic Iranian game or it anymore so okay so the yields are for going on a soap even you percentage yield from cost versus ran in a percent you come back as a Koopa gossip on the rental income killed Nina saying your Pug apartment moat oppose Finneran yield yield wise enough percent if ideal Mikula annual percentage or Satish - I mean can say we we compute already around ma but Kevin now 11:30 interesting so much much better you have it the 30% per year so apartments will give you a higher yield assaulted a then condos pero hell out Denis now considered Bahama Hollywood be billionaire lupa a new technique Parma gang up Nijmegen dunk area for apartments for me cuz here and inna go italic and I mean pupunta pigeon cetera in Italian LeBlanc I mean for example South Area the Costa Rica miss out area I say location will make a big park dunes ugly Munna I know in a property okay I say you you get to you get to study the markets in a baby a monkey in market money and the be mother dearest establishment opened a number possible clients okay so I don't know I know who look down on me in an affair but in my establishment smile appetito except motherhood like an in Kalama call center mmm yeah or centered moles of a public transportation okay call center because silly malapa trabajan Ella ceremony rain okay tapas personality remember afternoon schools okay recipes Polly yes allow me miss her the number but not some crazy killings Angie Poirier catering some a you know no any technique unique a Turkish in our main move please you kiting benevolences our cannon at you may secure better maturity you know very accessible Telegraph at the public transportation okay so it's a biopic Goodman here in a couple get boom lugar hmm we security guard there are six ocm abutment I know property funding a trusted person committed a Filipina sonica managed to gain Umbra Marquesas good night apical Tarina mmm I mean biggest problem demand bug like apartment as compared to Macondo anything a harem disadvantage here okay this is an apartment you get to talk with a lot of clients compared to some on dominium you only talk with the single individual na na gigging clay and Tamala this is a make a simple tip of Dorian's apartment am I so my mechanic on you asked about even pricing some condo okay so my damn close up okay nabob us apartment to say okay let's drop it someone to be new meets already finished so that put me skills casa construction or michelada I'm a contractor you know you know kill a lion at the same time you also have to study my name is Nick lab animal basically along to deunan determines are being copied hmm I dunno the top arrow what are the skills that at least they need if they want to enter into apartments chevrolet lumina when you were construction cost of a per square meter omaha materialistic I can beat emotion and pray Anna Boch Massey Omaha market educator more you see the low post okay so globe post Meccano benchmark net average per square meter Cassini Sam in 2015 is so average around 15,000 per session for locust locust bug bug me every next video if you medium that's one idea or chewy Iona Oh a shepherd but put on entice 11 more high-end a some organic pomegranate hi I think I think that's about 30 to 50 Atta first grade my mom parasu next costs are cheaper mass madami much madam ahead madam in had a headache clamp here in la coach oh so what do you recommend for people now first time long nila enter circuit on space should they go into condos or apartments in a build build their own a home as a coach it depends it depends again a new path there is a nickel and realize Pokemon apartment comic butter yo loop Emunah UN show my appreciation my appreciation copper and eco eco zero Vincent Seko see make girl because Allah okay think about you get to I know in capital gains and at the same time you're an awesome aha moment apartment very mama among me my juice juice candy was hot do me module Erin what's amazing here are mirrors everything in Milano directness Salonika by it's a village as a village so easier not by a traumatic things about the exterior problem by own oh don't you blame at unlike the savant or me Sunkist included the do sir no sir payment different point oh there's a mineral in Meralco funny layin for Jessie Menachem Islands and illustrating you sir I mean say au pair au separator and piggy Susilo marrow pair in diamond an undetermined tricky and demon by a Palermo Papa to land contains nearly enough of the Guardian in service okay last venal um uh what's your any words of encouragement for Filipinos not just here in Qatar but Filipinos outside is a very successful guys very successful and it's nice to see a lot of Filipinos that are earning a lot but not just earning a lot that they're investing fee si but for Mia you can learn a lot better if it's active income the measure of success is passive income it the name of the game is how many sources of passive income you can get or cut cutting Suarez lumion bettered up passive income sources enough also to give you I guess as a stable return for the years go sobbing era coach Marvin a don't save to save save to invest and I think in a star smart signals Marvin Islands chugga-boom a subside on investment mogera Luna gonna be the minimum and okay so you know that's what that's what I always do wherever I am I try to feature different people so that you learn from their story nights not just my story to say we all have something to to tell and there's there's something that you can learn from a lot of people out there that there's a lot of Filipinos making it well outside cuz user people don't know it Filipinos outside the country they're doing well Cosima sleep ugly and there's so much abundance around that because there's so much abundance if they just work hard Salima poor underneath that's what a lot of people Filipinos are excelling abroad it's just highlighting sense and use that and I mean Nehring I mean at the deport McGinn young pair of Mohammed Sahib ugh the majority they're the ones that are doing well in problem long is how do you convert that that they get to save and invest for the future say if you're in Qatar if you look at the space it's very nicely Parana you always think now this will last forever inna need to matet oppose it but you have to ask yourself what if it doesn't what if it stops you don't have to enjoy a sorry you enjoy every time but you don't have to destroy your future just because you want to enjoy now so Harris so many pretties that I hope this video inspires you and I'm going back to Manila ready but I hope this video helps you trade well trade straight smart see Allah gets you guys and bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: Marvin Germo
Views: 38,287
Rating: 4.8388791 out of 5
Keywords: MAKING MONEY FROM APARTMENT RENTALS, rentals, apartment rentals, real estate investing, property investing, passive income, real estate passive income, stock smarts, stock investing made easy, ofw success stories, ofws in qatar, filipinos in qatar, financial freedom, how to be rich, where to invest philippines, real estate philippines, philippines businesses
Id: m3PcFTdNvEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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