95HP Two Stroke Triple Powered Yard Kart Build Part4

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okay so this is part four of the two stroke triple powered yard cart now there's still more tubing i want to add to this frame and i want to use some of this i found some of this at the scrapyard i want to use it for this project this is actually 5 8 pipe pipe is measured by inner diameter which makes this a little bit bigger than three quarters of an inch outer diameter it's a little bit thicker a little bit heavier than the what i like to use but i'm not really worried about weight on this project you're not going to notice a couple pound difference when you got 95 horsepower engine on such a small frame now i do we do need to bend this and i don't have a die to bend this diameter pipe and the tubing meter i have is a pro tools tubing bender obviously obviously you can buy dies for pipe of this diameter i looked into buying one a couple days ago and i said shipping is going to take a month and a half and i don't really want to wait a month and a half to continue with this project so we're going to be attempting to make a dive so therefore we can bend this size pipe [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay so the die is finished this thing took me roughly a day and a half to make which isn't that bad considering we would have had to wait a month and a half for the other one to ship so now something i realized a couple hours ago is i have a pipe bender that harbor freight pipe bender that i bought years and years ago and the that very first bender that i've been using i still have that thing and i looked at uh i looked in the box of dies that i have for that thing and i found this this is a die for that pipe bender that perfectly fits this pipe so kind of wish i remembered that before building this thing but oh well this thing was pretty fun to make i'll admit uh which is why i wanted to make i wanted to see if i could make this so uh you know if if this doesn't work we do have a backup so i'm not sure how well this thing's gonna work i'm a little nervous about how thin these sidewalls are that's why i've beef uh beefed them up with a bunch of weld on both sides i'm a little little nervous that they're just going to bend out once i try to bend this thing but let's see if this works and if it doesn't again we have a backup so come on this worked earlier come on why isn't this working there it is [Music] [Music] yeah i'd say this works perfectly this stuff is super easy to bend there's no kinks anywhere plus this thing is way more accurate than the harbor freight bender could ever be because of this bending dial on here if you want to bend to 90 you can tell exactly where a 90 is with this thing so i'd say that this was a success let's get back to working on the yard cart let's let's work on installing the steering [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay so we finished the steering it's a little bit too uh a little bit too quick if i left it like this it's going to be super twitchy at high speeds so how i'm going to fix it is basically this right here where the tie rod is attached to i'm just going to shorten it by like three quarters or half an inch that'll make it to where the steering wheel turns more than the tires but we'll do that later let's right now let's work on adding some type of side rails on here to give us a little bit of side protection and let's use the same material we used for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so let's let's move on to working on installing the expansion chamber and muffler on this thing now like i said in the last video the expansion chamber is going to fit something like this now the muffler this is the muffler that came off the snowmobile this thing is pretty darn ugly and weighs a lot now i bought this i bought this on amazon i don't think this is going to change the tune of this engine by using a different muffler i really hope it doesn't because i do not want to use that thing um worst case if it does end up changing the tune i can always switch it back to that thing but let's see if this thing will run with this so it should be super easy to install it's going to go something like this all we got to do is basically just make mounts to uh to bolt this thing onto the frame [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so we installed the muffler and expanded chamber on this thing i may move it a little bit because i i don't know why i put it up so high uh plus it's it's really close to the seat if i left it like this it i think it would melt the seat a little bit i am going to be adding a heat shield on this thing but i don't want it as yeah i don't want it that close to the seat so i may try to move it a little bit more and see if i can get it just a little bit down and uh get a little bit more away from the seat on this thing but we'll do that uh you know in the next video now i decided what to do with the roll cage uh because i i kind of like the look of this thing right now i like the way it is and i know if i add a roll cage it's gonna add more weight and it's gonna ruin the look of this thing so what i'm going to do is i'm going to i'm going to finish everything install everything get the engine running and take it for a first test drive and see how scary is this thing does it want to constantly do wheelies do we need a a wheelie bar on this thing and do we need a roll cage so from that first test drive we will decide all that stuff but for now i just kind of want to leave the frame how it is and see if we don't really need a roll cage on this thing now i kind of forgot what it's like working on the smaller stuff like this i've been working on these big projects forever and projects that projects that take upwards to six to eight months from start to finish and uh you know it's working on stuff like this again uh kind of reminds me of what it's like working on small simple stuff so i think i've been working on this thing for maybe four or five weeks somewhere around there and this thing is uh we only need to do a couple more things before we can uh you know disassemble everything well d frame weld the frame together reassemble it and start working on uh hooking everything up and plumbing everything so next couple things we need to do is install the radiator and the gas tank i haven't really decided yet on whether or not i'm going to delete the oil injection on this thing and just run pre-mix i think i'm going to do that because it's going to be easier plus you guys are saying that these pumps are known to go out and if they do go out it's kind of hard to tell before it's too late and before you blow this engine up um some of you guys were saying that you know some engines uh not only does the oil injection also you know inject the oil into the intake it also injects it into onto the bushings of the uh the crankshaft on this thing and i looked into it this engine doesn't have that it has the possibility of being able to do that if you get a different pump on here but this pump right now doesn't inject oil into the bushings on this thing so i can delete it if i want to but uh we'll decide that in the next video of this product because i think it's gonna be easier just uh just having one tank and not have to worry about two tanks and have to worry about making sure to fill the oil tank on this thing but uh anyway that's gonna have to be for next video this project for now i'm gonna end this video here thank y'all for watching i'll see ya in the next video [Applause] oh it's hot surprise surprise it's hot let me tighten this up a little bit more yeah that's not good wow that loosened up quite a lot let's pretend like that didn't happen i know there was a bunch of other ways i could do this you know i could cut this with an angle grinder but none would have looked as great for the camera as this does [Music] anytime my neighbor makes noise anytime i make noise those dogs go nuts yep those dogs are annoying
Channel: rather B welding
Views: 165,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KeHkOCYx0wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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