A Bigger Badder Bowser - Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury - Nintendo Switch
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Channel: Nintendo
Views: 10,652,413
Rating: 4.8876734 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg
Id: ppkX8epoD9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 16sec (136 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
So, the name for that new Bowser form in Japan is called
I feel like that's important information.
So the bonus game is a happy little love child of 3D World and Odyssey. Honestly didn't see that coming.
Looks like it will be fun, but I'm placing my bets on this particular mode being reaaaaaaally short. There didn't seem to be a ton of level variety shown off, and if they're showcasing what appears to be the final battle so openly, that signals to me that this mode isn't that content rich.
Bowser looks sick, though.
Yo that's just straight up Giga Bowser.
Also I'm guessing BJ gets the Car with the Super Mushroom.
Getting big Sonic Adventure vibes from that last shot
Oh no, Bowser absorbed too much nuclear energy and now he's going to blow up and take the planet with him!
Some have pointed out that the cats seen hanging around have the same color schemes as the other playable characters. There is also a cat with what seems to be Daisy's color scheme. Sooo maybe we unlock Daisy after beating this or maybe I'm just reaching here cause I miss Daisy so much pls nintendo. π₯Ί
The only thing I'm disappointed in is the apparent lack of multiplayer which is, y'know, 3D World's thing.
But even so, I like how despite it being Odyssey-inspired, I feel like 3D World's mechanics like the power-ups and more focused platforming are going to make it much more fresh.
This looks awesome. Depending on how much there actually is here (like, if it's a lot of levels instead of one largeish level in a big beach stage), a second campaign for this game would definitely make it worth it to me to double dip on the Switch version.
Also, Kaiju Bowser boss battle! That's sick
Did Mario just turn into Super Sonic