9. The Life of Christ | Biblical Timeline

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this is a production of world video Bible School to God be the glory you welcome to our scriptural study of time as it pertains to biblical history my name is John Hall I'm glad you're back with us for our ninth lesson in this series my prayer of these studies will be a great benefit to your personal study of God's Word in our first seven lessons we covered a period of time ranging from the creation of time all the way to the prophets before during and after the Babylonian captivity it was a period of around 3,600 years this is where we began our eighth and previous study we looked at what is often called the intertestamental period during this period we saw the prophets outlining a broad overview of important events that would lead to the New Testament within that broad outline we zoomed in using extra biblical history to try to approximate the spans covered during these periods we looked at such ruler as ex Alexander the Great Antiochus Epiphanes and finally Julius Caesar it is with Julius Caesar that we will begin our study of the life of Christ following the murder of Julius Caesar Rome soon broke into a three man rule or triumvirate consisting of Augustus Octavius Marc Anthony and Marcus Lepidus Anthony was eventually outlawed by the Roman Senate and Lepidus was exiled by Augustus Augustus would be Caesar until 14 ad this would be the exact caesar under whom Jesus of Nazareth was to be born and it came to pass in those days that there went out to decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed Luke chapter 2 and verse 1 Augustus would still be Caesar when Jesus was 12 in the temple Luke 2 in verse 42 however very soon after that he would die of an illness the next event in biblical history will be during the time of Tiberius Caesar Tiberius Caesar ruled from 14 ad to 37 ad Luke opens this biblical period of time by noting it was in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar Luke three and verse one already therefore we have an idea of where we are on our timeline around 29 ad it should also be noted that in 29 ad Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age Luke 3 and verse 23 recall this was the same age of David when he began to rule 2nd samuel 5 and verse 4 using this information we can arrive pretty closely at the time for the events opening the new testament the first piece of new history from the four accounts the gospel was the prophesied birth of John the immerser recorded by Luke Luke reveals that John and Jesus would be around six months apart and in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth Luke 1 in verse 26 this 6 month will later be clarified as the six month of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John Luke 1 and verse 36 if Jesus was thirty in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar 29 ad this would put the birth of Jesus around 1 BC and there for the birth of John either earlier that same year or late to BC this is where we will continue with our timeline Jesus was born in a manger the angels told the Shepherd's unto you Is Born This Day Luke 2 and verse 11 the Christ and they would find him that day lying in a manger Luke 2 verse 12 quickly following his birth he was moved to a house according to Matthew 2 in verse 11 the place were the three wise men from the Eastwood come and worship him Matthew 2 in verse 11 more than likely this is where they would wait until the end of Mary's purification period so they could go to the temple as commanded by the old law during this period Jesus would be circumcised on the eighth day Luke 2 in verse 21 and then when the day is their purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished they brought him that is Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord Luke 2 in verse 22 we know that the purification period for a Jewish woman having given birth to a boy was 33 days following his circumcision which was 8 days Leviticus 12 and verse 4 therefore the events that take place in Luke 2:22 through 38 take place when Jesus is around 40 days old at this point we moved to the account of Matthew for the next events in Jesus's early life and Angela Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Jesus into Egypt to protect him from Herod Matthew 2 and verse 13 is that this time that we will note our first Herod inscription this is the haird who will come to be called Herod the Great he is called Herod the king in Matthew 2 verse 1 and verse 3 not because he's replaced a Caesar but because he'd been appointed by Rome as King of the Jews it is upon his death that the angel Lord tells Joseph he can safely bring Jesus back to Israel Matthew 2 in verse 19 one of herod the great sons are Calais replaced his father on the Judean throne Matthew 2 in verse 22 and Jesus then returned to Galilee Matthew to 22 to 23 this is where we meet back up with Luke's account where Luke records and when they had performed all things according to law the Lord they returned into Galilee Luke 2 and verse 39 from this point forward tracking the life of Christ will be divided into five Passover's we will use these five Passover should divide our entries on the life of Christ timeline the first Passover history will pick back up with Jesus when he is 12 years old when he is forgotten by his parents in the temple Luke - 42 through 44 this will be denoted by our first recorded New Testament Passover found in Luke 2 in verse 41 following these events again he went down with them and came to Nazareth verse 51 the timeline picks back up when he is about thirty years of age Luke 3 verse 23 next we'll look at the time before the second pass over the remaining Passover's will be consecutive and therefore each will represent a change in time of one year the second Passover will be in John chapter 2 in verse 13 therefore let's see what has happened before this Passover John has already begun his preaching as has Jesus Jesus will travel from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized of John Matthew 3 and verse 13 Mark's account says that following his baptism immediately the spirit drive with him in the wilderness mark 1 and verse 12 to be tempting Jesus will next cross the Jordan on his way back to Galilee having been tempted it is here in Bethabara probably Bethany beyond the Jordan John will describe him as the Lamb of God John 1 verse 29 in the presence of Andrew Andrew will then go and tell his brother Peter and the two of them would become his disciples John 1:43 42 the next day Jesus would complete his journey to Galilee by way of Bethsaida John 1:43 344 where he would call Philip and Nathanael in verse 45 the next day according to John 2 verse 1 Jesus would be summoned to a wedding in Cana where he would perform his first recorded miracle John - and verse 2 after this Jesus with his mother and disciples went to Capernaum John - in verse 12 not many days the next event is going to be Jesus returning to Jerusalem for the Passover John - and verse 13 it is here therefore we will switch to the time between the second and third Passover's let's recall the Passover occurs in the first month of the Hebrew calendar Exodus 12 verse 2 we're going to note this as 30 ad therefore around the time of our March in April while in Jerusalem several notable events occurred first Jesus cleansed the temple the first time John 2 verse 15 and performed miracles in Judea for the first time John - in verse 23 next Nicodemus visits him by night John 3 and verse 2 Jesus then spend some time with his disciples in the rural parts of Judea John 3 in verse 22 teaching and baptizing it is important to note that John 2 was still baptizing because John was not yet cast into prison according to John 3 and verse 24 there's an important time reference that places these events before the events found after Matthew 4 verse 12 in Matthew 4 verse 12 Jesus hears that John has been put in prison he will still be in prison in Matthew 11 verse 2 and we'll finally be beheaded in Matthew 14 and verse 10 there seems to be little time between John's beheading and Jesus feeding the 5,000 Matthew 14 13 through 21 John 6 and verse 10 this means that all that happens between matthew 4 and Matthew 13 happens before John chapter 6 within that timeframe we can narrow our times down even further Jesus is in Samaria in Matthew 9 and verse 37 and also is in Samaria in John's 4 and verse 35 since as we will see in a moment the next Passover will happen in John 5 and verse 1 this means Matthew 4 through 9 at least happened during this period in other words this is the year Jesus preached his Sermon on the Mount these all will happen during jesus's first full year of work this work was best characterized by work in Galilee with Psalm recorded work in Samaria our next portion is the time between the 3rd and 4th Passover's there's an important time reference in John 4 and verse 35 that reveals the Feast of the Jews referenced in John 5 and verse 1 Jesus tells the disciples say not ye there are yet four months and then cometh the harvest John 4 and verse 35 there were three main feasts of the Jews according to Exodus 23 in verse 14 the first was the feast of unleavened bread this feast was a day after the Passover according to Leviticus 23 5 through 6 in the fifteenth day of the first month around our March or April the very name of B means young or green ear of grain found in Leviticus 2 verse 14 it was during the season characterized by the latter or second rain season Joel 2 verse 23 the second feast was the feast of harvest X's 23 and verse 16 also called the feast of weeks in Exodus 34 verse 22 in the New Testament this is going to be the feast called the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 and verse 1 they were to count seven weeks from the first sabbath of the barley harvest then feast on the fiftieth day leviticus 23 15 this would place the feast early in the third month around our May or June the third feast was the feast of ingathering aches of 23 and verse 16 also called the feast of booths in Leviticus 23 41 through 42 as the later called the Feast of Tabernacles in John 7 and verse 2 it was in the seventh month Nehemiah 8 verse 2 verse 14 called Ă«the anem in first Kings 8 and verse 2 around our September to October this was the period for sowing and plowing during the former or 1st rainy season now let's use this information to draw some conclusions if John 2 in verse 13 is Passover number two around our March or April and John 4 and verse 35 is four months before the harvest this puts John four in verse 35 after all three feasts of that John 2:13 year or thirty ad for this reason what seems the most consistent with our conclusion is that the Feast of the Jews that Jesus was going from Galilee to Jerusalem for in John 5:1 would be the first feast of the next year or Passover for this reason John 5 and verse 1 will mark our transition into the next period and hence we'll cover events in 31 ad this period was probably best characterized by the limited Commission Matthew 10 in verse 1 and the Ministry of Jesus in the home city of his apostles Matthew 11 and verse 1 our next period of time is going to cover the time between the 4th and 5th Passover's in John's account he rapidly moved to the next Passover in just one chapter in John 6 and verse 4 records and the Passover a feast of the Jews was nine is also notable that by John 7 and verse two he is already nearing the seventh month in this account marked by the Feast of Tabernacles so for this period much of the work of Jesus is going to record it in the other three accounts of the gospel this would be about 32 ad and it would see the following the beheading of John Matthew 14 and verse 10 the feeding of the 5,000 Matthew 14 and verse 21 [Music] Jesus's work in tyre and sidon Matthew 15 in verse 21 his work in the borders of Caesarea Philippi Matthew 16:13 and his Transfiguration before Peter James and John Matthew 17 and verse 1 John records that Jesus was in Jerusalem for the feast of dedication and it was winter John 10 and verse 11 this is commonly known today as Hanukkah as we near the final Passover we will be tracking in this study found in John 11 and verse 55 we also note that this is the year during which Jesus would raise Lazarus John 11 in verse 1 in summary this year is characterized by jesus's work around galilee including caesarea philippi tyre and sidon time leading up to and after the fifth Passover the final Passover is found in all four accounts of the life of Christ Matthew's account in 26 and verse 2 Mark's account in 14 in verse 1 Luke's account in 22 verse 1 and John's account in 11 and verse 51 as well as 19 and verse 14 now nearing his hour to die Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem Luke 2:9 of verse 51 the year was now 33 AD scripture records that he Jesus departed from Galilee and came into the coasts or the borders of Judea beyond the Jordan Matthew 19 and verse 1 six days before the Passover this is to be understood as including that day or in other words the Passover would come five days after that day Jesus came to the other Bethany near Jerusalem John 12 and verse one this would be the tenth day of the month Abib and on the next day John 12 and verse 12 or five days before the Passover the Passover would come four days after that day Jesus and His disciples left Jericho Matthew 20 and verse 29 and drew near to Jerusalem this would be the eleventh day of Abib they came to Bethpage unto the Mount of Olives Matthew 21 and verse 1 the Mount of Olives is on the east side of Jerusalem near Bethany of Judea Luke 19 in verse 29 he sent some of his disciples ahead and as he drew closer to the city scripture records that he wept over it Luke 19 in verse 41 his entry into Jerusalem on this occasion has been classically designated his triumphal entry he goes into the temple and cleanse it a second time Matthew 21 and verse 12 heals the lame and then at the close the day leaves the city limits and goes back to Bethany to Lodge that night Matthew 21 and verse 17 the next morning or four days before the Passover in other words the Passover would come three days after that day he returned to the city Matthew 21 and verse 18 passing the fruitless fig tree on the way this would be the 12th day of Abib he preached some powerful lessons to the Jewish leaders that day in the temple and then left the temple Matthew 24 and verse one the next day three days before the Passover also referred to as the Passover arriving after two days Matthew 26 and verse to Jesus again warns his disciples he would soon be betrayed and crucified this would be the 13th day of Abib meanwhile Judas is making a deal with the chief priests and Jews to betray Jesus the next day two days before the Passover or the day before the Passover would come the first day of the feast of unleavened bread has arrived Matthew 26 and verse 17 this puts it on the 14th day of Abib hence the Passover land would be killed that evening and evening when marked the next day that evening thus making it the next day according to the Jewish days the Passover will be per taken of and the Lord would Institute the memorial of his death master 26 26 through 28 it would also be betrayed into the hands of the Jews and crucified Paul makes this clear when he states that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread for screens 11 in verse 23 placing these two events on the same day let's zoom in further and track Jesus's last day before being crucified it is important to note that the way Hebrews would track a day a Jew would mark the turning of a new 24-hour day period as happening from evening to the next evening or around 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. note this measurement found in these three examples in Genesis 1 and verse 5 X is 12 and verse 18 in Leviticus 23 and verse 32 among many others that can be found this would make the Passover on the fifteenth day of Abib Leviticus 23 and verse 6 this particular day began when Jesus sat down with his apostles to partake of the Passover hymn scripture records now when the even was come he sat down with the twelve Matthew 26 and verse 20 John Mark defines even or evening when he writes even when the Sun did set mark 1 and verse 32 Jesus began this evening with the Passover meal followed by the institution of the Lord's Supper Matthew 26 verse 21 and verse 26 when they had finished they sang a song and then went to the Mount of Olives and verse 30 Jesus would then pray for hours and then garden Gethsemane as it turned tonight having returned from his first session of praying he asked the Apostles why they could not watch and pray for one hour mark 14 and verse 37 this happened three times so we have advanced in time at least three hours but probably closer to four this is probably why the Apostles appeared to be so tired already in Matthew 26 and verse 43 this is also why when the great multitude came to Jesus in the garden they came with lanterns and torches john 18 and verse 3 it was now late in the night and there should be remembered as the jews do what they do they are not carrying their plan out in broad daylight from the garden Jesus is driven first to anis the father-in-law of Caiaphas John 18 and verse 13 anise would still be considered high priest in the Jewish mind however Caiaphas had been made official High Priest by the Romans John continues now Anna's had sent him bound unto Caiaphas John 18 in verse 24 scripture says Caiaphas had already planned a year before that Jesus must die John 11 in verse 51 it is now very early in the morning probably between 2:00 and 5:00 a.m. add to that all the physical abuse Jesus was experiencing the fact that he had gone at least 36 hours without sleep scripture in extra cords when the morning was come they bound him and led him away and delivered him to Pontius Pilate Matthew 27 and verse 2 the morning would be 6 a.m. in the middle of the Hebrew day during pilots first episode of interrogation he found out Jesus was from Galilee at this point he sent Jesus to Herod who was across the city of Jerusalem Luke 23 and verse 7 herod set him at nought Luke 23 and verse 11 or treated him as if he was nothing he arrayed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him again or back to Pilate Luke 23 and verse 11 and Jesus's second appearance before Pilate Pilate releases Barabbas and gives Jesus his sentence of crucifixion Luke 23 24 through 25 let's briefly return to the layout of the Jewish day from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. would be measured in 4:3 our watches reference Matthew 14 and verse 25 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. will be measured in 1260 minute hours all of these events culminating in Jesus finally being raised up on the cross happened in 3 hours scripture records and it was the third hour and they crucified Him mark 15 and verse 25 therefore Jesus was put on the cross around 9:00 a.m. our next time reference is after Jesus has been on the cross for three hours Matthew records now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour Matthew 27 and verse 45 this being 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. is even more significant because there was darkness when the Sun was at its highest this is probably why this miracle was so notable for the Roman guards Luke 23 and verse 47 and then finally having endured all that the father for knew the son would endure about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice Matthew 27 and verse 46 and then yielded up the ghost in verse 50 thus Jesus dies in the same Jewish day as when the final Jewish Passover was kept Joseph of Arimathea then begged Pilate for the dead body of Jesus probably for two reasons first because according to law Moses his body was not to remain on the cross at night Deuteronomy 21 and verse 23 second because he was not to do any work on the Sabbath and this was the day of preparation John 19 and verse 31 or the day before the Sabbath mark 15 and verse 42 this brings us to the end of the final Passover hour next time reference will be in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week in matthew 28 and verse 1 there is dispute of whether this allows for three days in the tomb is my contention that three days and three nights in the tomb is accommodative language for him rising on the third day matthew 16 and verse 21 there are other places in scripture that use the same language for example 40 days and 40 nights is used interchangeably with 40 days in Genesis chapter 7 three days and three nights is used interchangeably with three days in 1st Samuel 33 days is used interchangeably with on the third day in first Kings 12 three days and three nights is used interchangeably with on the third day in Esther chapter four and Esther chapter five also important to note is that in this very context the Jews recalled that Jesus said after three days I will rise again matthew 27 and verse 63 they understood that to mean they should make sure the sepulchre be made sure until the third day matthew 27 and verse 64 there is no contradiction here jesus was raised on the third day crucified friday around 3 p.m. and raised the third day the first day of the week there are some who would even say the sabbath referenced in john was not the normal weekly sabbath but actually fell on the special sabbath associated with the passover x is 12 and verse 16 this might allow for a full period of three days and three nights either way we are assured by all four authors the Gospel accounts that Jesus rose on the first day of the week Luke reveals that Jesus was seen of them 40 days x1 and verse 3 after his resurrection this will lead into the book of Acts where Jesus then ascends back to the Father x1 and verse 9 and around a week later will be pouring out the spirit upon the Apostles on pit Pentecost this is all happening in 33 AD let's see all of this on our timeline before we conclude it is important to note several things first the Apostle John spends much of his book proving that the word is much older than 33 the Jews said to Jesus thou are not yet fifty years old and hast thou seen Abraham on John 8 and verse 57 to which Jesus responds before Abraham was I am John 8 and verse 58 what we have covered in this study has only been the work of the word when he was made flesh John 1 verse 14 secondly it is remarkable that Jesus did in three years what we can never do in a lifetime jesus said as long as I am in the world on the light of the world John 9 and verse 5 never has a light shone so brightly this concludes our ninth section of this study during this portion of our study we have taken a deeper look into the time of Jesus on earth we have covered all the way from the prophesying of his birth to his ascension back to the Father this leads us perfectly into our next study the first century Church of Christ in the book of Acts I pray that you join us for this next portion of our study thank you for your attention - may God bless your studies of His Word you
Channel: World Video Bible School (WVBS)
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Keywords: WVBS, World Video Bible School, Bible timeline, Bible chronology, Bible History, Bible periods, Bible dispensations, Old Testament History, New Testament History, Bible Overview, When Bible occurs, Date of creation, time of creation, John Hall, Bible Ages, Biblical ages, Biblical periods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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