9.14.21 National Cathedral Morning Prayer

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[Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to washington national cathedral on this tuesday september the 14th i'm rose duncan cannon for worship and it is truly a blessing that you have decided to join us for the service of prayer and reflection let us pray lord god almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your mighty power that we may not fall into sin nor be overcome by adversity and in all we do direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose through jesus christ our lord amen hear these words from a portion of psalm 98 sing to the lord a new song for he has done marvelous things with his right hand and his holy arm he has won for himself the victory the lord has made known his victory his righteousness he has openly shown in the sight of the nations he remembers his mercy and faithfulness to the house of israel and all the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our god glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever amen our reading comes from the 12th chapter of the gospel of john now is the judgment of this world now the ruler of this world will be driven out and i when i am lifted up from the earth will draw all people to myself jesus said this to indicate the kind of death he was to die the crowd answered him we have heard from the law that the messiah remains forever how can you say that the son of man must be lifted up who is this son of man jesus said to them the light is with you for a little longer walk while you have the light so that the darkness may not overtake you if you walk in the darkness you do not know where you are going while you have the light believe in the light so that you may become children of the light after jesus has said this he departed and hid from them today the church celebrates holy cross day to honor jesus ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross for our salvation this feast known as the exaltation of the holy cross in the eastern church and as the triumphant cross in the roman catholic church was one of the 12 great feast in the byzantine liturgy the 1979 prayer book is the first american prayer book to include holy cross day historically the feast has been associated with the dedication on september 14 335 of a complex of buildings built by emperor constantine in jerusalem on the sites of the crucifixion and christ's tomb the shrine included a large basilica and a circular church constantine's mother helena surprised the construction of the shrine and a relic believed to be the cross was discovered during the work of excavation the colic for today says that christ was lifted high upon the cross that he might draw the whole world to himself that we who glory in the mystery of our redemption may have grace to take up our cross and follow him today's feast presents us with an opportunity we can once again claim our center as we are reawakened to the glory of the cross it is there we discover the definitive statement of who god is in his very nature the desire to draw all people to himself in the act on the hill of calvary is proclaimed the pure love of god john's gospel understands jesus self-offering on the cross and his exultation therefore he is lifted up as on a throne an instrument of death that was meant to be a political statement of rome's power that was meant to humiliate and destroy becomes in the hands of god an invitation of mercy and forgiveness serving as a symbol of unconditional love as in jesus so it is our call to give ourselves to the obedience of god's self-offering demonstrating our willingness as god's people to empty ourselves take on the form of a servant lay down our lives in order to give life all out of a deeply devoted and developed intended life flowing from a relationship with the living christ the cross shows us the way to god is the way of self-giving love the way of god's love is the way of the cross drawing all people to god's very self almighty god whose son our savior jesus christ was lifted high up on the cross that he might draw the whole world to himself mercifully grant that we who glory in the mystery of our redemption may have grace to take up our cross and follow him who lives and reigns with you in the holy spirit one god in glory everlasting amen let us pray to almighty god through christ who suffered on the cross for the world's redemption fill your spirit christ's broken body the church give to people of faith everywhere a deep longing to take up the cross and to understand its mysterious glory by the savior's cross and passion lord save us and help us bless those who lead the church's worship in the preaching of the word and the celebration of the sacraments draw your people close to you by the savior's cross and passion lord save us and help us give your grace to those who preach your word and peace to the nations help us to witness to the faith we have received by our words and in our deeds and daily conform us more and more to christ that we may glory in his cross by the savior's cross and passion lord save us and help us look in your mercy upon the world you love so much that you sent your son to suffer and die strengthen those who work to share the reconciliation one at such a cross upon the cross by the savior's cross and passion lord save us and help us bring healing by the wounds of christ to all who are weighed down by pain and injustice help the lonely and the betrayed the suffering and the dying to find strength in the companionship of jesus and in his passion to know their salvation by the savior's cross and passion lord save us and help us welcome into paradise all who have left this world in your friendship according to your promises bring them with all your saints to share in the benefits of christ's death and resurrection by the savior's cross and passion lord save us and help us let us commend ourselves and for all whom we pray to the mercy and protection of god through jesus christ who taught us to pray our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil but thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen heavenly father in you we live and move and have our being we humbly pray to you so to god and govern us by your holy spirit that in all our cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you but may remember that we all are ever walking in your sight through jesus christ our lord amen and now may the spirit of truth lead you into all truth giving you grace to confess that jesus christ is lord and to proclaim the wonderful works of god and the blessing of god almighty the father the son and the holy spirit be with you this day and remain with you always amen [Music] you
Channel: Washington National Cathedral
Views: 2,882
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Keywords: Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC, cathedral, music, architecture, choir, organ, singing, tourism, tourist destination, united states
Id: _9Txrn43-2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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