99% of people fail to make the right choice in this skill test in GTA 5

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we're going to be doing a test of our skill in GTA 5. because sure we can race and drive into things and blow each other up with sticky bombs but are we actually skillful let's find out Jenny you ready for the hardest Parkour of your life Josh I've never been more ready okay let's go excuse me in first place oh bye-bye what have we got here we've got like a tight Corner yeah I don't really know what this is supposed to be but we're driving super cars and this isn't very super now is it wait what happened nothing nothing well you stopped it well because oh the old crash into the wall trick I love that yeah so do we have to like drift to make it past these I think so by the way I have an unupgraded T20 I don't know why I did this all right well mine is upgraded but I don't know if speed is gonna help me right now well if I can borrow yours maybe one time that'd be great I'm I'm scared of the Boost turn turn there we go a little bit of drifting this is very exciting Josh we've made it what now what do you mean we've made it what world have we come on jelly jelly jelly jelly jelly please jelly I won't do it I won't do it come on silly Dash I'm not gonna do it why do I feel like you are gonna do it then we made it yay oh what wait that was not on purpose you hit me that was an accident that's the direction of my flight that wasn't that was a pure accident okay all right I don't believe nothing all right that was the most right now basic what oh I need to do with this whole like drift thing again and I don't like it okay all right I've made it to the first checkpoint jelly I'll wait for you here okay oh oh yeah yeah sure yeah sure maybe yeah okay no yeah maybe I should have told you that Josh how long am I supposed to wait here for you come on I didn't stop me what the heck stop playing like the victim I am the Victor okay all right you pushed me off let's not forget about it oh my good okay I'm doing great doing great I'm just testing it no I'm I'm doing tests okay yeah because I want to make sure there's no more boost that you're gonna get upset with oh you good hello yeah I'm good I see you popping out over the edge you cheeky thing where do we go I am so bad the amount of boosts there are in this Josh have you noticed that the bottom right there's like this this ball yeah I don't know what it does JJ Josh I think my controllers are starting to run out of battery uh-huh I heard that one before he's doing that one I don't want it to do I see boost how am I supposed to make this though oh no oh am I Really Gonna Have to mouse and keyboard this how are you supposed to make it over this next bit why did I not buy new batteries all right I'll take that uh I don't know if that was how I'm supposed to do this bit oh wait there's boost there so you got to do it backwards well I didn't do it backwards I just sort of landed against it oh Josh I'm on mouse and keyboard now and I'm starting you can't use this as an excuse to do badly come on make it over jelly all right all right gold day all right so this I gotta do backwards uh yeah that probably would make sense okay backwards so you don't and then I think we got a loop delete hopefully I don't need speed because I've got an unupgraded car wait what oh ow oh okay okay I'm joining you on this one Josh wait what the no oh what benches no what the heck is happening jelly I don't know Josh did you fail how did you fail bad okay all right I mean this seems fine there's a bit more parkour stuff but that might be the end over there I'm not totally sure what my my controller oh here we go again here we go just be careful jelly just be careful what well there are more booths in places so when you go around this wall I think there's another boost in the bushes okay so just be careful all right so I'm just gonna do the bush thing backwards is that possible no it's not can I oh wait I just realized you turned GTA mode on oh my God I can throw like a grenade in here I hope that doesn't land on you no how did that land on you I just flew a random grenade it literally landed right next to me no okay that's not my fault that's not my fault that is your fault you drove into that grenade no I didn't I was stuck I was on my side okay well I was there from the start I do apologize for that no you don't don't you hate me I don't hate me no no I wouldn't be want to be you right now that would be bad I'd be really far behind what's with the bar at the bottom I really don't get what bar oh yeah I don't know I hate my life it goes up when I get more checkpoints that's all I know oh wait so it's your it's the progress yeah I guess so no no no you're not no you're not but apparently there's going to be a few more checkpoints though because if I'm only I'm not even halfway which I feel like I'm near the end though where I am Josh I'm not making progress and stuff well the upside down cones yeah maybe that's to do with it I feel like this is one of those dnf races man at least for me you know uh a dnf right oh you you want me to give you the dnf no where even are you jelly Josh you remember that checkpoint at the bushes um you remember where you blew me oh I see piano stop piano I need you to stop oh I need you to stop I need you to stop finally meeting but if I got a headshot that would be kind of cool no Josh I need you but but think about how sick that would be jelly please do not do you think grenade into the do you think RPGs can reach from here whoa they can just imagine if you drove the boosts Josh stop stop stop you nearly drove into that what is this I wasn't even aiming them at you these are loopy loopies loopy loopies yeah also there's like Loopsy oops the Finish Line's over there what Josh you gotta be kidding me wait how do I get to it oh okay am I really this yeah yeah oh awful but what you asked okay wait how am I supposed to oh there's a platform okay yeah yes yeah they're not too bad actually okay on to this platform and then I think there's a Finish Line down there no there's not where is it let me inspect are you failing no I'm not where is the Finish Line where are you how did you fail jelly the Finish Line's right here oh I just I just wanna you guys enjoy life stress jelly where where are you going help me please I can't I can help you it's just the right down there forgive me I can help you by just jumping off down there I guess where are you I'm literally standing over the finish line no you're not you want to bet Josh forgive me how much do you want to bet no it sounds like you want to bet something Finish First you owe me money wait how does that work oh oh my God okay jelly I'm gonna you're still gonna have to try hard to not get the dnf I'm gonna make it please how have you done that again I got it's really difficult okay I'm just gonna investigate and see if I've got oh I do have a parachute do you want me to give you a dnf jelly no I want to make it to the end but I could get you give it your dnf right now why I haven't progressed since that like on the on the bottom right at the screen you know yeah because I guess because they're just looking at overall skill okay I've face partnered into the road for you but I will make it difficult why are you making it more difficult for me like I said I'm there's gonna be it's gonna be tough for you to not get the dnf okay as soon as she finishes loopy dupes I'm gonna finish or I'm just going to jump off wait really yes so you do have to try hard just don't drive all the way off okay when do you get the checkpoint let me know all right all right all right checkpoint's a little bit up ahead are you serious Jenny I'm alive oh my God I'm alive okay there's still no checkpoint still no check okay I'm jumping good luck no good luck it's gonna take a second for me to get a checkpoint oh and Finish Line good luck jelly the race is now on Josh where is it I mean where is it oh my goodness hey seven six five four three two oh my God oh my goodness thanks for not giving me you're uh you're welcome you're welcome we're gonna be testing our skill on this bike jelly okay that's right and this bike is called uh it's called we're probably uh never mind I did we do that wrong Josh what what's this for we got a land here or something gosh I think it's here what what like right here I think we got a land probably right here I mean just land over here I I think I lied I I just uh did a different thing I think um what are we doing this is a weird looking skill race all right so we're gonna immediately change into another vehicle which is a super car so what's the plan here Josh well we've got to use our skill but I don't know oh hey there John how am I gonna yeah oh come on oh that's a tight one that is a tight one why are we doing skill tests because apparently we thought we had skill and then we're testing how bad our skill is there we go there's your answer oh my God and now I see you I see you the Boost I don't know if I need you but I see you Josh I don't like this we're like I'm running around the Maze Bank I'll be honest I'm not doing too bad I'm not doing too bad really yeah I mean I don't know if I'm supposed to go in this tube where are you are you up on the I'm like hanging off the side of the building okay probably not healthy uh there's a boost yeah that's fine that's fine I think you're gonna land near me no Dave to the right to the right to the right oh my God close call wait am I supposed close okay you go into the tube now right yeah yeah just like I did it just like I did it okay not too bad not too bad did you make it of course I did of course you did me don't of course you did what all right no snacks those things are we hello oh hello uh really I think so that doesn't seem right for our pop yeah I know it's true it's true and then we go up here yeah smash into the ramp crash into the ramp what are you doing oh oh spinning it was kind of a kind of a painful Landing but we both made it I made it oh there's booths in here this is an interesting skill test I feel like oh what do you feel like jelly wait what did you do I think we gotta go slowly up that yeah you think we just went miles are you trying to go backwards I'm gonna give it a little no that's too slow oh come on yeah let's go all right I think you went the wrong way I think he went the wrong way what do you mean oh come on where did you go not the way you went although I've gone way over way over okay I think I'm going really going too slow wait really how did you do that I haven't been able to go slow yet no matter how much I break crashing into the side okay this is no this is good this is good yeah but I one more boost come on yes come on come on okay that might make it I think yes oh my God Josh I made it yeah I made it as well so we just had to like crash halfway I go I made the checkpoint James there's no point hit me off oh just kidding I didn't oh okay thank you all right up this thing and just try not to pull oh let's continue Whoa stop don't fall off jelly okay so far so I don't know oh we're actually quite close to the end what is this um I'm just gonna let you go first okay thank you what's the plan to hit you off oh well it didn't work I also see the finish line so no so no no no no no no no I'm stuck that makes me stressful I think I'm coming I'm coming behind you I got keyboard and mouse I'm doing keyboard I'm right behind you right behind you I'm going I'm Gonna Get You Gonna Get You I'm Gonna Get You whoa oh Josh you actually didn't hit me it's still my fault yes I agree no no you buttock okay easy does it you don't want to do that by the way I've learned from my long time you know oh my God yeah but I'm a boss [Music] yes I just jumped to you like an absolute Speed Demon oh I hate this Josh all right I'm doing good doing good Finish Line I can taste it it's on the tip of my tongue what does it taste like what does it taste like eggs eggs ew I mean I like eggs depends what the you know the condition of the egg right oh wait wait am I not supposed to be in this wait a second like an ostrich egg kind of flavor yeah yeah exactly where though what the heck right yeah I did just a heads up weird stuff oh I it's been weird for a while oh that's what I was supposed to you know that makes a lot more sense all right we'll just do it like this that's fine I don't mind I'm gonna do now okay fine you just said you would Josh I can't do this on keeping a mouse it's not oh my are you just gonna constantly complain about keyboard and mouse yes because it's not possible okay if you say so so if it's not possible I can just finish then right yes oh okay no no no no no I'll take your first answer and yes I'm at the Finish Line jelly are you still there you're still there I'm telling you the landing is impossible it's impossible I don't know so how did I do it okay oh you little fridge all right last opportunity and then you can dnf me okay wait what how many the last this is your last attempt okay to this checkpoint anyway fine all right Finish Line no I'm still turtleing I I see I'm still turtleing I'll give you one more attempt just for fun okay see my car is also green so technically I am a turtle right I don't know how that's a good thing though I have a new strategy no way [Music] did he made it actually I'm gonna try that one more time okay fine can I finish now jelly yes it's okay okay well it's been fun I it's not it's really really well I quite enjoyed it Josh oh now you make it finally made it no well then you rushed it but yeah I understand why another W for me I'll just stick to turtling yeah I would just stay on your back that's your best just stick the turtling I'm a turtle
Channel: Slogo
Views: 770,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, 99% of people fail to make the right choice in this skill test in GTA 5, GTA 5, grand theft auto 5, skill test, jelly, parkour race
Id: xdyDZ46A30I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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