A Car Crash Motivated A 400-Pound Man To Transform His Body | Jordan Grahm's Transformation Story

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[Music] I didn't care at all whether I'd live another day I sometimes wish that I didn't that's one of the pictures I have from when I was at my heaviest you know even if I just would go to a doctor for a check-up or something and they would like do a blood test they'd just be like you are gonna die they would tell me that you will die and I was just like and that's what will happen [Music] from a young age I remember always being the bigger kid I used to only want to sit in certain desks because they were bigger right and then sometimes people would just take all of them on purpose and then I would come oh yeah kids suck I you know went outside and rode bikes and walked around the neighborhood and stuff like that but maybe ate a little too much as well it was something that once you start getting down that path it's really hard to break that cycle I mean did your parents ever like step in and like say like or like try to make better choices for you at all like the jerk my mom did she wanted me to lose weight because I think she knew that I was not happy that was the most smile that you'd see out of me when I first went to high school at that time I was 5 foot 9 290 pounds the coach saw me and said we want you to play football you're a big kid you could do really well what you have to do is use your size and that's all I want you to do no I want you to just focus on that keep eating keep eating a lot and that sounded great to me maybe there is a place where a big guy like me belongs this is like a whole nut this is like you're excited is this like right before the season started probably 14 years old playing football there's a smile kind of I signed up you know I was playing my I guess it was sophomore year then all of a sudden out of nowhere my mom passes away my mom wasn't sick there was nothing she just she was on vacation and apparently in her sleep had passed away and my whole world crashed down and at that time football completely left my mind yeah I took a week off of school or two weeks I just was in I was a mess I think this is one of the last one of the last pictures we have together and then just like that blink of an eye then she was gone I just gave up I gave up on life I guess I just didn't have the courage to face the pain I felt some comfort when I would eat so my eating you know just became really problematic that was probably like the highlight of whatever year that was was going out to eat on a birthday probably 1415 4x5 XL it was a tough time definitely I couldn't grasp how bad it was or maybe I did and I didn't care I didn't care at all whether I'd live another day I sometimes wish that I didn't maybe that's what I deserved you know even if I just would go to a doctor for a check-up or something and they would like do a blood test or you know they'd just be like you are gonna die they would tell me that you will die if you do not change something you will not live to 30 it was a really dark place it's hard to think about [Music] the most that I ever saw on a piece of paper was 421 pounds I was in terrible shape can go up like a small flight of stairs like a four step one without being out of breath I didn't ever see myself as deserving something better and that was the car I broke the seat the same one that totaled and oh that's that's the same car it looks a little different there and there's me like somehow standing I had to get out of the passenger side it was bad and if the airbag wasn't there bad would have been worse maybe it was my mom like maybe I should be around maybe there's a reason when I was right there at the scene when I realized that something has to change so the next day I got up and I was in a sling everything hurt and I took blackberry and I was like okay we're gonna walk for an hour we went down our little hill and back up which is one mile and it took one hour and oh the first time I did it suck so much besides just having been in a car accident my joints like 400 something pounds of going down and up a hill it sucked and I was like this is so uncomfortable and everything hurts but I have to do it for an hour every day I have to I've got an hour we got to doing it four times every day six days a week for miles and then jogging it and running it I just knew that I had to change my diet the way that I was using food had to go so I started with just not drinking soda let's cut out the junk food no more fast food no more drive throughs it had been many years since the last time I like push myself past my comfort I think within the first month or two months I lost 40 pounds after the first eight months or so I was down a hundred pounds and I showed myself that I can do things that I've never done before and that was when I had lost 200 pounds and did not really lift I felt great I had no idea that I would take it as far as I did I just knew I had to change right the lowest weight I have been as an adult I was 209 pounds and had no muscle so I spent about three years training for powerlifting actually so I could get stronger that was the first time I had lifted 500 that was cool that was a big accomplishment a good friend of mine he was like you should do a powerlifting competition oh yeah built back up to 242 class for powerlifting and I pushed myself way beyond anything I thought I could do and the whole process of it was pretty awesome you have to bring your best on this day and I just got ready and I brought it [Music] so now I really do feel like I have a whole new life I care about definitely waking up each day I care about my future I don't feel like I don't deserve to be happy or healthy I feel like I do deserve those things and I do work to get those things that I want I changed my career I became a trainer I now do motivational speaking as well so I get to kind of share a little bit about my story but I feel like now I'm getting to where she would have wanted me to be and being happy being healthy having a future impacting the lives of others I feel like my mom would be proud of what I do and what I have accomplished and what I intend to keep doing and keep accomplishing [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bodybuilding.com
Views: 8,588,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bodybuilding.com, how to, bodybuilding motivation, bodybuilding, bodybuilder, motivation, fitness, build muscle, lose weight, lose fat, body transformation, transformation, transformation story, how to lose weight, weight loss motivation, weight training (hobby), weight loss, before and after, before, fat, loose skin, surgery, loose skin surgery, best, lost, weightloss, diet, inspiration, excess skin, jordan grahm, car, crash, man, body, story, 400 lbs, before after, jordan grahm transformation
Id: D3nER_Ym-BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2017
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