90's Spider-Man Sabotages A Classroom (A.I Voice)

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so who do you guys think will be the new substitute I hope it's that Amazing Spider-Man guy I hope it's that Spider-Man from the 30s I hope it's another me want to know what I hope I hope you bon heads are in for a hell of a day this isn't going to be fun you're damn right why would this be fun let me tell it to yall straight I am not a Spider-Man to with if you bother me or disrupt me while I'm talking I will automatically tear you limb from limb if you don't believe me try me quick question what does bonehead mean it has something to do with the contents of your skull and if you interrupt me again I'll connect my fist with it dude you need to relax relax don't you yahoos get it the black Spider-Man never relaxes so for today's assignment you all are going to write a 10-page essay on why the symbiot is the best thing to happen to a Spider-Man due tonight thank God it's lunchtime got me up if you think I'm doing that essay
Channel: 1xShaunn
Views: 103,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ks5KimbIgLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 2sec (62 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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