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hey everyone my name is jessie welcome back to my channel today i am filming an unhaul and if you don't know i have a local used bookstore where i go and trade in old books and can get store credit for new books so here are all of the books that i plan on trading in and maybe getting some new books out of it the first book i have is sadie by courtney summers this is a young adult thriller book and i actually did end up really enjoying this one it's just one that i don't think i'll ever reread it's very very heavy it deals with a lot of very heavy topics so it's not one that necessarily was fun to read but i thought it was really well done so i would recommend this one if you like why a thrillers it's just not one that i see myself rereading so for that reason i feel comfortable unhauling it now the next three books i have to talk about are the tiger's daughter the phoenix empress and the warrior moon i don't remember what this series is actually called but i read the tiger's daughter last year and i really enjoyed this book this is a beautiful adult fantasy book that is set in this really lush asian inspired fantasy world and it follows the love story of these two women who kind of grew up together in warring empires and it's just really good but then when i read the second book i actually couldn't finish it i was pretty bored which i was so surprised about because i loved the way the first one ended so for that reason i don't see myself actually going back and finishing out this series i really liked the first one but it's not like a new favorite or anything like that it's not one that i see myself rereading um so i figured i would just bring in this full set and maybe someone else will find it and love it because it is it was beautifully written the next book i have is cinderella is dead by kaelyn baron so this one i read last year and this one was cute a why a fantasy that follows this kind of no i wouldn't say it's a retelling of cinderella it's set in the same world as the cinderella fairy tale but it kind of jumps ahead of in time to like 50 years after the tale of cinderella and what it would actually be like living in that kingdom where cinderella existed so it's about this girl who is kind of trying to fight back against this pretty misogynistic kingdom um i i thought this was really cute it's just on the younger end i would say of y a so it's not one that was necessarily a favorite not one again that i'm going to reread you'll see the trend here that if i don't feel like i'll ever revisit a book i don't feel the need to keep it on my shelf i definitely want to kind of put this out in the world see if someone else discovers it and loves it because i definitely think that this is good for at the younger end of the y audience it's just not gonna be one that i personally reread the next one i have is all the light we cannot see by anthony doerr so this is one that i've gone back and forth so many times on whether or not i want to unhaul it and i think i'm finally going to do it because when i read this book i didn't necessarily really enjoy it it's very poetic lyrical writing and the story itself i found very slow i didn't necessarily find this all that engaging but i think it's a really beautiful story and it won the pulitzer prize so obviously people love this book uh it's just yeah not my personal preference i tend to like more direct writing i don't love lyrical writing uh so this is a world war ii historical fiction i feel like if someone finds this and picks it up and loves it then that's fantastic i just i know that i'm never gonna reread it and it wasn't a favorite so i feel like this is now the time to finally unhaul it into similar reasons for unhauling this one it's the light between oceans by ml stedman this was a good book that i overall would say i liked but didn't love it's the story of this couple who lives as lighthouse keepers and they want a baby so so bad and they end up having a baby wash ashore kind of on their lighthouse and adopt that baby it follows this family as they are starting to raise this child and they realize that the child's real parents don't live too far away from them so they're making a difficult decision and it's it's a good one it's just again not a favorite it was pretty sad and depressing so i don't know that i will want to revisit this one but i'm glad i read it it's just it doesn't need to be on my shelf any longer long bright river by liz moore another one that overall i thought was good it's just for some reason i didn't totally connect to this one it follows this woman who's a police officer and she is searching for her missing sister who has had problems with drug addiction and you're kind of led on this mystery that she's trying to solve with what her sister's been getting into and where her sister's been and it kind of has flashbacks to them growing up and their relationship it was well done well written just not something that i loved so again i just i don't i don't need to keep these that you know are aren't favorites i feel like i'm trying to be stricter with the books i do keep on my shelf because i want those books to be a total reflection of my reading tastes i want those books on my shelf to be the ones that i love and would want to revisit so bye long bright river you are good just not a favorite next two books i have are crown of feathers and heart of flames by nikki palpretto so i read heart of flames last month and you know this is just a why a fantasy series that i feel is just a little too familiar for me it doesn't stand out a whole lot in my mind it's not bad by any means it's actually quite good why a fantasy and a lot of people love love this series so far it's i think the third book's coming out this year i feel like i have two amazing condition hardcovers if someone finds this in the bookstore and picks it up they're gonna probably love it um i hope so it's just not one that i'm gonna continue on with because i just didn't care a whole lot about the characters or the story um which is a shame i know a lot of people love this so maybe someone will find it and love it as well dance of thieves and vow of thieves so i kept these books around because i love their covers and this is the kind of spin-off series to the oh what's it called by mary e pearson the um i'll think of it a lot of people love love that original trilogy and i read that and i enjoyed it i actually unhauled it earlier it's not a favorite but it was good it was cute and so i wanted to continue on with the kind of spin-off duology and oh there it is kiss of deception the kiss of deception series or remnant chronicles that's what it is remnant chronicles overall i i read dance of these a while ago like a couple years ago at this point and i don't remember anything and then i tried reading valve thieves without rereading dance of thieves and i had no idea what was going on in vow of thieves and then i was like all right well let me keep them around see if i'll go back and reread dance of thieves so i can continue you know what i'm just i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i think my reading tastes have kind of changed over these last couple years and i just don't see myself going back and rereading dance of thieves so that i can finish this off um so this is another really nice hardcover set that someone will find and hopefully love because again this is not bad by any means it's just i think my reading preferences have now changed and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna reread these i'm sorry the next book i have is burn by patrick ness which my dog got to the dust jacket of this book it had a really cool cover um and now it doesn't one for me i i love the chaos walking trilogy by patrick ness love it love it um and unfortunately i just haven't liked anything else i've picked up by patrick ness however i did like a monster calls i will say i like monster calls my dogs are just i hope they're entertaining in the background but this is like a why a fantasy contemporary book that has dragons but in our world and it just did not work for me at all i like either wanted it to be just full on fantasy or full-on contemporary it was weird having the two mixed with dragons in our world i just didn't like it i wasn't connecting to the characters at all it just did not work um so i'm i'm very sad about that because i do really like patrick ness's chaos walking trilogy but maybe someone else will pick this up and really enjoy it um and it doesn't help that my talk ruined the cover so yeah i'm going to get rid of this one and kind of on that same note more than this by patrick ness so i did talk to jade from bedtime bookworm about this one and i do think i might give this another shot and read on a little further because apparently when i dnf'd this last month i had like just missed where this gets really really interesting uh and really clever and turns into like a sci-fi dystopian novel because i had read up to like a page 150 and this was like reading like a why a contemporary to me it was very very like slow the character our main character dies and is in this limbo state and when he's in this limbo state there's like no one around he's like doing mundane things like searching for food and he's like just contemplating things i don't know i just i was not connecting to it at all i just was not interested in this main character at all um but i might have to continue on a little bit further past that because apparently it gets really really good after page 150 but i think if i were to continue on i would just borrow this from the library and keep reading it because i just really didn't enjoy this beginning part and i don't see myself like loving the main character so i am going to continue um my plans of unhauling this but i might give this another shot and borrow it from the library and continue reading past the page um that i i've dnf'd it at so we will see i also have the jacobi series so i actually really enjoyed this series i thought it was really cute jacoby beastly bones i love these covers ghostly echoes and the dire king these are like why a paranormal fantasy where it follows this sherlock holmes type character in this world where all of these paranormal creatures exist it kind of takes place in this like alternate 19th century england in this city where all of these creatures exist and jacoby is tasked with finding them and kind of putting them in their right place wherever that may be so i actually really enjoyed this series but it's just not one again that i'm going to reread or that is a new favorite so this is a full set someone will probably find this and really enjoy it hopefully uh because yeah this is one that very cute glad i read it just don't need to keep it on my shelves any longer all right and i'm ending with the most controversial unhaul um so i i tried you guys uh i am unhauling the witcher series so starting with blood of elves ending with the lady of the lake goodbye witcher and here here's the thing i read the two witcher short stories and you can see that those are not included in this unhaul because i really enjoyed the short story collections that followed the witcher and i definitely want to keep those around i do see myself revisiting those short stories because i just had a lot of fun with them so when i finished those and continued on with the series i thought i would really enjoy it the series though is not my favorite it had hardly any geralt um who was the best part of the series in my opinion i love geralt as a character but we just don't get enough of him at all in the series i did not like the writing i couldn't connect with the writing at all i found it so dense and boring i'm so sorry yeah it just it the writing and how sapkowski chose to tell the story from like random point of views instead of our main characters and i think some books are better than others um in that regard like baptism of fire i thought was really really good um but when i continued on with the tower of the swallows and we had mostly siri and like no geralt and then it was that same writing i just i was like so done with it i couldn't i couldn't connect to it at all i just didn't care anymore so i'm sorry witcher and i'm sorry which were fans that i'm i'm unhauling this but this is a full set that someone's gonna find and be super excited about i hope um and i do plan on continuing to watch the tv series and maybe playing the video game so i know that there's other witcher stuff out there that i'll probably really enjoy i just i decided that the books were just not going to be for me so goodbye witcher series so that is this unhaul uh did you see any books that are hopefully not your favorites that you've read before and have any opinions on definitely let me know in the comments down below thank you all so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe if you'd like to and i will see you all in my next one [Music] bye
Channel: Jessie Mae
Views: 5,199
Rating: 4.9743042 out of 5
Id: eEcrf006Q1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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