(9/12/21) - "What's Going On?" - Reverend James A. Burney- September 12, 2021

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so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] mm-hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so so all right all right all right all right all right good morning good morning good morning good morning to all of you who are in the building with us good morning to all of you who are watching us online if you could do me a favor to those who are in the building if you can stand on your feet right now even those of you who are watching at home give god some praise for today huh i said give god some praise for today listen if you were giving a god that was average and average praise then you could give an average brain if you are giving a mediocre god praise then yeah you can give it mediocre but because we serve an awesome god huh because we serve an awesome god that you should give god an awesome praise right where you're at come on come on come on somebody good morning to those of you who are watching us this morning if you are watching on facebook vimeo youtube or engaging with us in our live chat room found on our church website we welcome you to st paul online our digital ministers and social media influencers are ready to engage along with you this morning real quick we want to invite you to share in this experience with others if you are watching on facebook share this on your personal timeline you can also tag those who you want to invite into your post if you're watching on youtube please subscribe to our youtube channel and text the link out to our worship service to your personal network and if you are in the chat room on the church website click on the invite button in our chat window and share this experience with others as a matter of fact drop some hearts and some likes and some selfies and everything else that you can do with us this morning to help us engage our call to worship this morning comes from psalms 107 o that men would give thanks to the lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men for he satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness are you hungry this morning are you hungry this morning are you hungry did you come into this service hungry this morning then let us now join in on our opening hymn so [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] glory to him [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] amen glory glory glory to his name our scripture lesson comes from first peter this morning first peter the first chapter 13 through the 16th verses therefore gird up your loins of your mind be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at revelation of jesus christ as obedient children not conforming yourselves to the former lust as in your ignorance but as he who called you is holy you also be holy in all your conduct because it is written be holy for i am holy let us go to god in prayer the heavenly father god we come before you right now first of all god we just want to say thank you thank you god for bringing us back to this moment one more time god we invite you into this service because we know we cannot do it by ourself but only through your might and through your power so god if you would saturate this air that's in the building this morning god saturate the wi-fi god if you would just go out among those who are even watching us online this morning god just fill this place with the train of your glory god step down through time and through space god to be with your people god even though we look around and and we see all that is going on in this world but right now in this moment be with your people god in this place and in this time it is in your son's name what we do pray and give all thanks amen you may be seated [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh already [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i will rejoice [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen if god's made you glad this morning rejoice one more time for him please give him some praise this morning for how wonderful how awesome he is but this is a day that god has made guys let's let's rejoice and be glad and it's good to be with you all this morning uh for those watching us and joining us in online and for all of you that are here with me uh right now it is good to be here with you all ah man um before i begin uh the impact moment or the message that i have for the children and youth today i just want to remind all of our kids that today is the start of sunday morning live for us yes amen amen we are going to get learnt on some bible y'all we are going to learn on some bible man we're going to be talking about god and just how awesome and wonderful he is this semester but specifically men some of the characteristics the attributes the abilities that god has his heart who he is we're going to be talking about that this to start this year and so i'm very excited to begin that with you all and have some fun today as we get started all right well guys today we begin another part of our armor of god series um and this one is probably one of my favorites in the series for basically pretty much for what it will mean for us i think so i want you and i know i told mr taran up in the media booth because he's awesome um and the whole media ministry team is to follow me over here we're gonna move around a little bit today now growing up guys growing up i had i had two pairs of shoes okay when i was a kid all right and some of you guys are already like oh yeah two pairs of shoes i had my school shoes uh-huh i had my school shoes and i had my play shoes right now my school shoes those were for school i wanted to keep those clean i wanted to be able to show them off when i walked through the halls on monday morning okay but my place shoes those i wanted to wear outside i could wear outside i could ride my bike in them i could go and play basketball in them it didn't matter what i wanted to do if it was to go play then those were my play shoes well now that i've gotten you know older and i'll put that in quotation marks because i'm still very much a kid but now that i've gotten older man they still remain the same okay i would say that i'd have more than two pairs of shoes but the shoes that i wear are for different purposes for different reasons for different activities take for example guys these orange nikes right here these orange nike 270s right here these are these are some of my favorite shoes as you can see other than some scuff marks but we'll be okay with that the 270s here man these are probably what i would say are my school shoes they are the shoes that i would like to wear to different social events or to show off in public because i like them and they look good okay now things haven't really changed in terms of place shoes because i also have those i have these gray nikes these grey nikes are a little bit a little bit on the dirty side right so i wear them when i go play i wear them when i go outside now then you have shoes that don't even look like shoes i got my nike slides okay you got to have a pair of these right these are for your quick trips out to the car okay these are for these are for taking my dog outside because i don't want to put on shoes for that so i put those on and then you got some like these and these are for some of my favorite activities you got these kds right here and these are my basketball shoes okay i wear these when i want to go hoop when i want to go shoot buckets okay i wear these right here because they're designed for that now the last pair of shoes that i have and these are these are real different but these are my eddie bauer boots okay now these eddie bauer boots right here i wear these when it gets cold outside during the winter time because they're going to keep my feet warm and they're going to keep it protected from the snow i haven't needed these yet okay in charlotte north carolina but if that day does come i'll be ready okay now i hope you guys are starting to see the point that i'm trying to make here the point that i'm trying to make is that these shoes that i have they're all for different reasons for different purposes the shoes that i wear show what i'm ready for okay if i'm if i'm like i said if i'm if i'm here in the hot summer time okay and it's still the summer i would say here in september in charlotte then i'm not going to wear my eddie bauer boots because i don't want my feet sweating and i don't want to be sweating any more than i already am okay but then also too if i'm going to play basketball i wear my kds i don't put my slides on and i definitely don't put the dress shoes that i have that right now that i'm preaching to you all in i'm gonna i'm gonna tear my ankle up or something and that's just gonna be uncomfortable plus they have no grip okay so the shoes show what i'm ready for okay now i want you guys to see that because that's that's really when we have a pair of shoes they will help us feel prepared for a certain situation okay if we if we go into a situation feeling unprepared it's because man our shoes really weren't set for that situation that sport or that activity well guys in our passage for today we get our next part of the armor of god series and that's our shoes okay right you can't go into battle without a pair of shoes for a soldier back then their shoes would have needed to be very sturdy they would have needed to be able to handle rough terrain like mountainous areas they would have needed to also be lightweight you wanted to be able to move from point a to point b in a quick manner you wanted to be able to march long distances and not have your feet hurt okay they wouldn't want to have the wrong shoes when they went into battle guys i believe if we're going to make it in this life we need shoes that will help us stand tall and that will help us stand firm when we face satanism when we face his attacks when he tries to attack we need shoes that'll help us fight him off but also ones that'll help us run from temptation even sometimes paul says our shoes need to be fitted with the good news and we know what that is right the good news the gospel of jesus christ and i want to stress this this morning this is something i've been reminded of recently how awesome the gospel is that jesus christ god would send him to die for our sins to die for you and me that's powerful isn't it well man our shoes need to be fitted with this gospel okay we need to be ready we need to lace up our shoes and we need to be about jesus and that's where our bottom line comes from we need to be ready to be about jesus amen paul says that our feet need to be fitted with this readiness that comes from a gospel that gives peace in other words guys paul is saying that we need to confidently know god's love for us and sending jesus and that should give us an inner peace a sense of security that tells us we're gonna be all right that reminds us that no matter what happens in this life we're right with god and that means something that's powerful we don't have to fear satan we don't need to be shaken by him because of our hope and our faith in jesus christ but guys this is why we need to take whatever shoes that we have in whatever situation we're in and we need to go ahead and we need to attach the gospel we need to attach the good news of jesus christ so you can take out your tennis shoes you can take out your ballet slippers your adidas kicks your flip-flops whatever it is that you like to wear go ahead and make sure that you have jesus attached and the peace and the love that he gives you for example guys if you've got a big test coming up in school and satan's got you a little worried and maybe so worried to the point you've even thought about even cheating on that test attach jesus to your kicks and let him help you study hard and get prepared maybe mom or dad hasn't really been there for you in your life and and satan wants you to feel alone and wants you to feel sad well if that's the case man lace your kicks up and remember that jesus loves you and you're his forever maybe that boy or girl that you thought was your best friend they ended up lying to you and that has you feeling like you want to get them back well if that's the case and you need to give it to god guys and try to be at peace with that friend because that is the gospel jesus wants us to be at peace with everyone that we come into contact with and then guys middle school or high school or whatever whatever new grade that you began this year it may be a scary time for you as you begin this new chapter but man don't worry let god's word and his love be the lamp unto your feet and the light unto your pathway that will guide the shoes the feet that you walk with and guys if you're a little nervous about telling a friend about jesus then man strap your shoes up and get ready for the awesome gospel that brings peace the awesome gospel that has given you this amazing savior named jesus christ because man we are meant to go and we're meant to go and share the wonderful news that jesus died for us that's for the world here and man if we have our feet fitted properly we're going to be able to go do that guys be ready to be about jesus will you close with me in prayer [Applause] let us pray dear lord thank you so so very much for your son jesus god i pray lord that as we head into this next part of the armor of god lord that you would help us have shoes and have feet lord that are fitted with the amazing gospel that fitted god with your son jesus that wherever we would go we would have jesus god on our mind in our hearts and god with the quickness and readiness to be able to talk about him and to be about him wherever we go lord we love you we thank you so much for him and for the gift of your son jesus in jesus name we pray amen thank you guys amen come on can we give god a hand to praise for that amen what a wonderful message what a wonderful message so as you are engaging with us those that are engaging online and our worship experience let us know who you sharing this experience with uh if you're with your friends on zoom or another video chat to let them know as well uh in fact why don't you take a selfie why don't you take a selfie uh in front of the screen and post it on our social media platform facebook uh twitter instagram use the hashtag st paul online and we'd be much appreciated you can share those uh those pictures now or you can share them when the service is over i have a few announcements that i want to remind everyone of and we'll continue on in our worship experience uh i want to let you know that our fall ceo um session has begun uh it started on yesterday but it is not too late for you to to register to be a part it is a required course for all who desires to be become full members of saint paul you can register via online via the church website or call to enroll call the church office speak with deacon marilyn white and she can get you enrolled these classes will continue for about five sessions until october the 9th or the 16th one also uh uh uh reverend uh she mentioned a little bit earlier that the day kicks off our sunday morning live for kids uh this afternoon come on can we celebrate that this morning i want to make sure that we take time to disciple our kids so uh it kicks off today uh at two o'clock via zoom link uh children between the ages of two and eighteen all classes are virtual uh so you get your ipad your computer's smartphone and join us parents make sure you get your kids online to be a part of our sunday morning live for kids the individual links can be found on facebook or you can email reverend richardson at b richardson at spbcnc.org also if you're interested in teaching these age group please contact reverend richardson also also tnt online returns on thursday september the 16th thursday september the 16th tnt starts back up come on can we celebrate that we've had some months off and we're happy to be back in tnt pastor scott would be preparing to bring a new series to us from the book of james uh you can join this study online via facebook youtube vimeo or our church website uh or you can do it through your phone through uh our live streaming numbers so we we are happy for that uh we ask the disciples please make sure you engage in our tnt i want to also let you know our pastor's birthday is coming up on september the 23rd uh uh amen amen september 23rd we celebrate his birthday uh if you would like to share with a card or a gift please bring it to the church on september 19th that's next sunday or the following sunday september the 26th amen we want to celebrate his birthday amen amen people are leaving every day you know but he we we still have those that are still around and we want to celebrate their birthdays we'll also let you know that men's day weekend is coming up our men's day weekend is coming up our men day weekend is coming up amen let's celebrate the brothers [Music] so it is coming up on september 25th and the 26th uh we'll celebrate our annual men's day weekend the mandeville will host a virtual breakfast on sunday i'm excuse me on saturday september the 25th at nine o'clock a.m and then on sunday they'll celebrate the annual men's day worship service at 10 o'clock a.m where you can join us in person or virtually the theme for this year's uh wednesday weekend is lean on god and go forward lean on god and go forward i guess preacher uh for the breakfast as well as the sunday morning worship is bishop john guns he's the senior pastor of saint paul baptist church in jacksonville he's also the new appointed dean of samuel dewitt proctor school of theology at virginia union university we are looking for a high time in the lord a great celebration i believe also on that saturday the men are doing a donation drive where you can drop off items for those that are our neighbors that are being released back into our community from the detention center uh please make sure that you support that also i believe that's saturday at 12 o'clock uh we'll be doing a donation drive by here at the church we'll also let you know that the board of director applications are open applications for our two vacant positions are are open seeking individuals who are full time four times i mean four members uh for at least the last three years uh here at saint paul you're actively involved in a teaching ministry and you are a consistent tither we're hoping that you have a special specialized knowledge or experience for a rel for a relevant field that can be a direct benefit to our board if you are interested please go to the church website in the help wanted section under the resource tab uh the deadline for the application is on the 15th that's this week the deadline is on the 15th amen as we begin to talk about those that are uh we need to keep in our prayer we're going to ask um uh reverend jeffrey stevenson to be prepared that he might go to the lord in prayer um remember the funerals for this week um the family of sister uh the louis foote um she's the sister of disciple cassandra canty and the brother-in-law of disciple david canty her service will be held today at king's funeral home in chester south carolina the quiet hours take place at one o'clock the service will take place at 2 p.m also the funeral the family of sister betty draper the mother of deacon jacqueline draper brown uh son-in-law of anthony brown grandson of draper i mean grandmother of draper and amber brown those services are print pending please make sure you keep them in your prayers also other bereaved family continue to pray for our brother the family of brother charles clint scale who's the father of jerry clean scale father-in-law of tonya clint scale that service was held on last thursday the family of reverend siobhan mcelwain the mother of asia patterson the daughter of tina mcelwain her service was held on last week uh please continue to keep those in prayers the family and brother james mcgrant the sister of denise mcgrant the family of brother jerome beacham the brother of disciples sandy beecher and assistant law of uh rosa beecham please continue to keep those breed families death is all around us church death is all around us and we want to make sure that we let those family know that we are praying for them we do have some disciples that's in the hospital right now betty davis nathan davis please continue continue to pray for reverend paul drummond and his wife thomas cena they are hospitalized also uh continue to uh pray for mark marshall brother anthony fark continue to lift him up uh and and mother coors stitt uh please continue to lift those up there's others that are also going through some illness right now that they may be scrolling across your screen please make sure you pray for our disciples that are hospitalized having surgery or experiencing a special illness uh and at this time we're gonna ask that princess jeffrey steve stevenson that he will come in and pray for us let us turn our eyes towards the heaven this morning dear heavenly father god we come before you right now god first of all just saying thank you thank you god for just keeping us one more time but god we would be remissed if we did not call out those who are hurting this morning god for you've heard the names of those who have lost loved ones and god right now we just ask that you would just go in the midst of those families god and just be with them and let them know that even in the midst of their sorrow in the midst of their grief and in the midst of their pain that you're still the god of their life and that you still have the power to wrap your arms around them and let them know that even right now that you're in control god for we look around us and we see pain in our community pain when three-year-olds are gunned down in the very homes that they sleep in god our souls right now are torn god we put everything in and yet we still cry out from the hurt and from the pain for those who continue to lose those who are being ravaged by coven and yet even right now where it seems like we can't trace you god we still trust you be with your people god be with those who are in the hospital this morning who are dealing with illness god that has ravaged their bodies but we know and we still believe and we still trust because we're still people of faith faith enough to know that even though things may seem bleak we still believe in the power of prayer we still believe in the power of healing we still believe in the power of sustaining god we still believe that you're in control god so we put it all in your hands be with your people today god we pray for this world god for as we look around to our left and to our right oh we see god on the news god depressing but we still have faith be with us god there's some in the who are watching online there are some who's in the sanctuary this morning god the bottom of their life has dropped out and we just need you this morning god knowing trusting and believing that no matter what it looks like you're still with us even in the midst of the chaos all these things we bring to you god and we put them on the altar it's in your son's name that we pray and give thanks amen come on can you put your hands together can you put your hand hands together can we celebrate god that even in the midst of turmoil god is still in control and we are trusting him amen why are you clapping keep clapping keep clapping it's offering time keep clapping this offer time we're still in worship it's offering time keep clapping keep those hands clapping we want to celebrate the fact that god has blessed us god has provided for us he's been a keeper even when we couldn't figure things out financially god has always made a way out of nowhere and we want to celebrate that this time there's three ways that you can give there's three ways you can give you can if you if you want to drop your offering off here at the church uh you can do that also um during the office hours please call the church to make sure someone is here that can receive your ties are offering you can mail that in you can mail that in to the church here at 1401 allen street charlotte north carolina 282-05 you can also go online through acs uh and make your uh uh offering there but also you can do it during uh give the fire give the flyers a platform in which we also take our offerings and donation our digital maintenances for those that are online our digital ministers uh we'll drop a link uh of the giveaway platform where you can actually hook up um your your payment there and you can make the donations there uh so so we asked at this time that those that are in the sanctuary there's a offering basket in the pew in front of you there's an offering basket in the pier in front of you you can uh at the appropriate time you can just reach across the pier in front of you and drop your offering in that basket you do not have to move you do not have to pass it you can do it there so at this time let's go in before the lord in prayer as we begin to receive our offering gracious father we thank you this morning for the opportunity you've given us to give back lord we thank you lord how you have blessed us how you have provided for us god how you have made ways god when we couldn't figure things out oh lord we bless you we thank you lord for how you have provided us with the jobs to be able to give we thank you for the income wherever it's coming from god we bless you we ask our heavenly father that you will bless the hearts of those that are given this morning touch them god god let them know god that you're still working things out god even in the midst of their giving help them to trust you god we pray god that you will use these gifts god as you continue to do your work here in this vineyard called saint paul baptist church god we thank you for what you will do in jesus name we do pray amen amen those that are in sanctuary you can drop your offers in the basket in the pew in front of you and if you in front of you those online you can give online amen amen our issues are coming to pick those baskets up as we continue on in our worship experience amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord is my shepherd he goes before me he goes before me defended behind me behind [Music] i'm filled [Music] no weapon can harm me [Music] people of god sing hallelujah [Applause] and he always somebody just shout jesus he always guides me [Music] through mountains and valleys mountains and valleys [Music] his joy's refreshing his joy is refreshing [Music] restores [Music] that i'll see you [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] we're not alone we're not alone [Music] your spirit lives within me so i will walk in your peace your spirit lives within me my big tree my victory [Music] your spirit lives within me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] always holds me i am not alone [Music] always holds me gross [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on y'all can we celebrate the fact that we are not alone no matter what struggle we're going through right now we are not alone come on come on you ought to thank god for that this morning the reassurance the re-affirmation in spite of what i'm going through right now in spite of what's happening all around me right now i know that i am not alone that god will comfort me god will provide for me he'll put a shelter over my head he'll be there in the midnight hour if you'll speak to me quietly when i'm feeling weak when i'm feeling down when i'm burning down i know that god is still god and god is still in the blessing business and he can touch my spirit right where we are we ought to celebrate that this morning i don't know what you're going through but as i look out over all things that are happening in our world right now we need the reassurance we need to re-affirmation that we are not alone that god has not left us he said he'll never leave us nor forsake us and we ought to celebrate that this morning the spirit of the lord is in this place and when the spirit of the lord is in this place we are the blessing we ought to celebrate him wherever you are [Music] to bless god right now to give god glory to lift up holy hands to stand to your feet and tell god i bless you dear god i'll trust you god no matter what comes your way i will lead and depend on you god yes yes he's worthy he's worthy [Music] we are not alone we are not alone [Music] yes [Music] yes god we honor you we honor you this morning god we honor your spirit this morning god [Applause] god we worship you we worship you this morning god thank you for your spirit thank you god for reigning upon us thank you ah good morning saints i just feel good right now [Applause] good morning we greet you in the only name that matters and that's the name of jesus truly we honor the shepherd of this house dr robert scott and thank him for the opportunity to stand before you this morning i don't take it for granted uh spirit of the lord is in this place and we honor that spirit and we don't want to move until he say move see sometimes we're in a rush to get to a ball game when the one that's been keeping us shows up we ought to honor him and allow his spirit to have his way to have his way we can't put god on a timer amen we can't put him on a timer until god i'm done now when god shows up you got to let him have his way amen amen we thank you for being in the presence of the spirit of the lord this morning whether you're watching us online or even here in the sanctuary we bless god for you being in the presence this morning i believe there's a word from the lord and we're gonna try to give it to you way i see it that if i don't get a whole lot of amens i know you don't have it yet so i need to terry a little bit longer i know the panthers are playing but uh y'all don't want to watch that game no way you don't want to watch that game no way you know y'all y'all question your quarterback right now buddy see his pants is going to be all right i believe that so if you say amen i know you got if you say if you don't say amen i know i need to stay a while longer amen amen if you have your bibles we're going to ask you to turn with us to second timothy the fourth chapter second timothy fourth chapter and we're gonna pick a pick up at verse three ii timothy chapter four and verse three and if you will those that are in the sanctuary even if you're at home could you rest on your feet as we honor and we reference the word of god second timothy chapter four and we're gonna pick up at verse three and it reads i'm reading from the new kings james version it said for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers and they would turn their ears away from the truth [Music] and be turned aside to fables verse 5 but you be watchful in all things endure affliction do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry verse 5 again but you be watchful in all things endure afflictions through the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry amen you may be seated i want to leave a thought for you this morning what's going on what's going on my brothers and sisters in 1971 there was a song that was released which was written by reynaldo benson al cleveland and marvin gaye marvin gaye solely produced this song it's a narrative of the song is told from the point of view of the vietnam veterans returning from war to witness hatred suffering and injustice the lyrics of the song exposes racism drug abuse poverty and war and a lot of y'all in here know the song that i'm talking about is title what's going on this song was inspired by benson when he arrived back from a bus tour in berkeley he had witnessed police brutality and violence in the city's people park people were angry and protesting a war that seemingly had no purpose yet our soldiers were still coming home in body bags here we are 50 years later and i'm alarmed at just how true the lyrics of this song ring true on today mothers are crying because their children are being gunned down not only in the street but even in their own homes soldiers are arriving in caskets from afghanistan from a 20-year-old war that most of us still don't really know what it was all about young men in our community are beefing over small insignificant things that hurts their egos people are protesting about everything including wearing a facial mask that will add protection to their own lives political party relations seems to be more more important than a relationship with the god that we serve things that are right are viewed as wrong and things that are wrong are viewed as right standing on our moral values are viewed as an infringement upon others people's right uh and even standing for injustice is viewed as being unamerican i asked the question what's going on instead of helping we frown upon those who are homeless or have fallen on bad times gun violence is on the rise in our community human trafficking is all around of us and yet many of us are still unaware that is going on racism is the leading charge on many fronts and yet most of us still have our eyes wide shut we refuse to see what's in plain view although we and we formulate our opinion both based off of what we feel rather than what we can actually see with our own eyes our eyes are wide shut i ask the question what is going on i'm convinced that our problem did not just show up on the scene here in the past couple of years we've been seeing the harvest of seeds that was planted many years ago our world began to shift when we begin to turn our focus more inward instead of upward we begin to look at what's in it for me instead of understanding that we're here to serve the god that created us yeah our motives for everything begin to be about exalting ourselves even if it means uh trying to to pimp the god that we serve in a prosperity gospel that were rooted in selfish game i asked the question this morning what's going on as a society it seems like we placed jesus in the back seat and some of us have even kicked him out of the car he's not even a riding along with us we seem to want to only call on god when death happens our financial situation is in a way our job is about to go somewhere else or there's fear that creeps in because of this pandemic but i don't want to let you know today that we serve a god that we don't just serve him in a bad time you know we serve god in spite of what it looks like all around us but we serve god in the good time you know when god is blessing us we ought to be willing to serve god and not just call on god when we want something from god god is not our genie he's not our magician he's not there when we just won't i need something from him but he's god that's holy he's a guy that sits high and looks low and no matter what we're going through no matter what our situation are right now we are to always appreciate and to worship god yeah yeah but our focus tends to be on everything except the god that we serve nowadays many of us spend more time on social media than we do in seeking the face of god yeah yeah i wonder what's going on but i believe here in our text on today paul recognized the sign of the time in his era yeah yeah he he recognized that trouble was ruined on every side and although he was in prison he did not drift into a state of despair yeah he did not allow his current situation to change his purpose yeah but rather he sent word to encourage young timothy he sent word to let young timothy know and i believe these words are relevant to us even on today yeah in the midst of what's happening around us you know i believe that paul gives up some hope he gives us some encouragement a couple ways in which we can deal with what's going on and the first way i believe thing i believe he gives us he tells us that we got to keep our eyes open keep our eyes open verse 5 part 8 he said be watchful in all things yeah perhaps the hardest thing that we can do sometimes is to keep our eyes open physically when we're tired and when we're sleeping no matter how hard we try sometimes you know we keep drifting off and we keep checking our eyelids for leaks yeah yeah yeah we all know how we do it we get up we drink some water hoping that's going to help us out we might grab a piece of candy hoping that's going to help us out we even try standing up sometime hoping that we can shake this thing off of us but sleep keeps coming and keeps going and sometimes we just can't fight it but we begin to drift off and fall to sleep no matter how hard we try we still end up in the same situation many of us end up sitting there and the tv is watching us rather than us watching the tv sometime yeah but i believe paul understood this in writing his letter to timothy he encouraged us to be watched for in all things so what are you saying brandon he said uh doing what god has charged us to do sometimes can become taxing sometimes it can become weighted doing what god has called us to do sometimes we'll get weary sometimes in our physical being we'll get tired and sometimes emotionally we'll get upset about some things because it ain't going the way that we want it to do and sometimes we just get tired and when we get tired sometimes we have the tendency to want us quit we want to quit we want to quit the ministry we want to quit doing what god has asked us to do but we don't understand that when god has given us a purpose in our life when god has mandated some things that we need to do in our life we're not quitting down on the church we're quitting down on god so paul encouraged us to no matter what you're going through right now you got to keep your eyes open because what's in front of you is not about what's really happening all around you what's in front of you is a distraction for what god has called you to do but you got to keep your eyes wide open yeah yeah yeah sometimes we can get so caught up into doing the things that are routine that we missed off when god has made a shift in what he's called us to do yeah y'all come here moses uh god spoke to moses and he told him to speak to the rock but moses struck the rock instead the reason moses instructed rob because he had got into a routine of doing what god had told him to do before when god had told him to do something different he missed out on what god has said he missed out on the shift that god was making in his life because he got so routine doing things the same way repetitive time after time at the time again isn't that just like us sometimes we get so caught up into doing what is ritual we get so caught up into the routine things of life we get so caught up into doing those things that we know that we can do and we know how to do it but sometimes we need to sit still and listen to the voice of god sometimes although we're moving we're doing the work of ministry we need to sit still and allow god to speak and make sure that what we're doing is what god has called us to do in this season yeah yeah we can't become so routine you know years years years ago i believe dr evie hill said it best he said sometimes we become too at ease in zion we become too at ease in zion yeah yeah we we rested in zion we think everything is everything but the world around us is changing and because the world is around us has changed we got to be willing to change in accordance with what's happening so so what may have been good for grandma a long time ago may not be good for little johnny today you know uh uh yeah we can discipline our children and things like that but we got to understand that they're dealing with a new platform because they're dealing with a new platform for them not only do we discipline them but we got to come at the enemy a different way you know we got to come at the enemy just the way that he's trying to get our kids that's the way he's trying to get our family members we got to do some things differently sometimes yeah yeah and while the body of christ has shifted they have shifted sometimes over the years you know but in some of those shifts god was not a part of it help me somebody god was not a part of it yeah come here the name and claim it crew yeah yeah entered our space and there was a lot of claims that went out but those claims are still uh unseen yeah yeah yeah the reach up and grab it crew uh they've been reaching they've been reaching but they keep bringing down air and and and nothing is happening helping somebody yeah yeah the prosperity gospel seems to have only prospered the messenger but it has pimped the people yeah yeah i i know it's tight but it's right we we seem to get carried away with every sound but everything that comes around that sounds good but it lacks the substance to nourish our well-being yeah yeah yeah yeah we get caught up into all of that and and and sometimes we're just like the music that our young people you know dude they say they listen to this music and we say why you listen to that oh i like the beat that's how i like to beat yeah the beats sound good yeah it's got a good beat but we never listen to the lyrics it's the same way sometimes with the body of christ we get called up into the flare we get caught up into all of that but the substance not there you know when you're going through some struggle you need some substance you know when you get hungry for god you need some substance yeah yeah the music may sound good all that but you need some sustenance that substance is the word of god that substance is what's going to carry us in the midnight hour the gospel is more than a sound the gospel is god's breathed word it contains life it provides nourishment for our souls and that's what we need in a time such as this but we got to keep our eyes wide open paul encourages us to keep our eyes wide open because we're not careful we can get rocked to sleep and not even be aware that we're asleep we can become zombies to a movement that is rooted in selfish gains yeah it's easy to look at what's happening around us and to drift into seeing what other people are doing we have a problem sometimes we're looking at what happened in the lives of others instead of focusing on what god is doing in our own lives yeah yeah yeah we get caught up sometimes into looking across the fence we you know we see that they are prospering and but we don't see the sacrifice they made in order to get to where they are yeah yeah we looks like they're doing good and looks like everything is going well and there's not a struggle in sight but we don't see their prayer life and their steady life yeah yeah we don't see the time that they're spending before god we don't see the time that they're taking and the sacrifices they're made to make sure that they're in line with the will of god we we only see what's on the outside we don't see what has happened down on the inside we don't see when they were struggling we don't see the midnight the times in the midnight hours and they may have been crying out to the lord and they've been being up all night long because they didn't know how they was going to figure things out but god worked some things out in their life we don't see all of that we begin to look across the fence to see what the jones has got uh admiring what we see but we don't see the details of the plan that god had for the joneses see god has a plan for us all to also he has a plan for us but we got to keep our eyes wide open we got to make sure that we're looking to the heels we got to make sure that we're focusing on god why because god plans for me is not the same as god plans for you yeah yeah god took the time to carefully create us to mold us to shape us my health may not look like yours i don't even have any no more you know but but guess what you know god created me to be the person that i am that's like he created you to be the person that you are we we we want a whole lot of things in life but sometimes we're not willing to sacrifice anything yeah yeah yeah yeah we're raising a generation of people that's like that they they don't understand that sometimes you got to wait and sometimes you can't get it right now you know we don't serve a microwave god we serve a god that takes the time to make sure that we can handle whatever he's bringing our way yeah yeah but sometimes we become hoarders we become hoarders of things and we scale back on god's truth yeah yeah yeah yeah it it things make you feel good for the moment but god's truth will provide lifetime stimulations yeah yeah yeah we become hoarders things uh shine bright for for a season but god truth it never tarnishes yeah we become hoarders things sometimes break down and fall apart but god's truth will mend the broken spirit when you're hurt sometimes yeah yeah how many of you know everything that glitters ain't gold just because it looked good right now may not be they ain't gonna be looking looking the same way some years ago and we got to make sure that what we're looking for aligns with what god's purpose is in our life yeah there's turmoil all around us these days and many of us sat in disbelief sometime because how can you shoot 150 rounds of ammunition into a house and you killed a three-year-old child 150 rounds of ammunition into a house and you kill a child and then no one comes forward to tell who does it chaos all around us hurricanes devastating the gulf coast and and also flooding new york and and new jersey the covenant team has taken root in our community and in our country because many of us just don't take it seriously trouble all around us people have decided to take on this social media platform called the crate challenge where they go out and they walk over on milk crates stack milk crates and and they fall and they hurt themselves and then the very people standing around them encourage them begin to laugh at them trouble all around us family turning their back on family because of he said she said stuff church member don't want to talk to church member because you got my seat and you got my position there's turmoil all around us we we've taken our eye off the very one that we need to keep our eye on in the midst of this struggle in the midst of death in the midst of pain in the situation we got to make sure that we keep our eye on the right source we got to keep our eye on the one who will keep us we got to keep our eye on the one who has to sustain us we got to keep our eye on the very one that picked us up when we was down and out cleaned us up brought us forward we got to keep our eye on god why because god is our source and not our resource yeah yeah yeah he's our source and not our resource and i'm encouraged on today to know that is we if we're willing to be to remain watchful if we're willing to keep our eye on god things will change over a period of time yeah yeah it may be troublesome sometimes but things will work out for your good it you may get discouraged sometimes because it doesn't seem like god is moving on your head but keep the faith keep your eye on god because god will keep you he will come through in the midnight hour he'll show up when you don't even expect him to show up and he'll show out and he'll always give you more than what you had before we ought to bless god for that today he always returned more than what you lost some of you lost some friends and family members you don't understand why you lost them by god the god we serve when he brings restoration he don't bring you back just to where you were but he gonna bring a little bit extra he gonna bring some icing on the cake he's gonna bring a little strawberries also he's gonna bring some fruit the god we serve always give us more than what we have lost we just got to keep our eyes wide open not only do we need to keep our eyes wide low we need to understand that we cannot allow our current situation to cancel our assignment i'm in the book verse 5 part b it said endure afflictions it said endure affliction don't allow your current situation uh to cancel your assignment paul's intention in writing this letter was to give direction to timothy one more time and based on the tone of this letter it seemed apparent that paul knew that his work was about to be done he knew that his life was coming to an end y'all come on walk with me see paul sitting down there in the pier in the prison see this visual imagine he's sitting down in the prison in contrast to his first imprisonment paul is now his accommodation is a little bit different yeah yeah it's a deteriorating cold dungeon yeah yeah see the picture y'all see him sitting there in this deteriorating cold dunya he's chained up like a criminal yeah and i would imagine that as he looked at his circumstances he knew that his departure was at hand but but see him laying there see him there he's likely dirty has not taken a bath he's he's hungry and he's also thirsty and he could have very well focused on his current situation he could very well focus on the challenges that he might have been facing at that time he uh see the sweat that's in his hot uh dungeon uh during the daytime cedar square pouring down his brow he he's hungry and and he's thirsty yet in the midst of this very difficult situation he still had the assured hope in god it's a hope that kept him it's a hope that pushed him beyond his circumstances to find time to write a letter to encourage someone else he he wasn't thinking about himself but he was thinking about those that was coming behind them he was thinking about young timothy so he took the time to write this letter uh to encourage young kenmore that there's some things that was going to come his way and that he shouldn't be swayed away with every wind and doctrine that come through the church yeah yeah he didn't allow his situation to change the purpose that god had for him can i do aside by right now how many times have we had a situation come in our life and we put god on hold to go and handle the situation instead of going to god and say god i'm doing what you told me to do and because i'm following what you told me to do i'm trusting you to handle that right now you know sometimes we got to look at our situation like a little barking door it's all bark and no bite still chained up and can't come but somewhere but we get so caught up on the fact that the dog is barking that we don't understand that that dog can't do nothing for us he can't hurt us he can't do anything because his change that's on him god has a chain on your situation it's locked up it's standing there back there barking sometimes and it makes us feel for some time it makes us question whether or not we should have followed this path but we got the assurance to know that even in the midst of what we're going through because i'm doing what god has told me to do i know i ain't got to worry about that going on right there i ain't got to worry about that going on right there because i know that the god that i serve have not brought me this far to lead me i know that the god that placed me in this situation has not allowed me to come this far to turn around right now yeah yeah yeah we got to understand that we got to get that in our head we got to get that in our spirit to understand that we got to keep moving forward what god had called us to do paul lets us know he tells timothy that apostasy is coming there will come a time when the truth will be compromised because of people's selfish desires just like what we see happening right now all around us the truth is being compromised because of people's selfish desires we live in a world where everyone wants to get theirs at any cost it seems like nothing matters more than self-exaltation we seem to be more concerned about what other things rather than what god thinks i asked the question this morning saints what's going on yeah yeah if we're not careful uh we'll we'll cancel our assignment to entertain what appears to be safe but how many of you know anything worthwhile deserves to marinate sometimes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah anything worthwhile deserves to marinate sometime what do you mean brandon i'm i'm glad you asked that question you know come on walk with me see that there's a difference uh uh uh in feasting on a meal that has been marinated for a while uh for hours versus the one that you put season on just before the oven got hot yo y'all come on walk with me that there's a difference see see when food is for my cooks around here when food is cooked properly and you allow it to marinate you know you allow that food that that meat to marinate in the marination uh concoction that you put together you allowed it to sit there and it sits there for hour and as it sits there it begins to get down into uh all parts of that meat it began to to to stay there and it began to just season the meat not just on the outside but also down on the inside y'all come on walk with me that marination that marination period is when you allow whatever has been placed on the meat uh to just sit there and tenderize the meat and it makes it taste real good when when you cook the meat and and sometimes you know there are those of us that they just want that just want to uh season the meat right for you put it in the oven and when you do that sometime the seasoning comes off the meat and it just stays on the surface of the meat and it does not get down into the fabrics of the meat that we're trying to get so so that meat that has been marinated is going to taste a little bit different than that meat that you just put seasoning on right before the oven got hot because they didn't get a chance to get down into the meat you know uh and sometimes that's like us you know we need to understand that god wants us to marinate he wants to marinate us and in marinating us that means that it's gonna take some time for everything that he has for us to prepare us before we could he he wants us to stay for a little while he wants us to sit there for a little while why because as we sit he's going to pour more and more of himself on us as he sits he's going to allow his spirit to touch us even more as we sit he's going to allow his word to get in our hearts so more that's that's the marination part that god does for us he he wants to marinate us and he he don't want to just sprinkle something on us on sunday morning see see some of us have that sunday morning season yeah yeah we show up for god on sunday morning we all dressed up and we all got it down high you know our pocketbook is down it matches our shoes later and even we got the accessories going on you know we yeah brothers we got the suit we got the time we got everything right you know we show up for sunday morning we thinking we look good just like that meat looks good because they got some seasoning on it but how many times that when we leave here and we go out that door right there and we get in the parking lot and we begin to curse somebody out we begin to talk about the worst of service we begin to talk about what's going on and what she had on her what she said and what she did see that's because we just got a little sprinkle on us by coming into the sanctuary but let me tell you when you marinate with god god wants to be with us all week long he wants to suck with us all week long he wants to be a part of our life all week long and that marination is spending some prayer time with god that marination is having some scripture time with god that narration predates you that when you walk up in the sanctuary you ain't looking for god to show up why because god showed up when you came in why because i'm marinated in the goodness of god i'm marinated because i spent time with god i'm marinated because i know god has been with me all week long i've been sitting in his grace i've been sitting in this mercy i've been sitting i have having a conversation with him all week long why because i'm marinated i'm marinating so because i'm marinating i ain't gonna allow my current situation to dictate what i'm going for through right now i'm not gonna allow my current situation to get me off course with what god has for me i'm gonna trust god i'm going to depend on god i'm going to walk the way god tell me to walk i'm going to talk the way god tells me to talk i'm going to be the person that god has called me to be why because i'm in the goodness of god oh i feel god today i feel god today the struggle might be real but i know for assurance i ain't got no sprinkler of who god is i know him for myself he walks with me he talks with me he tells me i am his own i've marinated on the spirit of god what's going on in the church today not only do we got to keep our eyes open and we got to not allow our current situation to cancel our assignment but my last point and i'll take my seat is we got to keep preaching jesus verse 5 part c it said do the work of an evangelist we got to keep preaching jesus when we consider the times of this letter we must also understand that there is a separate class of officers uh in the apostolic church called evangelists they were charged with the duties of breaking new ground in the open field of pagan religion uh and also to decrease the number of people that was involved with judaism they were primarily responsible for preaching the gospel while the shepherds were responsible for shepherding the flock but there was also pastors who were shepherd who had flocked that had both saints and sinners and so they were evangelists also but here in this time that paul is writing this letter to timothy he uh tim timothy was primarily focuses on the church life at ephesus he was focusing on the church life itself but paul is asking him he said timothy i need you to devote more time towards evangel evangelism paul felt that it was the best solution to handle those that were speaking against orthodox christianity so he writes this letter to timothy come on follow me y'all to encourage him while he's in prison he he wants to make it clear that only those who persevere whether it's a soldier an athlete a farmer or a minister will reap the reward that god has for him but paul also warns timothy of the coming attack of men who would avert the truth for an itching ear he warns him that there will be people who would not who would no longer be in search of the truth but would choose to be enticed by empty words doesn't this sound familiar church we seem to be in a time where where truth is no longer important uh there are those in our country that are not interested in truth as because of who bringing the truth yeah there are those in our country that will believe a lie because it it came to somebody that they know uh we've come a long way in this country from living holy we've come a long way in this country from from god and itching is has called many to drift away from the things that are important yeah sacrificial living has been replaced with selfish gain financial planning has been replaced with astronomical credit card debt family time has been replaced with netflix hulu amazon prime and the such healthy conversation has been replaced with text messages and social media posting it seems we spend less time with god and more time on our cell phones i asked the question this morning what is going on although we live in in this information age truth is based on who's bringing the information we no longer need those shells of encyclopedia google would tell us everything we need to know with just a type and a click yeah yeah we got less access to to all the things that we used to have before and we got more assets to more information than we could ever ask for them yeah yeah we've acquired more in our life but we appreciate less yeah yeah people who profess belief in christ they will profess belief in christ as long as it does not require us to sacrifice anything yeah yeah we want jesus but we don't want to show love we want jesus only if we can continue to abide in intentional sin we want jesus for the promotion but not for the devotion to god yeah yeah we want jesus for the knowledge of his word but we don't want to live out the word i asked the question this morning what is going on and paul would encourage us to do the work of an evangelist there's a field of people out there that we need to plow up that don't do not know jesus uh he said there's a thirst in the land and many are drinking from the last movement but they still have not tasted jesus people are hungry for god yet we are offering them a fast food gospel made with a fake ingredient ah yeah we got to keep moving yeah yeah initially it tastes good but it does not have the stamina to hold us in the midst of our struggle yeah yeah children are being killed by drive by shooting because others have beef with one another covet has taken the lives of our loved one and yet we're still refusing to wear masks earthquakes are still hidden in haiti soldiers are still coming home in casting after women and children are still being killed trying to escape i asked the question this morning what's going on gun violence is killing our children children are rebelling against parents neighbors are turning against neighbors and church votes are more hellish than holy i'm still asking the question this morning what is going on many of us looking for solutions to all that's happened around us and many of us are providing opinions of what can make us true but i tell you this morning that paul encouraged us that we got to keep on doing the work of an evangelist having faith in god requires us to do the work of god the work of god is centered around the son of god in 1965 a song came out it said what the world needs now is love sweet love it's the only thing that does just too little of what the world needs now is love sweet love not just for some but for everyone i feel god our world does need some love this morning we need a love that was born in a manger we need a love that transcended 42 generations we need a love that can heal our broken spirit we need a love that can mean our broken heart we need a love that can heal the sick we need a love that will make the crooked pass straight we need a love that can reach out to us wherever we are pick us up turn us around we need a love that's all powerful all knowing and forever present we need a love that's known as alpha and the omega we need a love that's the banner of the people we need the love that's the branch of righteousness who are you talking about bernie he's mary's baby he's the bride and morningstar he's the lion of the tribe of judah he's the great i am he's the comforter son he's the chief cornerstone he's a door to the sheephole he's the first and the last he's emmanuel he's the lamb of god he's the lord of lords the united one the mighty seed the mighty god wonderful true fire lord he picked me up when i was down love picked me up and turned my life around love started me out on this journey it was love in the midst of my struggle it was love in the midst of my downtrodden it was love who's this love birdie his name is jesus his name is jesus his name is jesus he's the one that can heal us he's the one that can turn this situation around he's the one that no matter what we're going through right now it's jesus what the world needs now is jesus yeah yeah yeah it's jesus yeah yeah it's jesus we need jesus we need jesus we need jesus we need jesus hallelujah we need jesus we need jesus the anointed one we need jesus he's our refuge we need jesus in the midst of what's going on now we need jesus do the work of an evangelist preach the word be instant in season and out we need jesus not just when we're down but even when we up we got to celebrate jesus it's because of who he is and what he has done that we are able to be here on today stand to your feet all over this church stand to your feet all over this church what's going on it's a lot happening all around us [Music] and even in the midst of what's happening we know that god still sits high he's still working things out we can't always see it we're probably questioning god coming in here this morning about some things deaf angels is still going on kobe is still taking people out and we're questioning god on some things but god said trust me trust me i know it looks bleak right now but trust me trust me and will i not show up in your situation and when he shows up he's going to show out he's going to give you a victory that you did not even receive or you did not even imagine just keep trusting god no matter how bleak it is if there's someone here this morning that you said you i know a lot going on but remember i want to trust god this morning you know i i i i don't know much about this jesus but if you allow me i i i want to trust him this morning if that's you we we invite you to meet us down here this altar the doors of the church are open saints are praying all over this sanctuary but that's you we ask you to invite we invite you to meet us down here this altar for salvation if you're watching us online and you want to connect with us if you want to make a decision this morning please type salvation in the chat type salvation in the chat and one of our digital ministers will connect with you through facebook messages and share next steps with you if you don't have a facebook message then come in with your email and we'll connect with you also we're just trying to reach you we want you to experience the goodness of the lord we want you to know the god that we know to have the assurance that in spite of what's going on all around you god has already made provisions he just need for you to trust him and walk into it perhaps you're somebody that you're looking to connect with saint paul you're looking for a church home are you here today we invite you in the sanctuary to meet us down here at this altar we'll connect with you if you're watching us online we ask you to type connect type connect in the chat if you type connect in the chat i promise you we'll reach out for you come on y'all come on yo can we celebrate the brother that's come if you type connect in the chat i promise you i promise you we will reach out to you we're trying to connect with you we're trying this come on y'all y'all y'all want to pat okay those online we got those that are coming down we want to celebrate them come on come on come on y'all can we keep celebrating there may be somebody else that you're looking to connect with saint paul if that's you this morning we asked that you would just uh meet us here type it in the chat room type connect we want to connect with you we want to make sure that you are uh you are aligned with what god's purpose is in your life god will show you some things that you have not seen before if you trust him if you trust him when you trust him on this morning when you trust him you know that just trust god no matter what it looks like type connect come on down in the sanctuary meet us here at this altar we're trying to to get with you can we pray right quick every hear about your eye clothes god we thank you this morning god we thank you lord for those that are the hearts are being massaged right now we thank you for your spirit god we pray oh heavenly father god today we'll trust you this morning god today we trust you in a situation that we trust you god to make a decision this morning god to connect with you and connect with this church we pray oh heavenly father god that your spirit will move right now god in the name of jesus god let them know hold back the hand of the enemy the verses of the enemy hold back other voices god that they might hear you god and move on your behalf we thank you this morning in jesus this morning in jesus name amen will there be others will there be others this morning that you will come out will there be others this morning that would take a step online will you connect with us will you connect with us we're reaching for you we're reaching for you will you connect with us amen even even after the service if you want to connect with us please grab one of those that are here that are up here in this pool pit and we'll make sure that we connect you with the people that will help you to make that decision amen you may be seated for my brother that's come here this morning come on y'all can we celebrate him or we can do better than that can we celebrate god for him can we celebrate god for him amen my brother we are happy that god touched your heart this morning we are happy that you made a decision this morning god wants to do some phenomenal things in your life in the book of romans and said if you confess your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god's raised him from the dead and said you shall be saved do you believe that amen god bless you brother we are happy to be a part of what god is doing in your life we don't take it for granted we're just excited that god touch you and we want to work with you we want to follow with you we want to do some things make sure that you're connected here with this ministry we're going to ask that you go with uh marilyn white over here she's going to get some information with for you she's going to share some things about saint paul and going to help you to get connected come on y'all can we celebrate or we can do better than that we can do better than that oh y'all want to play patty cake we can do better than that [Music] we can do better than that amen amen has the law been good to you has the law been good to you has the law been good to you have we not had a good time in worship this morning come on can we thank god this morning can we thank god can we give him glory truly honor god this morning and we want to close out this morning but as we close out we want to make sure that you understand those that this may be your first time with us that we have a protocol that we want to do we want to make sure that once we close out uh remain seated and um and after you uh sit back down to us you will come and they would escort you how they want to escort you out we want to make sure that there's no fellowship here in in the sanctuary uh if you want to fellowship fellowship outside of the church but no fellowship will be in the sanctuary we want to be be respectful we want to make sure that we're doing all we can to keep you safe amen we're doing all we can to keep you safe amen amen amen can you stand to your feet as we do the benediction can we thank god for our children's moment this morning reverend payton can we thank god for our musicians this morning did it i'm proud did they not bless us did they not bless us thank god for our ushers for those that are working the parking lot we honor you this morning for those that are on our hospitality ministry uh we thank god for you also bless god let us go to the lord and prayer gracious father we thank you for our time our worship this morning god we thank you lord for how you poured out your spirit upon us we thank you for blessing us in spite of us we ask oh heavenly father that as we look at what's going on all around us god that we remember god we have a charge this morning to keep our eyes wide open to not allow our situation to affect our purpose the direction that you called us to be and we got to keep right on preaching god's word preach jesus we thank you oh heavenly father now unto him who is able to keep us from falling to present us faultless before his throne with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory be majesty dominion and power both now and forever let the church of god say amen amen those in the sanctuary please be seated our usher will come and they will escort you out [Music] you
Channel: StPaulBaptistNC
Views: 1,365
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Charlotte, Church, Baptist, Reverend, Dr., Robert, Scott, Reverend Dr. Robert Scott, Pastor, Sermon, Worship, Pastor Scott, Preaching, Praise, God, Jesus, Being the Church
Id: V-t937iF7kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 12sec (6132 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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