99% Players Will Not Hole In One (Golf It)

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in this door fit you can only make it with a hole in one that means ultimate skill and determination is going to be required and whoever is the winner gets a cookie if you want a piece of the cookie you can subscribe hole in one only you heard it i almost missed honestly that was almost too hot we all did it oh my god yet possible in this oh no yes whoa oh yes no wait you gotta yeah did you read that gotta be done calculations guys use it use your brain cells there we go i have a feeling that there's gonna be a lot of tears in this video i am already crying hey come on jelly honestly if you don't get a hold of this one you should quit the game no i'm on a streak here boys you are jelly you're doing lovely bubbly dumbly oh kidding me man i almost pushed jelly into the hole right there kind of sad hey okay oh he's got it he's got it all right he's my streak it's over but i'm still in first place uh tip shoot a suit star oh that's not hard enough i think it means straight gotta smack it oh oh jedi did you lie josh i didn't lie you genuinely had to smack it all right no you go not smack don't don't you might have a great work oh what a recovery teddy you still here i almost reset on that one yeah i i didn't smack it hard oh okay uh we'll have a oh oh no so it's not oh oh gotta use your brain cells oh one more yes i would have done it no i'm gonna change my angle slightly now let's see if jelly can make it no that's way too hot bud jelly kind of just smacking it as hard as you can yes yeah and three that's oh you know okay what am i on i'm on last place you kidding me crainer is currently last place even though he did pretty well oh this time he's going straight right wait just got it beautiful oh that one was sick that was how does actually crank is jumping at weirdly stop resetting it so quick wait wait wait wait wait there's a cheat there's a there's something hidden what is that one up there oh what what you see how there's like a different thing that oh is this a different hole ah okay can you just make it this is this shoot straight like do you read this is setting you back i am shooting today you're not a straight shooter my guy no i dnf'd a holy one map why are you kidding me dude not quite where i met you guys that was a little too fast have you guys noticed that all of these are smackers i mean that's usually the case ah you gotta smack all of these bro we just have to get up there you don't have to smack this one oh wait this is the one you were talking about straighten up straighten up straight up let's go josh i'm wrong oh there we go and crater goes in the hole all right crainer actually managed to finish a hole again nice okay crane has kind of lost the top once hey i'm still in first place i don't know if that's gonna last another one hole in one all right all right you go josh way too fast why are you not going uh wait what am i doing such a little wuss jelly because i don't i i don't want to go while other people are going stop taking the game so seriously jelly thank you can you move you need to be a part of it yes i was going florence go jelly come on telly joshua i'm resetting don't worry reset join every set dude jelly sucks dude you both suck at this one huh all right there we go there we go that was close okay i'm really far behind but i can still make it i believe oh oh my goodness we all got close it's really bad that we're all like next to each other but it kind of makes this fun doesn't oh bro we're so close here we go two oh he's got it yes yes i'm not that far behind bleeding still leaning but it anything straight still happened oh i gotta smack it man this is a smacker guys this is whoa whoa this one is soft dude you gotta smack this one super smacky all right two oh my goodness oh thank goodness give it a good smack oh good job josh you smacked the jaws all right all right and still first ow directly in yeah it's actually a really easy one to be fair but it was pretty cool ah what is this it's just one of those oh easy bro that was actually not too bad in three there we go we got okay stop josh let's see how long it can last look i want some luck i'm down for the left oh jenny oh my god i did it holy one did we just go in any of them oh i have to make it to the end josh you need to get to the end of that thing oh that was like a rocket one targets can be buggy shoot straight oh this is smacker it is a smacker wait what how far do we have to smack the smacker not smacked that hard no it's you gotta land on the target i think that's really uh talking oh about that oh then why oh man i'm a bit confused about that oh oh i get it hey interesting hey josh you almost stopped me really bad how are you doing don't worry jenny you're like way behind in front wait yeah there we go he's doing he's really good he said he's sexy in front of me points ahead right till he's actually winning i bounce off crainers bum [Music] what trainer's bum i'm guessing this has to go pretty quick ah there we go oh what are we gonna do both like that i don't like that come on jelly you got this buddy no you were talking at all smack earlier no josh you were talking all that smack earlier god damn i i really didn't see if you could do it josh hey traitor you might have a chance to catch up with mr slogo over here i think i do really struggling i made it now yeah you are all right she's quite close to me that's bad huh okay okay here we go here we go yet [Applause] with the swoosh oh you clicked reset just click off make it kick off there we go oh he might mess this one up again oh he was fully in i was gonna roll in oh he almost had it the little guy [Music] oh click oh click off why are you making him click because i want him to lose time then i get a dnf jelly you're not making it oh oh come on not that slowly are you kidding me scam scammer game why are you laughing like an evil villain julie because he made it yeah i did man you can do it neat are you kidding me there's only one nap after this yes josh you need to make it now otherwise even if i get it first place did you just see you guys talk so much it's hilarious i can't there's no difference between shooting hard and slow on this one you gotta roll down the ramp john shut up i mean josh oh yes greater no [Laughter] oh i got it i i if my angle's okay your butt face what are we doing um what is happening yeah first one in the whole winds maybe no that is not happening uh is there a hole here am i oh with first and the end wins let's go let's go why are we why don't we keep going back i i don't i don't know why we going without a circle no no i think we've got to get to the end probably you know i'm starting to think we are going in circles but uh there is no hole here you know if you want you're welcome to quit jelly go on please yeah it's it's yeah it's just amazing quit oh hey reset me wait what okay you know what i'm gonna quit wait is josh quitting actually thanks for watching headaches.com click the 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Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,055,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, golf, golf it, jelly, crainer, 99% Players Will Not Hole In One, hole in one
Id: 7wlEU9IrKX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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