The Ultimate Trick for Perfectly Crispy Chicken Skin

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one of my good friends whenever we go out to eat and he orders wings he always makes sure he tells the waitress I want my wings crispy please crispy wings I don't want to have to send them back and he's joking but he's not joking at the same time he loves his crispy chicken wings and to be honest with you I do - I love crispy chicken skin rather you're cooking it in the oven on the grill it's chicken thighs chicken wing if it has skin on it you want it to be crispy I mean you've all had you know you bite into a chicken thigh and and the whole skin off the whole thing comes off in the bite because it's so rubbery yeah that's that's not the way you want to cook chicken you don't want chicken to end up like that and to be honest with you that's probably one of the hardest things to master when it comes to barbecued chicken or any chicken for that matter in this video I'm gonna show you a way that is kind of non-traditional that a lot of people probably don't know about to battle rubbery chicken skin we're gonna get some crispy chicken skin and it's gonna be awesome check it out [Music] [Music] I'm gonna be using my Lone Star grills today and we're gonna cook some chicken thighs on air and we're gonna compare two different methods one of them is just natural chicken thighs you know just seasoned and put on the smoker the other one we're gonna do something pretty interesting and you know maybe some of you guys know already know this trick I've seen a few videos like this but not much there's not much attention to this method so let's check it out let's see how this does for our chicken skin so we can get that crispy crunchy chicken skin [Music] [Music] [Music] I have the 24 by 42 Lone Star grills coming up to temperature I started the fire with a nice bed of charcoal and then I put three oak logs on top so hopefully we'll be will be ready to cook in about half an hour or so and you know I want to get some coals and get the nice established warmth you always want to wait till that smoke kind of thins out and turns like a finished bluish smoke instead of this white heavy stuff that you see there right now that means you know you're just getting started it's a bit of a dirty fire it's gonna be a bitter taste if you put the food in too soon when it's got that kind of smoke coming out of it but this is the perfect opportunity to go ahead and bring some water up to a boil and that way I'll be ready to dip those two chicken thighs in that boiling water and then we can season them and put them on a smoker see the reason chicken skin ends up to your rubbery is because there's a massive layer of fat underneath chicken skin and you have to render that fat in order to get a crispy bite we're gonna do that today by putting the chicken in some boiling water for about five minutes before we smoke it nice Oh had that water on the weber summit coming up to temperature coming up to a nice rolling boil so I'm gonna get the chicken ready so that we can dip it in there and let it cook for about five minutes or so again to let that fat under the skin to start rendering and getting rid of it so that we can come out with a crispy skin the smoke on line 24 bucks 40 Lone Star grills is it's cleaning up and it's almost you know almost there where it's clean enough to go ahead and put some food on so I think the timings gonna be just about perfect all right so I have nine chicken thighs all together I'm gonna do four it's boiled and five just your regular smoking them so make sure you got your pot you know pretty close to a boil if not rolling and you're gonna go ahead and drop the thighs in skin down you're gonna immediately lose your boil because the thighs are you know they're just coming out of the refrigerator so we're gonna let this go for about five to six minutes all right so here is our five thighs that we're just gonna just gonna put some some rub on them some spice and then we're just gonna throw them right on the smoker we're not gonna do a lot of trimming we're not gonna do a whole lot of anything it's not about presentation here it's just about rather not this boiling the chicken method really gets us some better skin going with Stubbs chicken rub if you haven't tried this you gotta try this this is the absolutely wonderful rub chicken [Music] all right so after six minutes of boiling the chicken we pulled it out now I'm gonna take their temperature just to kind of see where they're at [Music] about 87 that one's about 71 who's a little bigger 79 87 so now you can see the difference I mean you could definitely see that you know they've started to cook got some of the outside meat here is white and the skin definitely looks different it's still definitely robbery but that wasn't the point of the boil wasn't to get that skin crisp right away it's to start rendering that fat underneath and I think we did that you can see a lot of the oils and the fats that are floating on the water on the top of the pan I'll show you in a second first thing we need to do is dry these guys off so we're just gonna paddle dry [Music] always want to dry your chicken skin off now you can put it in a refrigerator to enhance that but you I don't I don't know that that would be such a good idea after we started cooking them so we're just gonna dry them off as good as we can get it now let's head on with the Stubbs [Music] all right we're gonna put the boil chicken thighs skin down on this side [Music] and then we're gonna put the other chicken thighs over on the other side we've got to remember these are gonna cook it to different rates one of them is already up to you know 80 degrees so that they're good these guys are gonna cook much quicker than those so we have to keep an eye on now right now we're going at 225 it's probably gonna be about an hour [Music] so I went ahead and put the thighs that I boiled down on the bottom away from the firebox and that's because it's gonna be a little bit cooler on the bottom and away from the firebox and then I moved the the thighs that are just you know regularly smoking in here nothing done special to them put those a little closer to the firebox and on the top rack and that's gonna allow me to maybe even out these temperatures a little bit more I just took the temperatures of the boiled thighs and they were at about 155 whereas the temperature on these guys was only about 110 so we're gonna try to even this out as much as we can we're gonna go up to somewhere around 175 to 180 let's see what kind of temps we're looking at these are the ones that did not get boiled once we fire 56 now the ones it did [Music] 170 262 alright so now what we need to do is go ahead and get the fire war in hot we're gonna take it up you know try to get it up to about 400 I'm basically gonna just open the vent all the way and get full flow I did go ahead and add three smaller logs we're gonna open this guy all the way up that's gonna allow our temps to come up and so we can Chris that skin up real nice we can run along at about 350 160 170 to 168 now these guys down here the ones that we boiled 2067 [Music] now of 180 one-eighty okay these are just about done I got real close it's nothing like a plan kind of coming together so they're both gonna come off pretty similar time I'm gonna take these off in about two minutes and these in about five minutes [Music] okay although I think this came out really really well we're never doing an experiment like this it's you know best to try to keep the variable as similar as possible keep everything is just plain and just directed straight towards whatever it is you're testing don't do a whole lot of other stuff or at least that's how I like to do it it's just a backyard experiment so all of you scientists keyboard warriors out there just you know go easy on me okay you know I didn't take into it it didn't come from the sink chicken and you know it is what it is this is a backyard experiment just to kind of see how this boiling method does with our skin so let's go ahead and see if we have a different okay fine umber one is juicy dye number one is the plane right on the smoker no boiling it's dripping absolutely drip and juicier mmm mana flavors crazy crazy good chicken thighs number two this is the one that we boiled well they're both absolutely I mean insanely delicious incredibly juicy that stubs rub is coming through I mean it's just an amazing flavor coming from both of them but I have to say it the the first chicken thigh the one that I did not boil when I bit into it I noticed there was that little bit of tug that little bit of rubberiness I mean not a whole lot but just a little bit and you know you just don't want that if you can get rid of it then that's what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to get rid of that when I took a bite of the second die the one that was boiled right away it was just like guy I don't want to say it's as good as if I had taken the skin off and shaved all the fat off like competition style but it was close my teeth went right through the skin and I mean it made a beautiful beautiful mark it's just a absolute incredible bike and you know that's your backyard chicken it comes out like that as far as the skin goes you're right there close to competition level chicken thighs and that is really awesome to be honest with you I'm kind of surprised with it I wasn't expecting it to do that much I have noticed when I boiled a chicken quarters the other day and you know they came out what I thought was a little bit more crisp and I also did some wings and they came out more crisp now I think the variable that I need to play with to really nail this down is how long you boil them for and how hot you can get that water you know that rolling boil I think I need to get it as hot as I can possibly get it before putting the chicken in but as is just like we did today as far as rubberiness let's let's rate it on a scale one to ten okay so one being competition style bite right through it I mean perfect chicken skin and ten being like you you don't you don't bite through the skin at all you it all comes off in one piece and you know it's just you can't do anything with it's completely rubbery the the ones that we just threw right on the smoker I'm gonna put them at about they were pretty good but about a four so I'd be happy with that you know typical barbecue backyard dinner whatever I'd be pretty happy with that personally you know it just I just I'm always striving to get better and I'm trying to make the food that I'm making just a little bit better just a little more better and this definitely made these thighs better because I would put the rubberiness of the chicken skin on the thighs that we boiled I'm gonna put that it like a two and that doesn't sound like a whole lot of difference right for two so I mean if it's it a two then you double that before you get to a four it's not something that everyone's gonna notice unless you're doing the side by side test and a lot of times that's what you know barbecue is it's about when you're doing it at home you're trying to figure out how to make it perfect so that when you do do it for a crowd or your family or well you know dinner at night or whatever you got it nailed down and that's one of the beautiful things about barbecues all the trial and error and eating so it's a cool test very cool test I'm gonna play with it some more if you guys have any suggestions about this boiling method leave it in the comments down below you know there's all kinds of you guys have all kinds of experience out there and you'll do both me and all the other viewers a great great value if you can tell us your experiences with this and leave you thought any any suggestions for you know crisping your chicken scent skin up leave that down below in the comments guys I really appreciate you sticking around for the whole video it means a lot to me your support really means a lot to me please share the video with your family your friends on your Facebook wall help me grow the channel and I've told you I think one other video and I'm gonna I'm gonna tease it again stay tuned for the this year 2020 we are going to do an awesome giveaway sometime this year so make sure you tell your friends your family don't come subscribe to the channel they're gonna have a chance to win an absolutely amazing piece of backyard equipment so again guys I really am glad that you stayed around for the whole video I hope that you guys have an awesome week and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Delmarva Backyard
Views: 160,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crispy chicken skin, chicken skin, crispy chicken, how to cook crispy chicken skin, bbq chicken, bbq chicken recipe, easy bbq chicken, how to make bbq chicken, how to bbq chicken, best bbq chicken, bbq chicken on the grill, barbecue chicken, barbecue, easy bbq chicken recipe, barbecue chicken recipe, amazing cooking, crispy skin, smoked chicken, chicken thighs, chicken recipe, crispy chicken skin recipe, crispy chicken skins, chicken skin recipe
Id: G6cLwAFkeEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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