Aѕmongold First DUO Transmog Competition: EU Horde Edition

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gentlemen i'd like to welcome you all to the first ever hoard duo transmog competition you and your friend have both been invited here today to compete for the chance to win first place in this competition the two of you must have a transmog that matches together that looks good not only by yourselves but also with your partner two clowns together i call that a circus hopefully we won't have any here twin dragon riders both with the full i mean this is a full set we got double full set andes what's this okay okay no now they're not full set andy's all right so they both have the full maximum corruption resistance the corruption gear on them and one of them is using the male muncher the other one's using the wriggling parasite actually that actually might be the blackness off mount it doesn't matter let's see here so these basically look like evil power rangers so we've got they're both i think paladins aren't they yeah one's a dk one's a paladin using ashbringer there the shoulders there from cruel gladiator set for uh for paladins and um uh in legion the helmet gloves uh from the antorus dk set the belt there from the paladin set from tomb of sargeras that tabard there from i think that's the i don't i don't know what tabata that is actually and uh the boots there from nylotha all right that looks pretty cool and then you've got this one over here with the uh the black hand and the shoulders there from mythic black rock foundry for warriors the chess piece there from uh i think that's uh throwing a thunder is it thrown thunder oh it is okay i see all right that's cool uh chess piece there from the um uh tier 14 dk set uh leggings there from the dk uh tier 10 heroic 25 man set boot sarah from mythic blackrock foundry gloves from again a normal mode antorus and what do you guys think about these two sets you guys like these and you can get on mounts if you want you don't have to get on mountains it's completely uh they're completely optional check their cloaks okay i think it does look pretty good now in terms of a do this is not good but that is good um in terms of a duo transmog these sets are basically two versions of the same thing i think they complement each other very well and they do look kind of like blood decays like this is what i would imagine if they ever had like you know this would be trash and castle nathria basically these are the elite guards and i think the corruption on the gear does make a really good effect as well and also soul of cinders yeah yeah like a dark souls 3 character something like that it's a very good point and um also whenever they get on the mounts together i think that works out really well too so i like this both and i think these are actually pretty good what do you guys think no ones out of an anime yeah something like that i think they actually look better on the mounts personally yeah there you go seven out of ten all right we'll take it seriously and we'll move on good job guys aubry the hollowed and time war dynamite pink from infinity max um hmm this reminds me of like a yeah they're witches or something like that you know it's kind of like uh they're almost like it's like a final fantasy trams mug in a weird way uh it's like a white mage or something like that i don't know it's the first thing i think of at least so the helmet right there is from the uh the hollows end event those shoulders there are from i think that's are those shoulders from is that from uh hellfire signal it's hard to say and then that staff there is from the five-man dungeons in uh in wrath of the lich king over here we've got the spire of sargar of sargeras uh that helmet there is from five-man dungeons and uh cataclysm shoulders here are from i believe nilotha as well gloves there come from antorus and uh overall belt and i think boots also come from antorus as well um these are are these the wizards of oz no troll feet yeah it's a little bit yeah it's actually a really good point yeah no troll feet is a big big bonus could be better but overall i think this is okay i don't think that there's a lot of synergy though so what i've seen with these two sets here is it's basically just like two characters they're next to each other i don't really see any real strong synergy i felt like there was more synergy between the other one lady and gentleman but you're both girls like how does that work i i don't understand don't actually don't tell me i i i don't want to know yeah these sets are okay not amazing but okay oh wow the theme is if the sunreavers join the iron horde what the fuck this is incredible headmistress ginseng and flamekeeper leolith what the fuck this is so good oh my god i i'm genuinely impressed so the helmet right there uh let's start on the on the left again the helmet right there is the uh uh that is the midsummer fire festival helmet those shoulders right there come from mythic hellfire citadel the belt there comes from mythic siege of orgrimmar for paladins and sort of the gloves uh the leggings and the uh actually what are these boots here uh i don't know what boots those are i think those might actually come from eternal palace but i'm not 100 uh but the leggings there come from tier 11 heroic mode and um let's see and the tablet again is from apparently isle of uh nax boots oh those are nax boots i didn't even notice that okay and then the the weapon there is the um uh it's a two-ended weapon from tyrant valhari and uh hellfire citadel uh this is a really really nice set on the left like objectively this is a great set and then over on the right here we've got the blackrock foundry shoulders same tabard as well i think the matching tabard's worked very well especially oh i didn't even notice the tavern oh throne of thunder not thrown thunder yeah the throne thunder uh it's got the little thing there right next to him too that's so fucking good but they're part of the same faction it's what makes sense yeah it makes sense and uh the helmet there comes from legion questing and the staff there i think comes from the legion like the mage class order hall or something i don't remember honestly um i really like this set a lot what do you guys think about this one i think this is probably the most impressive one that we've seen so far like i i really like this a lot weapon yeah look at the weapons that match uh the taverns match the shoulders match in their own unique way this is fucking amazing like i i'm genuinely impressed by this this guy did a great fucking job and they absolutely deserve a certain amount of recognition for it this is a great fucking great job 10 out of 10 i want to sex them well guys don't get too ahead of yourselves it was only rich that said that so that just you know pretty well you know a little more anyway really really good set guys great fucking set oh what is this tamer dat boy pepe and asil so we have a all i'm saying is we kind of stood next to the best looking mog in the whole group okay this is what i said i said multiple times you know it's like it's like a fucking school project you have to go after the you know the fucking the smartest people in the class and it's like uh yeah so about volcanoes guys listen this set's actually pretty good this is actually a pretty good set so you've got like kind of the blademaster vibe all right all right you know what that actually looks really really fucking good uh this is good so you've got the uh the the shadow pan mounts right there uh the eye band there that's the cursed vision of sargeras and uh helmet and helmet there which helmet was where's this from this is truman's organ not too much uh throwing thunder i don't remember um regardless i kind of like the it's all you know what this reminds me of it's like almost if they uh if they made drexar a girl and they made thrall like kind of like a blood elf or something i don't know i just think of like thrall and drexar whenever i think of these two uh these two characters but i guess it does make more sense whenever you talk about you know them being shandopen shadowpan wardens or something like that that doesn't make as much sense yeah i guess not um i think i was just talking mainly in terms of colors but you're right whenever you talk about like the swords and everything like that i guess yeah you know what no you guys are right i'm wrong now that i'm looking at it from that perspective i was only look at i was only looking at it from the perspective of like of the game but you're right this is like a traditional like these are two npcs you would see in sakiro yeah these are two npcs you guys would see in securo uh this is fucking awesome and i like it a lot uh you have your own aesthetic going on and it's really really interesting and also like i like the one thing i like about the set a lot and like this set is also very good but this set does it better is that there's a juxtaposition between the two characters and you have one character that's like heavily armored and the other character that has no armor on and is wearing a blindfold this bitch is crazy okay think about that i like the boobs all right dude they're good there it is yeah this is really good master and disciple exactly oh i saw this in pulp fiction yeah i've seen this before that's good yeah yeah we know what this is okay let's see here what do we got vanquisher thrack and backstab the faceless one so uh cam yeah yeah so what are you guys supposed to be what are you guys supposed to be i feel like i i feel like it's halloween you know yeah i get the gum yeah yeah um regardless so obviously like uh geist escapers okay okay you know what that looks pretty good so um uh those shoulders right there come on i think eternal palace the helmet there's that both of the helmets come from uh the uh icc uh icc rogue set and uh leg zero come from 8.2 uh benthic gear and i don't know where a lot of the rest of these pieces come from what weapons are they using uh that weapon right there is the mythic fang of the pit that comes from manoroth and mythic hellfire citadel and these daggers right here are from uh those daggers are oh yeah those are from nylotha i don't remember which boss they're from though to be honest i really really like this set a lot i've always liked this helmet a lot because it's kind of unique like there's no other helmet in the game besides maybe the hunter helmet from the siege of orgrimmar set but it's very different in terms of theme this helmet i think is very unique and really really cool what do you guys think about it it's big daddy from bioshock yeah you could say that right junkrat roadhog i don't really think it's the same thing i think it'll be junkrat and roadhog if they were maybe like a kulterin and like a uh you know a human or something like that uh but not not this i wouldn't say and uh yeah this is really really cool i like it a lot it's spooky and i also like one thing that i think is really good about this is that the glows on the weapons match the helmets so you see like the glows on those weapons match the helmet here the glow on those weapons match the helmet here and the theme of the two sets fits together very well and i like it a lot because of that this is really really good nice job great work bodyguard to arathi the mighty adventurer from the sands of oldham golf the pilgrim and uh arafy pog [Music] from the guild resurrection sickness hmm so i want to say i really like the idea and the theme behind this [Music] and i need to get this mount man yeah i need to get this mount that was really good that's actually yeah it's sick i think i i think more realistically gal should be the one riding because he's the bodyguard and he's like kind of leading the girl around it's like kind of what would make sense but um not because she's a girl because he's the bodyguard and uh but overall i think this is pretty good yeah i see yeah i see you guys already fucking you know he's already fucking coming at it there we go there we go yeah i mean it just makes more sense man he's the bodyguard he should be going in front man she's the one doing exploring yeah i guess you could make an argument the other way around too anyway let's go ahead and take a look at the gear so this staff right here uh what staff is this oh this is one of the staffs that you're able to get i think from the uh the monk starting zone i'm not 100 sure about that though and um i don't really have like i'm not familiar a lot with like monk gear and uh this sword right here is a random drop it's a random shared boss drop sword from normal mode firelands and it drops from all bosses besides from ragnaros i don't think it drops them right from 100 though on that and all the rest of the pieces are just assorted random boe uh uh not bui but uh assorted random mostly gear from um i really like the weapons dude the way the weapons look is fucking awesome holy shit how do you even get that is that a special illusion stinging sands that is fucking cool man uh it's a wrath illusion yeah i guess so i need to do that that is really really awesome so the bodyguard i think that the you know him being a bodyguard and being like very you know armored and like not armored right it's leather armor but um it's kind of the same thing i i think this matches really well then in terms of her being an explorer i think this is a perfect explorer transmog especially whenever you're talking about like going out with a camel and you know that like kind of implies some sort of desert setting so she has a canteen right there i mean i i feel like this is a very very well put together set that tells a story in a coherent way what do you guys think i i like this a lot this is really good yeah no backpack has missed opportunity um well yeah maybe but maybe not it could be much yeah this is really interesting and and really cool i like it a lot yeah explorers that looks poggers or is this what does it really look pogers dude well uh one way or another i think this is very very well done backpack would be overkill since three set pieces that makes a lot of sense see uh it's a good decision by her uh the backpack also doesn't make a whole lot of sense either i think this is really good i think the bodyguard could be better i actually like the bodyguard a lot i think this is a really cool looking set and i think like with the bodyguard having it be a little scuffed almost makes more sense because the fucking bodyguard you know like the guy's not he's not like trying to look good you know it's just trying to beat people's ass regardless this is a very very good transmog transmog combination guys great work wake up mccool what the fuck dude damn dude this is the diablo set yeah you've got louis and diablo right here i like this a lot this is some fucking goth shit right here this is badass so the shoulders obviously xavier shoulders the weapons there is from the uh which weapons that's the pvp artifact appearance of the havoc demon hunter weapons and that helmet right there is the rogue version of the mythic helmet from nighthold and then those leggings there are the rogue leggings from i think that's uh i always forget which tier this is from is that throne of thunder i always forget and then um on firework kearny this dude this staff doesn't get nearly enough usage i'd love to see blizzard making a more uh yeah the humanoid fell stalker yeah it's fucking awesome man and uh you've got the shoulders there i really really like the usage of these shoulders these shoulders and this belt right here uh i think actually i don't know what's about uh but the shoulders are from the uh the throne of thunder warlock set and then the helmet of course comes from mythic tomb of sargeras and the staff there comes from illidan and uh in black temple uh this is a really really good combination guys what do you think about this oh the club dude the cloak is nice dude the cloak is fucking nice dude yeah this is really really fucking good man it looks like they could come right off of a of an album cover for slipknot yeah it's just fucking perfect i i like it a lot they're ready for d4 yeah exactly i mean this is a really really good looking set i think it's very well done eu is popping off yeah i think so i mean the all these sets that we've seen so far um have been very impressive especially these like i i really really like this one too uh it works very very well and i think also like my favorite part about it is the difference between like the armor on like the two characters and then also the helmets i think the two helmets matching in like a weird way makes it even better yeah this is really really good well if it's just based off league well it doesn't matter what it's based off of i think that it looks really good no matter what i like it a lot good job we both got wings too yeah exactly yeah this set does look really really fucking good nice job guys we've been on demon hunters hidden appearance dude is it really is that the hidden artifact appearance shit i thought was more unique than that i guess not yeah great fucking work let's go to the next one oh right here i see comrade okay so what are you guys supposed to be i kind of uh i don't know i kind of like it yeah i feel like the um yeah what are you guys supposed to be i i think i like the shaman a lot more than the warrior one i i really really like the shaman one a lot because he looks like you know an elite fucking shaman the warrior just looks like uh i don't know what he looks like it's hard for me even to uh to explain it but um full set andy's these are not full sets though so um yeah it's not the same thing um yeah vlad and demetri okay dude uh regardless i think these look really good so obviously um this guy's uh this guy's helmet right there is from uh the mr pandaria five-man dungeon shoulders there come from the primal gladiator normal mode set that chest piece there comes from the uh that's a warmongering or wild gladiators uh warrior set gloves are of course the pvp gloves from nilotha it could actually be just from night with the same with the legs those leggings there that he has on those leggings are the i believe normal mode version of the siege of orgrimmar warrior leggings that we almost never see and then his boots are of course the mythic black rock foundry boots we've seen a million times and the sword here is this the is this the oh okay yeah that's the uh that's also the primal gladiators great sword or sorry uh decapitator the axe and then oh shit yo these rushing transmogs are fucking imposing yeah this shit is fucking imposing man god damn look at that uh yeah i like it a lot a guy on the right's badass yeah okay so you got the helmet right there that helmet right there comes from uh that's from fuck heart of fear that's set from there tier 14 and then the shoulders here come from nighthold and then the weapons there are from mythic cargath bladefist in highmaul and the belt there comes from uh throne of thunder this is a it's a really good combination now i don't really feel like this set has a lot of synergy in terms of like a theme but i think in terms of colors it works very well together what do you guys think about it what do you guys think shaman looks terrifying yeah i really i like the red eyes and the shaman they fucking do it for me man they fucking do it for me uh i like it a lot it's a theme you know i like it a lot i think it's very well done demon lord in his minion not quite but it does look really good let's go with the next one great job guys what the fuck cad raid the astral walker discord gg asman gold what the fuck gorill high of the deep so i'm gonna go breakfast club you know what this looks like i don't even know if that's true actually you know what i was going to say something else but not yeah space chaos space marines what do you guys think about this set so he's using a very interesting combination of gear deep ocean marine teaming up with the natural space walker unbeatable gay duo uh the orcs of azeroth ready for both space and ocean adventures and gay stuff lots of gay stuff well thank god you mentioned that because i i wouldn't have known that until you you know emphasized that multiple times uh thank you very much so what i originally thought this looked like was like the original concept art this is like the original concept art and this is what the final product actually ended up being but um overall i like it a lot so you've got obviously scythe of the unmaker there those shoulders there come from the uh wild gladiator set for paladins i think the chess piece the gloves and also yeah the chess piece and the gloves come from both the uh mythic uh sorry heroic uh throwing a thunder set and then the leggings also come from throwing thunder from another difficulty and i really like what you did there like this this right here i want to emphasize is confidence this is fucking confidence this guy used this belt right here which is the uh check the cloak too oh dude that is good that actually is good dude i i the funny thing the reason why i'm a little bit biased here is whenever i try to make a transmog to match with the legendary quote i use the exact same scent uh in terms of like the the underset uh the um uh throne thunder set uh because i thought it matched the best but uh that my set obviously wasn't as good as this one uh honestly it wasn't so those boots right there come from the tier 14 warrior set uh in mr pandaria that belt there comes from the same place the shoulders do that helmet there comes from the normal or heroic i forgot which coloration it is a version of the dk set from highmaul and then the leggings there also from the other set um from thorne thunder so he's using two different two different color themes of the set in order to create a gradation of colors that goes all the way down to the bottom so we can match his yellow leggings with these yellow leggings instead this right here is very very well done i like it a lot and the attention to color and detail and even whenever you look at the weapons uh the weapons hilt there and you match that with the colors it's also very well done too now let's look at this guy set so those shoulders right there are the specific shoulders that only drop from mechagon and uh they dropped from the fourth boss they're called i think the tank busters pauldrons i could be wrong about that though uh the helmet there comes from the tomb of sargeras set and uh for dks and those gloves there and also the boots come both from the mythic uh highmaul set for uh um for dk's and then the tablet of course is a tablet at the rust bolt resistance belt right there comes from wad pvp and i don't know where the legs come from actually and then the weapons of course also come from high mall sorry black rock foundry as well from hands in france what do you guys think about this set it's like these feel like the these are like the king's guard of atlantis this is fucking badass legs from mechagon as well really okay i didn't know that uh regardless i really really like this a lot the second one is like gorman uh that's all that's real good yeah i really really think this is very well done i don't see how they're set bro um obviously like it's the story that you tell and um i i'm judging all of them in terms of like how they complement each other i do think that the color themes that they're both using do complement each other in a good way so i like it a lot white tones the alliance slayer and thunder axe veteran of the horde what are you guys supposed to be hoard veteran slash partners in the arena oh you're both warriors let's see how that turned out for you about what i expected um so uh yeah i i mean these are two like yeah obviously it's like uh yeah yeah i i'm not a fan of this honestly i really don't think so um obviously they're they're trying this set i like obviously the helmet there that he's using i think it's a great helmet i like using it a lot but i don't think that it really works very well with the rest of this set and um overall i just think that there's no synergy between these sets at all i mean these aren't horde warriors this is just dumb and dumber and by the way thunder axe i'm sorry to say but you're the one that's dumber like this one is this set is so bad man like it it's so bad it is so fucking bad all right can you get off your yeah what is this here i i don't know guys like i really don't think this is good like am i right about this like uh tell me a tech am i achieved right it's okay i don't think that it's that great okay guys i'm gonna be 100 real 200 honest it's an average looking set that i don't think it's really worth a whole lot of um a whole lot of excitement it's a decent looking set though i don't want to take anything away from it in that way red eyes don't yeah the red eyes are pretty cool to be fair uh it could be much better though let's say that for sure uh light zones is definitely a little bit better thanks for competing guys i appreciate it what's this one shout out to heartbreak and layla stylist miyakami and stylist crazy hmm love you asman love you too um i don't know man like i we didn't expect to get in to be honest is that why you're not prepared yeah is that why you're not prepared uh so obviously the tauren is a twitch pod okay um so look obviously these weapons right here come from mythic bethlac and firelands uh a lot of these other pieces just come from nylotha the leggings and the gloves do i'm pretty sure not leggings in the shoulders do and uh tabard there comes from shadow moon valley from back in the day those shoulders of course are the um those are from the dark shore warfront and then so were the gloves as well and then the weapon there comes from one of the five-man dungeons and warlords of draenor so i think this is a decent looking combination okay but i do really think that the uh the blood elf does a much better job than the tauren does i i don't know about you guys which one do you guys like more the tauren one i love you chat see look at him trying to fucking trying to tilt the odds in his favor man shamelessness listen i think this is a decent looking set yeah sure um uh the combination of the gear i really don't think is very strong though uh simp oh come on dude bald look at this like it literally just fucking like changed on a dime man they're already turning against me looks like a torn bring his trophy wife to the fucking event yeah exactly come here honey come here they have to see us together yeah listen dude uh it could be better but it could be worse all right uh regardless i i think that it's okay and look dude it's okay all right what else are hot enough for it to be okay if you just sent for him okay um yeah that that's fine he want her in the duel she's fucking funny to think all right okay all right yeah he didn't win her in a duel okay fucking idiot okay all right let's see what this guy is obama oh wow wow is this like is this a multi-boxer it's not that's the first thing that i thought it's like is this a multi-box or it's not holy shit this is really good abomination and abomination from scarlet scourge where it were a guild i see that i definitely see that this is fucking awesome so that sword right there is black fury that you're able to get from the thorium brotherhood reputation in vanilla wow that helmet there is also the molten helm that's a crafted leather helmet from vanilla wow as well those shoulders there are one of the monk sets that come from i believe throne of thunder and uh those gloves and i think also the boots there are i don't know if those are what i believe they are is that tier two i don't think it is um regardless they're both using a scarlet to bards and those gloves right there are from the heroic set from uh firelands for dks that belt right there is from it's from the warrior deadly gladiator gear from the first season of wrath of the lich king these shoulders here are the um pvp offset shoulders for horde only for legion pvp and that helmet there also of course comes from heroic firelands for warriors um check capes okay oh shit oh shit theme is cool manga is terrible i actually am okay with this transmog being tattered okay like one of the big reasons why i uh i went over and i stopped going i stopped playing undead is because gear on undead looks stupid like that's ultimately is named abomination wait what what that right there gentlemen is what you call dedication that right there is what you call some motherfucking dedication we could have done a whole we are a world pvp guild we ganked stormwind very often we used to do an argent dawn but now we transferred why'd you guys transfer yeah what made you want to transfer it's very clever what you did with the uh you also have a youtube channel the scarlet scourge hashtag ad i'll take it this is a really good set and uh you know what we got a little bit extra content out of it so yeah fuck it this is really smart like this kind of stuff right here i really mean this i think that rp guilds it's rp realm so we got bored yeah actually yeah i don't know i i honestly thought you probably have more shit to do there regardless i think this is a great looking fucking it's a great looking combination okay this is like remember whenever you kill balanzar in uh in the fucking place and then all the scourge start coming in and like invading these are the two guys that pop the fuck up this is these are the guys that come up yeah and strap them yeah exactly baldness are shut up uh yeah you guys know what i mean uh these are really really well done uh when we gank we use the same transmog by the way i'm looking at him hated with argent dawn no role player rules what the fuck is this the crim what the fuck is look at them all i just want to see what this is the very here of lordaeron whispered the name role player no king rules forever my son okay so what happened to your favorite crusaders you ask this is actually good let me tell you the story of our previous youtube video triggered the most sensitive argent ons entire guilds grouped up and sent around 50 individual tickets for a blizzard for our names to be removed oh my god what the fuck so they mass reported every single person in the guild i hate non-role-play names too the fuck are you talking about this is the most role play thing you could possibly imagine there are mindless scourge they use the exact same transmog this is not this is it's not 100 iq role playing this is 200 iq role-playing this is awesome they make videos about this and everything how could you say this is not role-playing that's awesome but all those insults thrown at us one in particular stood out an abomination of argent a new generation of fighters arises [Music] oh my god look at them all and they are using all the same sets what the fuck uh these are the video is really really fucking cool guys it's a great video and um yeah you guys are doing some cool shit okay all right let's go to the next one kira mox the insane and addish the white of dylan both are going to guild total garbage oh as we go up to streams and we put and yes we are furries but everyone should enjoy playing how we want to play what does it say again um but everyone should enjoy playing the game how they like and the race they enjoy playing hopefully no hate from race and you will judge it fairly since i tried my best for this smog with my friend thank you [Music] hmm so i i think this set's a little bit odd i think that it looks good if you don't look at it very close like from this distance it looks great okay uh it certainly does but you get up a little bit closer and then you start to see a little bit of cracks in the armory here uh there's a little bit of problems that you know arise that we can't really see our ideal uh this is a little bit of an issue right is abomination i think the right one so the helmet here is obviously supposed to match with the tibard and i understand what you're trying to do with that but i personally don't think that it goes very well now we hardly ever do see volpira in general and um i think that's not really a surprise but you know whenever we do see a really good full pura set we will give it consideration but gentlemen is this actually a good volpira set is this a good vulpira set let me know left yes right now i think the left set is much better than the right one um overall i do feel like these guys are like imagine if the scarlet crusade started recruiting volpira you know or they started uh they started indoctrinating their own cats or their foxes i guess and uh this is pretty much what you'd get out of it uh obviously the set does look pretty good at scrap monster and boss scar-up monastery pet battle dungeon end boss regardless uh this is a pretty good looking set i guess so um not ideal probably not a top three but overall i think that it's pretty good guild checks out oh come on dude uh you guys did all right okay let's go to the next one oh shit oh shit these guys ride motorcycles let me tell you that hunch master thor rock and stylist excalibur okay so these these guys are straight out of draenor um yeah i i think this actually does look pretty cool so the uh the pole arm there is obviously i think this is from oh that's from legion no that's not legion that's the wild gladiators pike and uh these gloves and the wait the shoulders i don't even know where these are from and the chess piece comes from island expeditions i know that chess piece here comes from words of draenor gloves and shoulders come from uh mythic and taurus uh belt there comes from uh lfr hellfire citadel leggings there come from elorythrin pharaoh on mythic and uh emerald nightmare and then the boots there come from i think pvp or i don't remember which coloration it is and it's also if you're where you're hidden artifact appearance so what do you guys think about this set neck shoulders oh no those are not neck shoulders i don't know what do you guys think i think it's okay i mean it's okay i don't think this is like a crazy awesome amazing cool set i just think that it's all right uh hairline their hairlines are fine okay guys like i understand that you know anytime that any character comes on here can i show you something yes show it to me let me see it yeah let's see it is this what you wanted to show me you wanted to show me that you had the mount that i don't have is that right this really this is the the peak of comedy here as you guys can see it's very uh real funny guys wait i got something else okay oh i know you you're from reddit okay that's great um yeah uh really good job guys really proud of you uh you guys doing a great job he just achieved he achieved a double comedy okay he achieved double comedy right there two real comedians all right anyway guys uh good job let's go to the next one fire nice gladiator reminiscing and arena master 100 slaps hello we are ice and fire okay um blue and red equals purple oh so that means that you guys have to win then right uh according to chat so i do like this combination i think that it looks really cool so the frostfire shoulders there with the mage on the left or right excuse me it does look really good all the rest of these pieces is this the priest tier 3 gear what the fuck that's crazy the priest tier 3 gear wow i actually kind of like that that looks really good and then that's the uh the tablet of the uh uh of the protector from the scarlet or sorry the shadowhorn quest line and uh that staff right there is the edict of argus which comes from uh the blue one which means that it comes from heroic archimonde and hellfire citadel and then this one over here i think actually does look really good too the sword is a little bit odd but everything else besides the sword i really really like this almost reminds me of like the belt and the gloves and the shoulders there remind me almost of like a benthier set if you could expect to see expect what that would be tapper the wiper i always say tapper to protector connector's tabard is from uh the um pre-expansion event for bc um all right let's see here see you know they get on those mounts like let me tell you guys something anytime that you see a pvper you can almost always guarantee that they're going to either get on a gladiator mount or on a tcg mount every fucking time dude you've got the brown cock and is this the swift spectral tiger oh it's a swift it's got those little things on its tail you know what that means it's worth a thousand extra dollars this is really really good guys uh you have a theme that you're obviously going with uh both of the characters are working together and then also the ice one is dead which it's like you know a cold body i think that makes sense so it's got like a secondary meaning along with the original base meaning of the sets and the uh and the combination i think this is really good yeah what do you guys think you guys like it check their ratings okay i'll check their ratings oops wrong one 2.8k this guy's probably gonna get rank one uh let's see here this is 2.2k all right well just keep going that's really really good i'm proud of you professor brutalina and assistant professor katsa praise nazath okay okay those look good i agree i think these look really good i like them a lot uh so let's see what we've got here so those shoulders right there are the um those shoulders and the boots are from the heroic set from uh throwing a thunder actually that's the normal except for throwing thunder for uh dks the chess piece is from the uh dk set from uh ulduar for dks from tin man and then the weapons are of course obviously the sword from uh uh you didn't i go with the weapons okay you know where they're from uh and then belts also from the same place and throwing thunder helmet is of course the uh the pvp helmet i believe uh for uh for nilotha and then the gloves here come from rather lich king i believe they're pvp or something like that it's been a while in terms of the gloves let me actually look at those uh what is this here grasps of serpentine might i don't even fucking remember uh regardless i really like this set and i always like it whenever people use two different sets of arm or two different weapons i think it's really cool uh nor do i fucking remember uh regardless let me see here serpentine mountain no no it wasn't from ssc so this set right here what do you guys think about this set so these are the uh you know n'zoth's champion i have no idea where this hodgepodge comes from that's about about the case uh good looking but wrong boots i think the boots are okay uh gloves are heroic tier 14 for dks really what okay all right well i'll have to look at it later regardless i think this does match really well in terms of a color theme these guys are on the motherfucking mark dude like this is a very very well done color theme by both of them i like it a lot so check the back okay let's look at the back oh why do you have a backpack do you have to uh you know corrupt azeroth at six but you have community college at seven just in xd okay all right i got it that makes sense yeah it makes sense yeah ruined no no it's okay uh it's just it's just xd guys i mean come on it's just xd we don't have to hold that against them too much overall i think the color theme works really well together can show the proper back go ahead let's see the proper back yeah let's go a backpack here yeah that's where he puts all of the uh all the corrupted relics that he uses for nazar in his backpack oh that cloak actually looks really good i like that a lot yeah both of these cloaks work very well together i think this color theme of the characters works very very well and i like it a lot yeah this actually does look really good uh good job guys what was this come on down come on down hi remy on the kingslayer and necro nanny the king slayer so what are you guys supposed to be i have mounts okay let's see it so basically these guys are two discontinued these guys are two discontinued uh action figures from a mortal kombat game that wasn't actually licensed by konami and uh or by whoever makes mortal kombat and so they were discontinued and these are just like the leftover action figures that you can still buy at a flea market uh this is what you have right here um is economy i don't remember who makes fucking mortal kombat i don't care uh pets are the actual pog are they really asmon and pink sparkles my fucking god doesn't even make any sense whatever uh it is what it is yeah these guys are fucking goofballs okay and you know the funniest thing about it is i thought to myself i'm like there's somebody that has a name necro nanny i bet this guy's gonna be pretty clever and come up with a really cool looking transmog and instead we have uh we have tweedledee and tweedledum yeah it's uh abe's odyssey it's hard really to say that man i think that's a bit of a stretch overall it's okay uh dumb and dumber well this is dumber and big stupid what about this okay what about what oh well hopefully we'll get the grinch all right next keoheim servant of enzoth zaisu the kingslayer so two eastern warriors out on adventure zaisu started playing wow two to three months ago so he didn't have much to work with overall but we want the samurai theme for our deluxe uh that looks decent all right so he's a bit of a new player let's go ahead and see if that's actually true uh comparing achieve 5 000 he's a new player oh my god also shout out my friend cindel for being left behind hey sometimes you get it sometimes you get god uh it is what it is uh what do you guys think guys yeah new player i'm telling you guys there are new players that come into the game the problem is not that new players don't start playing the problem is that people stop playing that's the issue um regardless i think this is a pretty good combination here what do you guys think guys like this i like the one on the left a lot more obviously the one on the right is like i i mean let's be real it's like three pieces of gear but the guy just started the game so it's not really what you would expect to see okay uh so that's kind of the way that i see it uh let's see what's left once tabard uh the left one's tabard is the tabard of the um war walkers and uh uh miss pandaria uh yeah i like this man i think it looks really really good uh looks like a ronin and a corrupted samurai yeah like the whole corrupted samurai like theme is used a lot so i don't really take it that seriously whenever i see it but if i had to think about it at all i would say that this one does look pretty good i like it and i think that it's pretty well put together so this overall is a pretty good set and the combination works pretty well together good job guys good job oh shit shadow order the uncorrupted empirium uh the uh sorry um oh he's from the guild um and vidh the uncorrupted okay so these guys um okay so these are like blood elves that fuck with fel magic shout out to my boy like who is this uh geo and treat him watching kyle as well okay yeah shout out to kyle um so this chess piece here is like a really odd choice okay and so are the fucking feet okay it's a little bit odd don't you think um so the chess piece here is obviously the tier three warlock chess piece play card chess piece uh the belt there on the shoulders and the gloves here all come from the misa pandaria challenge mode set for warlocks and then that dagger there comes from i believe is that mythic manorath i don't even know where that one's from oh that's the uh of course it's got the helmet with it it's the uh demonology weapon i i feel like this set kind of sucks i want to be honest i feel like this is kind of it's not that good legion yeah i understand um it's not that good i i like what you're doing and i think that if you go if you do it from a pretty pretty long i knew it was you i knew it because i looked over there i'm like who would possibly do that and then i immediately turned around i'm like oh i know who it is it's stupid over there yep it's stupid everybody everything's about you right what what what what did i do on the screen mom clip it equip it i'm on asthma gold stream right now clip it i'm just show dad he's not coming back where's the other guy 58 the corrupted was that too far okay so um regardless i like one thing that i do like a lot about this a lot it can i say what do you have to shout out somebody else i'm statistically the best player here um let's see all right 2100 500 arena games played um so yeah anyway um this is a it's a pretty good looking set obviously i like it i do think the combination does look pretty good yeah i mean this this is a uh it's a pretty good looking set what do you guys think i like also the um the weapon illusions are not illusions but like the outlines around like the two weapons for like both of the characters obviously these are like you know the fel uh uh the fell blood elves that you know they turn to fel magic after the sunwell was destroyed like we watched in the video i think this is pretty good um obviously the the male one is not really as strong as a female one personally i think the female one is much more unique and interesting the male one is basically the challenge mode set oh you're using the boots from the challenge mode set too oh my god dude come on you're not even trying hey you come on dude what are you doing man this he's got to do a much better job okay this could have been way fucking better all right let's go ahead and take the next one let's go on glaives matches the artifacts go oh that actually is good yeah the skull on the glaze matches the artifacts goal nice job all right that's all of them now gentlemen prepare yourselves i will be doing the top five best combinations so you have a 25 chance to get into this uh actually a higher than that like a 12 chance you guys will all have your chances get ready and be prepared chat let me know what you think shit dude now they're airborne this mount is so fucking cool i like it a lot i'll go through a few laps around so you guys get a chance to see everybody i don't know who we're gonna give this to this is a hard decision your event brought us together we met 20 minutes ago through the pre-made group finder [Music] awesome man that was awesome dude how about that yeah that actually is really fucking cool okay so we've got to pick our top five did i mention my partner here started playing even recently as barely even mogged well i mean you made it work dude nice job oh look at that it's a real life trans box look at that dude let's see here yeah can you believe that dude abominations yeah fire and ice i'm trying to decide what i want to go with here this is kind of a hard decision hmm honestly these mounts right here really fucking these take it home like this is really impressive i like this a lot i like that a lot guys it's gonna be hard for me to decide i'm gonna have to start writing these down give me a minute this is a very very tough decision i have to make sure that i make the most ethical choice possible [Music] all right gentlemen hey hey who the hell did this shit to me all right you know what let's go ahead and we'll start same here yeah sure fifth place fifth place in the competition it's going to go to a group of people that i feel like really deserve it i like this set a lot is very hard decision for me to make between what i'm going to give fifth place to and the other one but we're gonna do it anyway we're gonna get fifth place to the edgy boys right here i really really like this set i like the combinations i think both of them are imposing and dangerous and i think they absolutely deserve a placing here and an acknowledgement for how badass their set is the combinations look really good and i think that the difference in terms of their armor makes it worthy of a placement on the list this is a great job good work gentlemen what countries are you from sweden there it is i live in italy but i'm not italian romanian how about that dude nice fucking job on your set dude nice fucking job good work fourth place fourth place tough decision for me to make i feel like there's gonna be one set in here that i'm not gonna be able to give it to that i think actually deserves a placing but it's just it is one of this i'm gonna give fourth place to arathian go [Music] i love these sets i think the story that the sets tell and what they do together is really really interesting i think that the uh the explorer each of the transmogs independently is very well done i like it a lot i understand some people are disagreeing with this i can understand that i think that partially this is subjective in terms of the theme and what you feel appeals to you but for me personally i think this set and this combination is well thought out it's interesting and it's unique we haven't seen it before and i think because of that i want to give it some acknowledgement because it's really really nice great fucking job guys amazing job what country are you from slovakia uh same all right dude nice fucking job guys you guys did great third place third place is a set that i think is uh very interesting and very well put together and i like it a lot third place is gonna go third place is gonna go to reminiscing 100 slaps i really like both of these sets i think they come together very well the fire and ice here's why i really think they deserve this i think it's really really good uh is because the helmet that that guy is using is a removed from the game helmet and it matches perfectly with the other helmet the other guy is wearing like that's why i thought like i'm like oh this is so well done like they planned this out so well and like the whole theme around it was really good everything about around the set is very very well done and uh the combination i think works perfectly weak shot thanks to a thousand bits i appreciate that man yeah i really really really fucking like this a lot uh great job purple equals when shut up it's red and blue uh it's red and blue not purple hi i'm from swedes skull shout out to kepp and tequila slog uh and crew all right man what about you hundred slaps what country are you from yeah what country you're from denmark and shout out to sosa 300 dude man i feel like i'm doing so many shout outs it's like a pitbull song well whatever all right good job guys you're third place second place second place chief keef or does he do it i haven't listened to chief keep before honestly i am not initiated second place is going to go to the abominations of the scarlet crusade not only this set everything about this set is perfect i absolutely love it and i will explain why at first okay i'll explain why i'll give the other group first okay but first thing i want to go ahead and explain this one individually uh obviously the i mean the videos that you guys made the the names that you guys have the whole fucking story behind it everything about it is fucking amazing i love it i think it's really really good and interesting and everything about this whole if you guys think they're the winners that's fine right i mean uh the chat gets to vote on a real winner so i'm just picking my top five uh and like that's why yeah you guys get to pick the winners anyway like i don't even know why you're getting upset about it like you guys get to pick the winner uh yeah yeah it's fine um regardless both of these look really really good i love it i think it's very well well done and uh also i think like just the story and everything about it like there's nothing about this set that's wrong and it's the the richness of the lore behind it i think is really interesting and it makes it uh even better so great job now first place first place i'll get their country in a minute first place yeah they look at these simps in the back look at these sims in the back dude can you believe that we gotta dude oh shit okay look this sets them it's the best one like i i think it's the best set the reason why i gave these guys first place and the other guys second place is i felt like their original their individual transmogs were of a higher quality and i understand like you know you have the tattered look because you're going with an undead set yeah yeah i get it but these were just higher quality transmogs and i think they also told an interesting story and that's why i'm giving them first place i i really like these sets i think they're incredibly well done both of them match together perfectly well and i think this is by far the best set in here the same tabard like everything about this like both of the armor sets just fit so well together i mean there's really honestly like besides that other set i really don't think anything else even comes close to this personally uh this set is just obviously my number one red equals one okay well now it's a new meme okay yeah great fucking job now gentlemen there were a few people that got robbed okay i thought that the gay space marine was probably my that was my sixth place like i i i was really close with that this one was really cool too but i just i don't know i just kind of just didn't go with it you know um but yeah i like these a lot now yeah what country are you guys from german all right ireland all right there you go poland okay all right now let's get back up to the top i feel like the reason why you guys want me to get their country is that if they have the same country as you you feel like you're kind of winning by extension of you know nationality it's like well you know my country just won it's like if you win the world cup or something like that i just thought of that and i realized why people like it all right let's get our our first place winners in the front here yeah what what country are you guys from before i forget again serbia germany i say this before i say it again i really think that gaming is probably one of the coolest fucking things that gets people to play with each other from all around the world i think that it encourages a certain level of understanding and like kind of shared uh shared world i i think it's probably one of the coolest fucking things about playing on eu and like playing like the beta servers like playing for people like on the other side of the world and just kind of like getting to know them and like you talk about like your lives and it's like this person lives a completely different life they look completely different than you but actually it's not that different at all i like it a lot i i really do okay there's the poll right there vote it up vote it up and i'm gonna go through all these right here and you guys will be able to pick which ones do you like decide now and the results are the winner of the duo transmog competition is the abomination sets i i thought they'd have a hard time losing honestly i really did i i think they did an amazing job i i feel like it's almost it's very hard for us to say that they weren't going to win after there was such an interesting story that they that they created and they built up i like it a lot abomination just dm me and we'll figure out the artwork and we'll get that done can you come to us for a photo where do you want me to come to uh regardless i think that all these sets a lot of you guys in here really came in here with some great sets and some good combinations uh here in the middle oh yeah sure um let me just get right there all right i'll get off my mount real quick just give me a second um there we go all right and there we go what the hell all right we're good i probably should change my okay all right that's actually even better yeah that's even better guys get the picture now that's perfect this is my spirit animal you guys did a great job okay good did you get it okay good congratulations guys it's a round of applause for our contestants here let's have a a round of applause for our contestants get the fuck out of the way uh let me go outside we'll see what this is i don't know really what to expect here but i guess we'll find out in just a second let's see here we go don't give them credit they're scum bags wait who well who's a sus combat okay yo what the fuck that's that's awesome we had something prepared for you 18 naked cowboys with throbbing cocks is that it is that what you had prepared that's pretty cool huh that's awesome this is what uh it looked like if final fantasy did the wod trailer yeah and thank god they didn't oh wait if final fantasy drink bell scream claim your death suit knee you will all be cosplayers oh my god what is this um just a minute uh premium membership of the crunchyroll for only six dollars using the link crunchyroll.com gold chan what the fuck is this dude what a bunch of goofballs nanny we will never be oh my fucking oh my fucking good dude these guys are some real goofballs i'll say that for sure well anyway guys well anyway guys we've had a very good stream today i appreciate everybody watching and hanging out and being part of it i've enjoyed it a lot it's been a very good time so until next time boys peace [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 385,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold eu transmog, asmongold wow, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold eu competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold transmog comp, asmongold eu contest, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold transmog contest, asmongold eu, asmon transmog competition, asmongold first transmog, asmongold competition, asmongold duo transmog, duo transmog competition, asmongold transmount, asmongold duo, duo transmog, first duo transmog, asmongold first duo transmog
Id: dySqLTp9RlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 4sec (4204 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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