9.5kg Ultralight BackPacking Kit AFTER 6 Days On The West Highland Way

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believe it or not this is under 10 kilos of equipment that I used on the west Thailand way and that includes nearly 1 and 1/2 kg of camera equipment cuz I cared six cameras with me just so you know I'm not selling porkies I've got this luggage skill but 9 1/2 kilos that 9 and 1/2 kilos doesn't include the shoes shorts and t-shirt that I was wearing and it also doesn't include the hiking pools because they kind of offset with so I don't really think they can't and in this video I'm going to go through all the kit that I brought what I CAU brought up for what it was useful for I'm also going to talk about four items that I probably could have done without but if you want to see this stuff in action go and check out my series on the West Highland Way the West Highland Way is an incredible route and I had a horrible time not every day but some of the days I had a horrible time I had really really bad weather um at least a couple of days I got a horrendous blister on my foot but but thankfully to counter that there was enough Beauty in the area absolutely amazing route if you're thinking of doing your first multi-day hike and you're you know somewhere UK Ireland or anywhere definitely consider the west highland way but let's get stuck into this kit but we'll start by putting it all back into the bag this pack is the Instinct LP 40 it's a pack that is designed more around the philosophy behind trail running bags rather than uh uh rather than backpacking bags so it doesn't have a waist strap and instead it kind of hugs your body to distribute the weight I but I put this on for the first time I was a bit skeptical about whether or not that was going to work but I can honestly say over the entire 5 6 days that I was on the west highland way not once did I think I was getting uncomfortable on the shoulders now probably you need to be careful with how much weight you put in this I think around 10 kilos 10 11 kilos is going to be about the maximum but I go on really well with this bag might actually make a separate video about it but what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through the bag take everything out as I go and explain it cuz I think that probably better than just land it all out cuz then you don't really get a good idea of how it fits but what we'll do is we'll actually start with the clothes I wore on the trip so generally most days all I wore I did this um the last week in May so the temperatures range between 9° C to 16 depending on the day mostly wore a pair of Trail shorts and a really lightweight Marino t-shirt I tried to get Marino for all my top layers because Marino is warm when it's wet and it doesn't smell as much the bacteria that makes cloes stink can't grow and develop in Marino as much these shorts were absolutely brilliant because they're really well ventilated but they also have an inner liner so you don't wear them underwear the underwear comes built in and there's little pouch down the side you can put your phone in I did look a little bit like I was hiking in a pair of swimming shorts and I did get some weird looks wearing these I wore these on most of the warmer days but not every single day and I've got some other clothes in my pack that I'll show you and I wore in different conditions right um I brought three pairs of socks with me this was the first pair I brought this is a pair of Nord waterproof socks I find these are good for about a day of keeping your feet dry in sort of wet conditions but after a day of walking in these and you take them off the water will eventually sock around the top get inside or you just sweat and the sweat stays inside so once youve worn them they stay damp for a long time and are quite hard to dry out lightweight running cap I wore this most days keeps your head slightly warmer and I'll keep Sun out your eyes Footwear then I wore these These are the ultra Olympus 5 running shoes these are Barefoot style so they've got very wide toe box at front so your toes canplay out and they're also zero drop I hike a lot in Barefoot boots as you can you can see um but I I haven't hiked really really long distances in my Barefoot boots there's zero cushioning on the ones I'm wearing right now and I've done up to maybe 10 15 miles in them and been fine but I was concerned about how my feet would feel over 100 miles so I went for a Barefoot Style with a little bit more cushion these were mostly great apart from one thing these are not waterproof now not being waterproof has some distinct advantages because I know some of you will be thinking why did you not wear warot sure that's obvious it's not if you're in weather where there's just light occasional shows and it's warm non-waterproof is the way to go because your feet will bravee and if they do get wet they dry out very very very quickly they're also lighter way and then when it does get warmer because they're not waterproof your feet sweat they ventilate and you know it's just more comfortable and these were great absolutely great um Filly wearing slippers on their foot but because they weren't waterproof I ended up spending the first two days with soaking wet feet and that led to me getting blisters so I've got mixed feelings on these very very comfortable amazing for doing those longer distances but if you're going to have to hike for w feet for 20 hours like these are something I recommend everybody get if you're going to hike in trail Runners a lot of people are doing that now because of how much more comfortable they are compared to normal boots but get a set of these These are Trail Gators they go over the top of the shoe around your angle and they St grit and Stones getting in because with a low angle and a pair of Trail Runners you will constantly have stones in your shoes which is a massive nuisance so setly stops that happening oh actually one another modification I did to these boots was see these These are elasticated lock laes which mean I Never Had the Time my La their elastics are just sliping straight on my feet and it does mean if you get anything them really easy to take on and off and also when you get the camp loosen up the lock glaces and it converts your shoes into a pair of slippers that's another reason actually why these were good around camps people told me you're going to need a pair of flip flops to where it C you not want to wear your boots these were so soft and com able I was perfectly fine wearing them around Camp even after I've been done you know even done 25 mile days in them the only disadvantage was if you got them wet you're walking around and wet shoes absolutely essential item for me was my walking pools carbon fiber walking pools I got two of these these compl completely change how far I can walk without discomfort how fast I can walk and also when you use these po it's a full body workout you're not just using your legs they're better for your back I've got chronic back problems which sometimes trigger by walking long distances wearing backpacks no problems on this trip with my back whatsoever poles are amazing I'm going to make a separate video about these you want to find out more but yeah get a set of good PS and learn how to use them properly because most people use these the wrong way okay let's start going through the stuff in the bag and we'll go through this Central pouch first cuz it's it's a little bit annoying so this was an add-on to this pack and it gave me somewhere up front where I could store store a snack Snickers brilliant snack on on the front here I was able to store my microphone for my camera as well as a few little extra accessories um this is the main microphone wireless microphone I used this the DJI mic 2 then in this back pouch here I was able to store my main camera which was this this is the DJI powet 3 and this little gimbal camera was the camera I shot most of my trip on this is a fantastic camera got 1 sensor up in here shs really good quality video and it also will blur out the background on likee a normal action camera the downside with this thing is the battery life is not very good I've got a camera that follows my movements I can't escape no where I go the other camera I had in there was this this is the new insta 360 X4 this is a 360 camera and I combined that with oh yes up in here my tripods and poles I combined that with this pole this is a 1 and 1/2 M long pole which comes right out to here and when you put this camera on the end of this you get shots like this now you want stuff to be as multi-functional as possible to try and keep your weight down so while this uh invisible sfie stick worked really well for the X4 what I was also able to do was and actually several people commented on this B this Hy tripod screw that on the bottom open that up and that comes up to the height of my fear so anytime you saw a static shot that was my main tripod for the entire trip incredibly fast easy to use not very stable but all you had to do is just set some rocks on the base it's h it's the most lightweight solution I've come up with for holding the camera there it is with the the pockets Tree on the top and I brought adapters for it so I put any camera I brought could go on this okay so take that off two two clips in the bottom there two clips in the bottom there the one disadvantage of this whole setup was every time I wanted to take it off I had to remove seven Clips so we'll set that we'll set that up there right we've already seen this so this bag is great because it's got so much storage up front which again was is one of the reasons I got it there's two little zip Pockets out either side in this zip pocket we reach in I've got an elastic band just like quickly wrap itting around something I want to Bunch up tightly can useful for like a waterproof jacket Swiss army knife this is the Swiss army knife bantom it is the smallest most useful of the Swiss Army knives it's got a blade it has screwdriver bottle opener and quite prly it's got a pair of tweezers in case you get a tick and it's also got a toothpick uh I use that on a daily basis and the other pocket what I did was I got myself this tiny wallet little travel wallet that just hold cards there's a space in the top there you put some Cas um and then I also got myself this credit card memory card holder so I was able to hold everything was sh micro SD cards so I was able to put all my footage on that and I can store it in there really safe and secure in that zip pocket this bottom pouch then I kept running r in it and I also kept a few medications that I might need quick access to which I did on the trip I use a lot of painkillers watch the videos you want to find out why uh so yeah some painkillers um stick of blood Glide I kept in that pocket running right back in there and then here is where I kept my water filter bottle I didn't include water weight in the weight of this pack and the reason I didn't was because I didn't carry any water for about half the trip 50% of the time because I used the filter ball I worked in the west highland way because they're water sources everywhere absolutely everywhere there's maybe I don't know maybe you might go a mile or a couple of Miles occasionally without getting a water source but this filter was amazing and this filter this is a pure Clear Water Filter this filter is different from a lot of other filters of the same size which are fiber based fiber based filters don't remove viruses this does now it comes at a cost of a slower flow rate but there are people who have caught noro virus on the west highland way because of the vast quantities of human excrement which gets into the water sources thousands of people walk trail loads of people take a poo in the wild that gets into the water source and yeah people have gotten viruses and gotten sick like a a canadan fiber filter bottles they're quite popular uh wouldn't remove that this does so I kept that up here and if I got to a river even if it wasn't necessarily totally thirsty i' fill it up and maybe drink half of it you're better carrying the water in unless unless you're overhydrated you're better carrying the water in your body rather than outside it right we'll take it off now the clip clip clip let's start going through this bag a little bit more this top lid on it this detaches you just undo two clips there and then take out the strap at the back I find this quite useful if I got the camp once I set up my tint that was pretty much one of the first things I did took the lid off this so I could then use it inside my tent Tech strap site and there you go that's the top of it off on the top here we've got stretch mesh and in that stretch mesh I stored well I stored my headphones these are the cinto wave uh bone conducting headphones um I wore these and use these every single day of the of the trip to listen to music to get me going in the morning and to listen to podcasts the benefit of bone conducting headphones is that they don't actually cover up your ears they kind of try to the sign through the bone in your head which means you entirely conscious of all the sounds around you so I can still hear the birds you can hear traffic you can hear people walking up beside you um and you still get the the audio as well it's more like the music kind of complements the environment rather than rather than taking it over and also while we're talking about C so um CTO also sent me this this is the Cino Race So this has all the features you'd expect from a sports watch you can track all kinds of activities it tells the time it's got some Smartwatch features she'll get notifications for your phone but the big difference between this and any other Smartwatch I've worn is well it's two of them one of them is that it's got Maps built in so I was able to download the West Highland Way route load it to the watch and then every day if I was a little bit unsure where I was I actually did manage to get lost twice cuz it was daydreaming but we'll not talk about that I could check the watch and just verify that I was on course uh so I'm going to find that really useful when I'm doing trips in areas where there aren't so uh there aren't so uh there aren't so clear way Mark Trails but the other Advantage this has the battery life in this is insane I only charged this once over 6 days that I was away once that was it it just and I was tracking uh I was tracking activities for at least 8 hours every single day whereas my Garmin that I previously used would have died after a single day so yeah really impressed with this watch also in the top here also good for there's a snack in there I also had in there a and soft flask now I thought I would use this more than I did I thought what I would do is I'd fill my filter ball and then use it to fill this but because there ended up being so many water sources along the trail and that's arguably 50 to 100 G I could have done with that then we've got this this is the O light oal tiny little uh light and inside the tint I have there's little mesh sty punches in the roof so you don't need any attachments you just switch this on stick it in the mesh pouch in the top of the entt and then it gives you the light I actually didn't use this or Barely Used this because it's summer it didn't get dark until after 10: and it was light from 4:00 a.m. so uh and I was going and I was trying to go to sleep most nights at 9: so I really actually didn't need this and that's another 50 g i could have saved and then on the inside here of this pouch I brought my drone it fit perfectly the DJI Mini 4 Pro which is hands down the best small drone you can get and you'll see that from the footage if you watch my videos and it goes in there with the controller with the screen on it now the one downside is this is not waterproof so I carried a plastic bag underneath there so on those really really days um well it's water resistant but not waterproof so on the really really days I wrapped the Drone and the controller in the plastic bag little zip section underneath this and in here I kept um little bottle of smidge insect P put a bit of that on your face keep the midges away um kept my Zio this is a satellite Communicator so I could have used this if it was somewhere where it was a phone signal and got a little bit of difficulty this would let me send out a message using satellites now I actually ended up not needing to use this once there is phone signal around most of the West Highland way but there are a few sections where there isn't any signal so if you did have an issue there did have an accident well something like this might be handy although a lot of phones these days do have an emergency satellite feature can't send messages but if I did get into trouble and all I have is my phone I can still send stand an emergency signal so yeah I I possibly could have done without this then we've got this my tiny little petel head torch it was the smallest lightest rechargeable head torch I could find but again this time of year arguably I could have done without this but I think a head torch is sort of an essential emergency bit of Kit to bring with you just in case you had an accident and you got trapped out overnight it's a good idea to have some light my legs are getting sore and ining down there let's uh look at the bottom of the bag here which is where I have my tent the tent in question that I used for this tent trip was the Durst X mid uh one so one person backpacking hit tint that uses tracking poles to pitch and the reason I got this tint well one it's incredibly lightweight it weighs less than a kilo I think if you include all the pegs and everything I had it was under 900 G it's probably the most spacious feature fill tin you will get for that weight and for that money and another big Advantage is pitching this tint is super easy barely an inconvenience all you have to do is put in 1 2 3 4 pegs and then add to Trek imp pulse and that is pretty much it it's got two vestibules on either side it can be pitched with the inner at the same time or as I've got it here it can be pitched outer only so you can set it up as a super handy shelter I love this tent it is Ni offici my favorite tent of all time might not be the most robust in like really really windy strong conditions but for about 90% of the campan I do this is going to be the tent I use from now on I love it love it and if you want to find out more about this tent um I have shot a separate video going through a few more of the features right top of this bag has an additional roll top that expands the storage on it up to uh 40 L and in here I kept this a dry bag and in this dry bag this is pretty small you might think oh he's only got a sleeping bag in there well actually I do have a sleeping bag in here but I've got more than a sleeping bag because within this dry bag was enough space to compress a down jacket now originally I had planned to bring a synthetic jacket with me not down but I changed my old D jacket at the last minute because it was with 200 Gr lighter but more crucially I could crush it by to the size of a grapefruit and then in here we have my sleeping bag this is the xed ultra is it xad this is the xad ultra zero sleeping bag it's got a comfor rating of 6° C at packin absolutely tiny it weighs it's about 700 g it's expensive but I this yeah aming bag I was warm and cozy the entire trip with that sleeping bag there's another stretch mesh on the front of this and in here I kept waterproof trousers these were great I could chuck them over my shorts or I could chuck them over my other trousers that you'll see in a second for an extra layer of both insulation windproofing and also keeping me dry when it rains so nice and lightweight this was my waterproof jacket that I used you see it's pretty tiny I was going to bring my heavier harer waterproof jacket um which would have been a bit more robust and probably cope with the conditions I was in better but this was over 200 g lighter I thought it' be perfect for this because the forecast has said there was only to be light shs in the end this thing wed out after about an hour on the first Heavy Rain On the first day so it really didn't do its job uh very well it did however cut the wind and kept me dry so it was fine for light shes but it was not fine for the really long days of heavy rain I was soaked to the skin wearing this but it does pack down incredibly small so if it had have only been on off shes it you know it probably would have done the job another feature I love about this bag is it's got this massive front pocket on it so I can just get it all my stuff I don't need to like pull everything out to have a look I just open it up and everything is in here and we'll go through this stuff slightly faster this is my electronic pouch in this I have a 20,000 I'll bring it over in this I've got a 20,000 mamp R power bank I have a very small engan charger 30 W charger spare drone battery and cables for everything now in the end this wasn't actually quite enough for me because this power bank takes 6 hours to charge which I didn't allow for um but then I had a lot of cameras with me I was making a video the whole time so it hadn't been for that this probably would have been loads now another thing I want to point out of this plastic bag that this is in this is an airport saved liquids bag you can get these on Amazon they will cost about £3 incredibly cheap waterproof and much cheaper than the bags that ultral light camping shops will try to sell you okay first a kit first aid kit once again in one of those bags in here I've got well so in here I've got a small first aid kit I've got painkillers I've got blister plaster I've got arm bandages um also have toothpaste and my my toothbrush let me show you my toothbrush lots of people were going nuts about the ultral light toothbrush that got released recently attached to your spoon I just bought a bamboo toothbrush and cut the end off so I've got a saof saw off toothbrush then I wrapped a little bit of insula tape around it just in case I needed taped to repair something and that's stored in there uh something else is handy in here is I bought these Sun cream sachets rather than carrying a bottle of sun cream carry these individually portioned one of those will pretty much do your face and your arms nearly yeah and then a few extras I chucked in like um allergy medication and Garis gone for when i e at something weird and I bought some of these individual uh sanitizing wipes this is instead of bringing a bottle of hand sanitizer so I'd use this if I had to if I had to like you know do a while who but I took this with me after WIP my hand don't bury these they're not biodegradable but they were handy if I need had to sanitize my hands in a hurry and also you can give yourself an ultra white sponge bath with one of these in the morning okay this is my sleep bag in my sleep bag I have got my inflatable pillow X one didn't act I didn't think this was going to be comfortable it didn't look like it'd be comfortable actually I slept really well on this I have an eye mask you might consider this a luxury I consider this an essential for camping in the summer I've got some earplugs and then I have this the um the flex tael Z zero pump this will a single charge of that and fed up my mat every single time I needed it during the trip and you might think well why not just shoot pump sack that weighs less than the pump sack by iing it's 30 grams lighter than the pump sack so this is my food bag and in this I've got about a th calories of food and that's all I carried with me because there's loads of places you can stop and get food along the west highland way and most days what I did was if it was in a town or a village or if it past somewhere where there was a cafe or a pub or somewhere I could go in and get a proper meal I went in and I had a proper meal um and then I just went and pitched and camp for the night cuz I didn't really need to eat anything more that day I kept this for an emergency yes it was a day where I couldn't get in somewhere um and I only used it once it was one really long day going between the bridge of Ori and uh Glenco ski resort where I wasn't able to get breakfast anywhere um and I would have been walking for 10 miles without any food on that day I dipped into this and at one of the an at the dehydrated me but actually upon review I probably could have ditched this this was a 400 calorie ration bar didn't touch it once so so arguably I didn't need it and that's another 200 g this is my anti Midge pouch sounds like my dear ant mge uh this is my all the bits and pieces that keep the midges away from me I have a mid there for over my face um but then also what I find a lot more useful is I brought lots of I brought citronella candles with me so I had about four of these on me at a time and I was able to replenish them cuz every camping shop along the way or even even guard even even any shop along the way sell these and I also brought some of these can you see these little tiny these are little tiny cors these are made by the smoking Midge and if you light one of these it gives off the smell and smoke for about 30 minutes now this comes with a whole thing you might in your arm and you walk around smoke coming out but all I did was I took I took a I took a used tealight put one of these into it lit it um in the morning in the entt and that cleared out any midies in in the tent so when it comes to deal with the biting midies it's a multi- process um I cared smidge I put my face and arms that generally kept them off stopped and biting me I used those tealights and those little cones that keep them physically away from me or away from my tint um and then I all and I um I had the midet if they got really really bad I could put it on over the top but then also what I did was uh because not only the midies you're worried about you're also worried you're also worried it I treated all my clothes with per which is like a spray on insecticide stuff that you can spray on all your kit if ticks get on your clothes it will actually kill them I had no problems with ticks in this entire trip when it comes to the midies have more than one strategy couple other things that were in there a little roll of some electrolyte tablets that I could drop into my water if I felt I needed those and then a little bit of gorilla tip wrapped around a piece of cardboard there's enough here so that if I snap the hiking pole in half um I'd be able to use this to sort of do a bit of a repair okay cook system now and I brought this this that was it that was my cook system this way very very little I think it's about 200 g little 400 mil titanium cup and in here I've got there piece of 10 foot I've got Bolding titanium spoon I've got a lighter and I've got a tiny little alcohol stove and then there is an ultra light support and I build this all together and the all I brought in terms of fuel for this was this one 100 Mil bottle this alcohol stove set up including the fuel ended up being I think half the weight of the lightest gas setup I could get it was enough to boil water for the one time I actually at a dehydrated meal and there was enough fuel in here to heat up water several times to a temperature hot enough for a hot drink oh yeah the other essential part of my sleep system then was this this was mat this is the xed ultra R medium wide mat now originally I was going to bring a mat that was 200 g lighter than this which was the xed one um but in the end I decided I'm going to be camping for potentially five nights so I'm going to prioritize my sleep so I brought a bigger rectangular mat and actually it was one of the best decisions I made it was only 200 g heavier than a more lightweight mat but I slept Rel the entire tip the entire tip the Tire trip love this map couple of things in here I had uh some emergency toilet roll and I had a poop Shuffle in casing need to do a wild poo so I can probably dig out the ground and you know Ure everything's properly buried where it's going to decompose and not sit in the surface the way some people seem to think was appropriate couple of little useful items here this was my was my towel this was the only towel I brought it I actually used this after Shing so I was able to dry my head with it and that was about it uh but it did actually work you'd be surprised after I shred s of give myself a bit of wipe rung this out wiped again and actually it did dry me off a lot better than having no towel whatsoever the other advantage of having a little microfiber cloth like this is you can sort of wipe off your tent in the morning um if it's raining and it's got wet and then when you pack it away it means there's not as much water coming with it this was my another little repair kit this is a tiny tiny sewing kit and in there I've got two needles and a length of black thread just wrapped around a piece of cardboard bit of sh cord then this is a length of 2 mm shot cord that stretchy rope you can make an emergency water line washing line with it you could cut it up and use it to make extra Loops to reinforce your 10 it's you know useful thing to have in a camping trip oh and I forgot to bring it with me but I also carried um a length of spare guy rope just in case need to reinforce areas in the tent two bags two bags left and we're done you probably can't believe all that is under 10 kilos but honestly it is right so this dry bag this is my my nightwear I keep this completely separately and in a stronger dry bag no plastic bags here in this I keep of uh Marino wool smart wool boxers I just realized I'm going like this with my underwear and they there's a whole Factory over there with people working so yeah Marina wool these are the best they take a long time to become stinky and they're very comfortable for sleeping on at night so I wore those along with this as my pajamies this is a Lumi Marino bass Slayer and it is the softest coent most comfortable bass Slayer I've um I've ever ever worn I love this thing it's brilliant for sleeping in it doesn't restrict you in anyway it's really really stretchy but it's Marino so it's very very soft doesn't smell you can wear wear it for dick SE and dies with no problems here we go Lumi and it's also a Scottish brand so perfect for uh for the West Highland Way last two things I had in here where I had a buff in case it got a little bit colder and then I had a pair of gloves didn't use either of these probably could have done without them but probably worth bringing just in case and then lastly this was my other clothes so you're probably David you didn't bring a lot of clothes with you and no I really didn't so two other pairs of socks in here this is another product from LM pair of Marino socks super super comfortable uh and then I brought different pair of socks which were these These are the harer uh double layered anti-blister running socks again really really comfortable and good at preventing blisters I brought three pairs of sock to try and see how the three different pairs would perform and I'd say um these performed equally although if you're going to do a lot of running you know the running sock might be slightly better but these were beautiful to p in very very soft uh the waterproof socks served a specific role but once I got them wet that first day when you know with sweat or water just sort of coming in down top they did start to they did start to give me blisters and then we have my Colder Weather Top This is a 100% Marino again long sleeve top and this looks incredibly thin but this added a lot of heat and I wore that um on the last day when there was quite a strong wind blow it was a lot cold a lot more windchill and yeah that did the job and then finally I've got these these are a pair of trail running trousers they're incredibly lightweight but they're breathable they're not waterproof they're maybe like mildly sh resistant they've got zips on the bottom here and also if you do get a bit warm in these I could pull them up just above my Cal and it sort of grip and then I'd have them almost as as 3/4 lengths these are pagonia they're not cheap and they're also not the strongest the very first time I wore these I sat on a rock and put a hole through the backside which thankfully my mom managed to fix for me thank mom uh they've got the pockets are interested in these they're vertical pockets and they're just about big enough to fit uh to fit phing which is quite handy absolutely everything I brought with me on this trip I planned this out really well I thought about it really well and I used pretty much every single item you used here I mean the possible exception is I didn't use all the items in the first a kit or there was through like emergency things I didn't use but you know you can of hope not to have to use those but you're going to carry them anyway but every single thing of any significant weight and function got used the only exceptions to that where maybe I could have possibly done without the Zio my spare soft flas this light and this um and this ration bar which would have saved me about 400 G but there things that are still possibly a good idea to bring with you hope you find this useful maybe in planning your own trip onto the West Highland Way love to know what you thought of this what I do love about Kit is that everybody will have different opinions on what is essential some people will look at this and decide there's loads of it wasn't essential there's some people look at this and say why on Earth did you not bring XY Z but I managed to get by 5 and a half days on trail without really wanting for anything now this worked for the west highland way but if I'd been going somewhere where there weren't places where I could eat there weren't shops along the way I'd be caring a lot more cuz it would have needed a lot more food in particular but this worked brilliantly for the west highland way and if you have haven't checked out my Series in the West Highland Way go give it a watch go watch the first one first and see how you get on because everybody else who's done the West Highland Way this year seems to' have had a brilliant time fantastic weather Sunshine no rain no wind and I had yeah I did not have quite the same [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stephen J Reid
Views: 21,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild camping scotland, wild camping kit, ultralight camping kit, ultralight backpack
Id: 0vycOTyTnq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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