93-02 camaro spoiler swap aka de-rice

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so somebody up with this huge spoiler on my Camaro it's like a bigger swing in general is it for a couple years and then just getting annoying that you can't see behind it so I'm gonna just pour the rise it so first thing to do is take off the clips over here you can use Philips screwdriver or you can use actual clip - usually - a bit general I metal bolts but since mine is aftermarket it's like a little boat so repeat that's it don't forget jump plug this bad boy that's your brake and this is what like Barris Camaro looks like and just need to get this cleaned up move the prepped up and roll regular t28 spoiler ones that I have sittin
Channel: bestfromnw
Views: 12,326
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Spoiler removal, Camaro, Spoiler, Z28, Ss, Ricer, Diy, How-to, 98, 99, 00, 01, Ls1, F-body, Catfish, Swap, Install, Simple, Easy, Fix
Id: 4-wxT_vVuYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 9sec (69 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2015
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