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[Music] hi everyone my name is arvin olano and welcome to my youtube channel so nobody asked but in today's video we are doing some spring cleaning and i'm sharing nine things that i think you need to throw away now billie jean sally sue i want you to listen carefully because you might have some of these items in your home right now and just because i think you need to throw it away doesn't mean you really have to okay these are just my thoughts and opinions everybody has one you don't have to listen to me here on my channel we like to have fun we like to laugh at each other at me down in the comments so the first thing that i think you need to throw away our designer shopping bags designer shopping bags are not home decor okay and i know you probably thinking like but arvin these shopping bags remind me of a special memory an anniversary a special trip to paris a birthday i don't care so first off nobody wants to see that nobody cares about what you bought at gucci what you bought at louis vuitton nobody nobody cares and nobody asked oh my god i'm full of jokes today if you have these out on display do you know what your space is gonna look like it's gonna look like a stock room just don't do it okay just listen to me don't do it don't have them on display don't have the boxes out on display because they are not home decor the next thing that i think you need to throw away are dated curtains ohana nothing cheapens a room more than old drab dated curtains and i'm really kind of making fun of my mom here hi mom if you're watching she has had these like frilly victorian curtains in her formal living room for years the color too is just like not the best and i know curtains are very expensive i know that but i have i have a secret for you okay i just found the most amazing amazon curtains they were so affordable and they look so custom they're actually right here next to me i'm gonna put a shot of what they look like right now because girl they were about a hundred dollars for a set of two panels and these are thick okay they are thick curtains 100 inches width and 92 inches length they actually had a custom cut for me for my studio and they definitely look custom so i will link them down below in the description box along with the current rods the curtain rings update your curtains trust me it's going to look so good and don't forget to hang them floor to ceiling because it's going to make your space feel larger look larger that vertical element it's gonna trick your eyes into thinking your space is larger than it is so the next thing that i think you need to throw away is the boob light my friend nick actually just talked about this and i was dying i remember the boob light in like i think our first family home in california and there's nothing wrong about old homes old spaces i think they have so much personality and character but the boob light it's gotta go i don't know why i just did that you don't have to spend a ton of money to get beautiful luxury looking light fixtures there are a ton of options and i actually have a whole selection in my amazon storefront that i personally love i always recommend it to you guys because i want you to have a beautiful home so the next thing that we need to throw away are those wooden beads that we see everywhere hobby lobby i am talking to you girl okay okay hold on all jokes aside these beads i'm just over it i am sick of seeing them everywhere especially like the mass-produced ones that look so cheap so tacky are they even real wood i don't know let me actually show you an example of something that i have that are super chic hold up okay here we go here we go do we see these these are absolutely incredible they are hand carved african beads and look at that i can even use it as a necklace but they're they have a little bit more dimension than those ugly wooden beads right like these are like discs it's a beautiful ivory color let me grab this bowl okay uh-huh did we see that that looks good that looks chic it looks elevated and i think i can find a link for you for these and let's elevate our tastes together right let's let's go for like the finer things in life i don't know why i'm talking about beads in this way okay oh my gosh the next thing that i think you need to throw away i'm probably gonna get so much hate down in the comments and that is ray done anything we are done with rey done it's just not cute anymore it's very childish i don't understand why we need to have cups that say cackle with delight even though you know i love a good cackle look at this um look at this like pyramid of ray done mugs friend patience blessed not the blessed no i don't understand get rid of it throw it out donate it go to your nearest goodwill and give it to them okay i think we are all adults here we don't need signs on our cups on our plates on our bowls to tell us sweet little messages okay we don't need that just go for something classic go for something that is chic and beautiful and timeless actually i just got a i just got this really chic glass from um actually it shipped from finland do you see this like fluted detail oh i got this for the kitchen makeover reveal which by the way is happening really soon i know i've been teasing you for a long time but renovations take time the next thing that i think you need to throw out are your crusty dusty rugs that's right i know you are looking down at your rug right now and thinking you're right it is crusty rugs are another one of those things that i feel like a lot of people get wrong including me i've made a ton of rug mistakes my secret to a good rug is to go neutral don't buy some crazy prints and patterns and colors that you have no idea how to style and don't even get me started if it doesn't match your space there's nothing i hate more than like someone that has like a blue rug and there's no shade of blue anywhere in their living room right it's like what were you thinking what were you thinking the next thing that i think you need to throw away are old tupperware containers i've definitely been guilty of this i keep my tupperware for as long as i can i actually just found out that old tupperware when it's like old and nasty and dingy it releases like nasty chemicals that are not good for you and i'm not gonna lie i don't have like a recommendation for you i feel like i don't know where to buy good tupperware so i need your help please comment down below if you have any favorite tupperware brands because i need some good ones i trust you guys i know you have good taste so comment down below your favorite go-to tupperware brand this next item that i think you need to throw away are your old nasty pillows i feel like pillows are one of those things if you are into home decor it's very easy to like accumulate a ton of pillows right because they're a little more affordable if you've had your pillows for a long time you're constantly sitting on them it's rubbing up against your body i think the best trick is when you're buying your pillows is to just buy pillow covers and have your inserts on hand that way when you switch them out every season or whenever you're feeling bored you don't have to actually throw these away you can keep them in your storage you guys know i love a good feather fill insert and my favorite ones are from amazon they're super affordable the last thing that i think you need to throw away is your bath and body works hand soaps and lotions okay i said it i don't care if you like it it's great if you do you don't have to listen to me but they're just so colorful and not cute the scents are so artificial okay they don't smell good oh god they just smell horrible they smell so bad when it comes to hand soaps and lotions i feel like the best fragrances are the ones that are very natural like they're made of herbs like thyme and basil or things like almond and citrus so i actually just went to les labo not too long ago because i was shopping for things for the kitchen reveal and how chic are these first of all the color is like this bone ivory color it matches my countertops perfectly hold on because my hands are dry and crusty now this is so soft of course i will have my favorites down in the description box i highly recommend them super chic and luxe all right everyone that was it for me today thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure you sound off in the comments down below now this month is going to be exciting for the channel i have my studio reveal my kitchen reveal is also this month i also want to say thank you so much we are already at 150 000 subscribers and i recently got my silver play button not too long ago i don't even know what to say these last few weeks have truly changed my life if you follow me on instagram you know i've been dealing with a lot of things a lot of changes i don't want to talk about it here on youtube because it's just it's hard oh and if you enjoyed this video you're probably also going to like my stop doing this in your house video i will link that next for you to watch don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you haven't done so already and i'll see you in my next video bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Arvin Olano
Views: 668,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design tips, decorating tips, interior design trends 2021, rae dunn, stop buying these, throw these away, interior design mistakes
Id: 5znYvIzE_ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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