A Brief Look at Miles' Costumes in Spider-Man 2

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in this video we'll be looking at miles's costumes in Spider-Man 2 unlike Peter I haven't done a video for miles's suits in his previous game and I never will because most of miles's costumes return for this game only a handful of Suits don't return here and only two of those are genuine losses before I start let me just say that there is a link to a tier list maker in the description so if you disagree with me you can always make your own rankings I guess I have to give a spoiler warning I didn't give one for my video on Peter because it completely slipped my mind but both characters have costumes that are relevant to the story this video will also show footage of the final boss so uh yeah spoilers ahead before we start I should let you know my feelings towards miles as a character since I really haven't discussed that on this channel and it does influence my opinion on his costumes at least a little bit I've read all of miles's comics written by his original Creator Brian Michael Bendis in those books miles was one of the worst characters I've ever seen in any piece of fiction the spider-verse movies fixed every issue I had of the Comic version and as a result I really like that version of Miles I won't go into detail here for the sake of time so watch Godzilla Mendoza's video on the topic that I've Linked In the description which shares many the same feelings the comics have now been writing miles closer to his movie counterpart and while I haven't read many of them they seem to be pretty good that leaves us with Insomniac miles who is somewhere in the middle he's okay he but kind of boring with a very cliche and sometimes annoying sense of humor because of that I don't like him too much all right let's get started by looking at miles's classic suit we're starting with this one because this is miles's main suit it's the one he's had in the comics since his debut over a decade ago it's the one miles had in his last game and it's the suit most people think of when they hear miles's name this also means that this is the suit that all of miles's other suits are measured against looking at insomniac's interpretation of the suit it's a very good adaptation for the most part the biggest issue I have with the suit is that I think it's a bit overdesigned there are thicker black armored pieces on the suit most noticeably on his forearms and around his waist and his shoes have a zipper on them I don't think any of this needs to be here but I understand why they did it the suit is very simple in the comics so they wanted to give it extra detail more than that the suit in the insomnia games was not designed to be a companion to Peter's classic suit this suit was designed to accompany Peter's Advanced suit that's the suit this one was designed to stand next to since that was the one Peter had in miles's game so I get it I get why they added all this stuff but man I don't think it looks very good I think the texture they gave the suit was all the additional detailing that they needed maybe add a few seam lines here and there and I think that would have been enough another thing with the suit is that the shade of black is really light it's more of a dark gray I've seen a a lot of people cite this as an issue they have with the suit and I acknowledge that this is a valid complaint but I don't mind it because I've actually never really liked the black and red color scheme of miles's costume it's such a dark and edgy color scheme that does not fit miles as a character at all I mean look at this thing if you turn Shadow the Hedgehog into a Spider-Man suit it would more or less look like this other characters like superior Spider-Man or Kane in his time as a Scarlet Spider had the same color scheme and it made sense for them those guys are morally dubious on their best days but miles good-natured kindhearted whitebred miles not fitting I've always thought that miles should have a different color scheme that better fits him as a character in his suit here I think partially does that now I already know that a lot of people are going to be mad by what I've just said probably say something like this guy's just making a problems and let me just say I think there are two reasons as to why miles's color scheme has seemingly never bothered anybody body else the first is that it's a cool color scheme so I'm sure a lot of people are willing to overlook miles's personality or lack thereof and just enjoy the suit because it looks very cool the second reason is that miles's suit has very large very round very friendly eyes because of that you can tell just from a glance that he's not a bad dude put those two things together and yeah I can totally see how this costume's colors have never been an issue for anyone else it's honestly not a huge issue for me either if they had colored the suit with a proper black I'd still like it I just think it's a little weird that's all looking at the suit's alternate colors they're all bad the only one that's halfway decent is this one which makes the suit look more like Peter's costume it falls apart for me with the back though the logo being black makes it fade into the rest of the suit and that doesn't look great these recolors being as bad as they are is odd considering that Insomniac already made a good recolor for the suit in their previous game with the Uptown Pride suit why did it not return as one of this suits suit Styles overall I'd give the suit an eight it's a largely faithful rendition of a pretty good costume from the books with only minor issues holding it back next up we have the upgraded suit which is miles's default suit in this game at a glance you might not even tell that this is a different costume than miles's classic one there are many differences between these but they're mostly very minor differences the biggest changes are the design of miles's hands the big red line running down his arms and finally the suit is a darker black on the top of his body where the web pack pattern is I like the suit I think it's a good evolution of miles's classic suit and I think its level of detailing is more fitting this one doesn't have the silly little zippers on the shoes really makes you wonder why they were there to begin with for this suit's alternate Styles they have a pretty good one right off the bat this style is clearly inspired by Peter's Advanced suit 2.0 and I think it looks really cool I've always thought that it was a good idea to give miles of Suits Peter's color scheme and this one does that quite well I wish miles's classic suit had a style that looked like this style two sucks and style three would would look good if it was more white there's a lot of gray here and it really buses up the suit when I think it would look better if they kept it simple I'd give the suit like an eight or9 it's really good but it doesn't do anything that would wow me into giving it a 10 I think part of it is just that I don't love miles that much as a character so it's kind of harder for me to get excited about him so now we're at the part of the video where we need to talk about the evolved suit everyone on the planet is already thoroughly trashed this thing looking at the average opinion online it seems like most people think this suit is an to humanity and the Very idea of character design but I've got to say it's not that bad now hold on don't click off stop writing that comment let me explain the suit's not good but the main problems people have with it are not related to the design those problems being number one it's a story based suit that comes out of nowhere in the story with no good explanation right when the Symbiote Invasion starts to get really bad that's when miles decides to get get a new suit huh what why there's no buildup to it either at no point in the story prior to that moment did Miles ever express any interest of any kind to get a new costume so then he shows up with it and the only explanation he gives is that it's time for a miles moral is original you know one of one which doesn't even make sense wasn't his classic suit a Miles Morales original well gy helped make it so I guess it wasn't entirely a Miles Morales original and I'm assuming the same applies to his upgraded suit too but even then miles why was this the moment you decided to get an entirely original costume surely the Alien Invasion should take priority all they needed to say was that this suit conducts his new blue electricity Powers better that's it mention it in one line of dialogue beforehand that the new powers are scuffing his suit a bit and then have him show up later with this one that's all they needed to do number two it's an advertisement Adidas that's the brand of the shoes so prominently featured on this costume more than that Adidas sells a top and pants that are designed to look like the suit so the whole suit is an advertisement number three you are forced to wear the suit for the entire final mission with new game plus you can use whatever suit you want but on a first playthrough you are still forced to wear this during the final mission so when you put these three problems together you get a story based suit that doesn't make sense for the story that is actually an advertisement that you were forced to wear in the game's finale with these issues it's pretty obvious why people wouldn't like this costume hell I don't like this costume but when looking at the actual design of the suit divorc from any of that it's not that bad positives first I like the color scheme the red and blue are bright and vibrant which is nice I've already said that I'm not the biggest fan of miles's default color scheme but more importantly I think it's a good idea for more of miles's alternate costumes to stray away from it miles is a more recent creation and a Legacy character so I think a lot of artists are scared to shy away from miles's typical color scheme in fear that it won't be recognizable as Miles Morales but I think that's a mistake Peter has a ton of suits that are not red and blue so I think it's only fair that Miles gets more suits that are different from his traditional black and red another thing I like about the suit is the idea of these light blue sections running through the suit almost like electricity going through his body and that's it time to be negative an immediate issue the suit has is the shoes aside from the whole product placement thing the shoes white col makes them stand out too much and they don't match the rest of the suit now I'm sure that this was intentional the shoes stand out because they are the costume's literal selling point but it doesn't look right the light blue sections aren't as good as they should be I said I like the idea of them but the execution could be improved namely these bits on the pants the section on his arms are formed out of the legs of a spider symbol which looks cool but these ones on the pants just start from nothing which looks pretty awkward if these bottom spider legs combine together to make the line on the pants the same way the top legs form the line on the arms then I think I'd like this a lot more I think the reason they didn't do this was for the brand deal so that the top and pants sold by Adidas would look better individually without needing to connect finally there's the head to make this headstock mask design work you need a lot of hair and you need a cool hairstyle miles has neither so yeah the suit has problems but I can see how they could be fixed match the color of the shoes to that of the suit make the bottom legs of the spider come together into the blue Blue Line running down his legs give him a better hairstyle if you did all that and gave it a better reason to exist in the story then the suit would be good but as it is the suit is hard to like I'd give it a five five and 1/2 out of 10 its alternate Styles aren't much better this one would be decent if it didn't have the gradient this one would be decent if the eyes were red and this one is probably my favorite because I think it's the one that best incorporates the shoes but I think it needs more red on the suit before it could really be considered good because the suit feels too plain otherwise and yeah that's all I have to say about this costume I know some people really hate this one because it ruins the story but that's not a problem for me because I didn't like this game story I made a whole 2-hour video reviewing the game where I spent over an hour talking about just the story so go watch that if you want to hear more of my thoughts on that matter moving on the family business suit is based off of Aaron Davis's black iron spider suit if you'll remember Peter had a blackery color of his iron spider suit which was based off the same thing miles's version is actually less similar to the comic book one despite the fact that it's his comic books that the suit is being pulled from the suit is too light of a black the eyes are a different glowing design and the suit constantly pulsates with yellow light the only thing the suit does better than Peters is retaining Aaron's more unique spider symbol it's a shame since I like the typical iron spider design and I feel like this one simply isn't as good I get that they didn't want to just copy Peter's version of the suit but there has to have been a better way to do this I think they should have made the suits simpler Peter's iron spider suit is a lot more complex than its comic book counterpart and this one could have been a return to the simpler style of the books so I think they should have stripped it down and made it a more basic black metal suit with only the eyes and the symbol being gold because in the comics Aaron's suit is mostly drawn like that omitting the gold Parts on the arms and ankles this version though I don't know man for the recolors the green one is ugly the prowler one is eh and the final one is a reference to a version of the iron spider suit war in the recent Carnage rain story I didn't like this outfit much in the comics since I felt the colors were a little weak and could probably use more red near the gold parts and more gold near the red Parts but it's clearly a more interesting design than Aaron's iron spider I want to say why didn't they just adapt this one instead of errands but this suit was created a few months before the game released so they probably wouldn't have had the time to model it the fact that it's even in the game as a recolor is impressive still I don't really like it the last thing I'll mention about this suit is that there's a chance to get unique finish animations while wearing it where miles would use the iron spider legs it took me a good half hour of fighting dudes to get these finishers so I'd say they're quite rare I'll give this suit a six it's an all right version of the iron spider suit but it pales in comparison to Peters next up is the track suit to be honest I've never liked this one that much I was always confused by how popular the suit was since I never thought the design was that strong I think the area around his shoulders is a little weird there's a web pattern you can barely see like why is that even there it's mostly the additional white which I feel is too loud and overpowering of a color on this costume that's why I'm immensely grateful that this suit has a recolor that makes the suit entirely black and red it looks so much better this way there's another recolor that has Peter's colors but I think it kind of sucks my issue is that the symbol is gray/silver either make it white like the advanced suit or black like the classic one but this gray in between is just ugly the last recolor is just kind of funky overall I'd give the suit an eight but only because of the black recolor the Brooklyn 2099 suit is an insomniac original design and it's all right I don't like the red used here it's kind of dull and pinkish the design itself is just whatever looking at the alternate Styles we have this beauty holy this thing is so much better than the original the armor is a darker black and with bright blue LEDs throughout the suit it looks so sleek and futuristic this is a perfect example of how a change in colors can bring something me up to amazing I won't even talk about the other recolors they're dull and I have nothing to say about them getting back to my beautiful blue boy I do have some issues with this suit see miles's web wings are light up red by default and these default web wings are used for this Blue version of the suit this doesn't match the suits color scheme and it really bothers me I get that nomnc didn't want to change the web Wing colors for every suit style but at the same time why does miles even have red web Wings in the first place would it not have been easier to to reuse Peter's clear wings that way they could match basically every costume would anyone really have complained if miles and Peter had the same Wings another issue with the suit is that the lights on the suit will occasionally dim to the point where they practically turn off I hate this it would be tolerable if the lights dimmed a little to give a bit of a pulsating effect but this is just too much after going through the game some more I think this might be a bug because sometimes it'll do this but sometimes the lights will only dim a a little bit there doesn't seem to be any consistency to it bug or not it is something that happens and it really dissuades me from using this costume overall I'd give the suit a 7.5 the default color scheme is mid as hell and even though the Blue version is really good it is held back by some unfortunate issues if they fix the wings and the dimming problem then the Blue version would honestly be my favorite suit for miles in this game the sports wear suit is a makeshift outfit miles wore in the beginning of a solo game if you've seen any of my other costume videos then you already know what I think of this one I don't like it there's nothing wrong with it it's just normal clothing with the Spider-Man mask so I find it to be pretty lame all the alternate Styles give miles his traditional black and red mask with the last style being reference to miles's look and into the spiderverse neat but not something I care about five out of 10 next up is miles's costume from Spider-Man life story taken from the same issue that Peter was fun fact and spoilers for that book but miles in this issue is actually Auto Octavius in a cool Twist on Superior Spider-Man Otto took miles's body in that story instead of Peters so I guess I can blame him for this costume's flaws I wrote notes for each suit so I could come back to them later and flesh things out but the only thing I have written for this one is the single line boring AF costume and yeah that about sums it up the suit's just boring Peters at least had the asymmetrical web design and the thick metal boots and wrist pieces that match the helmet but this suit is just nothing it's a weirdly retro outfit with a space helmet that feels slapped on the second and third alternate color styles are okay but the suit itself is so mediocre that they don't improve my opinion on it nearly enough to matter 5 out of 10 the Miles Morales 2099 suit is taken from a variant cover considering that said cover doesn't do the best job showcasing the suit I'd say that Insomniac did a very good job translating this design into a 3D model the design itself is pretty cool merging miles's suit with Spider-Man 29's aesthetic in a way that feels natural it's got good colors a cool logo and fog around the eyes that's a little strange but it looks neat the purple recolor sucks the white one is all right but I don't like how it uses both a bright red and a darker red it's especially noticeable on his shoes that are obnoxiously brighter than everything else just pick one shade of red don't use both the black and yellow one is pretty cool I use this one with Peter's black and gold iron spider suit and it's a nice combo I'd give this one an eight it's good the advanced Tech suit isn't very good it's the definition of needlessly over design techno nonsense that's not to say that it's bad it's just something that I personally have no interest in that being said I think the white version of the suit is close to looking good if it didn't have the glowing red web pattern from his shoulders up then it would look a lot cleaner the other two recolors are crap 6 out of 10 the shadow spiders caped Rogue aesthetic is quite unique if you've seen my video on Miss Marvel's costumes and Avengers then you might remember her Mystic outfit well this suit for miles is from that same storyline where the Champions team got placed into an alternate reality with their memories wiped so Miles became the shadow spider and I like it the Design's pretty cool from the front I think it's way too plain from behind I really would have liked a spider symbol on the back there the cape physics are a little weak too looking at the read colors these two suck but this one's pretty good it's a nice alternate that looks distinct without changing it too much really like how it makes the inside of the cape red overall I'd give this one a 7.5 out of 10 I do like it but as I said before it is kind of boring from the back which is what you're going to be seeing most of the time so I don't like using it the Miles Morales 2020 suit is another suit taken from a variant cover so again props to Insomniac for adapting something with so little Source material I like this one a lot cool helmet cool lights cool jacket he's even got the cool s the recolors are all just kind of all right the one of the red jacket's not bad but I don't think any of these are as good as the default this one's a solid eight for me the purple rain suit is given to Miles by uncle Aaron and miles's solo game I don't like this one it's obviously a Prowler inspired Spider-Man suit but I don't think it's Prowler enough the best Prowler design is Hobie Browns which is at its best when it's allowed to be very exaggerated with huge gauntlets a huge cape and big sharp eyes but this suit doesn't have any of that now that I'm looking at it I think a big issue with this suit is how close it sticks to Aaron Davis's original Prowler design from the comics that design wasn't ugly it was just so damn boring it didn't have the logo The Cape the eyes the gauntlets nothing I understand that they were going for a more modern spy suit that was sleek and slim but it removes so much of prowler's iconography that it ends up looking pretty lame honestly all that suit needed was a symbol more color and better eyes this design shares a lot of DNA with that one and it fixes the logo and color problems but not the i1 as I think these are too small but this costume also adds a utility belt and puny Prowler wrist pieces that get in the way of the sleek and compact design of Aaron's original Prowler suit these pieces feel like an afterthought thrown in to give the suit more obvious Prowler stuff but it doesn't work for me because of how small they are I think the suit sits in a no man's land between ideas not as exaggerated as Hobie design not as Compact and simple as Aaron's and with just enough spider imagery to make sure you can tell it's a Spider-Man costume the green and gray alternate style is ugly the one of brighter colors is silly and the last one is all right but I feel like it would look better if it was black and not gray overall I'd give this one a six the colors are good but a lot of the smaller Design Elements don't come together for me the bodega cat suit is a popular costume for a reason it's got a funny cat on the back and that's all the suit has going for it the outfit itself is pretty dull the body suit is a different take on Miles as classic suit which is surprising since they could have just reused the model of their classic suit with a hoodie over it but they didn't they made a unique suit model for this suit makes me kind of curious what it looks like underneath the hoodie that being being said it's not a particularly interesting suit because despite its differences it's pretty much just miles's classic suit with a hoodie over it the only recolor that I think is decent is the one of the black hoodie I think it's more fitting with that color this and the green hoodie one give the cat a black and red miles mask which is pretty cool I'd give this one a seven the cat is funny but the outfit itself is just kind of whatever the forever suit is based off a variant cover for Spider-Man's 60th anniversary this suit's a weird one because I don't like the default version but I really liked all the old alternate Styles at first I didn't fully understand why but after looking at the original inspiration for this suit I think I figured it out the design on the variant cover has a thin messy web pattern throughout the suit but insomniac's version completely removes this filling in the black of the suit with more MCU inspired wakandan patterning this throws off the balance of the suit by removing too much of the Spider-Man design so now it's like 90% a black panther costume that's why I don't like the default version since I think the bright red looks out of place on what is is mostly a black panther suit conversely this is why I like the other color styles more since they look even more like black panther the eyes were different in the original cover design and their more normalized lens design in this game is both differently shaped and smaller and I don't like them I didn't know eyes as wide could look Beady but here we are another detail the original cover design had was a distinctly web patterned boot that I really don't like since I don't think it fits the rest of the suit I'm glad Insomniac changed that for the recolors the old black one is a refence to Black Panther the gold one is a reference to Black Panther and the purple one is a reference to Black Panther this suit is also cursed to keep miles's default red web Wings which I think really clash with the gold and purple versions overall i' give this one an eight the suit could easily be improved in many ways but it still looks cool because based off of Black Panther the homemade suit has a sort of weird origin see in the comics miles was originally from the Ultimate Marvel Universe AKA Earth 1610 in that Universe he had his own backstory of being inspired to take W up Spider-Man's mantle after Peter's death but then the 2015 secret wars happened and folded miles and his supporting casts into the main Marvel Universe AKA Earth 616 and because of that miles's history was Rewritten to be as though he'd lived in the 616 Universe the whole time so this suit is from the new Rewritten version of miles's backstory I think I'm pretty sure that's what it is this comic book stuff it it can get real messy and confusing sometimes anyway the suit itself I don't like it much it's another homemade scrap together suit and that's an aesthetic I've never liked the recolors don't do anything to change my mind I think the Quasi spider symbol is kind of interesting I'd give this like a five or six up next is miles's suit from into the spiderverse I really like this suit miles making his own costume by spray painting over Peters ties the two characters together while also showing their differences it shows miles's personality and interest by having him use his art skills to make his costume the blue ating lightens the costume up a bit the gray web pattern is a cool idea for miles's costume with all that said I don't use this outfit much if you saw my video on Peter's costumes in this game then you might recall what I said about the into the spiderverse Noir suit I thought it's more stylized design and cartoon man proportions looked at odds with the game's intensely detailed world and I'd say that the same applies here I know this is definitely something people will disagree with me on I'm sure this is not a problem at all for a lot of people but it does bother me a bit still I'd give it an 8 out of 10 also this suit and the other animated ones miles has all use a unique web wi design which is pretty cool next up is the into the spiderverse SB suit does the SB stand for store bot I honestly have no idea but that's my best guess this is the suit he gets from stanle the costume shop specifically with the cape that Peter B tears off after like 5 Seconds this is a fun and creative outfit but I think you know what I'm going to say I don't like homemade looking costumes I understand that it's the whole point but it looks cheap cheap and crummy this is definitely a creative costume but not one I like very much seven out of 10 the end suit is taken from an alternate continuity where miles is one of the last remaining heroes in a dystopian super germ riddled Earth in that story miles's body was a different shape so immediately they had to change that for the game outside of that is bang on to its original comic inspiration so it's a shame I don't like this one the design is just a little too casual for my taste I also don't like the eyes they looked fine in the stylized artwork of the book but they look weird in this more realistic environment the suit Styles aren't great either the white one would be pretty cool if the spider logo on the back was red since I feel the suit is too white otherwise I'd give this one a six or seven out of 10 the 10th anniversary suit is a very divisive costume I remember when I first saw this suit I hated it I thought it was almost insulting to have the character wear this as a celebration of his 10-year history but over time I've mellowed on it I can totally see how people could love this one but this suit's street wear fashion style is something that I simply have no interest in I respect this suit but I don't like it as for the colors this suit is sometimes depicted as pink and sometimes depicted as red from what I saw going through the comics to find pictures for the suit it looks like it's pink on covers and red in Interiors so it's more often portrayed as red this game has the pink version as the default color scheme so I guess that's the one they're going with for the official coloration but the red one is included as an alternate which which is great because it means everyone's happy personally while I respect the pink one for doing something different I do prefer the red one the other two recolors are crap overall I'd give this costume a 7 out of 10 all right so we're 20 suits in now which means we're basically halfway through if you've stuck around this long then you should subscribe if you haven't already maybe check out some of my other stuff too I mean you've made it this far you clearly like what I'm doing okay let's keep moving the programmable matter suit takes its name and construction from the programmable matter used by the tinkerer in miles a solo game this suit's design is interesting but I'm not a fan I can't even concretely say why I don't know if it's the walking disco ball aesthetic or the weirdly blocky design of the suit but I just don't like it I found something kind of interesting about this costume and doing research for this video I found this image which I think is from the art book for Spider-Man Miles Morales in a text blurb but the suit is called the advanced suit it's also described as fitting the neon lights of New York City and I don't agree with that this suit looks a lot more advanced than what you'd see in New York City even in insomniac's more sci-fi stylized version of it so I wouldn't describe it as fitting also on this page miles's classic suit is labeled as the iconic suit which is weird both because that's not the name it has in game and also because iconic suit was the label used for the main Canon suits in Marvel's Avengers coincidence or something more anyway getting back to the costume formerly known as the advanced suit for some reason it also has has mechanical spider arms and some of its finishers neat the alternate colors are all all right I'd give the suit a six or seven the Strike Suit is a returning costume from Spider-Man Miles Morales I like this suit a lot in that game and it was one of the main suits that I used there however in this game I don't like it as much I'm not exactly sure why I like the design of the suit I like the very anime bulky gauntlets I like the collar the bright colors the energy flowing throughout the suit that mimics miles's own bi electric powers that's part of the problem right there the yellow energy coursing through the suit perfectly matched miles's powers in his game but it doesn't match his new blue electric abilities in this game while you can set all your abilities back to the yellow ones the blue electricity is still present in miles's Finisher animations and his Parry that's why I'm completely baffled by how none of the recolors incorporate blue lights in the suit none of the recolors are that great honestly another thing that might be restricting my enthusiasm for the suit is that Peter doesn't really have something that matches this one many of Peter's armored suits from the first game failed to return for the sequel and he didn't get any new ones at least not any good new ones so because of this I feel like I don't want to use the suit because it clashes with Peter's aesthetic too much I'll give it a seven I did really like this suit in Miles Morales and I would have given it an eight in that game but because of the things I previously mentioned I'll drop it down the Agent of Shield suit is a neat reference to this cover with Miles and a shield uniform is a pretty cool suit seeing Shield referenced and embodied in this way is a fun change up for most of the other stuff you see in Spider-Man games the default color scheme is closer to the classic Shield uniform with a black version that's closer to the modern Shield uniforms there's a gray and red one that's all right and a white and gold one that sucks I definitely think this suit is overdesigned it's not too bad on the bodysuit but the gloves and boots are so come on they do not need all this junk on them you could have added a realistic level of detail to these things without having to do this I'll give this one a seven it's pretty cool but I don't find myself using it much the great responsibility suit is two things at once within the insomnia continuity it's the suit Peter gifts the miles as his first real super suit the suit is also an adaptation of the Halloween costume miles first war in his earliest appearances insomnia ex rendition makes some changes such as the addition of shoes and a back logo but it is still an adaptation of the suit from the books I've seen some people say that because of its different origin and slight differences in design that this suit is not comparable to the Comic version and should be treated as an insomniac original I strongly disagree with that hardly any of the suits in these games are one toone Recreations which is completely fine and understandable and there are suits that are just as different if not more so to their comic counterparts in this suit is yet those are treated as faithful adaptations so why isn't this one rant over time to talk about the suit itself it's pretty mid that's to be expected it's supposed to be a crummy starter suit that the character grows out of my the biggest issue with the suit is how dull it is from behind the added logo helps but it's still pretty small and without a belt or proper Boots the suit's kind of bare from the back the alterate Styles all have some kind of weird color issue the white one doesn't fully commit to that color for red logo and shoes the black and red one's back logo is too dull so it fades into the suit and the other black and red one is just too much red from behind overall I'd give the suit of five it's a neat reference to the books I understand its purpose within the character's history and discontinuity but I also have no interest in ever wearing it across the spiderverse new suit for miles is a pretty divisive one a lot of people don't like it because it's too simple and it follows up the into the spiderverse suit which was really good I like this suit though I think it looks good and I think it has enough detail in its Design Within the context of the movie this is an animated suit made for an animated world so it's going to look good within that context or within worlds with less detailed art styles like fortnite but here I don't know just like the s the first movie I think this one looks a little out of place in this game a little I still think it looks cool and I'll have to agree with what PSM said about this suit's additional armor plating if it was any more visible I'd have to knock it down a point or two8 out of 10 the Crimson cowl suit never like this one much I think it's very boring the suit looks okay from the front but then you look at the back and there isn't really a spider on it there's like a coffin shaped hexagon with lines coming out of it and I don't like that I don't think it's as cool as a spider symbol would be and that's pretty much all the back has outside of that it's just a ton of red and since you'll be seeing it from the back most of the time I'd say this is a pretty significant problem the black and red recolor would be good if it didn't have that second darker red on it pick one shade of red don't use both the other two recolors are definitely there and that's all I have to say about them okay so I was doing research and the Crimson cowl is a moniker used by several Marvel characters Ultron actually used the name for a bit so this suit was maybe Loosely inspired by the concept of that character anyway I'll give this one of five the best there is suit is based off a what if story that asked the question what if Miles Morales was Wolverine that question doesn't have a very interesting answer it's pretty much just normal Wolverine stuff but Sabertooth is now miles's uncle Aaron and miles's Dad Jefferson Davis pendis why did you name him that he's there too he dies and then Professor X shows up and it's Ganky and it's not even like he's Ganky Xavier no he's still Yankey Lee but then why are they called the X-Men why aren't any of them like mixed in with another miles moral supporting character why does miles verine have four claws on each hand it doesn't matter the suit in the game is all right there's basically zero Spider-Man DNA in here which is understandable since this is supposed to be a Wolverine costume The Mask completely covers miles's face which is also understandable because it saves them the trouble of having to animate miles's mouth this default version is the weakest in my opinion because the red colors don't look great on a wolverine suit fortunately this is a suit saved by its recolors I'm personally not that big a fan of the yellow and brown Wolverine costume what can I say mustard and poop isn't the best color scheme but it's pretty good here since the Brown is on the jacket and jackets are brown so I find the colors to be more fitting the gray xfor Force One is all right I guess and then there's the peak yellow and blue the best Wolverine design it even has the stripes on the side the suit is a nine because while the default is mid the recolors really make this the best there is the Dark Ages suit comes from from the comic of the same name where miles is bonded to both the Venom and Carnage symbiotes at the same time you might think this sounds super cool but the story did basically nothing with this idea the suit is a pretty great adaptation of its source material which is great because I really like the design of the suit I like the spiked hoodie the symbol the shoes as far as I'm concerned this is the definitive symbiote suit design for Miles all of my issues with this suit are minor but together they are enough to SN it for me first I think the red is a bit too dark it recedes into to the black too much when it should be popping out secondly the texture this suit uses doesn't match any of Peter symbiote costumes it's not as grotesque as Peter's symbiote suit it doesn't have the armor padding of the modern black suit and it's not as simple as the classic black suit hey editing Dorito got here I noticed while putting this together that I omitted the black Remy suit and the anti-venom suit from this comparison so I'll acknowledge that now to prevent people from incessantly pointing it out in the comments let's be real here the black Ry suit is is mostly just the normal Ry suit painted black so it doesn't have that much of a symbiote vibe to it and it completely slipped my mind here the anti-venom suit actually does have a similar texture to miles's Dark Age suit the blackery color in particular decently matches it this one slipped my mind because I really don't like its design the more time has passed the less charitable I've become towards it so I should have said Peter doesn't have any good symbiote suits that match this one thirdly I think these colored veins are unnecessary I think the suit already had a cool design and the texture they gave it was enough extra detail so it doesn't need these put all that together and I don't want to use this one much for its recolors of course there's a Carnage one of course there's an anti-venom one seems to be mandatory on these symbiote suits then you have this orange one that might be based off of this one cover where the suit is colored a little more like that I think it's downright criminal that there's no black and white variant when the suit had one in the comic books overall I'd give this one a seven it's still a fairly good suit but it's held back by some strange decisions next up is the absolute Carnage suit this suit is taken from a story line that wasn't finished like you can see on the page I'm using here for comparison it says to be continued but the story just ends there to be continued where you didn't finish anyway to discuss the suit itself I don't like it at all I don't like the tendrils coming out of the suit if they actually moved around that'd be one thing but they're completely static and I think that looks kind of cheap I know people say say uh but that would be too difficult to do but like the Symbiote enemies in the game already have this so the web pattern on the suit looks like miles got caught in a fishing net and he's got toes ew I don't care for any of the recolors and I will give this thing a two it's not a zero because it's not the ugliest thing I've ever seen and maybe other people find something to like about this suit but for me personally I see no reason to ever use this costume the king in black suit is another suit taken from a variant cover there's a lot of weird stuff going on with this one first of all why is this unlocked by completing all the Symbiote nests that's something that both Spider-Man can do so why does only miles get a reward for it and with Peter's anti-venom debuff it's better to do this activity with him so why does miles get a reward for it looking at the design and let me be clear I'm referring to the original comic book one he has fabric wraps around his forearms why this is a symbiote suit made of living black space sko so why does it give him cloth wraps several characters who actually were converted to nulls side in the story had a similar design on their arms but it looked more like thicker symbiot material and not cloth I don't know why the artist decided to draw it like that I don't like that Insomniac kept it another thing I don't Vibe with is how the suit isn't consistent with its texture most of the suit is symbiote slime but the web pattern part on the top is normal fabric why something this version omits from the comic design is the Symbiote mouth while I understand that they didn't want want to keep this because the open mouth would look weird and cut scenes I do think they could have worked around it if they made the mouth fixed into a closed smile I think that would have looked better in fact that would have been enough to make me want to actually use this costume all the recolors are bad overall I'd give this one a four it's got some confusing design choices and the omission of the mouth cements it as a pretty uninteresting costume the boriqua suit shows miles's half Puerto Rican Heritage that's cool but uh I don't know the Design's kind of it's practically just miles's normal costume with the Puerto Rican flag slapped onto it I mean there's got to be a more interesting way to incorporate the flag than this right all the recolors are pretty M too sorry if I don't have a more eloquent breakdown on this one but the suit's simply not interesting enough to Warrant anything else I'll give it a six it's fine the smoke and mirror suit is the Mysterio based design you get from completing the Mysterio side mission as a Mysterio inspired costume this suit completely fails it doesn't incorporate Myster I's quilt pattern which is unfortunate but understandable because insomniac's Mysterio design doesn't have it either what's not understandable is the omission of the Mystic eyes that are synonymous with Mysterio doubly so here because in this game they serve as the symbol for Mysterio's challenge missions the only aspects of the suit that say Mysterio are the helmet and the color scheme there's a recolor that swaps the green and purple a red and black one and then there's this one this white and gold suit is maybe my favorite suit for miles in this game cool design reminds me of the white tiger ranger Sleek I'd give this suit a nine and I specifically mean the white one when I say that because the default version of this I'd give like a one it's a very lame costume that does almost nothing to emulate Mysterio's design however it's also this very lack of commitment to Mysterio that allows the white recolor to look so cool also this suit doesn't have expressive eyes I thought that since the eyes aren't physical objects and are just shapes within the Cloudy helmet that they'd be easier to move around but I guess not the most dangerous game suit is the exact same costume as Peter's last hunt suit I don't want to waste your time so I'll quickly reiterate the same things I said in that video Craven's design completely overpowers Spider-Man's has a dull color scheme and bad recolors I legitimately shocked this is the only suit that both Peter and Miles Share three out of 10 the city sound suit is the one you get from completing the music museum side quest I don't typically like costumes made out of typical clothing items but this one's so Dapper that I actually kind of like it I think part of the reason why is that the outfit does a good job of keeping Spider-Man's typical imagery the shoes and shirt have the web pattern the vest has good symbols on the front and back it's not Spider-Man in normal clothes it's Spider-Man in appropriately styled clothes slight yet important distinction there I think all the recolors are pretty bad though honestly shocked they didn't go for a typical red and blue one I'll give this one a seven I don't use it much but I do respect it with that we've covered all the base game costumes moving on on to the deluxe edition suits we have the encoded suit this suit was designed by Chris Anka The Man Behind many of the designs in across the spiderverse which I love but I am pain to say that I don't love this costume I do like it it's among the better deluxe edition suits but it's not quite there I like the futuristic armor design I like the glowing yellow bits I even like the completely non-functional rip cords because they add a good amount of color to the outfits but I don't like the little Peg thing sticking out of the suit and I think my biggest issue with the costume is the colors either get rid of the red and make it entirely yellow and orange so the suit's color scheme is simpler or add more red because as it is I don't think the suit has enough I'd give this thing a seven I think the suit is pretty good but I'd personally change some things about it next up is the biomechanical suit this suit has an interesting idea it's clearly based off the organic armor seen in a lot of anime and manga the most obvious one would be gerver but I feel like I've seen other anime characters with similar designs so I do think this outfit is interesting but I don't personally like it too much as much as I love Spider-Man I actually hate bugs so this more organic fleshy design is a bit too creepy and weird for me I also think the logo on the back should glow like the one on the front does because it kind of disappears into the other black armor pieces on the back I'd give this one a seven the tokusatu suit is in my opinion the best Delux Edition suit and the only one that I really use that goes for both characters by the way the tokusatu Su genre from which this suit takes its name is Japanese media that uses a lot of practical effects and guys and Suits to portray big monsters and stuff at least that's my understanding of it so Godzilla Power Rangers Ultram man all of that is tokusatu so of course I'm going to like this suit because all that stuff is right up my alley the design of the suit is very similar to a lot of different Power Ranger designs which already makes the suit a winner I like the black and red I like the protruding shoulders and I like the lights but it's not perfect I think the color of the fabric section is too light it's more of a grayish color when I feel it would look a lot better if it was a more solid black I also don't like the ridges on the fabric section the vertical red lines crossing through them looks weird to me there's a piece of concept art for the suit without the ridges on the fabric and I think that looks a lot better the fingers have little claws on them and I don't understand why I don't think they look that great and most Power Ranger suits don't have claws so why does this one and lastly my biggest issue with the suit is how the lights look at night during the day they're nice vibrant red but at night the red washes out completely and the lights become white with a red glow I'm sure someone will comment um but that's realistic to how red lights work or something and look man I do not care if it's realistic it doesn't look good because of how lighting dependent the suit is I don't use it that much 8 out of 10 this is still a very good costume that personally resonates with me but it could use some tweaks to make it better the agimat suit has parts that I like I like the gold and purple color scheme I think that looks cool it's a very different suit compared to all the other stuff miles has I like the gold armbands but the suit has problems the spider on the front is too thin the suit would look better if it were a darker purple like in the concept art and the biggest thing that dams the suit is the feet why does the suit have toes man just giving him shoes or boots of some kind with some gold on them would have been enough to make me reconsider this costume and Overlook the other issues with it but the toes completely ruin it for me I'd give this suit a four the final deluxe edition suit is the red Spectre which is a suit I really don't like I've seen a few people say that this is a better version of the evolved suit to which I would respond what the hell are you talking about I'm not kidding I think the suit is way worse than the evolved suit problematic as that suit was I can at least understand why it looks the way it does I can't say the same for the red Spectre everything about this suit feels so haphazardly combined into something that I genuinely cannot wrap my head around I think it's got a lot of overdesign going on the body has too many different section you got red grayish black a darker black and then this like laminated section with a web pattern it has a gradient on the arms and only the arms it's got cartoony red clown shoes that are so big they clip through the ground and then you get to his head he's wearing a mask and a scarf face mask on top of that and he's wearing a hood but he still has a stupid little hole cut out the top of his mask for his hair to poke out of and it's it's so this whole suit it's so dumb all the other deluxe edition suits I could understand what they were going for but this one I genuinely don't know what the intention was despite all that negative stuff I just said I can't say that I hate this suit I like that it's colorful it has a very unique design I think a strip down version of the suit that was more focused could work but as it is I'd give the suit like a five even with all of its issues at least it's not boring the fresh suit is miles's costume from the Fresh and fly pack while it does have a different design than Peters they share the same aesthetic that I am not at all interested in so they might as well be the same I also don't have this one because I am not paying $5 to look like the floor of a '90s arcade five out of 10 because it isn't quite ugly it's just a style I don't care for at all our last costume is miles's hellfire Gala suit fun fact number one miles does not actually wear this outfit to the gala because it gets destroyed before he can get there fun fact number two in Universe this suit and the 10th anniversary suit were created by the same character Kenny Kingston I mentioned that partially because it's an interesting piece of lore and because this information is not listed on the Marvel Wiki Kingston's page only describes their first meeting with Miles and nothing else so yeah get to it Wiki guys the suit in the comics was a very stylish combination of formal wear and Spider-Man iconography which Insomniac has Faithfully recreated here this is one of the most accurate Recreations of a comic book costume in this game which is great because I really like this outfit the colors the logos the fact that the suit isn't covered in a bunch of unnecessary junk it's good the only difference from its comic appearance is the head The Mask comes up to high and Miles retains his default hairstyle instead of the shorter one he had in the books it's definitely a little weird but it's not a huge issue the rest of the suit looks so good that it don't even really notice this part unfortunately the suit does have other issues unrelated to the comic book stuff if you do the slingshot launch on a perch point then miles's coat will clip into his body for a bit and then there's his web Wings the day this suit was released with the New Game Plus update I used it and the web wings were blue I thought this was strange since miles's default wings are red so why would they go out of their way to give him different web wings that don't match the suit then there was that smaller update afterwards that removed debug mode and I used a suit after that and the web wings were red okay great they fixed it then I kept playing I switched to Peter and then back to Miles and then when I did the wings were blue again I reloaded my checkpoint and the wings went back to red and they've stayed red in all my playtime since then I don't know maybe I did something obscure here that screwed them up and this isn't a common issue but I had to mention it neither of these two things are that big of a deal and I'd ultimately give the suit a 9 out of 10 and that's all of them here's my tier list for all of miles's Suits generally I'd say that Miles has a better selection of costumes than Peter does part of this is that Miles doesn't have an overabundance of largely redundant liveaction suits part of it is that Miles doesn't have two different types of abilities that are ill-fitting for 90% of his costumes and another part of it is how miles is comic book costumes are translated here they're all quite faithful and even the ones with added detail don't tend to go as overboard as Peters do if I had deposit a theory as to why this is I think that Insomniac might have felt pressured to make their versions of Peter's comic costumes different so that they'd stand out from the many different other games that had already adapted them but because miles is a more recent character who has rarely had his alternate outfits adapted into anything they tried to stay a bit more faithful because there was no pressure to be different and stand out but that's just a theory also I don't think any of miles's outfits suffered any issues from being ported from his game into this one unlike some of Peter's while I do like a lot more of miles's Suits I hardly love any of them I think this is mostly because I don't love miles as a character especially insomniacs version since he's such a cornball so I don't play as him much maybe this has resulted in me being more lenient with him compared to how strict I was with Peter and with that I think I've said my piece once again there's a link in the description that you can use to make your own tier lless ranking remember to like the video subscribe argue in the comments and ring that Bell so that I can see you next time
Channel: Dorito God
Views: 35,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiderman, Spidey, Dorito God, Miles Morales, Insomniac, Spiderman 2, PS5
Id: BFw58V7bRhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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