A Breakdown of Puerto Rican Cuisine
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Bright Trip
Views: 32,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright trip, iz harris, johnny harris, travel courses, learn to travel smarter, travel tutorials, how to travel 2020, how to travel 2021, travel youtube channel new, travel education channel youtube, Puerto Rico 2021, Puerto rican food, tostones, pink beans, traditional meal, learn the cuisine, plantains, mofongo puertorriqueno, you need to try this, international foods, mayoketchup, pique, food tourism, flavors of the world, cilantro, puerto rican essentials, food culture
Id: c6wTO9MHO1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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