9:30 Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to Rock Springs Church I'm Amy I'm here with Wade today how are you doing doing Wade I'm good it's been a great day so far I'm still excited about what's coming up next I know we have a lot going on here at Rock Springs we always do I know I say that a lot but we always have a lot going on and it's all good things but we are so thankful that you chose to spend your Sunday morning here with us at Rock Springs Church whether you're joining us in one of our campus locations or you're joining us online thank you for choosing to spend your Sunday here with us we have a lot in store for today's service but we're going to tell you about some things we have coming up but before before we do that if you are new to Rock Springs we would love to know because Wade we have that really awesome free gift for all of our new people I know it's so great make sure you guys you go get it before you leave today absolutely so listen here's how you get it if you're in one of our campus locations you can go by the Welcome Center and if you're new you probably don't know where that's located and that's okay we have plenty of volunteers who would love to walk you there they're in lanyards they can make that super easy for you and if you're joining us online and you're new you can head on over to rocks springs. info and click button I'm new to let us know there as well also if you have kiddos with you today you definitely want to get them checked in to RS kids I um like I used to say I have two over there but one of mine just graduated from RS kids he's in sixth grade kind of a little sad about that but he went all the way through 6 weeks old all the way through fifth grade and rs kids it's an incredible Ministry um my younger uh child is in RS kids right now they have a blast they have snacks there's plenty of volunteers and best part is they learn about Jesus on their own level my kids always come home and tell me about what they've learned I can't say enough good things about RS kids just know you have plenty of time to get yours checked in so you can go ahead and do that now but Wade we've got a lot to talk about tons and tons coming up it's already July tomorrow halfway through the year can't believe so amazing and look because it's July 1 tomorrow we know July 4th is coming up so patriotic Sunday is next Sunday July the 7th one of my favorite Services we do at Rock Spring is amazing we have former Navy SEAL Chad Williams that's going to be here so make sure you're in our main campus if you can be or join us online you don't want to miss that and also in July another thing that I love to talk about is Operation Christmas Child oh so good such a great thing we partner with Samaritans Pur and Gifts all over the world to children at Christmas time you can get your boxes beginning next Sunday July the 7th grab that box it's important to go ahead and do that get more than one but look if you don't think I've got time to do it give us the money for the box and we'll pack it for you here at Rock Springs Church so look in your bulletin it'll tell you how you can become involved in that the important date to know is these boxes are due on the the 28th of July so go ahead and get going and getting those boxes packed also look with summertime it's time to go back to school but not yet and parents you're wondering how can I get these kids out of the house keep them busy get their energy out they got to get out of the house we've got to find something to do so we've got a summer day camp going on here at Rock Springs it's amazing they go on two field trips every week they go visit the splash pad at the recreation center there's tons for them to do so make sure you come and take and and participate in that if you hadn't been yet it's okay you can still come one week two weeks 3 weeks however you want to do it go to rsay camp.com to sign up that's right that's a great opportunity for sure but also mark your calendars for July the 28th we're doing something we've never done here before Wade this is the first time we're calling it Israel Sunday so we're going to take July the 28th we're going to honor the nation of Israel Pastor Benny is going to share a special message on Israel which we always love he does an incredible job at telling us more about the nation of Israel what the Bible says um we're also going to have the Isaac's here with us in worship at the original campus and then that evening they're going to be back so campuses don't worry you're not going to miss out because we're going to have another thing that you can be a part of that night to enjoy The Isaacs we're asking everyone to wear the color blue that day as well to support the nation of Israel we sold some shirts um in the last year or so uh that says Rock Springs Church loves Israel you can also order one of those online maybe you didn't get one and you want to wear one on that day but you certainly don't have to you can wear the color blue you're wearing blue I'm wearing blue you can wear any color blue that day as well but if you want to order a shirt you can go to rocks springs.in and then that night we want you to come and be a part of a concert The Isaacs are going to be leading that it's going to be an incredible experience we've got some different organizations that will be here that support the nation of Israel it's going to be a great day so mark your calendar July the 28th that's going to be incredible and the uh concert that evening we're going to have RS kids available for four-year-olds and under so maybe if you want to come and you have some little ones there's a fun place that they can learn about Jesus too during that time and that's at 5:00 p.m. on July the 28th we'd love for you to be there yes and really quickly before we begin worship another important night August the 2nd is men's night it's at 5:00 men be there it's an amazing night men of all ages and dads bring your kids it's going to be a great night we're going to have food there's going to be a car meet lawn activities and we're going to have na Navy SEAL Sniper JP dentl with us and look guys we need sponsors businesses sign up at Rock spring. in tons of Summer funs still going on here for the entire family talk about the day camp there's other things that's going on visit our rocks springs. info RS that's right always fun time here during summer but today's sermon is entitled not bury just plantet it is incredible let's get started [Music] well good morning to our 9:30 service welcome to Rock Springs Church we welcome our online family as well the joy of the Lord is our strength today come on let's sing about the joy that we find in Jesus I've got joy in the strugle I've got peace in the storm I've got strength in the battle I don't fear anymore cuz I'm a child of heaven and my home is secure I'm got Jo cuz I've got Jesus he gave me Beauty for R turn my life around he broke my chain and now I Dan On Solid Ground for all he's done to save me I will raise my voice I've got Jesus so I got joy amen we behold of my bir yeah my dead has been PA then he sent to my dry bones rise out of back grave he has all of my worship all the honor and praise and I've got joy cuz I've got Jesus you gave me Beauty for Rous turn my life around broke my chain and now I Dan some s ground all he done to say I will raise my voice I got Jesus so I got joy like a real running through my soul Joy all around me everywhere I go even in the desert still it overflows oh I've got joy yeah i' got joy never ending CU he called my name every breath I breae Tes in of amazing R oh Hallelujah everything is change oh I've got joy yeah I've got [Applause] joy me Beauty turn my life around he broke my chains and now I I will raise my voice I got Jesus so I got everywhere everywhere I even in the feel it over I've got Jesus I'm so glad I've got got Jes so I got your [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord you may be seated folks and if we've got Jesus we've got joy amen I'm so glad you're here today thank you so much for giving this day to the Lord how many you say Pastor I've got a special request slip your hand up sure sure sure all right let's pray Jesus we love you and we love these beautiful beautiful people and God we're grateful because of a relationship with you we can have joy we can have joy because of Jesus Christ today we've gathered to worship you and we just tell you again and again how much we love you and we pray this prayer in Jesus name till you come we pray amen amen folks we're glad you're here if you're visiting with us you're honored guest we're honor that you've chosen to come and be with us today at Rock Springs Church here's what I'll say we've gathered here for one purpose that's to exalt Jesus no other purpose we don't have any reason for coming we want to exalt Jesus and lift him up amen listen not not a not a church not a denomination not a pastor not a person we want to exalt Jesus the Lamb Of Glory can we stand our feet feet and do that can we stand to our feet and exalt the [Music] Lord come on let's sing together some glad [Music] morning s great morning when this life is over fly away walk to a home on God's Celestial Shore I'll Fly Away oh I Fly Away Oh Glory are fly away when I die Hallelujah F by I'll Fly Away [Music] when the shadows of this life has gone fly away like a bird from pris bars FL I'll fly [Music] away fly away Oh Glory are die Hallelujah by by fly to L where Joy shall never oh yes more we days and in now Fly Away oh to a land where Joy shall never end oh wow I'll Fly Away come on everybody oh Fly Away Oh Glory fly in the morning we not die Hallelujah by and by fly away yes I fly away oh me die by by away oh when I die Hallelujah by my away oh it's our [Music] thank you [Music] Jesus so many days I've been on my knees and prayed and so many tears have come from my soul's place but you heard every prayer every [Music] time you were right there by my side and when you didn't move the mountain you gave me the street to climb the Flames didn't have to burn out you were right there in the fire you didn't move my red seat but you made a way from me I know it's true CU I'm living through cuz you got me [Music] through I cannot forget [Music] all of your faithfulness and how you carried me in the moment I could not stand you heard every pray every time you were right there by my side and when you it move the mountain you you gave me the stream to clim no the Flames didn't have to burn out you were right there in the fire you didn't move my Red Sea you made a way for me I know it's true yes I'm living cuz you got me oh yes you did more than one time and I know you do it again and again cuz when the battle left me broken and I was left there with no hope in the middle of my darkness your head was there to hold and no one else could be my resue no I was too far G oh never Came Upon me no know rock I'm standing on you got me oh you got me yes you when you didn't move the M you gave me the stram to cry oh the Flames didn't hide has to work out you right in the fire you move my Red Sea you made a way for me I know it's true I'm living through you got me through oh yes she did yes she did [Music] come on continue to worship with us the sun was darkened and the Thunder for a moment death had thought it conquered but it wasn't over till you said it's over your word is greater still the perfect sacrifice your body broken as you restored to us what sin has stolen once and for all you tore the veil wide open your power is stronger still come on sing it out oh praise all praise to the name above all Nam Jesus youjo the the name above all Nam yes you are Hallelujah you turn the grave into a new beginning our God is RIS really there's nothing nothing against your Victory your name is higher still your name is higher your name is higher still all prise all praise to the name above all Jesus [Music] you you're the name above above all yes you are there's no God like our God we worship you Lord hallelujah the CR still stand the blood still flows the work is finished and Hell still knows I've been craving still the stone is still Ro and you're still high and lifted up you're still Seated on the throne BL still flows and the work is fin it I the grave is still empty the St is still R and you're still high and lifty you're still Seated on the throne all PR all praise in the name of God of Oh my Jesus you you're the name above all name all right every Let the church [Music] sing every voice will Proclaim there is no higher name hallelu [Music] W to we will sing there is a [Music] light everyone will go there is no high hey too late we will see with all praise all praise to the name of all Jesus you show the name of all yes are the [Music] come on fill the room with your worship today give it praise Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] La let me let me be let me be [Music] free la la la la let me be la la la la let me be la la la la Let Me Be Free la la la la let me be la la la la let me be let me be free good morning great to be in the Lord's house and I'm so glad that you're here today I want you to know in our last service 15 or 20 people joined the church in that service what do you think God's doing some wonderful wonderful things next Sunday's patreon iotic Sunday uh we're going to have Navy SEAL he was a member of Seal Team 1 Seal Team 7 Chad Williams wrote the book seal of God he'll be with us and we're excited about that then on the 21st 21st is going to be a big day if you haven't been baptized you haven't dedicated your child or grandchild I want to encourage you to get signed up and do that 28th not a political day folks supporting Israel is not a political issue it's a Biblical issue it's what God tells us to do amen and we're simply doing what the word of God teaches us to do will that Sunday have a day set aside and then that evening at 5:00 we'll have a Jewish Family they're one of the top gospel groups in America they're members of the grand do operi they open up for rebba McIntyre they're one of the most prolific sought-after groups in the world that Isaacs will be with us they do tell me that the next few days is the last few days days to sign up to go on the cruise if you said pastor bny I want to go with you well you better get signed up because the deadline is so so near God bless you and thank you can we stand our feet we're standing again what a tremendous tremendous crowd tremendous tremendous weather tremendous crowd in the 8:00 service I thought i' to be honest with you I thought the crowd's probably going to be down it being the Fourth of July week but goodness gracious I don't know what we'd do with them if it was up amen so I'm just uh we're just so glad that you're here today the Bible tells us in Psalms 1: 1 look what it says blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of Sinners nor Seth in the seat of the scornful but look what he says but his Delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doeth he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his Leaf also shall not wither but whatsoever he doeth shall prosper is't that good folks blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of Sinners nor sth in the the see the scornful but his Delight is in the law of the Lord in his law doeth he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leavf shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth it shall prosper let's pray Jesus I love you and I'm excited about preaching the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ anoint us use us May the invitation be fruitful God if I only had 30 minutes to live I'd want to spend that time encouraging somebody so God may I be able to do that today and we pray this prayer in Jesus name until you come we pray amen you may be seated I want to talk to you today about not buried just planted not bu carried just planted the old farmer had a mule and he loved that mule that mule really had become like a part of his family he just loved that that mule deeply but one day that mule was out in the field and it got into a an abandoned whale it literally fell into an abandoned whale and though Farmer's mule his name was Caesar he he just he was in the whale and they tried and they tried and they tried to get Caesar out of the whale but they just couldn't the farmer he he tried and he cried and he tried and he cried but he just couldn't get him out and finally called all of his neighbors and he said I want you to do something I want you to bring your trucks bring it with dirt bring your shovels because what we're going to do as sad as it is we're going to bury Caesar we can't get him out of the well he's going to die so I'm just want to give him a proper burial we're going to bury him there in the well so they did just that they brought the first truckload and they buried those Caesar and it got real quiet the farmer began to cry and then he looked down in the whale and he saw something he saw some ears sticking out and he saw old Caesar started shaking and before long that dirt that was meant to bury Caesar Caesar was standing on top of and so though farmer said to his friends he said let's put another load of dirt on Caesar and they did that they just put another load of dirt on Caesar and lo and behold Caesar rose again and he was standing on the dirt that was meant to bury him that went on till the dirt was flush with the top of the well and lo and behold old Caesar was standing there on top of the world what what's the message Pastor here's the message listen closely this is the message when life buries you shake it off when life buries you shake it off because I want to talk to you about the fact that you've been planted not buried you you've just been planted not buried now look here when you bury something it symbolizes the end of it if you bury it it symbolizes closure it's the end of something but wait when you plant something and I've planted a lot of things in my life I love love to grow a garden but when you plant something it doesn't symbolize the end of it it symbolizes the beginning of it and see folks I think many times we think we we've been buried when we've really just been planted I think many times in our life we think well well well I I've been buried no no no perhaps you've not been buried perhaps you've just been planted and and and and God's got a plan so you got to understand being being buried comes from the devil being buried comes from the devil you say preacher where do you get that well it's in the Bible the thief cometh not why does he come he comes to steal kill and destroy what does the enemy want to do ladies and gentlemen you come up real close the enemy wants to bury you the enemy wants to bury you he's come to steal he's come to kill he's come to destroy but wait why did Jesus come Jesus didn't come to bury you he came to plant you he didn't come to bury you he came to plant you because he came that you might have life and life more abundantly here's what I want you to understand God's plan for you is good God's plan for you is good not because I said that God's plan you said well Pastor it doesn't seem no no God's plan for you is good look what God's word says He said for I know the plans I have for you that that's for you and for you and for you and for you and for you for I know the plans I have for you look plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future and I believe many times we think I've been buried God said no you hadn't been buried you've just been planted that's good you no no you you you you've not been buried you've just been planted now let me give you four four examples of this the first example is Moses and his ministry Moses and his ministry now the Bible says this the the Bible says there came a day when Pharaoh was killing all the babies 2 years and under look here the devil has always tried to annihilate the Jewish people he's always tried to annihilate the Jewish people and and and it happened then he said let let let's kill the babies two years and under but you know the story Pharaoh's daughter finds Moses in the bull rushes and she raises him and he's raised in the palace and he lives in the Egyptian Palace until he's 40 years of age and when he's 40 years of age he he starts looking around and he sees how the Egyptians are mistreating the Jewish people they've made slaves out of them they're mistreating them and he looks out there and he sees an Egyptian mistreating a Jewish Israeli man and he kills him and he buries him in the sand and the next day he thought nobody had seen him you know what amazing folks when we do something and we think nobody knows somebody always knows amen he he he he thought nobody had seen him and this Egyptian walked up to him and said let me ask you something are you going to kill us like you killed the Egyptian yesterday and Moses knew they found out about him and listen closely folks he went to the backside of the desert and stayed 40 years you know what there's not a bit of doubt in my mind that the devil whispered in his ear you're done you're buried you're buried you're Ministry is over in light of what you've done you can't be used again and let me tell you something the devil is still telling people that same lie in light of what you've done your Future's over in light of what you've done you can't be used in the Lord's service in light of what you've done you can't be in the ministry in light of what you've done you're unusable the devil tells people that lie but when he was a years old something happened on Mount Si the Lord appeared to Moses in this Burning Bush and look what he said to him get this folks come now therefore and I will send thee unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt wait he said Moses my people have been in bondage for 400 years but I'm going to use you to bring them out now look what Moses said and Moses said unto God who am I that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt you said preacher what humility no no it wasn't humility you've missed it what he was saying God can you still use me I'm the one who murdered the die I'm the one who buried him in the sand god are you can you are you sure you can still use me and God was saying to him no no Moses I can use you because you've not been buried you've just been planted you've not been buried you've just been planted I've still got a purpose for you see see we miss folks what Romans 11 and 29 says Romans 1129 says for the gifts and calling of God is without repentance what what is repentance it's a change of mind you know what God's saying God said I called you to do that you've had some things in your life to happen but I hadn't ch Chang my mind I've called you to do that I haven't changed my mind I've still called you to do that see folks I've done enough planting you put a seed you put that seed in the ground and it dies but let me tell you what it ends up doing it ends up multiplying because that's what a seed does it dies in the ground and then it multiplies see what you've got to understand whether it's the seed of man when the seed of man goes into a woman what does it do it multiplies it multiplies what God is saying I can take everything in your life and it doesn't bury you it multiplies you it doesn't bury you it multiplies you oh folks I'm glad Moses was not buried he was just planted let me let me tell you another one it's Ruth and her mate it's Ruth and her mate now let me share this folks God gave me a line for people in relationships you say Pastor B I've been hurt in relationships in a relationship maybe multiple relationships I've been hurt in relationships I know a young girl I can see her right now that was in my opinion she was she was done greatly wrong in a relationship and I remember one day I saw her and I walked up and I put my arm around her and I said these words I know you're going through a hard time but you just honor God and he'll honor you you just honor God young lady young man you just honor God you just honor God and he'll honor you now now let me quickly say this folks this Wednesday I'll be married 40 years you say well instead of clapping you ought to be patting Barber on the back but you know what I'm wise enough to know folks I'm wise enough that we're not responsible for somebody else's actions and I'm wise enough to know that sometimes divorce happens and I'm wise enough to know that divorce is not some unpardonable sin and I'm wise enough to know people are not less than because they've been through a divorce sometimes it happens there was a woman in the Bible her name was Naomi she was married to a man named IMC and they lived in Jerusalem but they there was a famine in Jerusalem and they went to a land called Moab how did Moab come into existence it came into existence because lot had an incal relationship with his daughter and they go into the land of Moab and they take their two sons in the land of Moab IMC dies Naomi is without her husband he dies and the two boys they find wives they find wives of the moabite women but what's so amazing the two sons die and here Naomi's left with her two daughter-in-laws they're in this Pagan Heathen culture but one of them's name is Ruth and Ruth accepted the god of Naomi the true God of Israel and started Living for him and Naomi said these words I'm going to go back to Jerusalem and Ruth said I serve Yahweh just like you do I'm going back with you now look she was a moabit she couldn't go into the temple she couldn't enter the temple because she was a moabit but she goes back to Jerusalem which means Judah city of worship she goes back there and she looks at her mother-in-law and she says I need to help you out we don't have husbands we can't pay the bills she said I tell you what I can do I can go work in a field I can glean from those fields I can harvest the corn the wheat I I can go and I I work in the fields and it will help us out and she starts working in the fields and look what happens and na me had a kins of her husbands a mighty man of wealth of the family of IMC and his name was Boaz and she ends up working in his field she ends up working in his field oh uh uh the field of Boaz folks you want to find if if you're single you want to find the field of Boaz not the field of a bozo she found the field of Boaz and and she was working in the field of of Boaz and Boaz looked out there and he saw her and he said these words he said she's from Tennessee you say pracher you don't think yeah I do he said she's from Tennessee cuz he said she's the only 10 I see now get this she lost her husband she was in a pagan land working out in a field don't tell me she didn't have hardship but God put her with this wealthy man Boaz now get this she was a moabit she couldn't even go into the temple but wait she became the grandmother of King David and became a part of the lineage guess what of Jesus Christ the devil said you've been buried the Lord said no she's just been planted amen don't you give up folks you've not been buried you've just been planted don't you ever give up I heard about this guy 92 years old started dating an 85 year old they went out on the first date the lady's daughter was very concerned she stayed up and waited for him to to get in she asked her mom mom how'd the date go she said honey I had to slap him three times she said Mama did he try to get fresh she said no he kept falling asleep get this you've got Moses in his ministry you've got Ruth in her mate but then you've got job and his money job and his money get this folks the Bible says that this man was the the wealthiest man of all the East he was the wealthiest man of all these I mean I mean goodness gracious you can read about what he had 7,000 sheep 3,000 camels I mean he was I mean his household I mean literally he was the wealthiest man seven sons three daughters I mean he was filthy rich somebody said to him one time job do you have change for a 100 he said a 100 is change I mean he was filthy rich but what happened in a matter of days ladies and gentlemen he lost it all look here you come up real close you better not take your security in things it's all right to possess things but it's wrong when things things possess you you say how successful is a man you add up everything that you have that money can't buy and death can't take away and I'll tell you how successful you are you better not take your security in things and we buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like and we're trying to keep up with the Joneses and keep up with the Joneses and keep up with the Joneses the only problem every time you catch them they refinance now he lost it all and he said the lord giveth and the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord and when he lost everything there's not a bit of doubt in my mind that the devil didn't whisper into him you're buried you're done it's over that's what the devil will say you're done there's no future for you it's over but something happened in job 42 the Lord blessed the latter end of job more than for his beginning for he had 14,000 sheep and 6,000 camels and a th000 yoke of oxen and 1 thousand CH asses he also had seven sons and three daughters what are you saying I'm saying this ladies gentlemen when the devil said you're buried God said no you're not job you're just planted in 1978 there were two men they worked for the Handy Andy home improvement company they worked for the Handy Andy home improvement company in 1978 and both of them lost their job I believe the devil whispered to them you're done but they weren't buried they were just playing Ed and they went out and started something called The Home Depot and they've done pretty well amen no no no the devil said you're you're you're buried Jesus said no you're just planted there there was a man in school one time his name was Frank and the the professor said to Frank Frank you can't learn there's no reason for you to be in college Frank he said Frank quit college and go sell hot dogs and Frank Gordy walked across the road from the University and he started a place called The barsy and started saying what do you have what do you have what do you have what do you have and the devil said you're buried and he said I'm not buried I'm just planted I tell you I'm going to go back home and listen to this message there there's there's one other Paul in his malady said what what what you what do you mean malady well I had to get an M I'm talking about sickness see in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 the Bible says this the greatest Christian who ever lived ladies and gentlemen had an ailment now what you said preacher what is it now look here there's a reason why God didn't reveal to us whether it was physical emotional mental whatever there's a reason why God didn't reveal because if he had revealed we'd put a greater emphasis on one physical sickness one emotional sickness one mental disorder than we would another God God God never revealed it but wait he was sick and he sought the Lord three times he said God take it away God please take it away God ple go look here get this folks somebody said well you just got to have enough Faith well apparently he didn't have enough the greatest Christian who ever lived apparently didn't have enough that's not a true teaching by the way he said I I I sought the Lord I asked him I beg the Lord three times God touch my body take it away and look what God said he said in verse 9 I'm not going to do it he said my grace is sufficient for thee he said what's he saying in my grace is suff I I'll see you through this I I'll see you through this folks for my strength is made perfect in weakness he said most gladly I rather BR glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest upon me he said God I'm okay I'm not going to let it God bury me I'm going to let it plant me because God you said you can get more Glory out of my life with this ailment than you can if I was whole God you can get more Glory out of my life with this sickness than you could if you touch me God I'm going to trust you that you said you can get more Glory out of my life just the way it is so I'm going to trust you I was reading about Nick voi Nick vo chick was born in Australia but he was born with no arms and no legs and he said when I was born they asked my mom do you want to hold your baby and she said no I don't want to hold him and my daddy left the hospital and he said when I went to school they would bully me he said they would make fun of me he said so when I was 10 years old I got in the bathtub [Music] and I decided I'd drown myself I decided I would drown [Music] myself but he said on the third attempt I lifted myself back up he said when I was 15 I went to a church service and I heard a preacher preach on me blind bmus and he said I gave my life to Jesus Christ he said they fused one of my toes on me they fused one of my to toes on me he said after I gave my life to Christ he said I realized I could type he said I can type 43 words a minute he said I can swim without a life jacket he said I got a college degree in accounting he said I travel the world telling people about Jesus Christ he said I found a beautiful young lady to marry me and we had four kids and he said these words I have no hands and I have no feet but he said I realized I'm the hands and feet of Jesus I have no hands and I have no feet but I am the hands and feet of Jesus folks I want to show you what Exodus chapter 4 says and Moses said unto God oh my Lord look what he said I'm not eloquent eloquent neither here to for nor since have I spoken unto thy servant but I'm I'm slow of speech and I've got a slow tongue I always believe Moses was from the South but wait and the Lord said unto [Music] him who made man's mouth who maketh the dumb or the deaf are the sin or the [Music] blind have not I the Lord God didn't make a mistake when he made [Music] you God didn't make a mistake when he made you and when the enemy says you're buried you say no no no I'm just PL it I'm just pled I'm I'm just pled look I I I I'd like to quit right now but I did some research this week that I thought was good I I thought it was was good and I thought no no I got to give out I got I got to give out to the people and say leave I I I thought it was good so I let this is the bonus this is the bonus that I'm going to throw I'm almost done if you get finished before I do just slip out I'm almost done but this is the bonus I had to bring David into the equation look what David said the Troubles of Mine Heart are enlarged you ever feel like that folks do you ever feel like your troubles are enlarged God I've got so many problems perplexities troubles look look the Troubles of My Heart Lord they're enlarged all these problems all these issues all these family issues all these job related issues all these health issues the Troubles of my heart are enlarged but then look what he said but thou H has enlarged me when I was in distress God said you gave me God you gave me all those troubles but those troubles has have enlarged me I'm better because of them I'm a different person because of them I've got more compassion because of them I I've got more understanding because of them I'm better Lord I've got greater influence because of them I can have a greater impact because of them you've expanded Ed me Lord I you you enlarged me in my distress what's he saying he said you were enlarged with troubles oh you you had the troubles but I enlarged you look here you had the troubles but but I enlarged you I was preaching this week in in Colorado and I was looking up there folks I looked at the Rocky Mountains this week while I was preaching in Colorado as hot as it is here they still snow on those mountains this week but I started looking at those mountains and I thought they're Barren there's nothing there they're Barren but down in the valley growth is taking place look here folks the mountains are wonderful for views but the fruit grows down in the valley the mountains are wonderful for a view but real growth happens in the valley growth happens during the hard times not on the Mountaintop but down in The Valleys when God grows us wait Lord you enlarge I'm almost done you enlarg me with [Music] troubles but you use those troubles to enlarge me but we're not done thou has enlarged my steps under me wait you enlarged me with troubles you used it to enlarge me but then you started opening doors of opportunity you enlarg my steps you couldn't have done it had you not enlarge me with troubles see you enlarg me with troubles because you you use use those to enlarge oh goodness it's all folks I'm listen I'm from the hills of Tennessee it's all I can do not to hit that middle aisle and start running listen look here look here you enlarg me with all these troubles because you used it to enlarge me and make me better instead of bter and then you enlarge my steps you gave me doors of opportunity but oh it doesn't end there because you brought me to a large place you enlarged me with troubles because God you enlarged me and then you enlarged my steps because you brought me to a large and wonderful PR place folks that's reason enough right there to put our hands together and praise the Lord every head's bowed nobody's looking I'm not going to be long but preacher benie unequivocally the message was for me today hey before I ask you to raise your hand I've got both both of them up the message was for me slip your hand up if it's for you both of mine's up both your pastor both of his hands are up both of his hands are up yes I want every person to stand I want every person to stand look here you're not buried you're not done it's not over you've not been buried you've just been planted you've not been buried you've just been planted we're going to start singing you come you said the message today was for me you come online campus thank you so much for joining us today I hope you're encouraged by today's message as always if you haven't clicked the share button go ahead and do that now because you never know whose life you might change if you're new if you need prayer or if you'd like to become a member of Rock Springs Church you can do so easily at any time by visiting us online at rocks springs.in we'll see you right here next Sunday for
Channel: Rock Springs Church
Views: 1,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zmAVEKCz7-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 49sec (4069 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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