A 10-Day Solo Motorcycle Camping Adventure in the Land of Fjords 🇳🇴

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[Music] [Music] [Music] today i'm here in dolla in sunfield a little place right north of bergen [Music] my plan is to continue north because the weather forecast is terrible the next couple of days and i see there is much worse weather farther down south than up north so today i think i'm going to continue all the way up to olsen and i will sleep there for one night before i continue towards some more nice places [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'm here at yellowstone and it's two degrees outside so i had to put down this la mosque and uh i will continue to burchilu uh before i stop for lunch and yeah get a little bit warm [Music] so i'm here at berkeley again uh the weather towards here was just terrible it's two degrees and it's raining and snowing um on and off so i'm gonna go inside i'm gonna take a look at the some of the local food they sell here i'm gonna get myself a cup of coffee to warm up and i will have something to eat before i continue the trip [Music] um so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah just a quick little update on the tkc 70 rox rear tire it performs really good on wet and dry tarmac i've tested it today in 2 degrees to 10 degrees celsius and it has been snowing on the ground for some parts and yeah they just perform amazingly so for wet and dry tarmac i can highly recommend them so now i only need to test them properly on gravel before i can make a verdict and of course see how how the mileage is we had to wait five minutes extra for the ambulance to arrive they were picking up the patients here so uh sometimes they do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh today i'm here in uh i arrived last night meeting up with my brother and his girlfriend in my old parents house they are studying for an exam or something and today i probably will ride around a little bit in allison meet up with a couple of friends it's not more than eight maybe 10 degrees outside so but the sun is warming quite good there's a little bit wind but [Music] yeah let's just hope for a little bit warmer weather that would be nice [Music] [Music] people [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may ask why don't try my brother's 500 e x c and uh the reason is i know it's a lot of fun and i probably end up buying one if i try it so i still stay the hell away last time i tried this bike i ended up on a 690 under or so me and her brother just had a little trip around there in holliston and he showed me off on some local roads and a little track there you're able to have some fun on some loose gravel and yeah it was a great time so now it started to rain so uh we're gonna get ourselves some pizza a couple of beers just gonna hang out and uh trying to have a good time [Music] [Music] [Music] today i'm back on the road again i think i will continue towards mulder at the moment i'm here in sherholt [Music] uh there's a famous uh gas station here where all the motorcyclist tends to meet we just call it stop bam and i think i'm going to continue over the mountains and down to vastness ferry over to malda and if i'm lucky with the weather i think i will take a closer look at the atlantic coast road today so [Music] yeah i'm not sure where where the road takes me uh quite yet but i hope to get some really good footage on the way there [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oops at historical right before you come to atlanta's land it's a really beautiful place but it's it's a windy i cannot put up my drone to film a lot so i see if i can manage to get some footage with my camera afterwards i just want to grab a cup of coffee and i will do some filming and i will continue to ride over the atlanta atlantic ocean road the trip from molde up to this place it's not that it's not that interesting but when you come out here in the open when you see right out in the north sea it's pretty pretty amazing so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] i found this amazing uh free lifting road as we say in norway there's a little place here that they made set up a grill and a little place with some furniture so you can enjoy the scenery so i'm going to pitch my hammock here and i'm going to make myself some dinner and [Music] yeah i'm going to continue the trip tomorrow i don't want to drive too much more today because the weather is uh it's getting more cloud it's getting more cloudy and i think we will have some rain tonight even though the vatic forecast for tomorrow say it will be pretty nice [Applause] [Applause] wow the famous pickle knife amazing custom made well on today's menu is i can bake young because uh i was at the local shop here and it was a really poor selection of food and groceries so i just uh did some because i want i really want egg and bacon tomorrow morning when i wake up so i could tell what the hell i could make egg and bacon this evening as well i really enjoy this campsite because it's a little bit windy on the coastline that is on the other side of this little hill here so um there's not no wind at all so i'm gonna enjoy a good meal and then i'm gonna crawl into my hammock and i think i'm gonna go to sleep early today and maybe i can continue my trip early tomorrow morning [Music] yeah good morning oh it's been a great night i sleep so great in this amoks it's just oh i really enjoy a good night outside it's time to wake up make some coffee and get some breakfast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can't stress enough if you come across places like this and you camp here please leave no trace the reason we are able to while camp like this is because we have a no trace policy so pick up your trash put it in a trash can [Music] [Music] today i'm here right outside the christian sun a little place called the bandstar and [Music] today i'm going to continue my trip a little bit down south and towards underneath and velma i think i'm not quite sure yet i just have to see where the road leads me but i hope i will get all the way to honda's nest today [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh into that valley right behind me now is one of the norwegian most beautiful roads it's called the australian but unfortunately it's closed until first of june because the snow up there is uh yeah it's just too much snow but i highly recommend everyone to go ride that road because it's yeah it's one of the most beautiful roads in norway and be sure it's gravel road so have that in mind but it's easy gravel so most bikes should be able to drive over there [Music] [Music] i need to fill up my camera back so no better place to do it than [Music] norwegian freshwater [Music] oh trace amazing [Music] well i'm not far from underneath now so i just want to continue riding until i reach there [Music] [Music] i just arrived on los ness and i'm gonna make myself a cup of coffee get myself the ice cream i'm gonna make myself something to eat hmm chili alioli with um shrimps and uh yeah some other good fish food they're building a new skylift here on top of uh the closest mountain there's a famous spot up there called the romper streetcar it's popular to hike up there and it's pretty intense walk up and you have a really nice viewpoint on top i'm not going to go there today but i do think honda's nest is gonna be a a really nice town to visit in the future because of all the different uh things to see here you have trollstein you have uh trollwagon you have now the new skylift and you have all the mountains uh across and around and it's a short way into allison or up to atlantic coast road even the tron yam isn't that far away so yeah i think underneath is going to be a really nice place to to visit in the future and of course there's just something about the scenery here it's just breathtaking i really enjoy coming up there [Music] [Music] today i'm here at the place called hard eyed just outside olsen i just woke up earlier packed my bike jumped on the first ferry and now i'm sitting here on the duck eating up eating my breakfast and uh my plan today is to continue down to malay around state london a place i've been before but i just saw on the morning news today that uh on the east side of the country it's pouring down i'll actually get a message from a friend of mine called even in oslo he's uh he sent me a message on instagram showing how much it's rained so i'm quite happy with the decision i did yesterday about leaving my plans for the east east part of the country instead just continued down on the west coast i'm not quite sure what today's plan are i just gonna enjoy the road having a good time see a lot of nice places try to make some video of it and yeah just enjoy the trip for the trip itself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and it's beautiful out here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because of the cold weather and the strong wind i don't think i will reach vascop because of uh it's so cloudy out there i can't um it's no point i've been there so many times before and there's actually no point going all the way out if it's all cloudy and you can't see the view and especially when it's windy like today [Music] [Music] i just had one amazing talk with a local guy here from salia we just was on a trip up this hairpins and he stopped and had a chat with me and had lunch while i drink coffee so yeah it was quite amazing the weather doesn't look any better i just had a cup of coffee now and down in salier it's really windy as well so i think i'm going to skip vascop today and we're going to take a closer look at connie stein so i'm just going to pack up my gear and i will continue my trip towards molly [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i hate to admit it but this vip snowden from fuel on is really good it's yeah i'm blown away it's [Music] great and a hot dinner after a long day in in the saddle and of course a little bit of squish fire water off it's it's been a great day without a doubt without a doubt [Music] i just put my hammock right behind me it's just a rest stop right outside mole i just yeah i was just sick and tired of riding today so i just found out it is much better to stop now than uh trying to squeeze out one or two hours out of the day because enough is enough good oh i love waking up in a hammock like this the sun is just about to come through past the mountainside on the horizon over there it's nice with the birds singing now but at 3 o'clock in a night it's not that fun i'm gonna make myself a cup of coffee i will make me some breakfast and i will make a plan how to spend the day but first of all i need to take a piss [Music] [Applause] [Music] our time is best together you must know that i love you so never bogging you for your weight in gold and this is [Music] this is [Music] i'm here right outside molly uh i'm not sure the name of the exact spot but uh i'm going to continue towards uh nothing right and i think i'm going to drive the panorama road towards stream and uh from stream i'm going to continue my road down south to luan olden bristol spring and a couple of night places there so yeah i think today with this weather it's going to be an amazing day [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need to refill my camelbak with water so i have to see if they have a cap i can refill it from here [Music] three liter a day it's plenty enough to drink and make meat dinner and coffee and stuff like that so but i need to refill it every day [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] today i'm uh here at yundal i'm going to continue on some local roads here and maybe up to volgofon uh ski resort with a local hero from hagerson you've probably seen him before hello everyone [Laughter] we're going to take your spin around on local roads and before we will continue our part further south so yeah i hope to get some great footage even if the weather is bad [Music] [Music] is um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] so me and swan have just been inside this restaurant got ourselves something to eat and he will continue his path towards houghton today back home and i think i will continue a little bit further south before i find a nice place to camp the weather today has been really poor so uh yeah we had some riding footage but not as much as we hoped for because it's been pouring down all day so yeah but still it has been a brilliant day on two wheels now we're just looking at some of them how often the ferry from motorgoes it's uh over a little mountain here and um down in a nice valley and i know that ferry don't go as often as a lot of the other ferries here on the west coast so there so [Music] oh yes there [Music] [Music] [Applause] so what a day this have a lot been rain and a lot of bad weather but it's been really nice uh riding with svan today we had a brilliant time so it doesn't matter if it's the weather is poor as long as you have good company so it showed me off on some nice local roads a couple of roads i haven't ridden on before so he went back to hogan [Applause] and i will camp here on one of my favorite spots and uh yeah i have to see how where the best weather for tomorrow is foreign [Applause] so ah so oh good morning today it's 17th of may and that is the norwegian national day so happy birthday norway and all the regions we're quite patriotic when it comes to that stuff i need some coffee it's 17th of may not many stores are open today and i forgot my breakfast at home so there will only be coffee this morning on the national day of norway but that's just the way it is i'm kind of clumsy that way some of you may wonder what coffee i drink but i'm not riding like this i just use i just drink fila a norwegian brand i know that uh cannot would uh disagree but uh i can live with that i hope you see um wrist movement i use when i pour my water over the coffee it's all interesting [Music] happy birthday all right [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] she okay like slicks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you can't have that line it won't fits like a [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i have to be honest those toilet was not super sexy [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oops [Applause] still early so i'm gonna make myself a cup of coffee before i start on dinner roughly oh good timing and since it's the 17th of may today i'm gonna make myself a treat i'm going to make something special on the trenchestove okay i'm not sure how this will end but we just have to make the best of it because i want to roll this out trying not to get any crap on it it's a pizza but uh it's a the dough for the bottom of a pizza uh you can buy those uh finished on the grocery store and i have some pizza sauce i'm not i don't think i'm going to use all of it but uh i'm just gonna put some on yes next up is uh hot pizza topping gotta love that spread it out i just want to spread it in the middle from end to end and then i have some fin already cut up ham [Applause] and there's a lot of cheese but just you put good on with cheese on it because that will help lubricate the pan thank god it's not sticky i and now i just need to slice up my knife guess where i get this knife and i don't recommend making two big slices because [Music] that will make it harder to cook the dough won't cook as well and yeah you could be five person on this one but still i wanted something good i'd rather make a couple extra and have for breakfast tomorrow morning and here's another tip for you put them on a plate and let them cool down for a couple of minutes so you don't burn the out of your lips or mouth because the pizza sauce gets hot don't ask me how i know [Music] hmm hmm [Music] time to wake up [Applause] the best part about every morning last time i was here my kid got sick so i had to return back home today i'm back where i left off last time and my plan is to visit lisa button and hopefully drive over to sue this car and yeah i have to see if i continue south or north after that but the highlight of today will be lisa bottom [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just had breakfast i'm at a place called gillian not far from where i camped tonight a guy on instagram tipped me about a waterfall not far from here so because it's so early in the morning i'm going to continue up there and take a look at it before i continue my path towards elizabotton [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to get closer to mauna fossen you need to hike and it's approximately 30 minutes each way so it's recommended that you have hiking boots and because the because of the heat and all my motorcycle equipment i will give the monofilament closer look at a later time [Music] [Music] so [Music] well [Applause] it shouldn't be a problem to pass on the right side of this big hole but uh still it's a far down it's a really good long way down there so [Music] so [Music] yeah as you can see there's a barrier here so uh on the other side there was no barrier you could easily go up the road from the other side so but in the beginning of the road there was so much downfall from rocks and stuff like that so i wouldn't recommend riding there at all actually and just to give you an idea how steep it is i'm going to put up my drone and i'm going to fly out above the edge so you can see it's a really amazing road i should try to do some maintenance on and open up again [Music] [Music] [Music] so i finally reached the intersection uh from the main road that goes to lisa botten it's approximately 31 kilometers down to uh liz button and the fjord and the eagles nest on top is a really nice viewpoint they're gonna be set let's see what lisa button has to offer [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i finally reached elizabotton and yeah this place is just amazing blue skies and all the hairpins down here are just incredible to ride on a motorcycle and i can't wait to ride up again because hairpins are much easier to ride uphill than downhill the only thing i know is that i'm gonna go up again right over the mountain and uh towards uh cetestar uh yeah the boat that comes in the fjorno you can actually book a chicken on it and you can take that out lease if you want that is a really amazing uh boat rip but you have to pre-order or book the ticket in advance you can't just show up on the in the ferry line you need to book but you need to book a ticket [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: tshansen
Views: 525,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorcycle Adventure, amokequipment, staywild, norge, norway, adventure, shootandride, shoot and ride, Norway 4K, Tenere 700, Tenere 700 WORLD RAID, T7, Yamaha, VentureHeat, Heated Gear, KLIM, Yamaha Bergen, Mitas, Adventure Rider, Advrider, Norwegian Adventure rider, MotionVFX
Id: av81fN_BE8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 58sec (5518 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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