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well okay be careful have you guys tried this yet I feel like I'm gonna smash my face yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] my introduction everybody we my worries Geordi do we never say wait wait why are we no night wait what I don't know it's not me oh my gosh I thank you so much wait stream I got the slipstream and okay anything I hope I didn't really get it but I made a good recovery I made it perfect Wow Jimmy you are gonna wipe it differently to tell Eve okay also why is jelly so dirty Doreen right now yeah right they finally removed or hats green oh that's what you get jelly that's me wait did I miss that I think I might miss that all right well I'm giving it another go I don't know I failed I'm a bit behind because I had to turn Jordi down and jelly up and yeah I rarely turn jelly up I'm doing this way erotic rocked aquatic and what did I do I mean okay so is this the Ravi Hey whoa what is this where do I go to go up or down okay that was good well it's safe to say it didn't do that wall right quite perfectly yeah good luck because I had to stop how do I do the wall ride how okay not due to all right yeah no working you'll be fine Josh what how did you guys do it careful jelly no I think I might just get this because I'm having some all right I might have made it I made that the most unlit way possible what am I supposed to do now I'm still I'm still going Roth rocket Volta king around I hope that this bit works I'm just randomly flying Oh guys okay I'm about to turn into a motorbike I think so I just got the Moabite wait what is happening next do I have to do anything or is it automatic okay yeah I'm tired or everything like I've never tightrope before I get what okay and now I'm a bike again I can't keep up with all these changes okay so when do I get the plane I had someone told me about plane okay that was cool I just bounced up some things all right the plane is here so you guys at the other end of this plane bit I know wait I'm stuck like I'm a plane that's fight between two things what oh it kind of broke a little bit and didn't work I'm just rewriting okay oh now I'm in a parachute what the heck is happening sorry okay down okay be careful if you guys tried this year I feel like I'm going to smash my face yeah yeah yeah you at the probe I think I got it you like mine Cigna rainbow mine is a real rainbow wait wait Emma J yeah I just did a 360 in a jet ski and then missed the checkpoint 20 point oh hey got a point wait am i confused yeah let's try this again oh all right in blimp is like a bouncy ball it's cool right yeah I know I'm doing it Oh flying oh wow I bounced so high because I am cool but you're a plane okay wait oh I just teleport into a plane wait Jetta you should stay still stay still don't dip don't finishing second hang on okay I was gonna fly in T but then realized it was a teleporter what are you trying to do you trying to work on your portfolio for my epic voices welcome in a world where Jilly actually loses arrays and Josh is funny what do you mean James always loses races Johnny what are you talking about I love how you said that and then immediately screwed yourself up should have your edits a play or out trebuchet do it it would be really funny Jordan surely you could give a raise if they do enjoyed it you're gonna what what Oh give him a raise if they do it'll be really good at saying yeah you're gonna get a raise okay I'll buy you a orange juice when you get over Oh Oh crazy okay like you uh what do you mean charted there's no what you're talking about don't play with fire you get burned well that would have been really epic it's the same its rural big shame yeah okay last one he eventually did get them yeah another firebomb yeah but they create fire when it blew up so hey ho Josh I'm gonna catch up with you without any bombs I got a beef with you Jordy do it no I'm not gonna majority cuz he didn't first think he wants to be first what how course he was me totally get out bombs but idea he said sticky bones for a while jelly yeah you're living in the park jelly you never listen to me question good-looking you know I'm smart all right prepare for a wolf I'm Jordy okay Josh I will prepare it things I go okay it seems to get ready jello while we watch Jilly is jealous because I'm a pretty guy yeah Josh I don't know it who did you make it I saw you distant struggle jelly jelly Billy got that nickname because one day Josh had a girlfriend and you know jelly would still as you don't remember wait there's a war I flip alright flip this is like the easy oh Sh I made it first time so there's actually a finish line up here and I'm not gonna put proximity mines down yeah 20 still managed to fail it yeah okay I didn't actually build a jump I just built the wall right but I will make it I said my proximity mines so make it more interesting Jordi Jordi Jordi well that was the complicated puzzle but that's okay see inside okay I can see a lot right now this is really great they sort is like standing behind jelly's ass yeah parker's are you guys ready to do some what are we gonna order yeah what do you sell jelly do you not sell anything else sorry jelly alongside each other this is even a nice stunt race guys yeah oh you way thanks for keeping us away surely this is gonna be crazy I am definitely on my head right now I'm actually doing flips yeah this is cray cray jelly I've heard about your loss I'm sorry jelly didn't make it you actually wow that's a bummer that's a taco van you didn't make the cut well we were we have a checkpoint yet make it baby oh hey dirty Jordi you are so special [Music] that's what you get for getting in my way yes you did you've upset me okay and we can't repair this friendship yeah the hawk counts okay the hop count is half a year so yeah if you include a half on your wiener size and it counts for everything else okay what is that judge nothing well he sells a six-inch wiener six and a half is oh no I we're both upside down right now you know what that means we're upside down yeah special which is the josh is the entire industry [Music] [Music] are you sure he's how's the wheels going Jordi because he still hasn't reformed Eddie from when I show his wheels eight years ago and he's in first place never hid my wheels Josh oh I thought I did yeah why would you do this Josh well for the last while I thought I'd hit your wheel well he's already finished so I don't think he cares anymore Oh Jordy you are a cruel mistress go to the left go to the left left side Jilly [Music] Nauticus for you Jilly just go where are you going this is the worst well honest thank you guys for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it if you want some cool merch then go check out our shop door slugger men.com there's a bunch of products there that you probably will like if you don't like them then I'm gonna cry bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,955,085
Rating: 4.8297582 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, grand theft auto 5, gta 5, kwebbelkop, jelly, skill test, gta 5 race, no hands race, flying
Id: wYK52pGLbzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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