A Breakthrough with Fingerprint Numbers - Numberphile

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Brady: Just a quick pre-video message; it would be very  helpful, although not absolutely essential, if you've watched our primes and primitive sets  video that we did earlier with Jared. I'll put   links to it in all the usual places. - Jared: We've come  up with a rule that assigns every set a number.  - Almost like a fingerprint? - Yeah exactly. So today Brady we're going to be talking about uh the   fingerprint numbers, we're going to give a nice  status update on some interesting conjectures.  So if you're looking at uh primitive sets of odd  numbers then uh there is still a glimmer of hope   that we can get a nice decomposition into odd  primitive sets. - So Erdős was very interested in   understanding how to maybe take collections of  numbers and compress them down into just one   number or one value which can convey some added  information. And so in this case we're looking at   the fingerprint numbers; so they're defined as  an infinite series, one fingerprint for each k,   as the infinite series of 1 over n log n ranging  over numbers that have exactly k prime factors. So   for example the first fingerprint number f1 is  the sum over all numbers that have exactly one   prime factor - so in other words the prime numbers  themselves. So sum over primes p of one over p log p. So this is nothing more than just the sum of  1 + 2 log 2 + 1 over 3 log 3 + 1 over 5 log 5 and   so on. So one term in the sum for each prime. This  series turns out to converge to about 1.636. So   we're going to have a bunch of these series, these  fingerprint numbers, one for each k and there are   many fascinating questions about these numbers -  some of which are due to Erdős, of which is the   Erdős primitive set conjecture uh for some fans  on the channel. Another one which is- a could be   viewed as a vast generalization is a conjecture  of two mathematicians Banks and Martin where they   predicted so not only the first fingerprint number  the largest but we have this interesting chain of   inequalities that f1 is bigger than f2 is bigger  than f3 is bigger than f4 and so on. This infinite   chain of inequalities- - (Brady: Two prime factors, all the numbers with three prime factors-) - Exactly so each of these   fingerprints corresponds to a whole collection of  numbers and the k fingerprint number looks at the   numbers with exactly k prime factors. And so not  only in this conjecture uh we have this kind of   beautiful relation, it actually applies in a much  more general setting. So I'm not going to maybe   go in the full generality but another interesting  case is to consider odd numbers. So we can consider   the same series, let's say call it gk, as the sum  of 1 over n log n ranging now over these odd   numbers n - but as before they just have exactly k  prime factors. So this is another example of these   kinds of sums in the conjecture; and the prediction  is that similarly these sums are decreasing at   each step. So g1 is bigger than g2 is bigger than  g3 and so on. So so as I said before this is really   kind of an important testing ground to see if we  have a good understanding and in the most general   setting of the Banks and Martin conjecture really  says something important about the structure of   primitive sets. So I want to maybe go to a new  piece of paper. - (We don't know that they all get smaller but it looks-) That that is the- that  the expectation and so today as a status update   we have some math news that in collaboration with  my co-authors Ofir Gorodetsky and Mo Dick Wong we are   were to prove the odd version of the conjecture  holds eventually. So what do I mean by this, Brady?   New result, I guess hot off the presses, this odd  version of the conjecture holds eventually. So let   me maybe be a little bit more precise; so we show  that there's a large enough constant k, we show   that gk satisfies the property. So gk is bigger  than gk + 1, is bigger than gk + 2 and   so on forever. So we don't necessarily know that  the whole chain of inequalities is is working   but we know at least far enough down the chain  that this starts to kick in. - (All right, okay. Have-)   (is there anywhere earlier in the chain where it doesn't work?) - Uh no so we've also checked the- so   this is a very good question. So we showed very  large k holding in this theorem; on the other   hand we can just plug in on a computer and verify  the uh first cases. So this is a very uh pertinent   question, so we can look at maybe a plot of what  these fingerprint numbers look like. So k up to 15   we can actually compute these directly on the  computer and we see for example g1 starts out   a little bit larger than 0.9, g2 is a little bit  larger than 0.6, g3 is smaller, g4 is yet smaller,   and at each step it seems to be getting smaller  and smaller. So what we actually prove in this   result - so this is a essentially a corollary -we prove  we get an approximate formula for gk as being   approximately 1/2. In the limit this uh sequence  of gks converges to 1/2; and this is a trend that   we can already kind of eyeball in in the data but  we actually prove that it does so very fast at an   exponential rate. So there's a secondary term which  decays as like 2 to the k. So you have this kind of   nice exponential decay and the key point with this  result is that initially our series gk is defined   as an infinite sum. So maybe from the beginning you  would think you would have to add up each term and   you know wait a very long time, but this uh formula  here is giving us kind of essentially a shortcut, a   way to kind of get to the answer at the at the end  of the line without having to do all the tedious   uh computations. And then we can actually see uh  kind of conceptually why we're getting this uh uh   data to really kind of bend towards 0.5. - (You and your collaborators have proven that eventually) (this holds true; and you- and you've  just physically looked at the fact that it holds) (true at the start. At what point are you  confident that your proof kicks in? There's no set) (number your proof kicks in like like a million or?)  - Right so I'm sure- so so what I am confident about   is that if we really worked very hard at ironing  out all these details we could maybe come up with   some concrete number - maybe like a million or 10 to  the 100 or something like this. But definitely it   would require some uh considerable effort to uh- so  so in the math lingo we say we want to make these   results explicit. There's a a gap between looking  at very large numbers on the one hand and very   small numbers which the the computer can handle  and we really want to make these results explicit   in the sense that we want to fill in all the gaps  and have a complete understanding of the sequence.  Uh Brady, so maybe uh you know the word explicit  nowadays takes on maybe an extra layer of meaning; so for example if you're listening to a song on  the radio you maybe hear your favorite song and   it has some beeps in it you know that you know the  broadcasters had decided this wasn't ready for   the clean version. When you hear these beeps that  really motivates me to, you know, go look the song   up on my own like on YouTube and- to really hear  all the lyrics in the explicit version. And so in the   same sense of it being explicit, as mathematicians  when we are presented with a kind of nice clean   result like this that holds eventually, we're really kind  of motivated to want to go dig into the details   and kind of iron everything out explicitly. - (So you've shown me that the chain holds at the)   (start and you've proven that the chain holds up  high. If you found one exception, one place)   (where it doesn't hold, like you know at 1000 would that break your heart or would it excite you?)   Okay so this is a- I guess maybe a a moment of  foreshadowing because we actually also have uh   shown an analogous result for the the original  fingerprint numbers. This came as something of a   surprise to us, we have an analogous result which  says that the the conjecture for the original   fingerprint numbers fails eventually. So it the- actually the opposite happens. So we prove that for   k large the fk is less than fk + 1, is less than  fk+ 2 and so on forever more. - (Where where does it switch?) Yeah so this is a a great uh phenomenon. So so we have a kind of corresponding plot of the   original fingerprint numbers; so we can see as we  saw f1 is about 1.6 a little larger f2 is a little   bit larger than 1.1, and then at each step it seems  to go down and down but maybe eventually it starts   to tail off towards 1. So maybe initially we  were thinking okay this could be uh the same   kind of phenomenon we were seeing in the odd case.  But if we start to zoom in, if we really zoom into   this area here, we start to see at around 5 and  6 it dips down to the minimum and then starts   to rebound and actually go up. So what we actually  prove is is that for k large we get an approximate   formula as before that fk is converging to 1. So  now if we include both the even numbers and the   odd numbers these sums converge to 1; but they  do so from below, they go up. So now we have this   minus sign where we also have a constant:   ck^2 over 2 to the k. So essentially we have this nice   exponential decay to the limit but it's now coming  from the other side and this was a surprise to us.   (And what happens now? Is this like a big  deal? Like-) - So I I definitely would you know view   this as being uh an important milestone in trying  to kind of nail down the full conjecture. So this   this idea of making results explicit has a you  know very uh rich history in math; so maybe the   best example uh that people are familiar with is  with the Goldbach conjecture. So uh for fans of the   channel the Gold-the weak Goldbach conjecture  says that every odd number bigger than 5 can   be written as a sum of three primes. And uh this  was you know famously made as a conjecture by   Goldbach to Euler, which stumped Euler and and  for hundreds of years mathematicians tried to   really prove this. And about 100 years ago uh  mathematician Vinogradov proved in 1937 that   this conjecture of Goldbach holds eventually, holds  in the limit. And then it took over 80 years,   until 2013, for Harald Helfgott to finally nail  down the solution completely. This is definitely   a general arc, a story arc, that happens in in  mathematics in mathematics research that there  is a milestone where one can hit to get a kind  of clean conceptual understanding uh but there's   still a lot of work to do and new ideas to develop  sometimes to to really nail down the explicit version. ...99 consecutive numbers, none of which can  be prime numbers. And so you know that there has   to be this gap between prime numbers of size at  least 100. But obviously you can replace 100   here with any number you like, and that shows that  there are arbitrary large gaps between prime numbers
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Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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